Statistics Explained

Tutorial:Article analytics

This is the stable Version.

Europa Analytics


Europa Analytics is the corporate web analytics service of the European Commission. Using this, you can track, analyse and understand better your website audience. It is available for the Eurostat website and related tools.

For details, please consult the following corporate resources:


Use this URL: (EU Login required)


In the upper right hand corner, select ‘Eurostat’ as the site

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Checking analytics for webpages

1. Select from the top panel ‘REPORTS’ and then from the left side menu ‘PAGES’

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2. Copy in the webpage URL and set the time period for which you wish to obtain the information

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3. Select / look at the metrics you are interested in; usually the most interesting are page views or unique page views

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  • Page views: the number of times a page was visited.
  • Unique page views: the number of times a page was uniquely visited. If a visitor views a page several times during one session, it will be counted only once.
  • Entries: the number of page views for a page that was first during a session.
  • Page bounce rate: an accurate bounce rate for a page URL or page title. The percentage of sessions during which visitors viewed only that page and didn’t continue to another page view, goal conversion, or ecommerce conversion.
Page bounce rate = (Bounces / Entries) * 100%
  • Exit rate: The percentage of sessions that finished on a selected page.
Exit rate = Exits / Sessions * 100%

Checking analytics for documents / downloads

1. Select from the top panel ‘REPORTS’ and then from the left side menu ‘DOWNLOADS’
2. Copy in the document URL and set the time period for which you wish to obtain the information

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