Archive:Being young in Europe today
Children and youth in Europe is an online Eurostat publication presenting recent statistics on the situation of children and young people in the European Union (EU); it is also available in paper and as a downloadable PDF file (latest edition), ISBN xxx, doi: xxx, Cat. No: KS-xx-xx-14-xxx-EN-C.
More information on children, respectively youth, can be found in the online Eurostat publication Children in Europe respectively Youth in Europe.
Executive summary
1. Population
Including the general structure of the population with 5-year intervals, showing the evolution of the share of children and youth in Europe, the dependency ratios for the children and the youths population, with the evolution - past and present, the life expectancy at birth, the population projections until 2080).
2. Youth and family life
Including statistics on the age when leaving the parental home; living / not living with parents; the concept of household; the household composition in terms of family structure with children and youth
also including statistics about young mothers (women having children when aged less than 20), about the age of getting the first child, about the trend in the share of young people getting married or living in consensual union and children born outside marriage)
3. Education and training
For children and youth.
4. Health
5. Access and participation in the labour market
6 Living conditions for children
(including Poverty and social exclusion, Transmission of disadvantages, Housing conditions, Tourism which will be linked to the EU-SILC question on "afford one week holiday")
(all over the chapter, the two facets of the living conditions will be presented, and not only the negative aspects of poverty and deprivation)