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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
16:33, 11 October 2013 Fig.1 - Utilised Agricultural Area.png (file) 27 KB   1
16:38, 11 October 2013 Tab.1 - Cereals (Prod. and Area).png (file) 70 KB   1
16:39, 11 October 2013 Fig.2 - Cereals (EU-28).png (file) 13 KB   1
16:44, 11 October 2013 Tab.2 - Root crops (Prod. and Area).png (file) 80 KB   1
16:46, 11 October 2013 Fig.3 - Root crops (EU-28).png (file) 23 KB   1
16:56, 11 October 2013 Tab.3 - Dried pulses (Prod. and Area).png (file) 50 KB   1
17:00, 11 October 2013 Tab.4 - Oil seeds (Prod. and Area).png (file) 66 KB   1
17:00, 11 October 2013 Fig.4 - Oil seeds (EU-28).png (file) 16 KB   1
17:01, 11 October 2013 Tab.5 - Green Maize (Prod. and Area).png (file) 51 KB   1
10:49, 14 October 2013 Tab.1-Slaughtering.jpg (file) 429 KB   1
10:56, 14 October 2013 Fig.1-Livestock population.jpg (file) 48 KB   1
10:57, 14 October 2013 Fig.2-Agricultural output.jpg (file) 35 KB   1
10:59, 14 October 2013 Tab.2a- Farm structure (1).jpg (file) 380 KB   1
11:00, 14 October 2013 Tab.2b- Farm structure (2).jpg (file) 371 KB   1
15:26, 17 October 2013 Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA), EU-28, 2011.jpg (file) 46 KB   1
15:29, 17 October 2013 Harvested production and area of production of cereals, 2012.jpg (file) 256 KB   1
15:36, 17 October 2013 Development of harvested production and production area of cereals (including rice), EU-28.jpg (file) 50 KB   1
15:38, 17 October 2013 Development of harvested production and production area of potatoes and sugar beet, EU-28.jpg (file) 58 KB   1
15:42, 17 October 2013 Harvested production and area of production of dried pulses, 2012.jpg (file) 204 KB   1
15:43, 17 October 2013 Harvested production and area of production of main oil seeds, 2012.jpg (file) 231 KB   1
15:43, 17 October 2013 Development of harvested production and production area of main oil seeds, EU-28.jpg (file) 45 KB   1
15:44, 17 October 2013 Harvested production and area of production of green maize.jpg (file) 183 KB   1
10:01, 24 October 2013 Slaughtering statistics by meat products, 2012.png (file) 64 KB   1
10:01, 24 October 2013 Development of livestock population in the EU.png (file) 21 KB   1
10:02, 24 October 2013 Agricultural output, EU-28, 2012.png (file) 26 KB   1
10:03, 24 October 2013 Structure of farms with livestock, 2010.png (file) 68 KB   1
10:04, 24 October 2013 Structure of farms with livestock (continued), 2010.png (file) 64 KB   1
11:52, 25 October 2013 Aquaculture production.png (file) 18 KB   1
11:57, 25 October 2013 Main aquaculture producers, EU-28, 2011.png (file) 19 KB   1
12:00, 25 October 2013 Importance of aquaculture in total fisheries.png (file) 67 KB   1
12:05, 25 October 2013 Aquaculture production by main species.png (file) 77 KB   1
12:06, 25 October 2013 Aquaculture producers by main groups of species, 2011.png (file) 35 KB   1
12:08, 25 October 2013 Value of aquaculture production, 2011.png (file) 62 KB   1
12:10, 25 October 2013 Aquaculture production by group of species, EU-28, 2011.png (file) 18 KB   1
12:12, 25 October 2013 Aquaculture production by group of species, Norway, 2011.png (file) 12 KB   1
12:58, 25 October 2013 Value of aquaculture by group of species, EU-28, 2011.png (file) 18 KB   1
12:59, 25 October 2013 Value of aquaculture by group of species, Norway, 2011.png (file) 12 KB   1
16:19, 25 October 2013 Area under all vine varieties, 2009.png (file) 15 KB   1
16:21, 25 October 2013 Area under vines, breakdown by varieties of vine, 2009.png (file) 32 KB   1
16:22, 25 October 2013 Agricultural output, 2012.png (file) 43 KB   1
16:23, 25 October 2013 Cultivated area under wine-grape by vine varieties, 2009.png (file) 11 KB   1
16:24, 25 October 2013 Main EU-regions in terms of cultivated area under vineyards, 2009.png (file) 32 KB   1
16:25, 25 October 2013 Vineyard holdings and area under vines, comparison 1999-2009.png (file) 31 KB   1
11:43, 28 October 2013 UAA and irrigable and irrigated areas, 2010.png (file) 39 KB   1
11:45, 28 October 2013 Irrigable and irrigated areas, 2010.png (file) 13 KB   1
11:46, 28 October 2013 Holdings with irrigable area, 2010.png (file) 35 KB   1
11:46, 28 October 2013 Irrigation methods, 2010.png (file) 32 KB   1
11:49, 28 October 2013 Average volume of water used for irrigation, 2010.png (file) 12 KB   1
11:50, 28 October 2013 Volume of water used for irrigation, 2010.png (file) 31 KB   1
17:57, 31 October 2013 SiF main crops - Tables and Graphs - Final 17.10.2013.xls (file) 195 KB   1
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