Statistics Explained

Archive:Tutorial:Updating the yearbook

Revision as of 14:53, 6 October 2011 by Debusmc (talk | contribs)
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Procedure and timing (2011 yearbook)

As described in the DM document Doc. 696_1.2 from the Director’s Meeting of 13.4.2010, the yearbook will be updated through Statistics Explained.

In the first consultation phase, units were asked to indicate the topics they want to see in the 2011 yearbook. You find the result of this consultation below, including comments of the units. All pages proposed for the yearbook are now in Statistics Explained (including the empty new ones), and can be found in the category 'Yearbook'.

In the second consultation phase, units are asked to make changes and updates in Statistics Explained directly, or to indicate to us the detailed changes you want to have implemented. In the latter case, changes will be done by the contractor and submitted to you for approval, via Statistics Explained. There will be no further consultation.

To update the pages yourself, please follow the guidance given below and in the tutorial of Statistics Explained. Make sure that you approve the page when finished (unit approval on the bottom of the page). You are asked to finalise and approve your changes or comments before 8 October 2010. You might extend this deadline by up to one month by making an appropriate comment in the Talk page (using the Discussion button on the page for which you want to extend the deadline). This possibility should be used only if new data is ready in October. The contractor will start working on the approved pages after this deadline.

If you want the contractor to update the pages, please inform us by email to ESTAT COMPENDIUM PUBLICATIONS before 5 September 2010. You may specify, in the same email, changes you want the contractor to implement on your pages. Please be as precise as possible since the contractor will make his proposals directly in Statistics Explained. All furher communication will be done through Statistice Explained only. 

We aim to have all draft articles complete at the latest at the end of November 2010, for your final validation in Statistics Explained.

Differences in content

When updating your pages, please keep in mind three differences in content between the yearbook articles and Statistics Explained articles:

  • Each SE article has, before the Table of Content, a short introductory chapter in order to direct the attention of the reader. This paragraph will not be in the yearbook. (However, it might be used for the pocketbook, which will be essentially a subset of the yearbook)
  • The current yearbook frequently explains statistical terms in the text, which is handy for the reader. SE however gives the possibility to hyperlink to definitions, so that less explanation is needed in the text in SE. If needed, the contractor will include the definitions in the yearbook text.
  • The yearbook articles will not contain the last chapter 'Further Eurostat information' of each Statistics Explained article.


Relation between Statistics Explained articles and yearbook articles

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Statistics Explained Page Yearbook 2010 Chapter Yearbook 2011 chapter Unit
Economy and finance introduced 01 Economy (introduction) 01 Economy (introduction) D4
National accounts - GDP 01.1 National accounts 01.1 National accounts C2
Sector accounts Sector accounts (?) C5
Government finances statistics 01.2 Government finances 01.2 Government finances C3
Exchange rates and interest rates 01.3 Exchange and interest rates 01.3 Exchange and interest rates C5
Consumer prices - inflation and comparative price levels 01.4 Consumer prices: inflation and comparative price levels 01.4 Consumer prices: inflation and comparative price levels G6
Balance of payments - current account 01.5 Current and financial account 01.5 Current and financial account C2
Balance of payments - foreign direct investment 01.6 Foreign direct investment 01.6 Foreign direct investment G4
Development aid statistics 01.7 Development aid 01.7 Development aid C2
Population 02 Population (introduction) 02 Population (introduction) F1
EU population compared with world population 02.1 European population compared with other regions of the world 02.1 European population compared with other regions of the world F1
Population overview 02.2 EU-27 population 02.2 EU-27 population F1
Population change statistics 02.3 Components of population change 02.3 Components of population change F1
Fertility statistics 02.4 Families and births 02.4 Families and births F1
Life expectancy statistics 02.5 Life expectancy 02.5 Life expectancy (to be discussed) F1
Migration statistics (part) 02.6 Citizenship and migration 02.6 Citizenship and migration (to be discussed) F1
Migration statistics (part) 02.7 Asylum 02.7 Asylum F1
Health 03 Health (introduction) 03 Health (introduction) F5
Healthy life years statistics 03.1 Healthy life years 03.1 Healthy life years F5
Causes of death and infant mortality 03.2 Causes of death and infant mortality 03.2 Causes of death and infant mortality F5
Healthcare statistics 03.3 Healthcare 03.3 Healthcare F5
Health problems statistics 03.4 Health problems deleted F5
Safety at work statistics 03.5 Health and safety at work 03.5 Health and safety at work F5
Education and training introduced 04 Education (introduction) 04 Education (introduction) F4
School enrolment and levels of education 04.1 School enrolment and levels of education among young people 04.1 School enrolment and levels of education among young people F4
Foreign language learning 04.2 Foreign language learning 04.2 Foreign language learning F4
Educational expenditure statistics 04.3 Educational expenditure 04.3 Educational expenditure F4
Tertiary education statistics 04.4 Tertiary education 04.4 Tertiary education F4
Lifelong learning statistics 04.5 Lifelong learning and vocational training 04.5 Lifelong learning and vocational training F4
Labour market introduced 05 Labour market (introduction) 05 Labour market (introduction) F2
Employment statistics 05.1 People in the labour market - employment 05.1 People in the labour market - employment F2
Unemployment statistics 05.2 People in the labour market - unemployment 05.2 People in the labour market - unemployment F2
Wages and labour costs 05.3 Wages and labour costs 05.3 Wages and labour costs C2
Job vacancy statistics 05.4 Job vacancies 05.4 Job vacancies F2
Labour market policy interventions 05.6 Labour market policy interventions 05.6 Labour market policy interventions F2
Living conditions and social protection 06 Living conditions and welfare (introduction) 06 Living conditions and welfare (introduction) F3
Living conditions statistics 06.1 Living conditions 06.1 Living conditions F3
Housing statistics 06.2 Housing 06.2 Housing F3
Social protection statistics 06.3 Social protection 06.3 Social protection F3
Good governance statistics 06.4 Good governance 06.4 Good governance F3
Crime statistics 06.5 Crime 06.5 Crime F5
Industry, trade and services 07 Industry and services (introduction) 07 Industry and services (introduction) D4
Structural business statistics overview 07.1 Business structures 07.1 Business structures G2
Industry and construction statistics 07.2 Industry and construction 07.2 Industry and construction G2
Non-financial services statistics 07.3 Services 07.3 Services G2
Tourism statistics 07.4 Tourism 07.4 Tourism F6
Information society statistics 07.5 Information society 07.5 Information society F6
Telecommunication statistics 07.6 Telecommunications 07.6 Telecommunications F6
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries introduced 08 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (introduction) 08 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (introduction) E2
Agricultural output, price indices and income 08.1 Agricultural output, price indices and income 08.1 Agricultural output, price indices and income E2
Farm structure 08.2 Agriculture - farm structure and land use 08.2 Agriculture - farm structure and land use E1
Agricultural products 08.3 Agricultural products 08.3 Agricultural products E2
Forestry statistics 08.4 Forestry 08.4 Forestry E3
Fishery statistics 08.5 Fisheries 08.5 Fisheries E2
Agriculture and the environment 08.6 Agriculture and the environment 08.6 Agriculture and the environment E1?
External trade introduced 09 Trade (introduction) 09 Trade (introduction) G5
International trade in goods 09.1 Trade in goods 09.1 Trade in goods G5
International trade in services 09.2 Trade in services 09.2 Trade in services G5
Transport introduced 10 Transport (introduction) 10 Transport (introduction) E6
Transport modal breakdown 10.1 Modal breakdown 10.1 Modal breakdown E6
Passenger transport statistics 10.2 Passenger transport 10.2 Passenger transport E6
Freight transport statistics 10.3 Freight transport 10.3 Freight transport E6
Environment introduced 11 Environment and energy (introduction) 11 Environment (introduction) E3
Air pollution statistics 11.1 Air pollution deleted E3
Climate change statistics 11.2 Air emissions 11.2 Air emissions accounts E3
Waste statistics 11.3 Waste 11.3 Waste E3
Water statistics 11.4 Water 11.4 Water E3
Environment and economy 11.5 Environment and economy deleted
Environmental Protection Expenditure Environmental Protection Expenditure deleted
Biodiversity statistics 11.6 Biodiversity 11.6 Biodiversity E3
Chemicals management Chemicals management E3
Environmental taxes Environmental Taxes E7
Supply and use of environmental goods and services Supply and use of environmental goods and services E7
Material flow accounts Material flow accounts E7
Energy introduced 11 Environment and energy (introduction) 12 Energy (introduction) E5
Energy production and imports 11.7 Energy production and imports 12.1 Energy production and imports E5
Consumption of energy 11.8 Consumption of energy 12.2 Consumption of energy E5
Electricity production statistics 11.9 Electricity 12.3 Electricity E5
Energy price statistics 11.10 Energy prices 12.4 Energy prices E5
Science and technology introduced 12 Science and technology (introduction) 13 Science and technology (introduction) F4
R & D expenditure 12.1 Expenditure 13.1 Expenditure F4
R & D personnel 12.2 Personnel 13.2 Personnel (to be discussed) F4
Innovation statistics 12.3 Innovation 13.3 Innovation (to be discussed) F4
Patent statistics 12.4 Patents 13.4 Patents (to be discussed) F4

Adding the Excel files

As an additional service to the user, all Excel file behind the tables and graphs will be included in each yearbook page in Statistics Explained. An example can be found on
Water statistics. All Excel files from the 2010 yearbook are available on N:\doc\Yearbook 2010\Excel files. It is strongly suggested to start with these files when updating the yearbook graphs and tables, in order to make sure that you use the correct layout.


Telephone: Veronika Lang (36375), Jukka Piirto ( 34251), Marc Debusschere (31985)
Next Statistics Explained course on 1/9/2010. Further courses can be organised on request.