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Archive:EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics

Revision as of 12:26, 30 May 2017 by EXT-S-Allen (talk | contribs)
Data extracted in March and April 2017. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Database.
Figure 1: Development of international trade in goods, 2005–2015
(billion EUR)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_intertrd) and ASEANstats
Table 1: International trade in goods, 2005 and 2015
(million EUR)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_intertrd) and ASEANstats
Table 2: Exports by broad group of goods, 2015
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_intertrd) and the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division (Comtrade)
Table 3: Imports by broad group of goods, 2015
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_intertrd) and the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division (Comtrade)
Figure 2: Development of international trade in goods with ASEAN, EU-28, 2005–2015
(billion EUR)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_maineu)
Table 4: International trade in goods with ASEAN Member States, EU-28, 2005 and 2015
(million EUR)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_maineu)
Figure 3: Origin of EU-28 exports of goods to ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 exports to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (DS-018995)
Figure 4: Destination of EU-28 exports of goods to ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 exports to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_maineu)
Figure 5: Origin of EU-28 imports of goods from ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 imports from ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (ext_lt_maineu)
Figure 6: Destination of EU-28 imports of goods from ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 imports from ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (DS-018995)
Table 5: International trade in services, 2010 and 2015
(million EUR)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det) and ASEANstats
Table 6: International trade in services with ASEAN, EU-28, 2010 and 2015
(million EUR)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det)
Figure 7: Origin of EU-28 exports of services to ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 exports to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det)
Figure 8: Destination of EU-28 exports of services to ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 exports to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det)
Figure 9: Origin of EU-28 imports of services from ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 imports from ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det)
Figure 10: Destination of EU-28 imports of services from ASEAN, 2015
(% share of EU-28 imports from ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_its6_det)
Figure 11: Foreign direct investment net inflows and net outflows, average 2013–2015
(% of gross domestic product)
Source: Eurostat (bop_fdi6_flow) and (nama_10_gdp) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADstat)
Figure 12: Origin of net outflows of foreign direct investment from EU-28 to ASEAN, average 2013–2015
(% share of net outflows of foreign direct investment from EU-28 to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_fdi6_flow) and (nama_10_gdp)Source: ASEANstats
Figure 13: Destination of net outflows of foreign direct investment from EU-28 to ASEAN, average 2013–2015
(% share of net outflows of foreign direct investment from EU-28 to ASEAN)
Source: Eurostat (bop_fdi6_flow) and (nama_10_gdp)Source: ASEANstats
Figure 14: Origin of net inflows of foreign direct investment from ASEAN to EU-28, average 2013–2015
(% share of net inflows of foreign direct investment from ASEAN to EU-28)
Source: Eurostat (bop_fdi6_flow)
Figure 15: Destination of net inflows of foreign direct investment from ASEAN to EU-28, average 2013–2015
(% share of net inflows of foreign direct investment from ASEAN to EU-28)
Source: Eurostat (bop_fdi6_flow)

See also

Further Eurostat information



Balance of payments - International transactions (BPM6) (bop_6)
European Union direct investments (BPM6) (bop_fdi6)
EU direct investment flows, breakdown by partner country and economic activity (BPM6) (bop_fdi6_flow)
International trade in goods (ext_go)
International trade in goods – aggregated data (ext_go_agg)
International trade in goods – detailed data (detail)
International trade in services, geographical breakdown (BPM6) (bop_its6)
International trade in services (since 2010) (BPM6) (bop_its6_det)

Dedicated section

Source data for tables (MS Excel)

External links

[[Category:<Asia>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Balance of payments>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Non-EU_countries>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Statistical article>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Trade in goods>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Trade in goods by area>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]] [[Category:<Trade in services>|EU-ASEAN cooperation - key trade and investment statistics]]