Labour input, number of employees and self-employed persons

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE).

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE).

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Industry and Construction

Labour Market Statistics Directorate

Retail Trade

Deputy Directorate for Short-term Statistics


Deputy Directorate for Short-term Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Avenida de Manoteras 50-52
28050 Madrid

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 30/05/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 30/05/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 30/05/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Industry and Construction

Employment in industry and employment in construction. The source of these indicators is the Spanish LFS that is, the Economically Active Population Survey, EAPS, (in Spanish, ‘Encuesta de Población Activa’)
The LFS is the main household’s survey for the knowledge of the labour market, in particular the employment.

Retail Trade

The main purpose of the employment rate in the Retail Trade Indices (RTI) is to provide information about the number of employees and self-employed persons in enterprises dedicated to retail trade in Spain. This allows measuring the evolution of the activity in the sector in the short term.

This statistical operation fulfils European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 on European business statistics and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152.

It is a statistic with direct data collection. In 2023 results are presented as indices to measure variations taking as reference the base year 2015. The index corresponding to reference month January 2024 is the first to be published in base 2021.

This operation began to be carried out in the year 1995, however some series began in the year 2000. In January 2013, coinciding with the base change from 2005 to 2010, the formulation used was modified from direct Laspeyres-type indices with fixed base year 2005 to chainlinked Laspeyres indices with base year 2010 (monthly chain-linking during the last month of December).


The main purpose of the statistical operation of Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) is to provide short-term performance indicators of the economic activity of enterprises operating in the non-financial market services in Spain.
Results are presented as indices so as to measure variations as compared to base year 2021.

This operation began to be carried out in the year 2002, although we have data from year 2000. In the year 2005, the sample was increased in order to disseminate regional data, and as of January 2009 SSAI provides information in NACE Rev.2. In January 2013, coinciding with the base change from 2005 to 2010, the formulation used is modified, from direct Laspeyres-type indices with fixed base year 2005, to chain-linked Laspeyres indices, with base year 2010 (monthly chain-linking during last December).

3.2. Classification system

NACE Rev. 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Industry and Construction

As the EAPS is a household survey, all the economic activities and all the size classes are covered.

Retail Trade

Division 47 of NACE Rev.2.


Divisions 45, 46 and 47 of NACE Rev.2.


Sections H (Transport and Storage), I (Accommodation), J (Information and Communications), L (Real Estate Activities), M (Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, excluded 70.1, 72 and 75) and N (Administrative and Support Services Activities) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities (NACE Rev.2).

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Industry and Construction

The LFS follows the ILO methodology. The main definitions are:

Employment: People aged 16 and more that have worked at least one hour for payment in money or kind or for a profit to the enterprise in the reference week. Also are considered as employed people temporarily absent from work, for example due to sickness or holiday, provided the presumption of their job is expected. All persons in employment are considered, including working proprietors and unpaid family workers.

For employed persons the following main variables are measured: occupation, activity of the local unit, professional status, type of contract, hours worked in the reference week.


Retail Trade

Enterprise classification variables

Economic activity

The economic activity carried out by a enterprise is defined as the creation of added value by means of the production of goods and services.

Enterprise size

The size of enterprises is one of the most important variables when it comes to classifying enterprises. This size may be established in terms of the magnitude of turnover or production value, or by considering the number of persons on the enterprise staff. In RTI, this latter option is chosen to determine the size of the enterprises.

Variables studied

Number of employees and self-employed persons

The number of employees and self-employed persons is defined as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (inclusive of working proprietors, partners working regularly in the unit and unpaid family workers), as well as persons who work outside the unit who belong to it and are paid by it (e.g. sales representatives, delivery personnel, repair and maintenance teams). It includes persons absent for a short period (e.g. sick leave, paid leave or special leave), and also those on strike, but not those absent for an indefinite period. It also includes part-time workers who are regarded as such under the laws of the country concerned and who are on the payroll, as well as seasonal workers, apprentices and home workers on the payroll.

The number of employees and self-employed persons excludes manpower supplied to the unit by other enterprises, persons carrying out repair and maintenance work in the observation unit on behalf of other enterprises, as well as those on compulsory military service.

Unpaid family workers refers to persons who live with the proprietor of the unit and work regularly for the unit, but do not have a contract of service and do not receive a fixed sum for the work they perform. This is limited to those persons who are not included on the payroll of another unit as their principal occupation.



Enterprise classification variables

Economic activity

The economic activity carried out by an enterprise is defined as the creation of added value by means of the production of goods and services.

Each one of the statistical units studied (enterprises) frequently carries out several activities that should be classified in separate categories of the National Classification of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.2).

In general, the activities carried out by an economic unit may be of three types: main, secondary and auxiliary activities. The main activity differs from secondary activities because it generates the greatest added value and auxiliary activities are those that generate services that are not sold on the market and only serve the unit they depend on (administration departments, transport or storage services).

Due to the difficulties faced by enterprises in calculating added value when various activities are carried out, the activity which generates the greatest volume of business is considered the main activity or, failing that, that which employs the greatest number of people.

Although statistical units are classified according to their main activity, the information that is requested from the informant units refers not only to the main activity under consideration, but also to all the secondary and auxiliary activities which are carried out.

Enterprise size

The size of enterprises is one of the most important variable when it comes to classifying enterprises. This size may be established in terms of the magnitude of turnover or production value, or by considering the number of people on the enterprise staff.

In SSAI, this latter option is chosen to determine the size of the enterprises.

Variables studied

Number of employees and self_employed persons

The number of employees and self_employed persons is defined as the total number of persons who work in the observation unit (inclusive of working proprietors, partners working regularly in the unit and unpaid family workers), as well as persons who work outside the unit who belong to it and are paid by it (e.g. sales representatives, delivery personnel, repair and maintenance teams). It includes persons absent for a short period (e.g. sick leave, paid leave or special leave), and also those on strike, but not those absent for an indefinite period. It also includes part-time workers who are regarded as such under the laws of the country concerned and who are on the payroll, as well as seasonal workers, apprentices and home workers on the payroll.

The number of employees and self_employed persons excludes manpower supplied to the unit by other enterprises, persons carrying out repair and maintenance work in the observation unit on behalf of other enterprises, as well as those on compulsory military service.

Unpaid family workers refers to persons who live with the proprietor of the unit and work regularly for the unit, but do not have a contract of service and do not receive a fixed sum for the work they perform. This is limited to those persons who are not included on the payroll of another unit as their principal occupation.

3.5. Statistical unit

Industry and Construction

People living in private households

Retail Trade

Enterprises are the observation units for indicators in retail trade. The enterprise is also the informant unit.


Statistical unit:  KAU (kind of activity unit).

3.6. Statistical population

Industry and Construction

All persons living in private housing are included. People living in a group home included if they have a link to a private home. Foreigners are included if they are going to live in Spain for more than a year (with the exception of military and foreign diplomats)

Retail Trade

The statistical population comprises the observation units (enterprises) whose main activity is registered in Division 47 of Section G of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE-2009). The frame used to identify the units is the Central Business Register (CBR). 


Population scope: Sections H (Transport and Storage), I (Accommodation), J (Information and Communications), L (Real Estate Activities), M (Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities, excluded 70.1, 72 and 75) and N (Administrative and Support Services Activities) of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities (NACE Rev.2).

The population is around 1.300.000 enterprises included in Other Services of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Communities (NACE Rev.2.). The SBS population includes this enterprises, although its scope is bigger.

3.7. Reference area

Industry and Construction

All the regions of Spain are surveyed. The geographical coverage relates to the population with residence in Spain.

Retail Trade

The geographical coverage of RTI is the whole Spanish territory so the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla are included. Employment of the units located outside the Spanish territory are not included in the aggregates.


The geographical coverage of Services is the whole Spanish territory excluding the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

Employment of the units located outside the Spanish territory are not included in the aggregates.

The sampled units located in Spain provide their total employment.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Industry and Construction

Q3 1976 onwards.

Retail Trade

The base year of the index in 2023 is 2015. The index previously had 1994, 2001, 2005 and 2010 as base years. The index corresponding to reference month January 2024 is the first to be published in base 2021.

For the index G47_X_G473 the serie begins in 1995. For the index G47 the serie begins in 2000.


This operation began to be carried out in the year 2002. In the year 2005, the sample was increased in order to disseminate regional data, and as of January 2009 SSAI provides information in NACE Rev.2.

The historical series begin in January, 2002 except the correspondents to the activities 58 of NACE Rev.2 (Publishing activities), 59 of NACE Rev.2 (Motion picture, video and television programme activities, sounds recording and music publishing), 60 of the NACE Rev.2 (Radio and television programming and broadcasting activities) and the general indexes of occupation of the autonomous communities that begin in January, 2005. Activities 68, 702, 77 and Real Estate Activities began in January 2021.

3.9. Base period

Industry and Construction

From March 2024, Eurostat has published all indices with base year 2021. Thus, the base year of the indices is 2021.

Retail Trade

Every five years, Member States shall rebase the indices using as base years the years ending with a 0 or a 5 and that all indices must be rebased on the new base year within three years after the end of each new base year. However, as a result of the COVID pandemic in 2020, which significantly altered the course of the economy, it has been decided that the year selected for the following base change would be 2021. The next one will recover the general rule and will be carried out with reference to 2025.

For this reason, in 2023 the data was still disseminated in base 2015. For this year we have:

  • The Base year: Year 2015 (the year when the index equals 100) 
  • The reference period: December t-1 (our chain linking is base on a period shorter than a year)
  • The reference year: December t-1 (the year on which the weights are based)

The base and reference year are the same at national level and for the data transmitted to Eurostat.

From March 2024, Eurostat has published all indices with base year 2021. The whole time series is recalculated/rescaled accordingly. Therefore, the data with reference year 2023 is published in Eurostat’s database Eurobase with base year 2021.

European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 on European business statistics and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 are applicable at the present moment.


Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) use chain linking indexes:

-       The Base year: Year 2021 (the year when the index equals 100))

-       The reference period: December t-1 (our chain linking is based on a period shorter than a year)

-       The reference year: December t-1 (the year on which the weights are based

Our base and reference periods released national are equal than data transmitted to Eurostat.

4. Unit of measure Top

Industry and Construction

The data is an index number expressed in %.

Retail Trade

Indices and percentage changes (on previous period or compared to the same period in previous year).


Indices and percentage changes (on previous period or compared to the same period in previous year).

5. Reference Period Top

Industry and Construction

Reference period for the collection of information: The EAPS measures the situation of a person in the reference week (ie the week before the week theoretical interview).

Retail Trade

The reference period is the last day of the month.


The reference period is the average number of employment of the month.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

The compilation and dissemination of the data are governed by the Statistical Law No. 12/1989 "Public Statistical Function" of May 9, 1989, and Law No. 4/1990 of June 29 on “National Budget of State for the year 1990" amended by Law No. 13/1996 "Fiscal, administrative and social measures" of December 30, 1996, makes compulsory all statistics included in the National Statistics Plan. The National Statistical Plan 2009-2012 was approved by the Royal Decree 1663/2008. It contains the statistics that must be developed in the four year period by the State General Administration's services or any other entity dependent on it. All statistics included in the National Statistics Plan are statistics for state purposes and are obligatory. The National Statistics Plan 2021-2024, approved by Royal Decree 1110/2020, of 15  December, is the Plan currently implemented. This statistical operation has governmental purposes, and it is included in the National Statistics Plan 2021-2024. (Statistics of the State Administration)


Industry and Construction

The Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) , which provides information for the European Labour Force Survey (LFS), is subject to regulations governing the EFT community . The most important are:

 -REGULATION (EU) 2019/1700 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 10 October 2019, establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2181 of 16 December 2019 specifying technical characteristics as regards items common to several datasets pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2180 of 16 December 2019 specifying the detailed arrangements and content for the quality reports pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2240 of 16 December 2019, specifying the technical items of the data set, establishing the technical formats for transmission of information and specifying the detailed arrangements and content of the quality reports on the organisation of a sample survey in the labour force domain.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2241 of 16 December 2019 describing the variables and the length, quality requirements and level of detail of the time series for the transmission of monthly unemployment data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council

- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/256 of 16 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a multiannual rolling planning.

- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/257 of 16 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the number and the title of the variables for the labour force domain.

EAPS also provides data for the STS indicators whose legal basis are Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation) and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act).

Retail Trade

The legal basis for the STS indicators are Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation), and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act).


Legal basis

The legal basis for the STS indicators are Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation) and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act).

According to the Spanish legislation, SSAI is a compulsory statistic.

The compilation and dissemination of data are governed by the Statistical Law No 12/1989 "Public Statistical Function" of May 9, 1989, and Law No 4/1990 of June 29 on "National Budget of State for the year 1990" amended by Law No 13/1996 "Fiscal, administrative and social measures" of December 30, 1996, makes compulsory all statistics included in the National Statistics Plan. The Plan contains the statistics that must be developed in the four year period by the State General Administration's services or any other entity dependent on it. All statistics included in the National Statistics Plan are statistics for state purposes and are obligatory. The National Statistics Plan 2021-2024, approved by Royal Decree 1110/2020, of December 15th, is the Plan currently implemented. This statistical operation has governmental purposes, and it is included in the National Statistics Plan 2021-2024.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Industry and Construction

The employment data by industry are provided to OECD, OIT, and other international agencies according to different employment questionnaires and formats.


Retail Trade

The exchanges of information between the INE and the rest of the State statistical offices (Ministerial Departments, independent bodies and administrative bodies depending on the State General Administration), or between these offices and the Autonomous Communities Statistical Offices, are regulated in the Statistical Law No 12/1989 "Public Statistical Function". This law also regulates the mechanisms of statistical coordination, and concludes cooperation agreements between the different offices when necessary.

Through the collaboration agreements signed with regional statistical institutes, monthly information exchange is done meeting the requirements established to preserve statistical confidentiality.



The exchanges of information between the INE and the rest of the State statistical offices (Ministerial Departments, independent bodies and administrative bodies depending on the State General Administration), or between these offices and the Autonomous Communities Statistical Offices, are regulated in the Statistical Law No 12/1989 "Public Statistical Function". This law also regulates the mechanisms of statistical coordination, and concludes cooperation agreements between the different offices when necessary.

Through the collaboration agreements signed with regional statistical institutes, monthly information exchange is done meeting the requirements established to preserve statistical confidentiality.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

The Law 12/1989 of the Public Statistics states that INE can not disseminate, or make available in any way, individual or aggregate data that could lead to the identification of any individual person or entity. Moreover, the European Regulation 223/2009 on European statistics establishes the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of the data used to produce European statistics and the access to those confidential data taking into account the technical developments and the needs of users in a democratic society.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

The INE takes the necessary logical, physical and administrative provisions for the protection of confidential data from data collection to publication.

A legal clause is included in the survey questionnaires informing about the protection of the data collected.

During the stages of information processing, information allowing direct identification is only preserved while is strictly necessary to ensure the quality of processes. Direct identification data are not stored together with the own statistics, after the data collection phase.

The results to be published are analysed in detail before to prevent that confidential data of the statistical units can be derived. In cases in which microdata are disseminated, they are always anonymous.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The advance release calendar that shows the precise release dates for the coming year is disseminated in the last quarter of each year.

The calendar is presented to the media at a news conference, and is also disseminated on the INE's website.

8.2. Release calendar access

The calendar is disseminated on the INE's website.

Short-term Statistics Availability Calendar

8.3. Release policy - user access

Industry and Construction

The data are released simultaneously to all interested parties by issuing the press release "Encuesta de Población Activa y Encuesta de Flujos de la Población Activa". At the same time, the data are also sent by fax to subscribers, and are posted on the INE's website.

Some users may receive under embargo information as specified in the Code of Practice of the European Statistics.


Retail Trade

All users have access to the data since 9 am on the press release day. The data are disseminated at INE Spain website. Users are informed that the data are being released via Twitter and also at INE Spain website "News flash" section.

In accordance with the European Statistics Code of Practice, all users have access to the same statistical information at the same time, and any privileged pre-release access to any outside user must be limited, controlled and made public. In this sense, a few hours before its official publication, some statistical information of the INE is transmitted, under embargo, to the Secretariat of State for Economic Affairs and Business Support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, for the purpose of providing sufficient time for their responsible parties to prepare answers to any possible questions that journalists might ask them.

Likewise, by virtue of the signing of the Multilateral Working Agreement for the development of a statistics partnership between the INE and the Central Statistics Offices of the Autonomous Communities (OCECA), sixteen OCECA receive information under embargo, relating to both their territory (at Autonomous Community level) and the national total (on a national scale), for the purpose of compiling and publishing, in parallel to the INE, press releases relating to their respective territorial scopes. As with the INE, the OCECA are governed by the Laws and regulations that guarantee statistical confidentiality.

The release policy doesn't determine the time at which data are disseminated. The dissemination policy is available in the following link.

The same release policy is applied to national releases and to transmissions to Eurostat.

Main aggregates are transmitted to EUROSTAT several days before the national release and all indexes at the moment of the national release. Data are transmitted in SDMX-ML format.



All users have access to the data since 9 am on the press release day. The data are disseminated at INE Spain website. Users are informed that the data are being released via Twitter and also at INE Spain website "News flash" section.

In accordance with the European Statistics Code of Practice, all users have access to the same statistical information at the same time, and any privileged pre-release access to any outside user must be limited, controlled and made public.

In this sense, a few hours before its official publication, some statistical information of the INE is transmitted, under embargo, to the appointed body, the Secretariat of State for Economic Affairs and Business Support of the Ministry of Economy Affairs and Digital Transformation, for the purpose of providing sufficient time for their responsible parties to prepare answers to any possible questions that journalists might ask them.

Likewise, by virtue of the signing of the Multilateral Working Agreement for the development of a statistics partnership between the INE and the Central Statistics Offices of the Autonomous Communities (OCECA), sixteen OCECA receive information under embargo, relating to both their territory (at Autonomous Community level) and the national total (on a national scale), for the purpose of compiling and publishing, in parallel to the INE, press releases relating to their respective territorial scopes. As with the INE, the OCECA are governed by the Laws and regulations that guarantee statistical confidentiality.

The release policy doesn't determine the time at which data are disseminated. The dissemination policy is available in the following link.

The same release policy is applied to national releases and to transmissions to Eurostat.

Data are transmitted in SDMX-ML format to Eurostat at the moment of the national release.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Industry and Construction 

The frequency of the data are different depending on the type of variables. Most of them are quarterly, but the rest of them belongs to a subsample and in this case the frequencies are: annual, biennial and each 8 years.

The STS employment indicators are transmitted quarterly to Eurostat.

Retail Trade

Monthly. The publication is released around 30 days after the end of the reference period.


Monthly. The publication is released around 50 days after the end of the reference period.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Industry and Construction

The main results are briefly commented in the quarterly press release available in the website.

Retail Trade

The press releases are available on-line.


The press releases can be consulted on-line.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Industry and Construction 

In the INE website is available a dedicated section to LFS results.

We disseminate quarterly, annual and biennial and each eight year results.

The quarterly results section publishes the number of employed persons, unemployed persons, non-active persons, activity rates, and information for all the variables included in the Labour Force Survey questionnaire; main indicators are also broken down by national, regional (comunidades autónomas) and provincial levels; quarterly time series data are available since the first quarter of 2008 for NACErev2; there is information on sampling errors of the main variables.

The Annual results section publishes annual/biennial data for the reference year for the main indicators shown in the quarterly results listed above and information on sampling and non-sampling errors. Within this section we disseminate also detailed data on specific variables only obtained for an annual/biennial subsample.

The Special Modules section until 2020 published ad hoc modules data. From 2021 onwards each year this section publishes regular modules data that are repeated each eight years and each four years publishes data related to an ad hoc module.


Retail Trade

All information related to this indicator is posted on the INE website. Here you can find the following publications:

  • Press Release, highlighting the components that influence the evolution of the indicator in the reference month, both with regard to sales and occupation.
  • Table Annex containing the tables attached to the Press Release.
  • Methodology where it can be consulted the Standardised Methodological Report of INE Spain, the file of the Inventory Statistical Operation and the methodology of Retail Trade Indices which highlight in greater detail the methodological characteristics of the indicator.
  • Related links where information about previous bases can be consulted.

All these publications are available at the following link.



There are no publications in paper, the information related to this indicator is published in the web page of the INE.

In it is possible to find the following information:

- Press release, where are outlined the components that more influence the evolution of the indicator the month of reference.

- Principal results, which it contains the attached tables to the Press release.

- Detailed Results: with the information of the historical series of the indicators.

- Methodology, in which the methodological characteristics of the indicator are outlined with major detail.

- Weighting used in the added indexes.

Also results of the indicators are attached in previous bases.

EUROSTAT, the statistical office of the European Union, provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. This information is available in the EUROSTAT statistics database.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

INEbase is the system used to store and disseminate at INE Website all statistical information. It contains all the information produced by the INE in electronic format. It is organized basically following the thematic classification of the Inventory of Statistical Operations of the State General Administration. The basic unit is the statistical operation, defined as the set of activities that lead to the collection of statistics for a particular sector or theme, from data collected individually.


Industry and Construction

The users can acess to the EAPS data.

In 2023 the total number of accesses to the EAPS website was AC1=3,627,995 and the total number of accesses to EAPS metadata was AC2=5,695.


Retail Trade

INEbase is the system used to store and disseminate through the INE Web all statistical information.

In base 2105, the results of the survey are available from 1995 to the present. National dissemination shows indices as well as the different rates of change in employment for different levels of disaggregation, by region and by distribution class. Index are available on the following link.

The weighting structure used in the index calculation is available on the following link.

In 2023 the total number of accesses to Retail Trade Indices website was AC1=1,156,029  and the total number of accesses to Retail Trade Indices metadata was AC2= 2,131.



INEbase is the system that the INE uses to store and to disseminate in the Web all the statistical information. It contains all the information that the INE produces in electronic format. It is organized basically following the thematic classification of the Inventory of Statistical Operations of the General Administration of the State.

The basic unit is the statistical operation defined as the set of activities that lead to the obtaining of statistical results for a certain sector or topic, from information gathered individually.

The users can accede to the information in INEbase-Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI).

In 2023 the total number of accesses to Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) website was AC1=151,750 and the total number of accesses to Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) metadata was AC2=1591.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Industry and Construction

Standardised anonymised microdata files are available on the INE website.

Retail Trade

Microdata are not published, but they are given only to Regional Statistical Institutes with which there is a signed collaboration agreement for the transfer of such information under the Framework Agreement for cooperation between INE and Headquarters Statistics of the Autonomous Communities (OCECAS).


The microdata of the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) are not accessible to the general public. A file of microdata does not disseminated anonymous, only these are facilitated to the Oficinas Centrales de Estadística de las Comunidades Autónomas (OCECAS) with which an agreement of collaboration has been signed for the reference of the above mentioned information, by virtue of the Framework agreement of Collaboration between the INE and the OCECAS.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Industry and Construction

The data are transmitted to Eurostat tha same day of the publication of national press release according to the agreed GESMES format.

Customised information must be requested in the Information Area, clearly indicating the details of the contact person (name, postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail, if you have one), and detailing as much as possible the information that you require.

Requests will pass through a viability analysis process, programming and subsequent verification that the data obtained safeguard statistical secrecy and are representative.


Retail Trade

It is possible to request information to the user service area of the INE, which takes into account, when processing such requests, limitations on confidentiality or precision.

Our data are sent to Eurostat, either to be used in european aggregates or to be released also as national data.



It is possible to request information as to the user service area INE. It takes into account when processing such requests limitations on confidentiality or precision.

Our data are sent to Eurostat, either to be used in European aggregates or to be released also as national data.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Industry and Construction 

On the website of the Labour Force Survey is provided a detailed description of the methods and concepts used, as well as other documents relating to the survey. The metadata completeness rate is AC3=100%

Retail Trade

The documentation on the methodology is available here. The metadata completeness rate is AC3=100%


The documentation on the methodology is available at the link: methodology report

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Industry and Construction

Annually the EAPS publishes a report assessing EAPS quality assessment which provides information on response rates obtained, the sampling errors of the estimates and the results of the survey EAPS repeatedly reviewing the quality of information obtained in the interview.

Regarding the EAPS as a source of LFS Spain, quarter and annual quality reports are prepared for Eurostat. With the Spanish annual information and the one of the rests of the European countries, a report on the quality of the European LFS is developed. The lattest covers the period 2020-2022.

Retail Trade

The statistics are prepared in accordance with EU guidelines in order to meet the Code of Practice implemented by Eurostat following the quality criteria on relevance, accuracy and reliability, timeliness and punctuality, coherence and comparability and accessibility and clarity.

Fields from 11 to 18 of this document are the user-oriented quality report of this statistical operation.


The statistics are prepared in accordance with EU guidelines in order to meet the Code of Practice implemented by Eurostat following the quality criteria on relevance, accuracy, timeliness and punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability, consistency and completeness.

To ensure the quality of statistics, every three years the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the statistics compiled and in particular on their relevance and quality and the revision of indicators.

This report addresses the relevance, quality and review of the indicators as well as the cost of the statistical system and the burden for businesses in relation to its benefits.

There aren't additional national quality reports.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Industry and Construction 

The Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) is designed to ensure continuous assessment of data quality. Checks for invalid values ​​in the electronic questionnaire, supervision and inspection of the field work, the survey repeated made ​​to a proportion of the respondents are examples of ongoing monitoring that are made to the flow of information.

A report of errors encountered is performed quarterly in processes centralized of the information and sent to the various collection centers, so that they have clear indications of mistakes.


Retail Trade

The quality assurance framework for INE statistics is based on the ESCOP, the Code of Good Practice of the European Statistics

The RTI production process is designed to ensure the quality of the information used as well as the results obtained from the same. To do this, at all stages of the process various quality controls are designed and detection of invalid values​​, non-response estimation, supervision and inspection of field work, and other permanent controls on the flow of information are carried out.



The frame of quality guarantee for the statistics of the INE is based on the ESCOP, the Code of Good practices of EUROSTAT'S European Statistics. The ESCOP consists of 15 principles grouped in three areas: Institutional Environment, Processes and Products. Every principle has associate a series of indicators that allow his measure. To value the quality different tools provided by EUROSTAT are in use: the already mentioned indicators, the self-evaluation (DESAP), the Review for counterparts (Peer Review), the Audits of quality and the Surveys of users' satisfaction.

The statistical operation Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) is realized in conformity with the community directives, fulfilling the Code of Good Practices implanted by Eurostat and taking the necessary measurements in order that the published indicators fulfill all the requirements of quality needed.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Industry and Construction

The Economically Active Population Survey (Labour Force Survey from Spain) is a high quality product. The sample size offers provincial labour indicators within a reasonable sampling errors. The harmonized methodology used allows international comparisons with a high level of solvency and provides an invaluable measure of the labour market, linked and integrated with demographic information (education level, household type) that no other statistical source offers with the same level of conceptual detail.

The statistical information on the labour market in the EAPS can be contrasted with other important sources of employment and unemployment from administrative records (social security affiliation, public employment offices, business results).

As for the limitations of the survey should be pointed out the inherent to the sampling statistical operations such as no response rates and the aforementioned sampling errors or variation coefficients of the estimates. In both cases are kept within reasonable limits. Detailed information on sampling errors is provided periodically  in the tables of results published in INEBASE as well as periodic reports on quality assessment survey.


Retail Trade

The RTI is a high quality product. Its sample size allows to offer information up to regional level within reasonable sampling errors, the harmonized methodology used allows to offer international comparisons with a high level of solvency and gives a valuable measure of the retail sector than no other statistical source provides with the same level of detail with monthly frequency.

As for the limitations of the survey should be noted the inherent sampling statistical operations such as no response and the sampling errors or variation coefficients of the estimates. In both cases are kept within reasonable limits.



The statistical operation of the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) constitutes a product of high quality. His sample size allows to offer information up to the autonomous level inside a few reasonable sampling error, the harmonized used methodology allows to offer comparisons in the international area with a high level of solvency and an extremely valuable measure gives on the sector services, which no other statistical source provides with the same level of detail.

As for the limitations of the survey it is necessary to indicate the inherent ones in the statistical operations for sampling, such as not response and the already mentioned sampling errors or coefficients of variation of the estimations. In both cases, they are kept inside reasonable limits.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Industry and Construction

The main users may be classified in the following groups:

Ministries (Economy, Labour, Education, etc..) and other public bodies (Bank of Spain, Economic and Social Council, observatories, etc..).
Regional governments (autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities).
Researchers and academics.
Companies and non-profit institutions (research services businesses, foundations, associations, etc..), Trade unions and Employer associations.
Press and the media.
Either through linking LFS with EAPS or directly, are numerous foreign users both institutional and individual. Among the first Eurostat, OECD, UN, IMF, etc.

The needs of the different users are broad spectrum, from the knowledge of the general evolution of the labor market (employment, labor market segmentation, etc..) to specific topics of interest (equality of women and men, education indicators, etc.).
Keeping homogeneous series and measuring the impact of changes of the survey are other aspects highly demanded by users.


Retail Trade

The RTI covers statistical information needs of different user groups:
- Ministries and other public organisms
- Territorial authorities (regions, provincial, municipal)
- Researchers and academics
- Business and non-profit institutions (research services businesses, foundations, associations, etc..), Trade unions and employers.
- Press and the media
- Individuals

Likewise the survey responds to needs of foreign users, both institutional and private. Among the first Eurostat, OECD, UN, IMF, etc.
Some concrete examples of the uses to which our information is intended are:
- The European added RTI calculation on Eurostat
- Enterprises use it to know the evolution of the sector and its relative position within it.



The statistical operation of the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) covers the needs of statistical information of different user groups:

The INE itself, which to compile the national accounts uses this statistics of base.

Departments and other public organisms that use the results of this statistical operation to made economic analysis, predictions, to elaborate synthetic indicators of activity, etc.

Territorial administrations like the autonomous communities. To all the Institutes of statistics of the autonomous communities, by virtue of the agreements established between the INE and these institutions, they receive monthly the information (microdata or regional already compiled indexes) correspondent to enterprises of the sample who belong its region. With this information there can disseminate the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) to a major level of detail for his Community, it's useful for the measurement of the economic cycle and as instrument of economic regional analysis.

Investigators and academic world, enterprises and institutions without ends of profit (services of study of enterprises, foundations, associations, etc.), unions and employer organizations, press and specialized media, as well as of foreign users, so much institutional as individuals. Between the first ones of the latter they stand out, Eurostat, the European Central Bank and the OECD.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The INE has conducted general surveys of user satisfaction every three years since 2007. The most recent one was in 2019. Its purpose is to know the perception of users of INE statistics regarding the quality of the information they use, and to what extent their needs are covered. Furthermore, there are other special surveys for certain aspects: dissemination of information, quality of certain publications, etc..

Industry and Construction

No specific user satisfaction survey to the EAPS has been carried out although the User Satisfaction Survey indicates the degree of satisfaction of users of labour market statistics.
Requests of EAPS data are treated punctual and are satisfied in a timely manner almost always, provided that the sample allows breakdowns requested.

Retail Trade and Services

The general rate achieved by the services sector in 2019 satisfaction survey was 3.80 out of 5. The national user surveys' results is available in the following link.


The INE has made general surveys of users' satisfaction the year 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 and plans to continue making them every 3 years. Their purpose is to know the perception of the users of the statistics regarding to the quality of the information that they use, and in what degree they find his needs covered. In addition, other special surveys are realized to know certain themes: diffusion of the information, quality of certain publications, etc.

Besides the surveys experts are in constant contact with main users, in order to meet any specific information need.

In the last survey of users satisfaction realized in the year 2019, the sector " Short-term of the sectorial and labour activity " in which this operation is fitted, obtained a valuation for the users of 3.80 on 5.

The national user surveys' results is available in the link.

12.3. Completeness

Industry and Construction

Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS) meets all requirements established by national and international regulations related to labour market statistics aimed at households.
The EAPS is included in the Labour Force Survey of the European Union, which is governed by:

 -REGULATION (EU) 2019/1700 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 10 October 2019, establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2181 of 16 December 2019 specifying technical characteristics as regards items common to several datasets pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2180 of 16 December 2019 specifying the detailed arrangements and content for the quality reports pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2240 of 16 December 2019, specifying the technical items of the data set, establishing the technical formats for transmission of information and specifying the detailed arrangements and content of the quality reports on the organisation of a sample survey in the labour force domain.

- COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2019/2241 of 16 December 2019 describing the variables and the length, quality requirements and level of detail of the time series for the transmission of monthly unemployment data pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council

- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/256 of 16 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a multiannual rolling planning.

- COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2020/257 of 16 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council by specifying the number and the title of the variables for the labour force domain.

EAPS also provides data for the STS indicators whose legal basis are Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics (EBS-Regulation) and Commission Implementing Regulation 2020/1197 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistic (General Implementing Act).

As the survey responds to all requests for information, the vailable statistical results rate is R1: 100%.

Retail Trade

Retail Trade Indices provide all the information required by national and international regulations related to this statistical operation, so the rate of available statistics is R1=100%



The survey responds to all requests for information, both national and international regulations.

Available statistical results rate is R1: 100%.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Industry and Construction

Normally, a lower relative response is obtained from the collectives harder to find in a stable home due to the intrinsic characteristics of the EAPS. For example, the sample of old people are overrepresented in the sample, Spanish nationality people also respond at higher rates than foreigners, etc. The application of calibration techniques from 2005 has largely solved, this problem.


Retail Trade

The sample design attempts to minimize sampling errors. Also, errors are reduced as far as possible during the process survey: in data collection (monitoring and control response rate of editing) and later in non response imputation phase and calculation of aggregate indices. This allows a high degree of reliability of the statistical operation.

Random stratified sampling has been used. In order to set out a measurement of the quality from the indices, an approximate relative sampling error is calculated for the interannual variation rates.

                CV for Empl_47 annual error average 2023: 0.47%

Non sampling errors are small too, over-coverage, multiple listings, non-response, imputation can be considerated minor.

Our data are final after three periods from first release and the different between first and last release is small.



The sample design attempts to minimize sampling errors. Also, errors are reduced as far as possible during the process survey: in data collection (monitoring and control response rate of editing) and later in non-response imputation phase and calculation of aggregate indices. This allows a high degree of reliability of the statistical operation.

Random stratified sampling has been used. In order to set out a measurement of the quality from the indices, an approximate relative sampling error is calculated for the year-to-year variation rates.

 CV for Overall index (G-N_STS)  Annual  Average 2023: 0.48%

Non sampling errors are small too: over-coverage, multiple listings, non-response, imputation... can be considered as minor.

Our data are final after five periods from first release and the different between first and last release is small.

13.2. Sampling error

Industry and Construction

The calculation of the coefficients of variation of key variables is performed in each survey implementation and disseminated in the publication of their results and the successive quality reports. For details, see Relative sampling errors and assessment of results on the EAPS website. The relative sampling error for employment is 0.32%


Retail Trade

Random stratified sampling has been used. The division of the sample between different strata is carried out using the Neyman allocation. A random selection is obtained in each sample, except with companies with more than 49 employees, as they all form part of sample. Besides, other strata, where population frame is very small, are also ehxaustive.

The selected companies are stratified based on three variables: Autonomous City or Community, main economic activity and size (measured taking into account the number of employees).

In order to set out a measurement of the quality from the indices, an approximate relative sampling error is calculated for the interannual variation rates of the variable "total number of persons" employed. The general expression of the estimated relative error, a supposedly negligible bias, is given by:

CV*(R*)=100×(V(R*))1/2/R* , being R*=Y*t/Y*t-1

R* is the ratio estimator, given by the result of the estimation of the total variable Y (total number of employees and self-employed persons) in month m of the year t, Y*and the estimation of Y obtained in the same month m of the year t-1, Y*t-1.

The method used for calculating the estimator of variance is linearization via Taylor series. The expression for the estimator of variance is:

V*(R*)=(1/Y*2t-1) × [(V*(Y*t) + R*2 × V*(Y*t-1) - 2R*Cov*(Y*t,Y*t-1) ]

Where V*(Y*t) shows the estimator of variance of Y*t, V*(Y*t-1) shows the estimator of variance of Y*t-1 and Cov*(Y*t,Y*t-1) shows the estimator of the covariance between Y*t and Y*t-1.


Coefficient of variance for employment in G47(%):

2023M01 0,40
2023M02 0,40
2023M03 0,40
2023M04 0,40
2023M05 0,43
2023M06 0,58
2023M07 0,61
2023M08 0,61
2023M09 0,51
2023M10 0,42
2023M11 0,42
2023M12 0,44
Average 2023 0,47



Random stratified sampling has been used. The distribution of the sample among the different strata is carried out by Neyman allocation. A random sample is obtained in each strata except in enterprises with 200 or more employees, in which all are part of the sample. In certain branches and communities the strata is smaller due to a small population. In these cases, the strata are also exhaustive.

The enterprise framework is stratified taking the following variables into account: branch of activity, Autonomous Community and size, measured by number of employees.

In order to set out a measurement of the quality from the indices, an approximate relative sampling error is calculated for the interannual variation rates of the variable “number of employees and self_employed persons”. The general expression of the estimated relative error, a supposedly negligible bias, is given by:

CV*(R*)=100×(V(R*))1/2/R* , being R*=Y*t/Y*t-1

R* is the ratio estimator, given by the result of the estimation of the total of variable Y (number of employees and self_employed persons) in month m of the year t.

Y*t , and the estimation of Y obtained in the same month m of the year t-1, Y*t-1.

The method used for calculating the estimator of variance is linearization via Taylor series. The expression for the estimator of variance is:

V*(R*)=(1/Y*2t-1) × [(V*(Y*t) + R*2 × V*(Y*t-1) - 2R*Cov*(Y*t,Y*t-1) ]

Where V*(Y*t) shows the estimator of variance of Y*t, V*(Y*t-1) shows the estimator of variance of Y*t-1 and Cov*(Y*t,Y*t-1) shows the estimator of the covariance between Y*t and Y*t-1.

The coefficient of variation for the Overall index of occupancy are:

CV0123 0,452044520937302
CV0223 0,502157149698444
CV0323 0,47347690074738
CV0423 0,446812884942182
CV0523 0,468831514445112
CV0623 0,590617243012414
CV0723 0,459765421962958
CV0823 0,461720864556205
CV0923 0,467406574158909
CV1023 0,458466428866894
CV1123 0,487086427813028
CV1223 0,470688179913674
Average 2023 0,48
13.3. Non-sampling error

Industry and Construction 

In 2023 the response rate was around 84%. Actions to increase the rate of response are postal reminders, telephone contacts and field visits. For more information interested user is referred to the already mentioned annual evaluation survey.

EAPS Quality Assessment

EAPS quality report 2023


Retail Trade

Impact of over-coverage and multiple listings of the frame

We have studied impact of over-coverage and multiple listings of the frame through new units are selected to enter our sample.

Every year in September we select units for annual renovations. 20-25% of sampling units are rotated in non-exhaustive strata, and we select companies which belong to exhaustive strata. In the month of January each year, part of the sample is renovated.

These results have been calculated with new units selected in September 2023:


  • Units don’t belong target population:  7.67%
  • Units are closed:  6.15%
  • Units without any data: 0.65%

Multiple listings

Units that are present more than once in the frame

  • % Impact of multiple listings: 0.35%


We don’t have information about it.


Impact of survey instrument, respondent and interviewer

Our survey use simple questionnaires where it appears a contact person who could resolve any doubts about it. These contact persons work in INE during a long time and they are prepared to answer any questions.

Besides, most of the questionnaires are collected via web. We use selective editing in web questionnaires, for it most of them have passed several editing controls and respondents should correct them or give us an explanation about their data.

When we received all data, these are revised using selective editing too. If an important error is detected we recontact with respondent again and we correct it.


Impact of unit and non-response item 

In 2023, we have 11,345 units in our sample. In it, we have an average rate of non-response small.

Average rate, A4. Year 2023: 14.18% in first release

Average rate, A4. Year 2023: 7.49% in last release


Impact of data editing, coding and imputation

Data editing: a first editing phase, at micro-data level takes place when the respondent fills in the e-questionnaire, we use selective editing in them. Data from others respondent way (paper, telephone, fax) are editing by selective editing too when they are recorded. During the data collection another micro-data level editing phase occurs including all data collection methods questionnaires. After that the selective editing is carried out. Finally the macro-data editing phase takes place.

Imputation: monthly and annual rates of units filling in the questionnaire in each elementary aggregates are imputed to those units of the same elementary aggregate that did not answer in the reference period. Elementary aggregates are the most detailed levels for which indices are calculated.

% data editing, coding and imputation (October 2023):

  • editing: 0.68%
  • imputation: 9.41%



 Impact of over-coverage and multiple listings of the frame

 We have studied impact of over-coverage and multiple listings of the frame through new units are selected to enter our sample.

In September of each year, we select units for an annual renovation: 20-25% of sampling units are rotated in non-exhaustive strata and we select new big enterprises who belong exhaustive strata. In January of each year, part of the sample is renovated.

These results have been calculated with new units selected in September 2023:


-       Units don’t belong target population: 2.29%

-       Units are closed: 10.72%

-       Units without any data: 7.92%

Multiple listings

-      Units are present more than once in the frame

% Impact of multiple listings: 0%


We don’t have information about it.


Impact of survey instrument, respondent and interviewer

Our survey use simple questionnaires where it appears a contact person who could solve any doubts respondents could have. These contact persons have been working in INE during a long time and they are prepared to answer any question.

Besides, most of the questionnaires are collected via web. We use selective editing in web questionnaires, for it most of them have passed several editing controls and respondents should correct them or give us an explanation about their data.

When we receive all data, these are revised using selective editing too. If an important error is detected we recontact with respondent again and we correct it.


Impact of unit and non-response item

In 2023, we have 30071 units in our sample. We have an small average rate of non_response in it.

First release:

Average rate, A4. Year 2023 (January-December): 4.76%

Last release:

Average rate, A4. Year 2023 (January-October): 4.49%


Weighted average rate, A4. Year 2023: 1.76% in first release.

Weighted average rate, A4. Year 2023(January-October): 1.37% in last release.


Impact of data editing, coding and imputation

Data editing: a first editing phase, at micro-data level takes place when the respondent fills in the e-questionnaire, we use selective editing in them. Data collected by others channels (paper, telephone, fax) are editing by selective editing too when they are recorded. During the data collection another micro-data level editing phase occurs including all data collection methods questionnaires. After that the selective editing is carried out. Finally the macro-data editing phase takes place.

Imputation: monthly and annual rates of units filling in the questionnaire in each elementary aggregates are imputed to those units of the same elementary aggregate that did not answer in the reference period. Elementary aggregates are the most detailed levels for which indices are calculated.


% data editing, coding and imputation (October 2023):

-       editing: 1.45%

-       imputation: 6.69%


Impact of specific models used in estimation

In order to ensure the quality of the data adjusted, INE validates the data using the INE Standard quality measures (chapter 4): verification of the appropriateness of the decomposition (specification) through the diagnoses provided by the SEATS program and verification of the absence of auto-correlation, absence of residual seasonality in the de-seasonalised series and absence of residual calendar effects of the de-seasonalised series.

Our questionnaire could be found in Annex of this document.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Industry and Construction

Data are published in the month following the reference quarter so the time elapsed since the reference period at the time of publication of the figures is 23 to 30 days.

Retail Trade

The RTI is disseminated the last week of the month following the reference, which meets the deadlines set by Eurostat.
EMPL: G47 Indicator Media T1. Year 2023: 29 days


The publication is disseminated around 50 days after the end of the reference period.

14.2. Punctuality

Industry and Construction

The results of the survey are published according to Short-term Statistics Availability Calendar of INE.
Each publication has been released on the date announced in the calendar.

Retail Trade

The employment RTI is published in accordance with the calendar set by INE at the end of each year.


The results are published punctually in agreement by the calendar of availability of statistical relating to the moment publications elaborated and spread by the INE.

The above mentioned calendar is fulfilled by total punctuality.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Industry and Construction

Using the definitions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the strict application of the definitions and concepts of the Labour Force Survey of the European Union, as set out in the Regulations, allows to compare the results of the EAPS with those of similar surveys in other countries.


Retail Trade

The survey is designed homogeneously throughout the geographic area in terms of its methodology, design, the process of collecting information and data editing.



The survey is designed of homogeneous form in the whole geographical area, regarding his methodology, design, the process of collecting information, and data editing.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Industry and Construction

Since the third quarter of 1976 can be considered homogeneous leading indicators as the basic methodological background were the same despite changes in the survey over 30 years. It has also provided links to the main variables when methodological changes implemented have produced breaks in the series.
The Internet databases disseminated INE quarterly data series from the third quarter of 1976.

The number of comparable employment data, CC1, goes from the 3rd quarter of January 1976 to the 4th quarter of 2023 is: 288.


Retail Trade

The RTI was first published in 1995. Due to the base changes made ​​since then (base 2001, base 2005, base 2010 and base 2015) some methodological aspects of the survey have been modified, which has led to breaks in the series, which have been suitably treated to provide a linked series from the first year publication of the survey to date.
The comparability over time, CC1, is the number of elements comparable time series since the last break of it.
The number of comparable data, CC1, goes from January 2000 to December 2023 is: 288.

Comparable data for the EMPL:G47



All the historical series published of the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) are homogeneous and, therefore, comparable in the time.

From the implantation of the survey there have been base changes of the indexes and of classification of the economic activities but to guarantee the comparability of the information in the time, the INE always has published the retrospective series of the Services Sector Activity Indicators (SSAI) in the new base and in the new classification.

The number of comparable data, CC2, From January 2002 to December 2023 is: 264.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Industry and Construction

EAPS uses the concepts and definitions set by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT ). Exist other sources of information on the labor market in Spain, as the affiliation of workers to Social Security or the number of unemployed registered at the public employment service, from which alternative estimates of employment and unemployment, respectively are offered. The results of these administrative sources differ from those obtained by the EAPS, because of their different nature and of the methodology used in each case.

However, employment estimates are generally consistent with the data from social security records, once the differences between the two sources are considered. Typically, EAPS estimates provide a higher level of occupation. This is consistent with the concepts used in the survey, since the EAPS occupation is extensively measured (having worked one hour in the reference week is enough to be classified as employed) but not all people who have worked a few hours are affiliated with Social Security.

The methodological change made in 2005,  improved measurement of jobs of a few hours a week. This represented an increase in the estimated number of employed.

The comparison between registered unemployment figures and unemployment estimated by the survey, while providing a similar pattern of evolution over time provides considerable discrepancies in the total estimate.
These discrepancies are mainly due to the different definitions associated with the registered unemployment (Ministerial Order of 11th March 1985 - BOE 14/3/85) and unemployment EAPS (Definitions and Concepts ILO / Eurostat) .

For more detail, refer to the section Comparison of employment and unemployment data

The use of different results provided by the different statistical sources does not indicate a problem of consistency, but rather presents measurements of reality from different perspectives.


Retail Trade

In the data validation we take into account data of other statistics to ensure consistency among them. We can mention the following:

- Structural Business Statistics: Services Sector (SBS) of INE

SBS and STS use the same population framework. Our sampling frame is the Statistical Business Register. The sampling design is also quite similar. Both apply stratified sampling with optimum sample allocation. Strata are formed using the following variables: Main economic activity, number of employees and region (NUTS2).

In SBS, businesses with 50 or more employees belong to take-all stratum. In STS, for retail trade, the take-all stratum is similar to SBS and for the rest of services, businesses with 200 or more employees belong to take-all stratum.

Both uses Horvitz-Thompson estimators but there are some differences in the estimation process. SBS estimators are adjusted by stratum changes and the total population, N, is estimated using their own data. In STS, N comes from updated sampling frame.

Besides, SBS is designed to obtain the level of employment and STS is designed to study increasing or decreasing of employment.

- Labour Force Survey of INE

Labour Force Survey is a quarterly survey although the reference period for information is the week before to the interview. Its statistical unit is the main family house. It uses a two-stage sampling with stratification, the units of first stage are the census sections and the units of second stage are the family dwellings.

Most of the published data are presented in absolute values.

In STS sampling frame for employment is the Statistical Business Register. Sample is obtained from enterprises apply stratified sampling with optimum sample allocation. Strata are formed using the following variables: Main economic activity, number of employee and region (NUTS2). Data are published in index form.



In the data validation we take into account data of other statistics to ensure consistency between them, such as:

Structural Business Statistics: Services Sector (SBS) of INE

SBS and STS use the same Population framework. Our sampling frame is the Statistical Business Register. The sampling design is also quite similar. Both apply stratified sampling with optimum sample allocation. Strata are formed using the following variables: Main economic activity, number of employee and region (NUTS2).

In SBS, businesses with 50 or more employees belong to take-all stratum. In STS, for retail trade, the take-all stratum is similar to SBS and for the rest of services, businesses with 200 or more employees belong to take-all stratum.

Both use Horvitz-Thompson estimators but there are some differences in the estimation process. SBS estimators are adjusted by stratum changes and the total population, N, is estimated using their own data. In STS, N comes from updated sampling frame.

Besides, SBS is designed to obtain level employment and STS is designed to study increasing or decreasing of employment.


Sales of the Big enterprises of the Tax Authority

Monthly Tax Authority elaborate a publication about turnover of Large enterprises from VAT data. Large enterprises are natural or legal persons whose volume of operations exceeded the figure of 6.01 million euros during the immediately preceding calendar year, this definition is different that European legislation use.

Large enterprises operate in all branches of activity, in some the representation is practically exhaustive while in others dominated by small enterprises don’t weight so much. Number of large enterprises change every year. They use a Unit Value Index

STS include all units, large and small, our sample has a rotation around 20-25%, we use a Laspeyres Chain Index.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Industry and Construction

Estimates of the "Key Indicators EAPS" have complete internal consistency, as they are based on the same corpus of microdata and are calculated using the same methods of estimation.

Retail Trade

The coherence between variables is contrasted in all phases of the statistical process.


The coherence is a fundamental question both in the exposition of the methodology of the survey and in all his process of production. The coherence between the variables is confirmed in all the phases of the statistical process and they do not find any incoherences.

Our indices of employment are in NACE Rev.2 from the beginning.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Industry and Construction

The estimated budget allocation necessary to finance this statistic scheduled in the annual program 2023 is 10,893.82 thousand of euros.
The average length of the interviews conducted in a home is 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the type of interview (with only quarterly variables or structural variables as well) and the method of interview (personal or telephone).


Retail Trade

Efforts have been made to the questionnaire containing all the necessary information while its design is as simplified as possible to be easily completed by the enterprises in the sample, in order to reduce as far as possible the overhead of certain reporting units that would result from the completion of multiple surveys in one year.
It makes a permanent monitoring of the response burden over the reporting units, measured as the average time for completing the questionnaire. To avoid fatigue of the informants and the aging of the sample, allowing the selection of new units, is made an annual turnover of 25%, that is, replace 25% of the sample units for new businesses.

The estimated budget appropriation needed to fund these statistics is to be 1,886.41 thousand euros (Turnover and Employment) in 2023.

Burden (respondents) hours per year: 1,656 h.

Cost (NSI) hours per year: 21,417 h.



With the intention of reducing significantly the burden of the units informants, there has been tried that the questionnaire contain all the necessary information and at the same time his design is as simplified as possible to facilitate the answer of respondents, in order to reduce as far as possible the burden of certain reporting units informants that have to fill in of multiple surveys in the same year.

To avoid the fatigue of the informants and the aging of the sample, allowing the selection of enterprises of new creation, there is realized an annual rotation of 25%.

With regard to the cost associated with the collection and production of the statistical products, in case of the SSAI the budgetary Forecasts in the annual Program 2023 reach an amount of 3,190.81 (thousands of Euros).This budget includes turnover and employment.


Burden (respondents) hours per year: 9,797 h

Cost (NSI) hours per year: 51,650 h

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Industry and Construction

The data are final when first released and are not subject to revision.

Advance notice of major changes in methodology expected to take place during a particular year is given in the annual publication " Programa Anual del Instituto Nacional de Estadística" (in Spanish), which is published in the last quarter of the previous year.


Retail Trade

Revised data are used both for the National dissemination and to obtain the STS data transmitted to Eurostat, so the same policy is applied to the STS data released nationally and sent to Eurostat.

The revision policy adopted for the Retail Trade raw data at INE Spain encompasses several types of revisions:

  • Regular revisions are carried out on a monthly basis. This revision consists on checking the new available information for the data of the reference month plus the late data of previous months that have already been released.
  • Major revisions are performed on the occasion of rebasing or methodological changes like changes in definitions and classifications as well as legal changes like those due to new Regulations or updates in the already existing.
  • Non-scheduled revisions take place rarely in the case of detecting an error in the statistical process.

The link to the revision policy for raw data adopted at INE Spain is available in the following link.

There is no official revision calendar, each indicator has its own revision calendar.



Revised data are used both for the National dissemination and to obtain the STS data transmitted to Eurostat, so the same policy is applied to the STS data released nationally and sent to Eurostat.

The revision policy adopted for the STS Services raw data at INE Spain encompasses several types of revisions:

- Regular revisions are carried out on a monthly basis. This revision consists on checking the new available information for the data of the reference month plus the late data of previous months that have already been released.

- Major revisions are performed on the occasion of rebasing or methodological changes like changes in definitions and classifications as well as legal changes like those due to new Regulations or updates in the already existing.

- Non-scheduled revisions take place rarely in the case of detecting an error in the statistical process.

The link to the revision policy for raw data adopted at INE Spain is the following:

Revision policy

There is no official revision calendar, each indicator has its own revision calendar.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Industry and Construction

In general, the data are final when first released and are not subject to revision.

Only when new census detailed data are available the series can be recalculated backwards acordingly, if necessary, so that the next estimates are homogeneous to previous time periods.


Retail Trade

The first time the index of a given month is published, it provides provisional data, which are not final until two months later. Meanwhile the index is revised using the same data modifications that have occurred since the date of the first publication, due for instance to the replacement of the estimated data (for management issues) by the updated data completed by the enterprise.

However, the series corrected for calendar effects and seasonal effects are reviewed in full every month.

A6 indicator, average size of revisions, where revision is defined as the difference between final and preliminary estimators, is used for data revision practice. The quality indicators used in data revision are: MAR (Mean Absolute Revision), RMAR (Relative Mean Absolute Revision) and MR (Mean Revision).

For number of employees and self-employed persons:

A6_MAR (December 2023): 0.12
A6_RMAR (December 2023): 5.84%
A6_MR (December 2023): 0.09
A6_MaxAR (December 2023): 0.49 May 2023

MAR, RMAR, MR and MaxAR values were obtained with the information of its last 36 final months being December 2023 the last one.

The benchmarking isn't carried out. Revisions aren’t carried out either in a business account quarterly/annual business or on national accounts and on structural business statistics either.

Major revisions are informed in advance in the press release the same day of dissemination, although main users are informed in advance. Besides, from 2015 we communicate main updates in our webs.



The first time the index of a given month is published, it provides provisional data, which are not final until four months later. Meanwhile the index is revised using the same data modifications that have occurred since the date of the first publication, due for instance to the replacement of the estimated data (for management issues) by the updated data completed by the enterprise.
A6 indicator, average size of revisions, where revision is defined as the difference between final and preliminary estimators, is used for data revision practice. Estimators are calculated on a number of reference periods: MAR (size of revisions) and RMAR (size of each revision as compared to the last estimate).

A6_MAR (December 2023) =0.0378817943

A6_RMAR (December 2023) =0.0124712203

A6_MR (December 2023) =0.0378817942503067

A6_MaxARt=0.138637( Annual variation rate May 2022_ May 2023)

MAR, RMAR, MR and MaxARt values were obtained with the information of its last 36 final months being December 2023 the last one.

The benchmarking isn't carried out. Revisions aren’t carried out either in a business account quarterly/annual business or on national accounts and on structural business statistics either.

Major revisions are informed in advance in the press release the same day of dissemination, although main users are informed in advance. Besides, from 2015 we will comunicate main updates in our website.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Industry and Construction 

The EAPS is a sampling-based investigation that is performed quarterly, considering the population living in family dwellings in the Spanish national territory. Its main goal is to reveal the characteristics of that population with regard to the labour market.

The EAPS covers the entire national territory and about 99% of the population. The survey is aimed at family homes, and therefore does not include people living in group of dwellings (hotels, convents, prisons, etc..). The survey is carried out continuously at a rate of 5,000 interviews per week. The sample contains 65,000 households per quarter and about 160,000 people, or approximately 0.4% of the population. The EAPS follows the ILO methodology.

Sample size and design: The sample comprises 65,000 households surveyed each quarter - a sampling fraction of 0.4 percent. The final sample unit is the postal address of the house.

Sampling Frame: The sampling frame is the list of the 32,000 census zones (or sections), in which Spain is organized for electoral and statistical purposes, and the list of postal addresses each section. Each census zone is a well-defined plot of land with its borders perfectly recognizable. The maximum size of each section are 2,000 voters. Until 2020, the sample consists of 3,822 sections and an average of 18 households per each section (22 in the major provinces). Since 2021 the number of sections will increase progressively reducing the average of dwelling to 13. In 2024 the total number of section (primary sample units) will be 5,298.

 Method of sampling frame update: When the information from the last census is available, a full update is performed (every ten years). Every two years, it is a partial update with information from the electoral roll.

 Rotation system: Each quarter, one sixth of housing are renovated. Before that new homes are selected, it is an update of the section. The overlap between two consecutive quarters is 5/6 and between the same quarters of two consecutive years is 2/6. A family is interviewed for six consecutive quarters, at most.


Retail Trade

For the survey data, we resort to the use of questionnaires to enterprises whose main activity is Division 47 of section G of the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE, Rev. 2).

Stratified sampling is used. The distribution of the sample between the different layers is done by Neyman allocation. In each stratum, a random selection made​​, except the enterprises over 49 employees who enter all part of the sample and other strata where frame population is very small that are also exhaustive. The selected enterprises were ranked based on three variables: main activity, size (measured by number of employees) and region.

The sample size was calculated to provide indicators of the variables turnover and employment representative. The sample consists of approximately 12,500 enterprises.

Rotations are performed annually, approximately 20-25% of the sample, which incorporates all new businesses depth stratum, which removes those which have been died, not found, erroneously included fused and where small businesses to replace that the completion of questionnaires required a great effort.

The annual rotation process involves making a new selection of sampling units representing commercial distribution in Spain and a re-weighting of such units so that the sample data to the population rise.

The rotation of the sample for the index calculation is done in January of each year, at that time also updates elevation factors and weightings.



Type of source

Statistical survey

Frame on which the source is based

The source is the DIRCE (INE's business register).

The DIRCE has been used as the framework for the survey, which contains information on the main economic activity and on the number of employees in enterprises, enabling their stratification according to these concepts. Also featured in this directory is other data on the identification and location of the statistical units, which are necessary for collecting the information correctly.

The data contained in the DIRCE is obtained using administrative sources, mainly coming from the Tax Agency and Social Security, and is completed with information from the statistical operations of the INE.

Sample or census

Some strata are investigated exhaustively (strata with enterprises with 200 or more employees) and in the remaining strata, a systematic selection with a random start is carried out, having previously ordered enterprises by size.

The sample size was calculated to provide indicators of the variables turnover and employment representative. The sample consists of approximately 28,000 enterprises.

Criteria for stratification

A stratified one-stage sampling is used, where, as a general rule, the enterprise population has been stratified according to the cross of three variables: principal activity at 4-digit level of NACE Rev 2, the number of employees and region. Information from the Structural Business Survey has been used in order to obtain the sample sizes taking into account the weight of the different strata in the total turnover for each activity and information of variance of the variable number of employees by stratum from the Business Register.

Frequency of updating the sample

A fixed sample is used every year. At the end of the year the new enterprises belonging to the exhaustive stratum are included. One quarter (25%) of the rest of the sample is substituted including enterprises that died during the year. With the change of base year a complete update is carried out.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

Industry and Construction

The data collection covers the whole year (the 52 weeks), but the data are compiled quarterly.

Retail Trade

Data collection is done monthly.


Data is collected monthly.

18.3. Data collection

Industry and Construction

Data collection: The first interview is a personal interview. The second and subsequent interviews are, since 2005, conducted by telephone interviews, unless it is not possible or the household prefers the personal interview. All interviews are conducted with a laptop or a computer. The personal interviews were cancelled since March 2020 due to COVID19 pandemic and CATI method was used together with CAWI, which was introduced at that moment. In 2023, personal interviews for the first wave were resumed, although when possible, these households were contacted and interviewed by telephone.

Survey organization: There are 52 provincial offices throughout Spain that have permanent staff who do the work of that territory in respect of personal interviews. There are also seven  telephone interview computer assisted centers covering the whole sample in successive interviews. Every week, the information available in each provincial office or in a  telephone interview center is sent to the head office in Madrid. In Galicia, the field is shared with the Galician Institute of Statistics (IGE).

Duration of field work: Most of the interviews are conducted in the week following the reference week. For those absent households and until 2020, there is a maximum of six weeks to get the information. From 2021 the maximum period to get the information is reduced by one week, therefore this period is five weeks.

Retail Trade

The reporting enterprises send their data through the Internet, by mail (paper completed questionnaires), by fax or by phone.


Questionnaires used in the survey

The questionnaire used is a specific monthly questionnaire named “Indicadores de Actividad del Sector Servicios”.

Data collection media

The questionnaire is sent by post and there are also telephone and fax contacts and the enterprises can fill the questionnaire out on the Internet.

18.4. Data validation

Industry and Construction

It is used a validation system that detects data entry errors and inconsistencies. After that, a second validation process is applied in each collection center and finally, centralized validation is performed, which takes a manual correction of errors detected in the main variables and automatic debugging of other variables.

The XML data are generated using SDMX converter software once the quarterly data are final.

Retail Trade

At the stage of completion of the questionnaire, a system that detects inconsistencies is used so that the respondent is advised and is required to confirm or modify the information provided.
When this information is recorded by INE's own staff, there is a control system of recording which warns about possible inconsistencies that may arise. In this process, for data where there are discrepancies, the staff responsible for the collection of information is brought into contact with the informant to confirm or modify the information provided.
Once all the information is compiled, it performs a coverage control of information, in order to ensure the completeness of the recorded data and detect duplicates and coverage errors, non-response, etc.


At the stage of completion of the questionnaire, a system that detects inconsistencies is used so that the respondent is advised and is required to confirm or modify the information provided.
When this information is recorded by INE's own staff, there is a control system of recording which warns about possible inconsistencies that may arise. In this process, for data where there are discrepancies, the staff responsible for the collection of information is brought into contact with the informant to confirm or modify the information provided.
Once all the information is compiled, it performs a coverage control of information, in order to ensure the completeness of the recorded data and detect duplicates and coverage errors, non-response, etc.

18.5. Data compilation

Industry and Construction

Estimators: ratio estimators are used. The auxiliary information includes population projections by sex and groups of five-years of age at the NUTS-2 level (Autonomous Communities) and age (under 16, over 16) and region (NUTS-3 or provinces). Beginning in 2005, also used the nationality of the population aged 16 and over (domestic / non-domestic) in the NUTS 2 level.

Reweighting techniques: Since 2002 reweighting techniques are applied in order to adjust estimates according to the structure by age / gender of the population in different regions. The external source of population figures called "Current Population Estimates" (nowcasts, based on census data and vital statistics and migration), is also prepared by the National Statistics Institute.

Since 2005, it also applies the distinction of nationality of the population aged 16 and over (domestic / non-domestic) in the imputation of nonresponse.

Since 2014, the variables employed in reweighting are:

- Households by size at Autonomous Community level (5 groups up to 2020 and 4 from 2021 onwards)

- Population 16 years of age or over, by age and sex groups, at province level (6 groups).

Since 2021, all the members of the dwelling have the same weighting factor.

Regarding the treatment of incidences:

  - Since the second quarter of 2020, in the second and subsequent waves, refusals, absentees and inaccessibles are no longer imputed by assigning them the information they provided in the previous interview.

  - Since the first quarter of 2021, refusals in the first wave are no longer substituted by other dwellings of the same section.


Retail Trade

The questionnaires are collected by INE data collection staff and there is a first cleansing of errors according to a set of edits. Microediting consists on validating data from each local unit, attending to its historical values. The analysis establishes monthly and annual comparisons so that the data is validated without contacting the informants when the evolution is repeated periodically.

Next, at centralized level, the selective editing phase, imputation (non-response is imputed using the data of the previous month of the non-respondent units and the variation rate of the units in the same stratum) and the macroediting process take place. In some cases, manual editing is required, for example non responding large units.

Finally estimators are calculated by aggregating the elementary indices taking into account the weightings. In the last phase, the dissemination files together with the press release are prepared according to the dissemination  breakdowns.

The indexes are obtained using a chaining-linking. The elementary indices are calculated from the respondents (imputed in case of non-response) common to the reference month and the previous december.

The weighting variable is calculated with the employment of December (t-1) from our own sample in base 2015, they have been updated according to the samples used in new base.



The questionnaires are collected by INE data collection staff and there is a first cleansing of errors according to a set of edits. Microediting consists on validating data from each local unit, attending to its historical values. The analysis establishes monthly and annual comparisons so that the data is validated without contacting the informants when the evolution is repeated periodically.

 Next, at centralized level, the selective editing phase, imputation (non-response is imputed using the data of the previous month of the non-respondent units and the variation rate of the units in the same stratum) and the macroediting process take place. In some cases, manual editing is required, for example non responding large units.

 Finally estimators are calculated by aggregating the elementary indices taking into account the weightings. In the last phase, the dissemination files together with the press release are prepared according to the dissemination  breakdowns.

 The indexes are obtained using a chaining-linking. The elementary indices are calculated from the respondents (imputed in case of non-response) common to the reference month and the previous december.

 The weighting variable is calculated with employment from SBS 2015, and these weights are updated by Services indexes in base 2015 for have weights in December (t-1) in order to calculate chain linking index.

18.6. Adjustment

Industry and Construction

The source provides total estimates of employment by sector up to the 2-digit level of NACE. These are final data.

Retail Trade

Employment is not adjusted.


Employment is not adjusted.

19. Comment Top

Industry and Construction

For more detailed information consult the latest press release

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
RTI Questionnaire