Statistics Explained

Archive:Europe 2020 indicators - Lithuania

Revision as of 17:08, 20 December 2013 by Groendo (talk | contribs)
Data from July 2013. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables.

This article is part of a set of statistical articles based on the Eurostat publication Smarter, greener, more inclusive - Indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy. It provides recent statistics on the Europe 2020 strategy of the European Union (EU), focusing on the situation in Lithuania.

Figure 1: Distance to national targets and comparison with EU average - Source: Eurostat, see dedicated web section: Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website

Main statistical findings

Table 1: National Europe 2020 indicators: most recent data and targets - Source: Eurostat, see dedicated web section: Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website

In 2012 Lithuania not only exceeded its two education targets on early school leaving and tertiary education, but was also far ahead of the EU average performance. By reducing its GHG emissions by 11 % between 2005 and 2010, Lithuania was well below its target of increasing emissions by no more than 15 %. The increase in the uptake of renewable energies from 18 % in 2008 to 20.3 % in 2011 moved the country closer to the national target of 23 %. After the adverse impact of the crisis, the employment rate started to stabilise and reached 68.7 % in 2012, thus moving Lithuania closer to the national target than the EU average. The poverty indicator, however, continued deteriorating after the onset of the recession, increasing the country’s gap to its 2020 poverty target. Despite the slight increase in R&D expenditure, a gap of about 1 percentage point needs to be closed for the target of 1.9 % of GDP to be reached.

Data sources and availability

More information about the origin of the data and the calculation of indicators can be obtained via the Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website.

Under 'Tables', click on the icons next to the indicators:

  • 'Explanatory texts (metadata)' for a detailed overview of the collection and compilation methods;
  • 'Information on the leaf' for data availability per country.

A more general overview of quality procedures can be found in Implementation of standard reference metadata for indicators - the ESMS Indicator Profile (ESMS-IP) (PDF file).


Measures implemented to meet the national targets

  • Employment: Action plan for improving the employment of young people including strengthening active labour market policy measures; enhancing the working skills acquired at school; increasing the effectiveness of apprenticeship schemes, entrepreneurship promotion of the young.
  • Poverty: Increase in the amount of social benefits granted upon employment; measures for decentralising the provision of social assistance; providing additional benefits to the most vulnerable groups.
  • Energy efficiency: Encouraging energy efficiency of buildings, including issuance of preferential credits for renovation programmes, implementing energy efficiency programmes; granting power to regional authorities for the imposition of stricter heat consumption standards for buildings; provision of funding for the modernisation of buildings.
  • R&D expenditure: Implementation of projects under the High Technology Development Programme and the Industrial Biotechnology Development Programme; implementation of R&D infrastructural development projects; measures for promoting the commercialisation of some innovative products.
  • Education: Establishment of a non-state pre-primary institution; implementation of EU funded education projects targeting children with special needs and teaching staff; enhancing vocational guidance services and implementation of a general programme for career education.
  • Renewable energy and climate change: Establish legal conditions for energy resource exchange; enhance the incentive system for the use of renewable energy sources; provide funding for eco-transport infrastructure.

The European Commission's 2013 country-specific recommendations

  • Employment: Further pursue active labour market policies; enhance the employability of young people through the introduction of Youth Guarantee and improvement of apprenticeship schemes.
  • Poverty: Ensure social assistance reforms are complimented with activation measures; introduce more targeted measures for reducing poverty and social exclusion.
  • Energy efficiency: Further efforts are needed more reducing the energy intensity of residential buildings.
  • Others: Improve tax compliance; implement a comprehensive pension reform; take further steps in reforming state-owned enterprises; establish more energy infrastructural networks with neighbours.

See also

Further Eurostat information


Main tables

Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

Other information

External links