Statistics Explained

Archive:Smarter, greener, more inclusive - indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy

Smarter, greener, more inclusive — indicators to support the Europe 2020 strategy is an online Eurostat publication, also available in paper and as a downloadable PDF file (latest edition), ISBN 978-92-79-31156-7, doi: 10.2785/11619, Cat. No: KS-02-13-238-EN-C).

Table of contents

Executive summary


Europe 2020 in a broader policy perspective

1. Employment

2. Research and development

3. Climate change and energy

4. Education

5. Poverty and social exclusion

Country profiles

(alphabetical order: 1st column down, then 2nd, etc. - click on country to access the article)
Austria Finland Latvia Romania
Belgium France Lithuania Slovakia
Bulgaria Denmark Luxembourg Slovenia
Cyprus Greece Malta Spain
Czech Republic Hungaria Netherlands Sweden
Denmark Ireland Poland United Kingdom
Estonia Italy Portugal