Statistics Explained


Revision as of 11:01, 10 June 2015 by Verdodo (talk | contribs)



  • 2015-06-01 European Neighbourhood Policy - South - international trade in goods statistics Updated
  • 2015-06-01 Quality of life in Europe - facts and views - introduction New
  • 2015-06-02 Inflation in the euro area Updated
  • 2015-06-02 Freight transport statistics - modal split Updated
  • 2015-06-03 Unemployment statistics Updated
  • 2015-06-03 National accounts and GDP Updated
  • 2015-06-03 Quality of life in Europe - facts and views - material living conditions New
  • 2015-06-04 Agri-environmental indicator - manure storage New
  • 2015-06-04 Accidents at work statistics Updated
  • 2015-06-04 Environmental economy - employment and growth New
  • 2015-06-05 Quality of life in Europe - facts and views - employment New
  • 2015-06-05 Migrant integration statistics - overview Updated
  • 2015-06-08 Quality of life in Europe - facts and views - education New
  • 2015-06-09 Consumption of energy Updated
  • 2015-06-09 Migrant integration statistics - housing Updated
  • 2015-06-10 Structure of government debt Updated


  • 2015-05-21 Economic globalisation indicators in manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade New
  • 2015-05-26 International trade in raw materials New
  • 2015-05-26 European Neighbourhood Policy - East - labour market statistics Updated
  • 2015-05-26 Electricity production and supply statistics Updated
  • 2015-05-26 Government expenditure by function – COFOG Updated
  • 2015-05-27 Electricity and natural gas price statistics Updated
  • 2015-05-29 European Neighbourhood Policy - South - economic statistics Updated