Statistics Explained

Glossary:Language codes

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Languages within or without the European Union (EU) have been assigned a two-letter language code, always written in small letters, and used for coding language versions of Statistics Explained pages.

Below is an alphabetical list of languages used in Statistics Explained, with their language code. Usually there is a correspondence between the language code and the country code of the (major) country where the language is spoken, with quite a number of exceptions however; language codes not corresponding to the country code are in bold. List in alphabetical order of language code, first row down, second row down etc.

bg български Bulgarian fr français French pl polski Polish
cs česky Czech hr hrvatski Croatian pt português Portuguese
da dansk Danish hu magyar Hungarian ro română Romanian
de Deutsch German is íslenska Icelandic ru pусский Russian
et eesti Estonian it italiano Italian sk slovenčina Slovak
el ελληνικά Greek lt lietuvių Lithuanian sl slovenščina Slovenian
es español Spanish lv latviešu Latvian sv svenska Swedish
fi suomi Finnish nl Nederlands Dutch      

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