Research and development (R&D) (rd)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Denmark

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Denmark

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Science, Technology and Culture

1.5. Contact mail address

Sejrøgade 11,
DK-2100 København Ø

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 27/02/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 20/02/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 27/02/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Statistics on Business enterprise R&D (BERD) measure research and experimental development (R&D) performed in the business enterprise sector, i.e. R&D expenditure and R&D personnel. In line with this objective the target population for the national R&D survey of the business enterprise sector consist of all R&D performing enterprises (including all R&D performers – occasional and continuous, known and unknown - in all branches and size classes) belonging to this sector. The “enterprise” is defined in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1993/696 of 15 March 1993. The results are related to the population of all R&D performing enterprises classified in Sections A to U of the common statistical classification of economic activities as established by Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council (NACE Rev.2).


The main concepts and definitions used for the production of R&D statistics are given by OECD (2015), Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, which is the internationally recognised standard methodology for collecting R&D statistics and by Eurostat’s European Business Statistics Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics. (EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics).


Since the beginning of 2021, the collection of R&D statistics is based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020. The Regulation sets the framework for the collection of R&D statistics and specifies the main variables of interest and their breakdowns at predefined level of detail. Statistics on science, technology and innovation were collected until the end of 2020 based on Commission Implementing  Regulation (EU) No 2012/995 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology.

3.2. Classification system
3.2.1. Additional classifications
Additional classification used Description
3.3. Coverage - sector

See below.

3.3.1. General coverage
Definition of R&D  In line with the Frascati-manual.
Fields of Research and Development (FORD)

Data is for the NSE+SSH aggregate.
Data is not collected according to field of science. Prior to 1996 it wasassumed that all BERD could be categorised within the NSE due to the largepercentage of BERD within the manufacturing industries. As the amount ofR&D conducted within the service sector has been increasing it can no longer be assumed that all BERD should be categorised within the NSEfields of science.

Socioeconomic objective (SEO by NABS) In line with the Frascati-manual
3.3.2. Sector institutional coverage
Business enterprise sector  Private and public enterprises in agriculture, mining, manufacturing,services and institutes serving these industries. Hence included in the BEsector is the Authorised Technological Service Institutes (GTS-institutes).
Hospitals and clinics  Both Regional and University Hospitals are included
Inclusion of units that primarily do not belong to BES  Non
3.3.3. R&D variable coverage
R&D administration and other support activities  Corresponds to the concepts of the Frascati Manual. Administration carriedout by researchers in direct connection with R&D is considered as R&D andincluded in expenditure and personnel data. R&D administration undertakenat central level within the Administration is excluded from the personnelseries but taken into account in Other current costs.
External R&D personnel  Corresponds to the concepts of the Frascati Manual.
Clinical trials  Corresponds to the concepts of the Frascati Manual.
3.3.4. International R&D transactions
Receipts from rest of the world by sector - availability  Yes, separated in enterprises, EU and Governments
Payments to rest of the world by sector - availability  Yes, separated in enterprises, EU and Governments
Intramural R&D expenditure in foreign-controlled enterprises – coverage   Yes, though some validity problems in the information.
3.3.5. Extramural R&D expenditures

According to the Frascati Manual, expenditure on extramural R&D (i.e. R&D performed outside the statistical unit enterprise) is not included in intramural R&D performance totals (FM, §4.12).

Data collection  on extramural R&D expenditure (Yes/No)  Yes
Method for separating extramural R&D expenditure from intramural R&D expenditure Statistics on extramural R&D is compiled. First, enterprises are asked whether they perform R&D, acquire R&D from other part of the group oracquire form others. Next, the expenditure is asked in separate tables forintramural and extramural R&D, the latter divided in the sources.
Difficulties to distinguish intramural from extramural R&D expenditure  The distinguish is easy, but to make sure that the registration is done rigth can be difficult.
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

See below.

3.4.1. R&D expenditure
Coverage of years  Calendar year.
Source of funds  More sources used
Type of R&D  From 1999 the breakdown is based on current R&D expenditure
Type of costs  Capital expenditures are divided in buildings and other capital costs
Economic activity of the unit  

Divergences from the ISIC classification include:
- “Aerospace” and “Motor Vehicles” are included in “Other TransportEquipment”.
- “Petroleum Refineries & Products” is included in “Chemicals”.
- Prior to 1993, “Agriculture” is not available separately but is included in“Other Services”. Business enterprise mining R&D activities are estimatedas negligible.
- Prior to 1979, “Office & Computing Equipment” is included in “Non-Electrical Machinery”.
Services: The national survey does not cover:
- “Hotels and Restaurants” 55 in ISIC Rev. 3
Comments regarding changes over time and from which year the data areaffected:
- ISIC 72 not included until 1977. Population extended in 1987 to includesmaller enterprises;
- ISIC 73 not included until 1991;
- ISIC 74 extended in 1975 to include PNPs serving BE and again in 1987 toinclude some smaller enterprises;
ISIC 75-99 does only include ISIC 7525, 90 and 9220;
- ISIC 90 not included until 1993.

Economic activity of industry served (for enterprises in ISIC/NACE 72)   

Since 2001 the R&D expenditures are allocated to the main industry served,classified according to the national (ISIC/NACE-based) industrial classification.
Prior to 2001 the R&D expenditures were allocated to the principal industrialactivity of the enterprises or institutes, classified according to the national(ISIC/NACE-based) industrial classification.

Product field  No problems
Defence R&D - method for obtaining data on R&D expenditure  Not collected
3.4.2. R&D personnel

See below. R&D personnel – Head Counts (HC)
Coverage of years  End of year
Function  No problems
Qualification  Not included
Age Not included 
Citizenship Not included R&D personnel – Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Coverage of years  Average number of persons employed during the calendar year
Function  Personnel is broken down to 'researchers' and 'technicians'
Qualification  Not asked
Age  Not asked
Citizenship  Not asked FTE calculation

We ask for estimates from each unit. Some institutions still seem to be using ratios according to theemployment category. Post-graduate students performing R&D are included R&D personnel - Cross-classification by function and qualification
Cross-classification Unit Frequency
 Not available.    
3.5. Statistical unit

No deviations

3.6. Statistical population

See below.

3.6.1. National target population

The objective of the European R&D statistics is to cover all intramural R&D activities. In line with this objective the target population for the national R&D survey of the Business Enterprise Sector should consist of all R&D performing enterprises (including all R&D performers – occasional and continuous, known and unknown - in all branches and size classes) belonging to this sector. In practice however, countries in their R&D surveys might exclude some enterprises for which R&D activities are deemed to be non-existent or negligible, in order to limit the response burden or due to budgetary constraints.


  Target population when sample/census survey is used for collection of raw data Target population when administrative data or pre-compiled statistics are used
Definition of the national target population  All All 
Estimation of the target population size  Yes Yes 
Size cut-off point  It varies depending of the R&D-propensity (2,6,10,50)  It varies depending of the R&D-propensity (2,6,10,50)
Size classes covered (and if different for some industries/services)  2-5, 6-9,10-49,50-99,100-249,250,999 1000- 2-5, 6-9,10-49,50-99,100-249,250,999 1000- 
NACE/ISIC classes covered  01-45,51-52,60-67,72-74,75.25,90,92.2 01-45,51-52,60-67,72-74,75.25,90,92.2 
3.6.2. Frame population – Description

The target population is the population for which inferences are made. The frame (or frames, as sometimes several frames are used) is a device that permits access to population units. The frame population is the set of population units which can be accessed through the frame and the survey data really refer to this population.


Method used to define the frame population  Commission Regulation (EC) No 995/2012 of 26 October 2012implementing Decision No 1608/2003/EC of the European Parliament and ofthe Council as regards statistics on science and technology as regardssizeclasses and industries covered. This is supplemented by national needs tocover industries not mentioned in the decision.
Methods and data sources used for identifying a unit as known or supposed R&D performer  Data from the data collection of R&D and innovation in enterprises 2015and 2016 is the primary source, supplemented with information on theactivity code (NACE rev. 2). All enterprises classified in NACE 72 R&D inthe Business Register are included in the survey. The frame is identified bythe statistical business register owned by Statistics Denmark. Units whichare part of public sector and units with no employment or working owner areexcluded.
Frequency and the methods applied for inclusion R&D performers not known and not supposed to perform R&D  N/A
Number of “new”1) R&D enterprises that have been identified and included in the target population  N/A
Systematic exclusion of units from the process of updating the target population A range of enterprises (with eg. less than 50 employes) in specific activitiesare not supposed to be R&D performers. 
Estimation of the frame population Approx 20 000 enterprises.

1)       i.e. enterprises previously not known or not supposed to perform R&D

3.7. Reference area

Not requested. R&D statistics cover national and regional data.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Not requested. See point 3.5.

3.9. Base period

Not requested.

4. Unit of measure Top

The statistical unit is the enterprise.

5. Reference Period Top

The statistics covers activities for the entire reference year.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See below.

6.1.1. European legislation
Legal acts / agreements Since the beginning of 2021, the collection of R&D statistics is based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics. Regulation No 2020/1197 sets the framework for the collection of R&D statistics and specifies the main variables of interest and their breakdowns at predefined level of detail.  Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2012/995 concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technology was in force until the end of 2020.
Nature of the “obligations” of responsible national organisations to produce statistics and report to international organisations  Mandatory
6.1.2. National legislation
Existence of R&D specific statistical legislation  No specific statistical legislation.
Legal acts  No legal act
Obligation of responsible organisations to produce statistics (as derived from the legal acts)  
Right of responsible organisations to collect data – obligation of (natural / legal) persons to provide raw and administrative data (as derived from the legal acts)  
Obligation of responsible organisations to protect confidential information from disclosure  (as derived from the legal acts)  
Rights of access of third organisations / persons to data and statistics (as derived from the legal acts)  
Planned changes of legislation  None to our knowledge.
6.1.3. Standards and manuals

- Frascati Manual 2015, Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development

- EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not requested.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidentiality, being one of the process quality components, concerns the privacy of data providers (households, enterprises, administrations and other respondents), the confidentiality of the information they provide and the extent of its use for statistical purposes.

A property of data indicating the extent to which their unauthorised disclosure could be prejudicial or harmful to the interest of the source or other relevant parties.


a)       Confidentiality protection required by law: N/A



b)       Confidentiality commitments of survey staff: N/A


7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Programs (SAS) as well as manual surveying.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed some weeks before.

8.2. Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on Statistics Denmarks English website:

8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside ofStatistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See below.

10.1.1. Availability of the releases
  Availability (Y/N)1 Content, format, links, ...
Regular releases  Yes

 A separate press release is given forR&D-expenditure and –personnel, andfor R&D-expenses as share of GDP.

The statistics are published in Focus OnStatistics Denmark (Nyt fra DanmarksStatistik) and are available fromStatistics Denmark's website and from the databaseStatBank Denmark(

The statistics can also be found at theEurostat databases (under the STI-domain).
The Business Enterprises' R&D statisticsis a part of the publication concerningR&D and innovation. The 2021publication was released in October2021 and is in Danish only. The BERDis also represented in the StatisticalYearbook.

Ad-hoc releases    

1) Y - Yes, N – No

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See below.

10.2.1. Availability of means of dissemination
Means of dissemination Availability (Y/N)1 Content, format, links, ...
General publication/article

(paper, online)

 Yes  In the years 2012-2021 Statistics Denmark published a more extensive publication concerning R&D and innovation. The latest versionis "Forskning, udvikling og innovation 2021"(Research, development and innovation 2021).The publication is available (Danish only) on
Specific paper publication (e.g. sectoral provided to enterprises)

(paper, online)


1) Y – Yes, N - No 

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

StatBank Denmark, available on

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

See below.

10.4.1. Provisions affecting the access
Access rights to the information  All have access to the tables. Access to the micro data of the BES is only forresearchers through our Safe Centre or through the access for researchers atStatistics Denmark.
Access cost policy  The publication can be downloaded from our home page.
Micro-data anonymisation rules  
10.5. Dissemination format - other

See below.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested.

10.5.2. Availability of other dissemination means
Dissemination means Availability (Y/N)1  Micro-data / Aggregate figures Comments
Internet: main results available on the national statistical authority’s website  Y    On
Data prepared for individual ad hoc requests  Y    If someone wants tablesdifferent from thosepublished we normallycharge the customer forthe time spent making thetables.
Other  Y    A compendium of tables(EXCEL) are provided

1) Y – Yes, N - No 

10.6. Documentation on methodology

See: where documents on the usedmethodology can be found.
The OECD's Frascati Manual defines concepts in research and development.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

See below.

10.7.1. Information and clarity
Type(s) of data accompanying information available (metadata, graphs, quality reports, etc.)   

A quality handbook is prepared.
A declaration of content and quality assessment is available at StatisticsDenmark’s homepage - - updated annually.

Request on further clarification, most problematic issues  
Measures to increase clarity  

The quality handbook is a step in the direction of increasing clarity.
The improvement of the questionnaire is an ongoing process also aiming atfurther clarification, and thereby better quality.

Impression of users on the clarity of the accompanying information to the data   Our users knows very well our quality documentation.

11. Quality management Top

Quality management is defined as systems and frameworks in place within an organisation to manage the quality of statistical products and processes. 

11.1. Quality assurance

Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses theQuality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of theprinciples. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based ondocumentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to theWorking Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided andsubsequently implemented.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The quality system of Statistics Denmark is based on the 15 principles of the
European Statistics Code ofPractice (CoP) published by Eurostat:
1. Professional independence
2. Mandate for data collection 
3. Adequacy of resources
4. Commitment to quality
5. Statistical confidentiality
6. Impartiality and objectivity
7. Sound methodology
8. Appropriate statistical procedures
9. Non-excessive burden on respondents
10. Cost effectiveness
11. Relevance
12. Accuracy and reliability
13. Timeliness and punctuality
14. Coherence and comparability
15. Accessibility and clarity

12. Relevance Top

Relevance is the degree to which statistics meet current and potential users’ needs. It includes the production of all needed statistics and the extent to which concepts used (definitions, classifications etc.) reflect user needs. The aim is to describe the extent to which the statistics are useful to, and used by, the broadest array of users. For this purpose, statisticians need to compile information, firstly about their users (who they are, how many they are, how important is each one of them), secondly on their needs, and finally to assess how far these needs are met.

12.1. Relevance - User Needs

See below.

12.1.1. Needs at national level
Users’ class1 Description of users Users’ needs

1- European level

 The European Commission (DGENTR)


The joint OECD/Eurostat
international survey of resources
devoted to R&D in Member

 1- National level  Ministries , Parliament, politicalparties  Data used for policy purposes
 1- Regional level  Counties  Data used to compare R&D at theregional level
 1- National level  Industrial organisations  

 Sectoral comparison, comparisons
 across countries etc.

 1- National level Trusts  

 Overall assessment of the funds
 given by trusts.

 1- National level Newspapers, radio, television  

 Information on R&D expenditures
 in particular

4- Researchers and students Students It varies a lot
4- Researchers and students Researchers

Researchers who use the data for
their own analysis purpose and
researches who just want some
overall information

5- Enterprises orbusinesses Enterprises

Interested in the activities in their
own industry.

1)       Users' class codification

1- Institutions:
• European level: Commission (DGs, Secretariat General), Council, European Parliament, ECB, other European agencies etc.
• in Member States, at the national or regional level: Ministries of Economy or Finance, other ministries (for sectoral comparisons), National Statistical Institutes and other statistical agencies (norms, training, etc.), and
• International organisations: OECD, UN, IMF, ILO, etc.

2- Social actors: Employers’ associations, trade unions, lobbies, among others, at the European, national or regional level.

3- Media: International or regional media – specialized or for the general public – interested both in figures and analyses or comments. The media are the main channels of statistics to the general public.

4- Researchers and students (Researchers and students need statistics, analyses, ad hoc services, access to specific data.)

5- Enterprises or businesses (Either for their own market analysis, their marketing strategy (large enterprises) or because they offer consultancy services)

6- Other (User class defined for national purposes, different from the previous classes. )

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

To evaluate if users' needs have been satisfied, the best way is to use user satisfaction surveys.

12.2.1. National Surveys and feedback
Conduction of a user satisfaction survey or any other type of monitoring user satisfaction  

No user satisfaction survey is being conducted. The effort to meet the needsof our users is an ongoing process, and Statistics Denmark has ongoingcooperation key users namely the Minestry of Science, Innovation and HigherEducation.
Respondents experiences with the questionnaires are monitored specifically.This is done by including a few questions at the end of the electronicalquestionnaire. The answers given by the respondents are fed into the ongoingproces to raise the quality of the statistics.

User satisfaction survey specific for R&D statistics  Yes, specific to the filling out of the R&D and innovation questionnaire.
Short description of the feedback received  
12.3. Completeness

See below.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

The statistics is complete according to the Commission Regulation and the guidelines from the FrascatiManual.

12.3.2. Completeness - overview

Completeness is assessed via comparison of the data delivered against the requirements of CommissionImplementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020.



(Very Good)








(Very poor)

Reasons for missing cells

Preliminary variables  x          
Obligatory data on R&D expenditure x          
Optional data on R&D expenditure          
Obligatory data on R&D personnel  x          
Optional data on R&D personnel          
Regional data on R&D expenditure and R&D personnel  x          


A) Obligatory data. Only 'Very Good' = 100%, Poor' >95%; 'Very Poor' <100% apply.

B) Optional data. 'Very Good' = 100%; 'Good' = >75%; 'Satisfactory' 50 to 75%%; 'Poor' 25 to 50%; 'Very Poor' 0 to 25%.

12.3.3. Data availability

See below. Data availability - R&D Expenditure
  Availability1 Frequency of data collection Gap years – years with missing data Modifications - Description Modifications - Year of introduction Modifications - Reasons
Source of funds  Y    1996,2000      
Type of R&D   1996,2000   Based oncurrent costs    
Type of costs   1996,2000       
Socioeconomic objective   1996,2000       
Region   1996,2000       
FORD   1996,2000       
Type of institution   1996,2000       

1) Y-start year, N – data not available Data availability - R&D Personnel (HC)
  Availability1 Frequency of data collection Gap years – years with missing data Modifications - Description Modifications - Year of introduction Modifications - Reasons
Sex    Every two years  1996,2000      
Function    Yearly 1996,2000       
Qualification  N          
Age  N           
Citizenship    Every two years 1996,2000   Only researchers(Danish/foreign)    
Region    Yearly 1996,2000   estimated    
FORD  N          
Type of institution    Yearly 1996,2000       
Economic activity    Yearly  1996,2000       
Product field    Every two years 1996,2000   estimated    
Employment size class    Yearly 1996,2000      

1) Y-start year, N – data not available Data availability - R&D Personnel (FTE)
  Availability1 Frequency of data collection Gap years – years with missing data Modifications - Description Modifications - Year of introduction Modifications - Reasons
Sex    Every two years  1996,2000      
Function    Yearly 1996,2000       
Qualification  N          
Citizenship    Every two years 1996,2000   Only researchers(Danish/foreign)    
Region    Yearly 1996,2000   Estimated    
Type of institution    Yearly 1996,2000       
Economic activity    Yearly  1996,2000       
Product field    Every two years 1996,2000       
Employment size class    Yearly 1996,2000       

1) Y-start year, N – data not available Data availability - other
Additional dimension/variable available at national level1) Availability2  Frequency of data collection Breakdown


Combinations of breakdown variables Level of detail
 Extramural R&Dexpenditure  Y  Yearly      
 Funding ofextramural R&D  Every two years      
 Employed ph.d.s(HC & FTE) Every two years       
 Strategic R&D fields Every two years       
Co-operation (typeand geographic area)  Every two years       
Innovation activities(intramural,acquisitions) Y Every two years      
All R&D-data (R&D-expenditure, -personnel, co-operation etc.)     Nace No

intothe following:
13-15, 19,31.0-32.4,32.9-33
26.5, 26.7
26.6, 32.5-32.8
26.5, 26.7
27.5-27.9,28.24, 28.90-28.92, 28.94-28.99

28.25-28.29 28.4-28.8 28.3



All R&D-data (R&D-expenditure, -personnel, co-operation etc.)      Nace No 

Breakdown ofKnowledge-based servicesinto:
62.03-63.1=2=Comp. facilitymanagement,informationservices
71.20-71.29=Technicaltesting andanalyses
72= ScientificR&D
60-61,69,70.20-70.29,73-74,78,82,02.4,59.11-59.12,59.20-59.9= Otherknowledge-based services


1) This question is optional. It refers to variables and breakdowns NOT asked by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 (neither as 'optional'), if R&D data for BES are collected for additional breakdowns or/and at more detailed level than requested.

2) Y-start year

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Accuracy in the statistical sense denotes the closeness of computations or estimates to the exact or true values. Statistics are not equal with the true values because of variability (the statistics change from implementation to implementation of the survey due to random effects) and bias (the average of the possible values of the statistics from implementation to implementation is not equal to the true value due to systematic effects).


Several types of statistical errors occur during the survey process. The following typology of errors has been adopted:

1. Sampling errors. These only affect sample surveys. They are due to the fact that only a subset of the population, usually randomly selected, is enumerated.

2. Non-sampling errors. Non-sampling errors affect sample surveys and complete enumerations alike and comprise:

a) Coverage errors,

b) Measurement errors,

c) Non response errors and

d) Processing errors.


Model assumption errors should be treated under the heading of the respective error they are trying to reduce.

13.1.1. Accuracy - Overall by 'Types of Error'
  Sampling errors Non-sampling errors1) Model-assumption Errors1) Perceived direction of the error2)
Coverage errors Measurement errors Processing errors Non response errors
Total intramural R&D expenditure  3    +/-
Total R&D personnel in FTE  2  5   +/- 
Researchers in FTE  3  1  4   +/- 

1)  Ranking of the type(s) of errors that result in over/under-estimation, from the most important source of error (1) to the least important source of error (5). In the event that errors of a particular type do not exist, is used the sign ‘-‘.

2)  The perceived direction of the ‘overall’ error using the signs “+” for over estimation, “-” for under estimation and “+/-” when assumption of the direction of the error cannot be made for R&D.

13.1.2. Assessment of the accuracy with regard to the main indicators
Indicators 5

(Very Good)1








(Very poor)5

Total intramural R&D expenditure  X        
Total R&D personnel in FTE        
Researchers in FTE        

1) 'Very Good' = High level of coverage (annual rate of substitution in the target population lower than 5%). High average rates of response (>80%) in census and sample surveys (BES R&D). Full data consistency with reference to totals and relationships between variables in the dataset sent to Eurostat.  

2) 'Good' = In the event that at least one out of the three criteria above described would not be fully met.

3) 'Satisfactory' = In the event that the average rate of response would be lower than 60% even by meeting the two remaining criteria.

4) 'Poor' = In the event that the average rate of response would be lower than 60% and at least one of the two remaining criteria would not be met.

5) 'Very Poor' = If all the three criteria are not met.

13.2. Sampling error

That part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, which is due to the fact that only a subset of the population is enumerated.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

The main indicator used to measure sampling errors is the coefficient of variation (CV).
Definition of coefficient of variation:
CV= (Square root of the estimate of the sampling variance) / (Estimated value) Variance Estimation Method

CLAN Coefficient of variation for key variables by NACE
  Industry sector1 Services sector2 TOTAL
R&D expenditure  1,1 2,4 1,9 
R&D personnel (FTE)  1,3  3,1 2,9 

1)        Industry sector (NACE Rev. 2: 01-03, 05-09, 10-33, 35, 36-39, 41-43)

2)        Services sector (NACE Rev 2.: 45-47,49-53,55-56,58-63,64-66 68,69-75,77-82,84,85,86-88,90-93,94-96,97-98,99) Coefficient of variation for key variables by Size Class
  0-9 employees and self-employed persons (optional) 10-49 employees and self-employed persons 50-249 employees and self-employed persons 250- and more employees and self-employed persons TOTAL
R&D expenditure          1,9
R&D personnel (FTE)         2,9 
13.3. Non-sampling error

Non-sampling errors occur in all phases of a survey. They add to the sampling errors (if present) and contribute to decreasing overall accuracy. It is important to assess their relative weight in the total error and devote appropriate resources for their control and assessment.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Coverage errors (or frame errors) are due to divergences between the target population and the frame population. The frame population is the set of target population members that has a chance to be selected into the survey sample. It is a listing of all items in the population from which the sample is drawn that contains contact details as well as sufficient information to perform stratification and sampling.


a)       Description/assessment of coverage errors: N/A



b)       Measures taken to reduce their effect: N/A Over-coverage - rate

Magnitude of error (%) = (Observed Value-True Value)/ True Value (%) Over-coverage rate - groups


Groups Magnitude – R&D expenditure Magnitude – Total R&D personnel (FTE)
Groups/categories of the frame population that were not covered or were partly covered in the target population (unknown R&D performing enterprises)  N/A  N/A N/A 
Groups/categories in the target  population that were covered while they should not (i.e. units surveyed that should belong to another sector of performance than BES) N/A  N/A  N/A Common units - proportion

Not requested. Frame misclassification rate

Misclassification rate measures the percentage of enterprises that changed stratum between the time the frame was last updated and the time the survey was carried out. It is defined as the number of enterprises that changed stratum divided by the number of enterprises which belong to the stratum, according to the frame. The rate can be estimated based on the characteristics of the surveyed enterprises.


 By size class for the Industry Sector 
  0-9 employees and self-employed persons (optional) 10-49 employees and self-employed persons 50-249 employees and self-employed persons 250-and more employees and self-employed persons TOTAL
Number or surveyed enterprises in the stratum (according to frame)  N/A N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 
Number of surveyed enterprises that have changed stratum (after inspection of their characteristics) N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 
Misclassification rate N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 
By size class for the Services Sector
  0-9 employees and self-employed persons (optional) 10-49 employees and self-employed persons 50-249 employees and self-employed persons 250-and more employees and self-employed persons TOTAL
Number or surveyed enterprises in the stratum (according to frame)  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A
Number of surveyed enterprises that have changed stratum (after inspection of their characteristics) N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A  N/A 
Misclassification rate N/A  N/A  N/A   N/A  N/A
13.3.2. Measurement error

Measurement errors occur during data collection and generate bias by recording values different than the true ones (e.g. difficulty to distinguish intramural from extramural R&D Expenditure). The survey questionnaire used for data collection may have led to the recording of wrong values, or there may be respondent or interviewer bias.


a)       Description/assessment of measurement errors: N/A



b)      Measures taken to reduce their effect:


13.3.3. Non response error

Non-response occurs when a survey failed to collect data on all survey variables from all the population units designated for data collection in a sample or complete enumeration.

There are two elements of non-response:

- Unit non-response, which occurs when no data (or so little as to be unusable) are collected on a designated population unit.

- Item non-response, which occurs when data only on some, but not all survey variables are collected on a designated population unit.

The extent of response (and accordingly of non response) is also measured with response rates. Unit non-response - rate

The main interest is to judge if the response from the target population was satisfying by computing the weighted and un-weighted response rate.
Eligible are the sample units which indeed belong to the target population. Frame imperfections always leave the possibility that some sampled units may not belong to the target population. Moreover, when there is no contact with sample units and no other way to establish their eligibility they are characterised as ‘unknown eligibility units’
Un-weighted Unit Non- Response Rate = 1 - (Number of units with a response) / (Total number of eligible and unknown eligibility units in the survey) 
Weighted Unit Non- Response Rate = 1 - (Total weighted responding units) / (Total weighted number of eligible / unknown eligibility units in the sample) Unit non-response rates by Size Class

0-9 employees and self-employed persons (optional)

10-49 employees and self-employed persons

50-249 employees and self-employed persons 250-and more employees and self-employed persons TOTAL
Number of units with a response in the realised sample 173 1036 1608 587 3404
Total number of units in the sample 192  1079  1636  593  3500 
Unit Non-response rate (un-weighted) 9.9  4.0  1.7  1.0  2.7 
Unit Non-response rate (weighted)  - Unit non-response rates by NACE
  Industry1) Services2) TOTAL
Number of units with a response in the realised sample 1369 2035 3404 
Total number of units in the sample 1398  2102  3500 
Unit Non-response rate (un-weighted) 2.1  3.4  2.7 
Unit Non-response rate (weighted)

1)        Industry (NACE Rev. 2: 01-03, 05-09,10-33,35,36-39,41-43)

2)        Services (NACE Rev 2.: 45-47,49-53,55-56,58-63,64-66 68,69-75,77-82,84,85,86-88,90-93,94-96,97-98,99) Recalls/Reminders description

4 reminders were sent out to non-responding enterprises, followed by a telephone reminder. Unit non-response survey
Conduction of a non-response survey  No, since response rate is minimum 97 per cent.
Selection of the sample of non-respondents  N/A
Data collection method employed N/A 
Response rate of this type of survey N/A 
The main reasons of non-response identified N/A Item non-response - rate

Un-weighted Item non-Response Rate (%) = 1-(Number of units with a response for the item) / (Total number of eligible , for the item, units in the sample) * 100 Un-weighted item non-response rate
  R&D Expenditure R&D Personnel (FTE) Researchers (FTE)
Item non-response rate (un-weighted) (%)  N/A N/A  N/A 
Imputation (Y/N)  Y
If imputed, describe method used, mentioning which auxiliary information or stratification is used  Depends on,what isknown fromformersurveys Depends on,what isknown fromformersurveys  Depends on,what isknown fromformersurveys Magnitude of errors due to non-response

Not requested.

   Magnitude of error (%) due to non-response
Total intramural R&D expenditure  
Total R&D personnel in FTE  
Researchers in FTE  
13.3.4. Processing error

Between data collection and the beginning of statistical analysis, data must undergo a certain processing: coding, data entry, data editing, imputation, etc. Errors introduced at these stages are called processing errors. Data editing identifies inconsistencies or errors in the data. Identification of the main processing errors
Data entry method applied  99,5 per cent of the responses are gathered by electronic onlinequestionnaires. The 0,5 per cent remaining are filling a paper questionnaire.Respective error estimates are not available.
Estimates of data entry errors  5 pct.
Variables for which coding was performed  In principle all variables, main efforts is on the economic variables andpersonal number and FTE.
Estimates of coding errors  N/A
Editing process and method
Procedure used to correct errors  Re-contact, imputation etc.
13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not requested.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Timeliness and punctuality refer to time and dates, but in a different manner: the timeliness of statistics reflects the length of time between their availability and the event or phenomenon they describe. Punctuality refers to the time lag between the release date of the data and the target date on which they should have been delivered, with reference to dates announced in the official release calendar.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Time lag between the end of reference period and the release date of the results:
Indicator: (Release date of provisional/ first results) - (Date of reference for the data)


a) End of reference period: End of year

b) Date of first release of national data: 11 month after end of reference period

c) Lag (days): 11 month

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

a) End of reference period: End year

b) Date of first release of national data: 1 year and 11 month after reference period

c) Lag (days): 1 year and 11 month

14.2. Punctuality

Punctuality refers to the time lag between the release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for release as announced officially.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Punctuality of time schedule of data release = (Actual date of the data release) - (Scheduled date of the data release). Deadline and date of data transmission
  Transmission of provisional data Transmission of final data
Legally defined deadline of data transmission (T+_ months) 10 18
Actual date of transmission of the data (T+x months)  10  18
Delay (days)   0
Reasoning for delay -

15. Coherence and comparability Top

Comparability aims at measuring the impact of differences in applied statistical concepts and definitions on the comparison of statistics between geographical areas, non-geographical domains or over time. It is the extent to which differences between statistics are attributed to differences between the true values of the statistical characteristics.
The factors that may cause two statistical figures to lose comparability are attributes of the surveys that produce them. These attributes may be grouped into two major categories: (a) concepts of the survey and (b) measurement / estimation methodology.
The two following sections present lists of key attributes. Information on some of the attributes will have already been reported in previous sections of this report but they are repeated here for completeness of the lists. We provide references to the relevant earlier sections and you do not need to provide the information again.

The coherence of statistics is their adequacy to be reliably combined in different ways and for various uses. It is, however, generally easier to show cases of incoherence than to prove coherence.

When originating from a single source, statistics are coherent in that elementary concepts can be combined reliably in more complex ways. When originating from different sources, and in particular from statistical surveys of different frequencies, statistics are coherent insofar as they are based on common definitions, classifications and methodological standards. The messages that statistics convey to users will then clearly relate to each other, or at least will not contradict each other. The coherence between statistics is orientated towards the comparison of different statistics, which are generally produced in different ways and for different primary uses.

The definition of coherence: The extent to which the statistical characteristics confirm with those in other statistics such that the statistics can be expected to be used together in conjunction with, or as an alternative to.

15.1. Comparability - geographical

See below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested.

15.1.2. General issues of comparability

No general issues.

15.1.3. Survey Concepts Issues

The following table lists a number of key survey concepts and conceptual issues; it gives reference to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/1197 or Frascati manual and EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics paragraphs with recommendations about these concepts / issues.


Concept / Issues Reference to recommendations  Deviation from recommendations Comments on national definition / Treatment – deviations from recommendations
R&D personnel FM2015 Chapter 5 (mainly paragraph 5.2).  No  
Researcher FM2015, §5.35-5.39. No   
Approach to obtaining Headcount (HC) data FM2015, §5.58-5.61 (in combination with  Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   
Approach to obtaining Full-time equivalence (FTE) data FM2015, §5.49-5.57 (in combination with Eurostat’s EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   
Reporting data according to formula: Total R&D personnel = Internal R&D personnel + External R&D personnel FM2015, §5.25  No  
Intramural R&D expenditure FM2015 Chapter 4 (mainly paragraph 4.2). No   
Special treatment for NACE 72 enterprises FM2015, § 7.59. No   
Statistical unit FM2015 Chapter 7 (mainly paragraphs 7.3 and 7.7 in combination with Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   Statistical units in some casesincludes more than one legalunit
Target population FM2015 Chapter 7 (mainly paragraph 7.7 in combination with Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   The national survey covers abroader range of activities andsize classes than necessary tosatisfy the needs for EU-data
Identification of not known R&D performing or supposed to perform R&D enterprises FM2015 Chapter 7 (mainly paragraph 7.7 in combination with Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   
Sector coverage FM2015 Chapter 3 (mainly § 3.51-3.59) in combination with Eurostat's EBS Methodological Manual on R&D Statistics). No   
NACE coverage and breakdown Reg. 2020/1197 : Annex 1, Table 18  No   The national survey covers abroader range of activities andsize classes than necessary tosatisfy the needs for EU-data
Enterprise size coverage and breakdown Reg. 2020/1197 : Annex 1, Table 18 No   The national survey covers abroader range of activities andsize classes than necessary tosatisfy the needs for EU-data
Reference period for the main data Reg. 2020/1197 : Annex 1, Table 18  No   
Reference period for all data Reg. 2020/1197 : Annex 1, Table 18  No   
15.1.4. Deviations from recommendations

The following table lists a number of key methodological issues, which may affect the international comparability of national R&D statistics. The table gives the references in the Frascati manual, where related recommendations are made. Countries are asked to report on the existence of any deviations from existing recommendations and comment upon.


Methodological issues Deviation from recommendations Comments on national treatment / treatment deviations from recommendations
Data collection preparation activities    
Data collection method    
Cooperation with respondents  No  
Follow-up of non-respondents -  Close follow-up, resulting inhigh response-rate.
Data processing methods  
Treatment of non-response No   
Data weighting  
Variance estimation  
Data compilation of final and preliminary data  
Survey type  Combination of census andsampling
Sample design  The national survey covers abroader range of activities andsize classes than neccessary tosatisfy the needs for EU-data.
Survey questionnaire  Electronical and physicalquestionnaire.
15.2. Comparability - over time

See below.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

See below.

15.2.2. Breaks in time series
  Length  of comparable time series  Break years1 Nature of the breaks
R&D personnel (HC)  From 2007  2016  
  Function From 2007  2016   
  Qualification From 2007  2016   
R&D personnel (FTE) From 2007  2016   
  Function From 2007  2016   
  Qualification From 2007  2016   
R&D expenditure From 2007  2016   
Source of funds From 2007  2016   
Type of costs From 2007  2016   
Type of R&D From 2007  2016   

1)       Breaks years are years for which data are not fully comparable to the previous period.

15.2.3. Collection of data in the even years

The statistics is based on a survey sample. The statistics is compiled in one joined questionnaire which covers both the R&D domain and the innovation statistics.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

This part deals with any national coherence assessments which may have been undertaken. It reports results for variables which are the same or relevant to R&D statistics, from other national surveys and / or administrative sources and explains and comments on their degree of agreement with R&D statistics.  Intramural R & D expenditure (code 230101 in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197) and R & D personnel (code 230201) are surveyed also in foreign-controlled EU enterprises statistics (inward FATS).

The Community innovation survey 2020 (CIS2020) (inn_cis12) ( also collects the R&D expenditure of enterprises that form the coverage of the CIS2020 survey. 

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not requested.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Business enterprise R&D expenditures is a primary source to the National Accounts.

15.3.3. National Coherence Assessments

Not applicable

Variable name R&D Statistics - Variable Value Other national statistics - Variable value Other national statistics - Source Difference in values (of R&D statistics) Explanation of / comments on difference
15.3.4. Coherence – Foreign-controlled EU enterprises – inward FATS

Not requestet



15.4. Coherence - internal

See below.

15.4.1. Comparison between preliminary and final data

This part compares key R&D variables as preliminary and final data.


  Total R&D expenditure (in 1000 of national currency) Total R&D personnel (in FTEs) Total number of researchers  (in FTEs)
Preliminary data (delivered at T+10)  73341000  64753  46324
Final data (delivered T+18)  73341000  64753 46324 
Difference (of final data)      
15.4.2. Consistency between R&D personnel and expenditure
  Average remuneration (cost in national currency)
Consistency between FTEs of internal R&D personnel and R&D labour costs (1)  691.675 
Consistency between FTEs of external R&D personnel and other current costs for external R&D personnel (2)  N/A

(1)    Calculate the average remuneration (cost) of individuals belonging to the internal R&D personnel, excluding those who are only formally ‘employees’ (university students, grant holders, etc.).

(2)    Calculate the average remuneration (cost) of individuals belonging to the external R&D personnel (FTEs/other current R&D costs for external R&D personnel).

16. Cost and Burden Top

The assessment of costs associated with a statistical product is a rather complicated task since there must exist a mechanism for appointing portions of shared costs (for instance shared IT resources and dissemination channels) and overheads (office space, utility bills etc). The assessment must become detailed and clear enough so that international comparisons among agencies of different structures are feasible. 

16.1. Costs summary
  Costs for the statistical authority (in national currency) % sub-contracted1)
Staff costs  Not available  Not available
Data collection costs Not available    Not available
Other costs Not available    Not available
Total costs Not available    Not available
Comments on costs

1)       The shares of the figures given in the first column that are accounted for by payments to private firms or other Government agencies.

16.2. Components of burden and description of how these estimates were reached
  Value Computation method
Number of Respondents (R)    
Average Time required to complete the questionnaire in hours (T)1    
Hourly cost (in national currency) of a respondent (C)    AMVAP
Total cost    Method for messurament of administrative burden on business.

1)        T = the time required to provide the information, including time spent assembling information prior to completing a form or taking part in interview and the time taken up by any subsequent contacts after receipt of the questionnaire (‘Re-contact time’)

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Not requested.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Not requested.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Several separate activities are used for the collection of raw data or pre-compiled administrative data and statistics related to R&D. For simplicity, we call them surveys irrespective of whether they are sample surveys, censuses, collections of administrative data/pre-compiled statistics. This section presents the names of the surveys by sector of performance as well as methodological information for each survey. Depending on the type of survey and sector of performance, only the sections corresponding to that survey and sector are filled in.

18.1.1. Data source – general information
Survey name  R&D survey for BES/CIS
Type of survey  The statistics are compiled on the basis of questionnaires. Questionnairesare web-based (since 2011) and close to 100 per cent of the responses comesfrom this media. The sample is of 3.000 enterprises from most size classesand all NACE-industries in the Danish enterprise sector. The sample is basedon a frame of 18.000 units.
Combination of sample survey and census data  

The enterprises in the census are characterized by at least one of thefollowing criterias. • Reported R&D expenditures of at least 5 mill in atleast one of the two past years
• Reported innovation expenditures of at least 5 mill the past year
• Has 100 or more employees
• is in the knowledge service industry and have 100 or more employees
• is in the Advanced Technology Group (GTS)
Enterprises in the census all received a questionnaire and therefore they areautomatically part of the sample.
The rest of the sample is drawn from the rest of the population.

Combination of dedicated R&D and other survey(s)  
    Sub-population A (covered by sampling)  
    Sub-population B (covered by census)  
Variables the survey contributes to  R&D survey: R&D expenditure by type of cost, funding, type of R&D,regional, main NACE, product, strategic topic, product/process/other
Survey timetable-most recent implementation  Start:t+3; Now casting:t+10; National publication:t+12;Reporting to EU:t+18
18.1.2. Sample/census survey information
  Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Sampling unit  Enterprise, notnecessarily equal tolegal unit    
Stratification variables (if any - for sample surveys only)  NACE; size; (from2006: region    
Stratification variable classes  33 NACE-classes;4-7 size-classes; 5regions    
Population size      
Planned sample size      
Sample selection mechanism (for sample surveys only)  Modified pps (5-100 percent depending on size class, each stratumis sorted by size andsample is drawn systematically through the stratum.    
Survey frame  The respondents are selected from the Business Register.    
Sample design  

There are 33 strata.The selection probabilities are determined by strataand size group (2-5,6-9, 10-24, 25-40,
50-99, and 100-249). The selection probability is generally increasing with size, measured by number of employees
The table attached under 2.6.4 (Other documentation)shows sample-probabilities for each industry and size-class.

Sample size      
Survey frame quality  Good after athorough validation    
18.1.3. Information on collection of administrative data or of pre-compiled statistics
Source  N/A
Description of collected data / statistics  

Employed; turnover; other economic indicators; secondary NACE-classes;address; tel; email; web; contacts; establishments.
if group: headquarters; subsidiaries and sisters;

Reference period, in relation to the variables the survey contributes to  Reference year
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See 12.3.3.

18.3. Data collection

See below.

18.3.1. Data collection overview
Realised sample size (per stratum)  
Mode of data collection  Web-based questionnaire
Incentives used for increasing response  Mandatory
Follow-up of non-respondents  4 written reminders, followed up by phone
Replacement of non-respondents (e.g. if proxy interviewing is employed)  -
Response rate (ratio of completed "interviews" over total number of eligible enterprises or enterprises of unknown eligibility)  Over 97%
Non-response analysis (if applicable -- also see section 18.5. Data compilation - Weighting and Estimation methods)  -
18.3.2. Questionnaire and other documents
Annex Name of the file
R&D national questionnaire and explanatory notes in English:  
R&D national questionnaire and explanatory notes in the national language:  Udviklingsaktiviteter i erhvervslivet_2021.pdf
Other relevant documentation of national methodology in English:  RD 2021 - questionnaire
Other relevant documentation of national methodology in the national language:  
18.4. Data validation

An extensive validation process of the data is carried out. One part of the validations is integrated in the datacollection in the dynamic web-questionnaire; another part is carried out after the data collection usingmicro- and macro validation techniques. The individual reports from the enterprises are compared to formeryears reports and the registered information on number of employees and turnover. Outlier detection is alsoused as a validation process.

18.5. Data compilation

See below.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Imputation is the method of creating plausible (but artificial) substitute values for all those missing.
Imputation rate (for the variable x) % = (Number of imputed records for the variable x) / (Total number of possible records for x)*100 Imputation rate (un-weighted) (%) by Size class
  0-9 employees and self-employed persons (optional) 10-49 employees and self-employed persons 50-249 employees and self-employed persons 250-and more  employees and self-employed persons TOTAL
R&D expenditure  0
R&D personnel (FTE)  0  0  0  0 Imputation rate (un-weighted) (%) by NACE
  Industry1 Services2 TOTAL
R&D expenditure
R&D personnel (FTE)  0

1)       Industry (NACE Rev. 2: 01-03, 05-09,10-33,35,36-39,41-43)

2)       Services (NACE Rev 2.: 45-47, 49-53, 55-56, 58-63, 64-66 68, 69-75, 77-82, 84, 85, 86-88, 90-93, 94-96, 97-98, 99)


18.5.2. Data compilation methods
Data compilation method - Final data (between the survey years)  Data on R&D are collected annually.
Data compilation method - Preliminary data  Linear projection of former years R&D-variables with growth of GDP
18.5.3. Measurement issues
Method of derivation of regional data  Larger enterprises are asked to estimate the share of R&D being performedin establishments outside the headquarters.
Coefficients used for estimation of the R&D share of more general expenditure items  Not relevant
Inclusion or exclusion of VAT and provisions for depreciation in the measurement of expenditures  VAT is not included.
Differences between national and Frascati Manual classifications not mentioned above and impact on national statistics  The socio-economic classification is the NORDFORSK-classification, but astandard key to NABS exists, see Table 8.2, Frascati Manual.
18.5.4. Weighting and estimation methods
Weight calculation method  

Weight = Nstrata - nstrata
The weight is calibrated by number of employees, turnover and region.

Data source used for deriving population totals (universe description)  The Business Register
Variables used for weighting  As calibration variables are used Number of employees, turnover and region(NUTS2-level).
Calibration method and the software used  CLAN-procedures are used

The calibrated weights are used in all estimations.
The coefficient of variation and confidence intervals are calculated using theSAS-macro CLAN.

18.6. Adjustment

Not requested.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not requested.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top