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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:06, 12 November 2009 Total turnover from the domestic postal sector as % of GDP 2004 2007.PNG (file) 9 KB   1
13:15, 12 November 2009 Total number of persons employed in the domestic postal sector as % of the total employment 2004 2007.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
16:38, 12 November 2009 Number of people served by one post office (including postal agencies, postal outlets, as well as mobile post offices 2004 2007.PNG (file) 8 KB   1
17:17, 12 November 2009 Number of letter-post items sent per capita (2004, 2007).PNG (file) 9 KB   1
17:24, 12 November 2009 Number of letter-post items (in 1000) distributed per person employed 2004 2007.PNG (file) 9 KB   1
17:37, 12 November 2009 Ordinary letters and postcards as % of the total letter-post services.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
17:42, 12 November 2009 Ordinary letters and postcards as % of the total letter-post services 2004 2007.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
18:02, 12 November 2009 Reserved area as % of the total letter-post services 2004 2007.PNG (file) 10 KB   2
18:10, 12 November 2009 Percentage of priority letters delivered on-time according to national performance indicators (domestic services), 2004-2007.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
18:24, 12 November 2009 List price (EUR) for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for domestic services 2004 2007.PNG (file) 10 KB   1
18:35, 12 November 2009 List price (EUR) for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for Intra-EU services 2004 2007.PNG (file) 9 KB   1
18:46, 12 November 2009 List price for standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for domestic services in Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) 2004 2007.PNG (file) 11 KB   1
18:58, 12 November 2009 List price for standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for Intra-EU services in Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) 2004 2007.PNG (file) 10 KB   1
10:51, 13 November 2009 Number of people served by one post office (including postal agencies, postal outlets, as well as mobile post offices) 2004 2007.PNG (file) 8 KB   2
11:01, 13 November 2009 Access points 2007.PNG (file) 27 KB   1
11:37, 13 November 2009 Selected indicators of the European postal market 2004-2007.PNG (file) 50 KB   1
17:17, 19 November 2009 Selected indicators of the European postal market (continued), 2004-2007.PNG (file) 67 KB   2
17:33, 19 November 2009 Indicators of the European postal market 2004-2007.PNG (file) 65 KB   2
11:34, 7 July 2011 Selected indicators of the European postal market 2004-2009.PNG (file) 79 KB   2
11:42, 7 July 2011 Selected indicators of the European postal market (continued), 2004-2009.PNG (file) 54 KB   1
13:10, 7 July 2011 Indicators of the European postal market, 2004-2009.PNG (file) 59 KB   1
13:15, 7 July 2011 Total turnover from the domestic postal sector as % of GDP.PNG (file) 18 KB   2
13:18, 7 July 2011 Total number of persons employed in the domestic postal sector as % of the total employment.PNG (file) 19 KB   1
13:22, 7 July 2011 Number of people served by one post office (including postal agencies, postal outlets, as well as mobile post offices) (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 19 KB   1
13:26, 7 July 2011 Access points 2009.PNG (file) 27 KB   1
13:30, 7 July 2011 Number of letter-post items sent per capita (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 16 KB   1
13:33, 7 July 2011 Number of letter-post items (in 1000) distributed per person employed (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 17 KB   1
13:36, 7 July 2011 Ordinary letters and postcards as % of the total letter-post services (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 20 KB   1
13:39, 7 July 2011 Reserved area as % of the total letter-post services (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 21 KB   1
13:42, 7 July 2011 Percentage of priority letters delivered on-time according to national performance indicators (domestic services) (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 20 KB   1
13:45, 7 July 2011 List price (EUR) for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for domestic services (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 19 KB   1
13:48, 7 July 2011 List price (EUR) for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for intra-EU services (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 19 KB   1
13:54, 7 July 2011 List price for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for domestic services based on Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 17 KB   1
13:57, 7 July 2011 List price for a standard (1st class) letter weighing less than 20 g (universal service) for intra-EU services based on Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) (2004, 2009).PNG (file) 17 KB   1
14:16, 24 November 2011 Telecommunications YB2012 rev.xls (file) 85 KB   1
17:46, 14 November 2012 Enterprises using the internet in contact with public authorities, by purpose of use, January 2011.png (file) 38 KB Reverted to version as of 12:31, 14 November 2012 5
18:02, 5 December 2013 Individuals who used the internet on average at least once a week, by age group and level of formal education, EU28, 2013 (% of individuals).png (file) 8 KB   1
18:11, 5 December 2013 Individuals who have never used the internet, EU28, 2006-2013 (% of individuals).png (file) 9 KB   1
18:28, 5 December 2013 Individuals who have never used the internet, 2013 (% of individuals).png (file) 6 KB   1
18:33, 5 December 2013 Individuals who contacted or interacted with public authorities and services over the internet for private purposes in the last 12 months, 2013 (% of individuals).png (file) 10 KB   1
18:40, 5 December 2013 Purposes of searching and interacting with e-government websites, EU-28, 2013 (% of e-government users).png (file) 10 KB   1
18:44, 5 December 2013 Problems experienced when using websites of public authorities or public services, EU-28, 2013 (% of e-government users) .png (file) 9 KB   1
19:05, 5 December 2013 Satisfaction with websites of public authorities or public services, EU-28, 2013 (% of e-government users) .png (file) 9 KB   1
19:10, 5 December 2013 Problems experienced when using websites of public authorities or public services, EU-28, 2013 (% of e-government users)1.png (file) 9 KB   1
19:12, 5 December 2013 Satisfaction with websites of public authorities or public services, EU-28, 2013 (% of e-government users)1 .png (file) 9 KB   1
19:17, 5 December 2013 Use of internet for communication, by age group, EU28, 2013 (% of internet users).png (file) 6 KB   1
19:22, 5 December 2013 Use of internet for access to information and learning purposes, by age group, EU28, 2013 (% of internet users).png (file) 11 KB   1
19:27, 5 December 2013 Use of internet for civic and political participation, by age group, EU28, 2013 (% of internet users).png (file) 6 KB   1
19:32, 5 December 2013 Internet users who bought or ordered goods or services for private use over the internet in the last 12 months, 2008 and 2013 (% of internet users) .png (file) 9 KB   1
19:39, 5 December 2013 Internet users who bought or ordered goods or services for private use over the internet in the last 12 months, 2008 and 2013 (% of internet users)1 .png (file) 9 KB   1
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