Statistics Explained


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a:3:{s:9:"sentences";a:8:{i:1;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:21:"Innovation statistics";s:8:"sentence";s:111:"Almost half (49 %) of all enterprises in the EU-28 carried out innovation activities during the period 2010-12.";}i:2;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:51:"Social media - statistics on the use by enterprises";s:8:"sentence";s:82:"Around 73 % of EU enterprises employing at least 10 persons had a website in 2013.";}i:3;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:66:"Internet and cloud services - statistics on the use by individuals";s:8:"sentence";s:88:"One in five of EU citizens aged 16-74 saved files on the internet storage space in 2014.";}i:4;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:44:"Electricity and natural gas price statistics";s:8:"sentence";s:148:"For medium size household consumers, electricity prices were the highest in the EU in Denmark , Germany and Italy during the first semester of 2014.";}i:5;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:30:"Passenger transport statistics";s:8:"sentence";s:162:"London Heathrow was the busiest airport in the EU-28 in terms of passenger numbers in 2013, followed by Paris Charles de Gaulle, Frankfurt and Amsterdam Schiphol.";}i:6;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:24:"Passenger cars in the EU";s:8:"sentence";s:337:"In 2012, the highest shares of diesel cars among the new registrations of passenger cars were recorded in Lithuania and Ireland (both 75 %), France and Luxembourg (both 73 %) and Latvia (72 %). In contrast, petrol powered passenger cars dominated new registrations in Cyprus (81 %), Netherlands (61 %), Estonia (62 %) and Finland (61 %).";}i:7;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:28:"International trade in goods";s:8:"sentence";s:228:"The United States remained, by far, the most common destination for goods exported from the EU-28 in 2013, conversely the share of EU-28 exports destined for the United States fell from 26 % of the total in 2003 to 17 % in 2013.";}i:9;a:2:{s:3:"url";s:28:"International trade in goods";s:8:"sentence";s:190:"The highest shares of intra-EU trade (almost 80 % of total trade) were observed in Luxembourg, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the lowest in the United Kingdom (48 %) and Greece (47 %).";}}s:5:"index";i:11;s:12:"sentence_day";a:3:{s:4:"date";s:10:"2020-12-08";s:2:"id";s:0:"";s:8:"sentence";a:2:{s:3:"url";s:66:"Internet and cloud services - statistics on the use by individuals";s:8:"sentence";s:88:"One in five of EU citizens aged 16-74 saved files on the internet storage space in 2014.";}}}