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Archive:Europe 2020 indicators - Slovenia

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Data from July 2013. Most recent data: Further Eurostat information, Main tables.

This article is part of a greener, more inclusive - indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy set of statistical articles based on the Eurostat publication Smarter, greener, more inclusive? - Indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy. It provides recent statistics on the Europe 2020 strategy of the European Union (EU), focusing on the situation in Slovenia.

Figure 1: Distance to national targets and comparison with EU average - Source: Eurostat, see dedicated web section: Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website

Main statistical findings

Table 1: National Europe 2020 indicators: most recent data and targets - Source: Eurostat, see dedicated web section: Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website

By reducing its GHG emissions by 2 % between 2005 and 2010, Slovenia remained below its target of limiting the increase in GHG emissions to 4  % by 2020. Although the early school leaving rate underwent some fluctuations after 2008, the country managed to exceed its national target in 2012 by 0.6 percentage points. Slovenia was also closer to its national Europe 2020 benchmarks than the EU average for the targets for renewable energies, R&D expenditure, tertiary education and social inclusion. Given the adverse economic situation during the crisis, the employment rate in the country has been falling since 2008, resulting in a 6.7 percentage points gap to the national target in 2012.

Data sources and availability

More information about the origin of the data and the calculation of indicators can be obtained via the Europe 2020 indicators dedicated website.

Under 'Tables', click on the icons next to the indicators:

  • 'Explanatory texts (metadata)' for a detailed overview of the collection and compilation methods;
  • 'Information on the leaf' for data availability per country.

A more general overview of quality procedures can be found in Implementation of standard reference metadata for indicators - the ESMS Indicator Profile (ESMS-IP) (PDF file).


Measures implemented to meet the national targets

  • R&D: Implementation of measures within the Research and Innovation Strategy 2011–2020 aimed at increasing private investment in R&D, enhancing employment and training of researchers, improving efficiency of research funds; projects for the establishment of Development Centres of the Slovenian economy at sectoral and regional level.
  • Early school leaving: Various early school leaving preventative measures such as study assistance, remedial classes, internal differentiation of classes, possibility for prolonged primary school education and development of individual education plan; simplifying procedures for returning to school after having discontinued one’s education.
  • Tertiary education: Continued implementation of the Bologna process; action programmes aimed at increasing the quality and efficiency of higher education; provision of one-time regular studies at level two or three free of charge; integrating less represented groups in higher education.
  • Climate change and energy: Action plans for increasing forestation; measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency in the framework of the Decree on Energy Savings for end-users and the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2008–2016, including plans for the establishment of electronic register of energy performance certificates.
  • Employment: Adoption of new pension legislation, raising the retirement age; provision of financial incentives for the integration of youth and old people in the labour market; launch of active employment programmes targeted at young and low-skilled individuals.
  • Poverty: Reform in the procedure for claiming social transfers to achieve greater transparency, efficiency and fairness in the social distribution of public funds; preparation of employment activation programmes targeting inactive individuals; additional funds for school meals for students in primary and secondary education; adoption of the National Programme for Social Protection for the period 2013–2020.

The European Commission's 2013 country-specific recommendations

  • Employment: Ensure wage developments support external competitiveness and job creation; step up active labour market measures targeting the youth, older workers and the low-skilled; tackle the skills mismatch and segmentation on the labour market.
  • Others: Ensure cost-efficiency and financial sustainability of the pension and long-care systems; adopt a comprehensive banking sector strategy and improve the supervision of the banking sector; reform juridical proceedings to create a more enabling environment for businesses; step up measures for privatising non-core state-owned enterprises and implementing corporate restructuring of over-indebted but viable companies.

See also

Further Eurostat information


Main tables

Dedicated section

Methodology / Metadata

Other information

External links