Statistics Explained

Archive:Quality of life in Europe - facts and views

Revision as of 11:37, 18 March 2015 by Peterle (talk | contribs)

The publication Quality of life in Europe - facts and views is a Eurostat online publication providing recent statistics on the quality of life of European Union (EU) citizens. This publication presents subjective indicators collected for the first time in European official statistics, complemented by objective indicators within the same field. Another online publication presenting objective measures of the quality of life of EU citizens is available here.

Table of contents

1. Material conditions and housing

1a. Material conditions
Under construction
1b. Housing
Under construction

2. Labour market

Under construction

3. Health

Under construction

4. Education

Under construction

5. Leisure and social relations

Under construction

6. Security

Under construction

7. Governance

Under construction

8. Environment

Under construction

9. Overall life satisfaction published 19/3/2015