Statistics Explained

Archive:Agricultural census 2010

Revision as of 11:51, 14 October 2010 by Coyetca (talk | contribs)

An Agricultural Census (AC) is the collection of information about all agricultural holdings in a given country. The objective of this statistical operation is to obtain updates on economical, social and environmental information pertaining to the structure of agricultural activities. The size of the farms, the type of crops, the number and type of livestock, the labour force involved in the farm work are topics that are normally covered in an AC.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations are currently in the process of organizing the ninth round of the World Agricultural Census (2010). These have been taken place every 10 years since 1930. Eurostat (the European Union's statistical office) has followed FAO's recommendation on the world-wide decennial AC since the 1970. Eurostat has also carried out intermediate surveys every 2/3 years. The assessment and monitoring of European agriculture has been followed by these surveys known as the "Farm Structure Survey" (FSS).

The 2010 AC is currently launched in the EU countries and in the EFTA countries. Three countries have started to conduct the census in 2009: Greece, Spain and Portugal. The forecasts for data dissemination of first results are mid 2011 (for the Greece, Spain and Portugal) and mid 2012 for the rest of the countries.

<optionally, additional information on

  • Statistical area & context
  • Population and samples or other sources (register)
  • Methods and procedures
  • Main results, very generally
  • …>

Provisional results

Some national statistical institutions have already provisional results that can be followed through the following links:

Further Eurostat information

Related surveys and concepts

Statistical data

  • [[<Name of the one most relevant Statistical article>]]


  • [http:// Name of the primary source, linked if possible]

[[Category:<Data collection>]] [[Category:<Glossary>]] [[Category:<Survey>]] [[Category:<(Sub)theme glossary>]]