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16:23, 10 February 2015 Major remittance corridors in 2013, outflows in mill € .png (file) 12 KB   2
15:42, 12 February 2015 Inbound personal remittances in percentage of GDP (2013).png (file) 19 KB   2
15:49, 12 February 2015 Inbound personal remittances in percentage of GDP v2.png (file) 16 KB   1
15:53, 12 February 2015 Foreign-born population on 1 January 2013, in 1000 v3.png (file) 33 KB   1
10:30, 13 February 2015 Current account and personal remittances balances in 2013, in mill € v2.png (file) 18 KB   1
11:49, 12 March 2015 Foreign-born population on 1 January 2013, in 1000 v4.png (file) 15 KB   2
16:00, 4 June 2015 Figure 1 Current account transactions, EU-28, 2004–14 (EUR 1 000 million) YB15.xlsx (file) 16 KB   1
16:11, 4 June 2015 Current account transactions, EU-28, 2003–13 (1) (EUR 1 000 million) YB14.png (file) 19 KB   3
16:16, 4 June 2015 Current account transactions, EU-28, 2004–14 (EUR 1 000 million) YB15.png (file) 19 KB   1
16:25, 4 June 2015 Current account balance with selected partners, EU-28, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million) YB15.png (file) 12 KB   1
16:49, 4 June 2015 Current account balance with the rest of the world, 2004–14 (EUR 1 000 million) YB15.png (file) 44 KB   2
17:06, 4 June 2015 Selected items of the financial account balance, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million) YB15.png (file) 41 KB   1
17:27, 4 June 2015 Balance of payments statistics YB15.xlsx (file) 56 KB   2
16:34, 11 August 2015 Figure 2 v1.png (file) 22 KB   1
16:34, 11 August 2015 Table 1 v1.png (file) 12 KB   1
16:35, 11 August 2015 Table 2 v1 .png (file) 15 KB   1
16:35, 11 August 2015 Table 3 v1.png (file) 29 KB   1
16:33, 12 August 2015 Table 4 v1.png (file) 19 KB   1
16:48, 12 August 2015 Table 4 v2.png (file) 19 KB   1
16:42, 2 September 2015 International investment position, components, EU-28 and EA-19, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million) .png (file) 16 KB   2
16:44, 2 September 2015 International investment position by country, total, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million, percentage of GDP).png (file) 33 KB   1
09:08, 9 September 2015 International investment position by country, total, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million, percentage of GDP) 2.png (file) 29 KB   1
14:42, 17 September 2015 International investment position, Direct Investment, EU-28 Member States vis-à-vis partner countries, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million) .png (file) 41 KB   1
15:01, 17 September 2015 International investment position, Direct Investment, net, EU-28 Member States vis-à-vis partner countries, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million).png (file) 33 KB   1
14:21, 28 September 2015 Balance of payment statistics quarterly results.xlsx (file) 151 KB   1
15:44, 28 September 2015 Balances of current account, EU-28, main items as share of GDP (%).png (file) 64 KB   1
15:47, 28 September 2015 Current account balances of the EU Member States as share of GDP (%).png (file) 32 KB   1
16:24, 28 September 2015 Trade in services with the rest of the world, EU-28 (EUR 1 000 million).png (file) 33 KB   1
16:25, 28 September 2015 Primary income with the rest of the world, EU-28 (EUR 1 000 million).png (file) 23 KB   1
16:26, 28 September 2015 Balances with major economic partners, EU-28 (EUR 1 000 million).png (file) 35 KB   1
16:30, 28 September 2015 Main current account items - national data, intra-EU + extra-EU (EUR 1 000 million).png (file) 287 KB   1
16:31, 28 September 2015 Main international investment position items - national data (intra-EU + extra-EU) (bn euro).png (file) 343 KB   1
10:26, 16 October 2015 Copy of Table 4 updated.xlsx (file) 13 KB   1
10:28, 16 October 2015 Gross and net external debt in the EU-28, 2014 (EUR 1 000 million) v2.png (file) 23 KB   2
13:01, 17 December 2015 Fig1 Net personal remittances of the EU-28 with the rest of the world (credits minus debits), millions EUR.png (file) 19 KB   1
13:01, 17 December 2015 Fig 2a Structure of personal remittances - outflows from the EU-28, millions EUR.png (file) 21 KB   1
13:02, 17 December 2015 Fig 2b Structure of personal remittances - inflows from the EU-28, millions EUR.png (file) 20 KB   1
13:02, 17 December 2015 Fig4 Inbound personal remittances, % of GDP (2014).png (file) 18 KB   1
13:03, 17 December 2015 Fig5 Current account and personal remittances balances in 2014, millions EUR.png (file) 15 KB   1
13:03, 17 December 2015 Fig6 Discrepancies in intra-EU remittance flows, millions EUR.png (file) 17 KB   1
13:03, 17 December 2015 Fig3 Personal remittances of the EU-28 with the rest of the world, annual growth rate (%).png (file) 22 KB   2
13:03, 17 December 2015 Tab1 Personal remittances total outflows from the EU-28, millions EUR.png (file) 37 KB   1
13:04, 17 December 2015 Tab2 Personal remittances total inflows to the EU-28, millions EUR.png (file) 37 KB   1
13:04, 17 December 2015 Tab3 Foreign-born population on 1 January 2014, in thousand.png (file) 27 KB   1
13:04, 17 December 2015 Tab4 Major remittance corridors in 2014, outflows, millions EUR .png (file) 36 KB   1
12:19, 18 December 2015 Map 1a English.png (file) 177 KB   1
12:20, 18 December 2015 Map 1b English.png (file) 177 KB   1
15:23, 5 January 2016 Tab1 Personal remittances total outflows from the EU-28, millions EUR 2.png (file) 41 KB   1
15:23, 5 January 2016 Tab2 Personal remittances total inflows to the EU-28, millions EUR 2.png (file) 42 KB   1
15:43, 6 January 2016 Fig4 Inbound personal remittances, % of GDP (2014) 2.png (file) 18 KB   1
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