Statistics Explained

Glossary:Release calendar

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Release calendar refers to a statement on the schedule of the release of data in terms of periodicity and timeliness. An advance release calendar provides a general statement on the schedule of the release of data, which is publicly disseminated so as to provide prior notice of the precise release dates.

It is on these dates that a national statistical agency, other national agency or international organisation undertakes to release specified statistical information to the public. Such information may be provided for statistical releases in the following week, month, quarter or year.

In Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX), "Release Calendar" describes the policy regarding the release of statistics according to a preannounced schedule and its availability. It also contains the release calendar information. Advance release calendar information is one of the requirements of the Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS). Such information is disseminated on the Internet on the IMF`s Data Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) or on national websites.

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