Road traffic deaths, by type of roads (sdg_11_40)

ESMS Indicator Profile (ESMS-IP)

Compiling agency: Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Relevance
4. Statistical Indicator
5. Frequency and Timeliness of dissemination
6. Coverage and comparability
7. Accessibility and clarity
8. Comment
Related Metadata
Eurostat Quality Profile
4.5. Source data

DG MOVE (CARE database)

5.1. Frequency of dissemination Every year
5.2. Timeliness T+2 years
6.1. Reference area All EU MS
6.2. Comparability - geographical All EU MS
6.3. Coverage - Time > 10 years
6.4. Comparability - over time > 4 data points

Description of Eurostat quality grading system under the following link.

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

1.2. Contact organisation unit

E2: Environmental statistics and accounts; sustainable development

1.5. Contact mail address

e-mail contact:

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 24/04/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 29/04/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 16/04/2024

3. Relevance Top

The indicator is part of the EU Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator set. It is used to monitor progress towards SDG 11 on making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable and SDG 3 on good health and well-being which are embedded in the European Commission’s Priorities under the European Green Deal

SDG 11 aims to renew and plan cities and other human settlements so that they offer opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation, green public spaces and others, while improving resource use and reducing environmental impacts. With sound, risk-informed and smart planning and management, SDG 11 envisions cities as environmentally resilient human settlements that foster personal safety.

SDG 3 aims to ensure health and well-being for all at all ages by improving reproductive, maternal and child health; ending the epidemics of major communicable diseases; reducing non-communicable and mental diseases. It also calls for reducing behavioural and environmental health-risk factors.

The indicator can be considered as similar to the global SDG indicator 3.6.1 "Death rate due to road traffic injuries".

The Strategic Action Plan on Road Safety and the EU road safety policy framework 2021–2030 set a 50 % reduction target for deaths and for serious injuries by 2030 compared to 2019 and ambitious road safety plans to reach zero road deaths by 2050 (‘Vision Zero’).

4. Statistical Indicator Top
4.1. Data description

The indicator measures the number of fatalities caused by road accidents, including drivers and passengers of motorised vehicles and pedal cycles as well as pedestrians. Persons dying on road accidents up to 30 days after the occurrence of the accident are counted as road accident fatalities.

4.2. Unit of measure

i. number of killed people

ii. number per 100 000 people

4.3. Reference Period

Calendar year

4.4. Accuracy - overall

The data are reported directly by national CARE (Community Database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe) experts. Each Member State produces its own road accident database following its own procedures according to national protocols and formats and using road accident data collected by the police. In some countries, police data is complemented by information collected by hospitals (i.e. DK, NL, EL, SE, ES, SI) or by governmental organisations (BE, PT, HU). Where national concepts differ from European ones correction factors are used to ensure coherence. This applies mainly to the implementation of the 30-day period in countries where it differs. With a few exceptions (LV, MT, SI) all Member States systematically implement data quality cross­checking.

4.5. Source data

DG MOVE (CARE database)

Data source: CARE database. For countries and years when CARE data is not available, data from the regional table ‘Victims in road accidents by NUTS 2 regions (tran_r_acci)’ is used.

Data provider: i) European Commission (EC) - Directorate General Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE), based on data reported by the countries.

ii) ESS (European Statisticsl System) (DEMO_GIND, TRAN_SF_ROADRO)

5. Frequency and Timeliness of dissemination Top
5.1. Frequency of dissemination

Every year

Indicator is updated annually. Complete and updated ESS data release information can be accessed via Eurostat release calendar.

5.2. Timeliness

T+2 years

New data points are disseminated within two years after the reference year.

6. Coverage and comparability Top
6.1. Reference area


Data are presented for all EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

6.2. Comparability - geographical


Data are comparable between all EU Member States and the other presented countries.

6.3. Coverage - Time

> 10 years

 Presented time series (including EU aggregates) starts in 2000.

6.4. Comparability - over time

> 4 data points

Length of comparable time series without methodological break is longer than 4 data points.

7. Accessibility and clarity Top
7.1. Dissemination format - Publications

Analysis of indicator is presented in Eurostat's annual monitoring report on Sustainable development in the EU (progress towards SDGs in the EU context).

7.2. Dissemination format - online database

see table  sdg_11_40

7.3. Dissemination format - other

Eurostat dedicated section on SDGs:

8. Comment Top

Copyrights: Eurostat Copyright/Licence Policy is applicable.

Related metadata Top
tran_sf_road_esms - Road transport safety

Annexes Top
Source data and metadata
DG MOVE website on road safety

Footnotes Top