Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Netherlands

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Netherlands

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Energy department

1.5. Contact mail address

Henri Faasdreef 312 | P.O. Box 24500 | 2490 HA The Hague

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 28/09/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 28/09/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 22/07/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

See table 3.1.1

3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections
Name of the national data collection National body responsible List of variables included in this data collection Link to EU data collections (by frequency, energy product set, sector)
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte CertiQ Renewable electricity production, renewable electricity capacity, renewable heat production Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Wind; Solar (partly); Biomass (partly)

  • Production
  • Capacity

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Capacity
  • Transformation sector

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Wind power; Solar (partly); Biomass (partly);

  • Production

Monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Wind power; Biomass (partly)

  • Generation
Survey on household wood use National Ministry of Housing Wood use in m3, number of days wood burning equipment is used, type of wood burning equipment, size of the wood stock, type and origin of wood used, origin of wood used. Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Consumption: Residential
NEa register data on biofuels National Emission Authority Not applicable. Annual Renewables and Wastes Statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Liquid biofuels;

As additional source for sector

  • Consumption: Transport


  • Sustainable biofuels for transport en heat
CERES - register for energy systems EDSN (data hub on behalf of the Dutch transmission and distribution system operators) Renewable electricity capacity Annual electricity and heat statistics and Annual renewables and waste statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Solar photovoltaic

  • Production
  • Capacity
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Statistics Netherlands Number of systems and capacity of systems sold to end users Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Final consumption: Industry
  • Final consumption: Other
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements The corresponding company Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Annual nuclear energy statistics

For the sectors below:

  • Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated elements 
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Statistics Netherlands Purchases, sales, input and output of transformations (excluding refineries and petrochemical) and final consumption of all energy products Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Other bituminous coal; Lignite; Coke oven Coke; Coal Tar; Coke oven Gas;

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Calorific values
  • Stocks

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Nuclear; Combustible fuels; Combustible fuels heat; Heat from chemical sources heat;

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Capacity

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Other; Other heat;

  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry (for companies with transformation activities part of this survey)

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Industry (for companies with transformation activities part of this survey)

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Transformation sector

Annual nuclear energy statistics
For the sectors below:

  • Production of nuclear heat

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hard coal; Lignite; Coke;

  • Production
  • Consumption
  • Stocks

Monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Conventional thermal; Nuclear;

  • Production

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Deliveries to power generation
Crude oil and petroleum products Statistics Netherlands Imports, Exports, purchases from and sales to other not final consumer companies (by counter company), market deliveries, stocks, input and output from blending and transformation processes Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; White spirit and SPB; Lubricants; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Transformation sector / Refinery
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Petrochemical Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Liquid biofuels;

  • Transformation sector

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;
Refinery output or production in case of crude oil

  • Direct use
  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Short-term monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; LPG; Naphtha; Gasoline; Total kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Other products;

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Demand
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks
Energy consumption in Industry Statistics Netherlands Final consumption (energy and non-energy) Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Electricity, heat;

  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Consumption: Industry
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid National and regional grid operators Electricity and gas supply from public grid. Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Electricity, heat;

  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
Supply of natural gas National gas grid operators Production, imports and exports of natural gas Annual natural gas statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Stocks
  • Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Stocks
  • Trade (imports / exports)
Supply of electricity National electricity grid operator Imports and exports of electricity by border crossing, supply of electricity to inland public grid Annual electricity and heat statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Electricity;

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Electricity;

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: electricity

  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Stocks
  • Trade (imports / exports)
Production of oil National authority on supervising mining Production Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids;

  • Production
Natural gas stocks AGSI (Aggregated Gas Storage Iventory) Natural gas stock Annual natural gas statistics

For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Stocks

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Stocks
International trade statistics of goods Statistics Netherlands Imports in value and quantity and exports in value and quantity by country of origin and destination Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Lignite; Coke oven Coke; Coal Tar; Coke oven Gas;

  • Trade (imports / exports)

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Liquid biofuels;

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hard coal; Lignite; Coke;

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Natural Gas Liquids; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Ethane; LPG; Naphtha; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Trade (imports / exports)
Production of biofuels Statistics Netherlands production, production capacity and stocks at the end of year Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Liquid biofuels;

  • Production
  • Stocks
  • Capacity
Enrichment capacity The corresponding company Enrichment capacity Annual nuclear energy statistics

For the sectors below:

  • Enrichment capacity
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households TNO Use of electricity and natural gas for cooking and hot water. Use of electricity by natural gas boilers and equipment to use DH heating. Disaggregated final energy consumption in households
3.2. Classification system

See table 3.2.1

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
Name of the national data collection  Industry sector Products Geographical
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Not available. National classification in line with the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC), except for renewable energy. Not available.
Survey on household wood use Not available. Not available. Not available.
NEa register data on biofuels Not available. Biofuels listed in renewable energy directive Not available.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Not available. Not available. Not available.
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Not available. Not available. Not available.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification in line with the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC), except for renewable energy. Not available.
Crude oil and petroleum products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification in line with the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC), except for renewable energy. Not available.
Energy consumption in Industry NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification in line with the Standard International Energy Product Classification (SIEC), except for renewable energy. Not available.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Not available. National classification: Electricity and natural gas Not available.
Supply of natural gas Not available. 1 product: natural gas Not available.
Supply of electricity Not available. 1 product electricity Not available.
Production of oil Not available. one product: crude oil Not available.
Natural gas stocks Not available. Not available. Not available.
International trade statistics of goods Not available. HS (Harmonised system) Not available.
Production of biofuels Not available. Biodiesel, bio-ethanol, bio-methanol Not available.
Enrichment capacity Not available. Not available. Not available.
CERES - register for energy systems Not available. Not available. Not available.
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not available. Not available. Not available.
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy statistics data covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics apply.

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Reporting unit
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte the Unit of Homogeneous Production (UHP)
Survey on household wood use Household
NEa register data on biofuels the Enterprise
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises the Enterprise
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements the Enterprise
Production, transformation & consumption of energy

Combination of institutional unit and local unit, to avoid that (parts of) enterprises are included that already report in other data collections.

Crude oil and petroleum products Excise duty unit
Energy consumption in Industry Combination of institutional unit and local unit, to avoid that (parts of) enterprises are included that already report in other data collections.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid The connection to the public electricity or natural gas grid in the Netherlands
Supply of natural gas The connection to the public natural gas grid in the Netherlands
Supply of electricity Aggregated data for whole country
Production of oil the Enterprise
Natural gas stocks Natural gas storage unit
International trade statistics of goods the Enterprise
Production of biofuels the Enterprise
Enrichment capacity the Enterprise
CERES - register for energy systems Installation
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Installation
3.6. Statistical population

All bodies involved in production, transformation and consumption of energy.

3.7. Reference area

The national territory, excluding the three islands in the Caribbean Sea which are special municipalities of the Netherlands.

3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Coverage time
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Monthly from 2008 onwards
Survey on household wood use Every six years from 2012 onwards
NEa register data on biofuels Yearly from 2007
CERES - register for energy systems Twice a year from 2020 onwards (successor to PIR)
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Annually from 2013
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Yearly from 2009
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Monthly from 1995 for the largest companies and yearly from 2015 for smaller companies.
Crude oil and petroleum products Yearly and monthly from 1980
Energy consumption in Industry Yearly from 1990
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Monthly from 1995
Supply of natural gas Monthly from 1995
Supply of electricity Monthly from 1995
Production of oil Yearly and monthly from 1980
Natural gas stocks Monthly from 2015
International trade statistics of goods Yearly and monthly from 1980
Production of biofuels Yearly from 2007
Enrichment capacity Yearly from 2009
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households From 2010 onwards
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
Name of the national data collection Unit of measurement
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
Survey on household wood use
  • ktonnes
  • m3
NEa register data on biofuels
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises
  • kW, MW, GW
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements
  • GWd/tHM
Production, transformation & consumption of energy
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • ton normalised steam
Crude oil and petroleum products
  • ktonnes
Energy consumption in Industry
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
Supply of natural gas
Supply of electricity
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
Production of oil
  • ktonnes
Natural gas stocks
International trade statistics of goods Not available.
Production of biofuels
  • ktonnes
CERES - register for energy systems
  • kW, MW, GW
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households

Not available.

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1

5.1. Reference period – data collections
Name of the national data collection Reference period
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte 1 month
Survey on household wood use 1 year
NEa register data on biofuels 1 year
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises 1 year
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements 1 year
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Monthly for companies that transform a lot of energy, yearly for companies that transform medium amounts of energy
Crude oil and petroleum products 1 month
Energy consumption in Industry 1 year
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid For grid connections with capacity above certain threshold that supply electricity to the grid we receive monthly data on electricity supplied to grid and delivered from the grid. For other grid cannections the reference period is 1 year.
Supply of natural gas 1 month
Supply of electricity 1 month
Production of oil 1 month
Natural gas stocks 1 month
International trade statistics of goods 1 month
Production of biofuels 1 year
Enrichment capacity 1 year
CERES - register for energy systems 1 year
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Fixed data

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See below.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Name of the national data collection National legal framework Reference of national legal text
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regeling garanties van oorsprong voor energie uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen en HR-WKK-elektriciteit
Survey on household wood use Voluntary data collection  
NEa register data on biofuels Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Wet Milieu Beheer Titel 9.7 Hernieuwbare Energie Vervoer
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch Statistical Law
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law
Crude oil and petroleum products Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law
Energy consumption in Industry Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch electricity and gas law
Supply of natural gas Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch electricity and gas law
Supply of electricity Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch electricity and gas law
Production of oil Mandatory (included in a national legal act) National mining law
Natural gas stocks Voluntary data collection   
International trade statistics of goods Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law and dutch customs law
Production of biofuels Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch statistical law
Enrichment capacity Voluntary data collection   
CERES - register for energy systems Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Dutch grid code for electricity as implementation of European Requirement for Generators (RfG)
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Voluntary data collection  
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Situation, if more than 1 body is involved in this data collection Degree of integration of this data collection among different National bodies
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Statistics Netherlands uses the data that are preliminary collected for other purposes. This re-use of data is described in the national statistics law. Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Survey on household wood use Coordination defined in Memorandum of Understanding or gentleman's agreement Integrated questionnaires and classifications
NEa register data on biofuels Statistics Netherlands uses the data that are preliminary collected for other purposes. This re-use of data is described in the national statistics law. Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Not applicable. Not applicable.
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Not applicable. Not applicable.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Not applicable. Not applicable.
Crude oil and petroleum products Not applicable. Not applicable.
Energy consumption in Industry Not applicable. Not applicable.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Statistics Netherlands uses the data that are preliminary collected for other purposes. This re-use of data is described in the national statistics law. Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Supply of natural gas Coordination based on practice (no written procedure) Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Supply of electricity Coordination based on practice (no written procedure) Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Production of oil Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Natural gas stocks Not applicable. Not applicable.
International trade statistics of goods Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated questionnaires and classifications
Production of biofuels Not applicable. Not applicable.
Enrichment capacity Coordination based on practice (no written procedure) No particular measures of integration
CERES - register for energy systems Statistics Netherlands uses the data that are preliminary collected for other purposes. This re-use of data is described in the national statistics law. Alignment even if not the same questionnaires/classifications are used
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not applicable. Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top

Annex 2: Confidentiality
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recitals 23-27, 31-32 and Articles 20-26) applies.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Confidential data are not shown. The most common approach is to present only aggregation of the confidential data point with the non-confidential data that is the nearest suitable data point.

7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics


Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics


Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The release calendar is publicly accesible.

8.2. Release calendar access

Publicatieplanning (

8.3. Release policy - user access

The CBS publication calendar lists the publication dates and times of all upcoming CBS news releases. All statistics are also published as tables in the StatLine databank and released at or after midnight (00:00 hours).

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of dissemination
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Yearly
Survey on household wood use Yearly
NEa register data on biofuels Yearly
CERES - register for energy systems Yearly
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Yearly
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Yearly
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Monthly
Crude oil and petroleum products Monthly
Energy consumption in Industry Yearly
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Yearly
Supply of natural gas Monthly
Supply of electricity Monthly
Production of oil Monthly
Natural gas stocks Monthly
International trade statistics of goods Monthly
Grid connections that supply electricity to the grid Monthly
Production of biofuels Yearly
Enrichment capacity Yearly
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Yearly

10. Accessibility and clarity Top

See below.

10.1. Dissemination format - News release

All news release are published here: Energietransitie (

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

All publications are published here: Energietransitie (

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data is published on Statline: StatLine - Datasets by themes (

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Data on grid connections are made available through micradata services of Statistics Netherlands. 

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Other disseminations are published here: Industrie en energie (

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.6. Documentation on methodology

CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Protocol Monitoring Hernieuwbare Energie 2015 RVO CBS

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Survey on household wood use

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):
WoonOnderzoek Nederland (WoON) (

Hernieuwbare energie (

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Houtverbruik huishoudens WoON-onderzoek 2018 (

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

NEa register data on biofuels

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Renewable energy (

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Link to national metadata:

See our See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (


Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Protocol Monitoring Hernieuwbare Energie 2015 RVO CBS

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Production, transformation & consumption of energy

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Indigenous production, transformation and consumption of energy (

Link to national metadata:

StatLine ( and StatLine (


Crude oil and petroleum products

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Crude oil and petroleum products (

Link to national metadata:

StatLine ( and StatLine (

Energy consumption in Industry

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Energy consumption in industry (

Link to national metadata:

StatLine ( and StatLine (

Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid (

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Supply of natural gas

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Not available.

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Supply of electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Not available.

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Production of oil

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Not available.

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Natural gas stocks

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Not available.

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

International trade statistics of goods

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

International trade in goods statistics (

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

Production of biofuels

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Link to national metadata:

See our StatLine database and tables on energy: StatLine ( and StatLine (

CERES - register for energy systems

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 (

Protocol Monitoring Hernieuwbare Energie 2015 RVO CBS

Link to national metadata:

StatLine ( and StatLine (

Disaggregated final energy consumption in households

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used):

Not available.

Link to national metadata:

Not available.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Internal procedures obligates us to document the statistical process in order to guarantee the quality of our output. Also we are reviewed and obtained an ISO 9001 certificate. Furthermore we document for each theme group (e.g. oil, electricity and heat, renewable) how data should be validated and before publication at least two experts have checked the data.

11. Quality management Top

See also 10.7. Furthermore we developed software to compare outcome with previous calculated and published data to limited data errors.

11.1. Quality assurance

In order to guarantee data quality we introduces digital boards where (possible) improvements are grouped and delegated. Furthemore we have an issuelist at our department to escalate (possible) risks in order to prevent them or solve as soon as possible. Weekly meetings per thematic group within our team also helps to increase data quality and transferability between team members.

Another important act to improve and guarantee data quality is to improve our tools for automatic processing data. Off course data resources are always checked by an expert. Before and after that most is done with software tools (or planned to be replaced by software tools) so that the process will be less sensitive to human mistakes, better repeatable and more efficient. Examples are our general software system in which for all sources that contribute to the Dutch energy balance similar data processing takes place (e.g. imputations, distract periods, balancing, aggregations) and also tools to help judge data (both survey data as well as registers).

11.2. Quality management - assessment

As stated under 10.7 we have process documentation and we are reviewed yearly for ISO 9001 (review is internal every two years and external every two years). These reviews are thematic. Last external review was in 2022 and focused on the role of the manager and his grip on (possible) risks and how to guarantee data quality. The reviewer was very positive. This Fall there will be an internal review (theme unknown at the moment).


11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of the national data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Measures taken in the last 5 years to improve quality of the data collection
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte unique ID-code (ean) for installations is sometimes changed (without notice), increasing the risk of double counting installations regular consultation with CertiQ, development of methodology for checks that uses production data, additional checks on installations 
Survey on household wood use Possible biased response, conversion factors and difficulties for households to quantify wood use. We wrote a a detailed public report on the method to invite other experts to provide feedback (// for detailed report). We analysed questions on a survey on wood use with a much higher respons rate to asses the possible bias. We discussed this statistics with national stakeholders en ministrie to explain the difficulties and to create support for  resources for the next planned survey (2024).
NEa register data on biofuels The register data of the NeA is now the same as our data, no issues. There used to be a discrepancy between NEa and energy statistics on deliveries to the market, which forced us to make large corrections on the NEa data, resulting in uncertainty and reported amounts of biofuels below the intented national target. The national law on the blending obligation has been adapted and from 2018 onwards definitions and data are now in line with energy statistictics. In addition, the NeA organisation has improved the checks on the data after fraud had been discovered with the use of bio fuels.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises We noticed sometimes wood boilers are imported, we cannot survey suppliers that are active outside of the Netherlands We made use of a registry on subsidies for enterprises (for wood boilers <500kW) to get a feeling for the amount of wood boilers being imported
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements No serious problems  
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Stock volumes of coal and coal products are based on best estimates. We use extra information of national grid operators of gas and electricity to verify the data of respondents. By doing so we are able to discover and correct discrepancies earlier.
Crude oil and petroleum products No serious problems Prosecution policy introduced to increase response
Energy consumption in Industry Respondents misunderstanding the questions. There have been several changes to the questionaire, making it less complex and refrasing the questions.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid No serious problems Nothing, we contact the owner of the data (EDSN) each year to keep data quality at the same high level.
Supply of natural gas Data of import of Denmark and UK is very late. Direct inflow between indigenous production field of Groningen to Underground Gas Storage of Norg, which is not measured by national grid operator GTS. Discrepancies on volume of import of LNG between Energy Statistics and Internation Trade Statistics. Estimates for import of Denmark and UK. Yearly rebalancing with more data sources like GIE and operators (of UGS). Ongoing (international) discussion about methodological differences of import between Energy Statistics and International Trade Statistics.
Supply of electricity Minor difference between imports/exports with Belgium/Germany and reported exports/imports by these counterparts.  Meeting and research with Dutch national grid operator to explain difference and verify data.
Production of oil No serious problems  
Natural gas stocks Discrepancies of online information of storages. Methodical solution of yearly rebalancing in December/January.
International trade statistics of goods No serious problems  
Production of biofuels No serious problems  
Enrichment capacity No serious problems  
CERES - register for energy systems Uncertain whether all small PV-installations are registered Extensive comparison to predecesor (PIR); consultation with EDSN (data supplier) when inconsistenties are found; exploring additional data sources (aerial photography, feed-in data) for cross-check
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Model parameters are getting outdated, insufficient resources for improvement We have started discussion with national partners (TNO) and Belgium to find a way to efficiently update the model. We are trying hard to obtain monthlty admin data on natural gas en electricity consumption, but the climate for obtaining new admin data has become worse in recent years due to a general increased concern of sharing private data.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Classification of users:

  • National ministries responsible for energy policy (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (Overall coordination, energy supply and consumption in industry ), Ministry of Housing (residential and services sector), Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (transport sector), ministry of Agriculture  (agricultural sector), ministry of Inland affairs (regional energy policy).
  • Public and private research institutes providing advice/evaluation on energy policy to the ministries for national very often using our data as crucial element in compiling their reports (e.g. National Environmental Agency (PBL), National Energy Agency (RVO), Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO), CE Delft)
  • National Emission Registration (a national cooperation of several institutes responsible for official national greenhouse gas inventories)
  • Eurostat and the International Energy Agency
  • Regional governments
  • Internal users of statistics Netherlands, like National Accounts and International Trade Statistics.
  • Press, general public
  • Actors on the energy markets, both suppliers and consumers.
  • NGO’s
  • Universities

It is difficult to put a hierarchy in the users, because often there also indirect relations. E.g. our data go the National Emission Registration and subsequently are used by NGO’s to sue the government for not achieving the target which leads to a lot of debate in parliament and newspapers.

 Use of statistical output

  • Support energy policy at various spatial and time scales and various aspects
    • EU, national, regional
    • Annual, multi-annual, decades
    • Evaluation (a.o. target accounting) and providing facts for forecasting/scenario studies
    • Providing facts for well-informed public debate
  • Support functioning energy markets
    • Providing facts for taking informed decisions by actors on energy market

 Key outputs

  • Energy balance. The balance by sector is tailored made to the needs of models of the national environmental agency.
  • Joint annual energy questionnaires for Eurostat and IEA
  • Monthly commodity balances at StatLine and for Eurostat and IEA
  • (Micro)data for compiling for official national greenhouse gas inventories
  • Regional data on electricity and natural gas consumption
  • Contribution to national outlook on climate and energy
  • Press releases

 Unmet user needs

  • Of course users always want more timely, more detailed or more accurate date. However, there are budget constraints, there is a need to limit administrative burden for companies and citizens and there is limited access to data. Most users understand these limitations. In case users desire additional statistics they can always ask us to provide this if they provide sufficient resources, help to access to the relevant data and if the additional administrative burden is proportional. There is an important legal restriction regarding additionally financed activities of statistics Netherlands beyond the official statistical programme. We are not allowed to disturb the market for commercial statistical research, which implies that we are only allowed to do additional work if there is no private company who can do the same.
  • In recent years we observed an increased interest in energy statistics. At EU level this materialized in intensive discussions in a task force of the Eurostat Working Group on Energy Statistics in which actively participated to discuss the new needs from policy at EU level and national levels. This resulted in a substantial expansion of the EU regulation on energy statistics mostly also responding to national needs. At national level we used these expansion of the regulation to successfully claim additional budget after which we started a process to hire new people to do the work.
  • At national level we have several projects to expand our statistics to fulfill new demands.
    • Last year we initiated the programme ViveT (Improvement of data for energy transition) together with several relevant stake holders. In this programme there was an intensive discussion with data uses and data suppliers to identify the real needs and most suitable data suppliers. This resulted in several new regional statistics, e.g. on regional renewable energy, data efficiency indicators in services (e.g. energy use per m2 for various types of buildings).
    • We actively participate in the annual publication National Outlook on Climate and Energy as one of the co-authors. This publication is the main national annual report on energy and  climate covering the past and the future of the energy system as influenced by energy markets and national and international policy. By active participation there is direct connection to data needs for writing this report and the underlying models. Each year we have a (limited) budget for specific additional research tailored to the needs of this Outlook. We discuss with our partners the priorities.
    • As a result of the demand from the national Parliament we started to publish quarterly data on greenhouse gas emissions about 2,5 months after the end of a quarter.
    • In 2021 we had more than 40 publications (from simple tables to dashboards and  complete reports) outside the official statistical programme on dedicated demand from users: Industrie en energie (
    • During the Corona crisis there was a demand for more timely data on activities of the industry and in this respect we developed an indicator on weekly data of gas consumption by main industry subsector with one week delay (Indicatoren aardgasgebruik van de industrie ( This indicator turns out to be even more useful in the current gas crisis.
  • We wonder whether our annual publication on renewable energy still fulfilled user demand and would like to know their opinion on the trade of between timeliness and accuracy/level of detail. We have send out an e-mail to our contact list of 300 contacts to provide feedback. Several main users indicated that the publication was still useful and that preferred a later publication with detailed final data above a limited faster publication, in particular because main indicators are already released before summer via StatLine.

  Quality aspects of user needs

  • A few years we had a correction of data on natural gas and refinery gas consumption in industry which substantially affected greenhouse gas emissions data. Major users like the emission registration and the environmental energy agency were not happy about this. We discovered this correction by comparing data on energy consumption from the ETS system at microlevel with our own data. To prevent the same errors in the future we try to incorporate comparison of data of energy intensive companies systematically with data of other sources, like the  ETS system, environmental reports and data from grid operators. For this purpose we formalized data delivery from the ETS system and we are  building tools to efficiently compare data.
  • Eurostat pointed out in methodological paper that our reporting on blast furnaces was not in line with the reporting instructions.  We contacted the involved company and with the aid of the company changed the reporting, also backwards  to ensure consistency of time series (nationally back to 1990, internationally back to 2015, but we intend to revise internationally also back to 1990.
  • For annual data of natural gas we still report transit flows, because of the complex physical gas system with a lot of storage, international connection, productions and a LNG terminal it is difficult to discriminate the transit flows and the large of part of the gas that is traded in an anonymous market. Nevertheless following discussion in the EWSG we intend to develop a method to make first order estimation of the transit. We have also had contact on the issue with the responsible Ministry and that are not are interested in a more accurate (and time consuming) approach, because they realize that is difficult to make this more accurate and because more accurate information on transit is not really needed for developing policy.
  • Eurostat and IEA  published indicators on the dependency of several countries on Russian oil, gas and natural gas. We studied this indicators for usefulness in the Dutch situation and concluded that they were not suitable for use at member state level. Via e-mail and in meetings we explained to Eurostat our concerns.
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

We have no regular survey on user satisfaction. Annually we receive systematic feedback from IEA and Eurostat. For timeliness our score is mostly (very) good as for most quality aspects. We experience that for annual oil statistics improvement is possible according to IEA. This partly due to the very complex situation of the Dutch oil system with a lot of imports, exports, stocks, transit, refineries and petrochemical industry and the complex questionnaires of IEA and Eurostat not designed for the Dutch situation. This year we made more effort in coordinated response on the questions related to the annual oil questionnaire and we are curious to see the next report of IEA.

Despite having no systematic user survey we have intensive contact with several key users as also described in 12.1. This result in substantial expansion of our resources and statistical output. 

12.3. Completeness

See below.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections
Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics 1 0
Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics 1 0
Natural gas - short term monthly statistics 1 0
Solid fuels - monthly statistics 1 0
Electricity - monthly statistics 1 0
Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics 1 0
Natural gas - monthly statistics 1 0
Nuclear - annual statistics 1 0
Electricity and heat - annual statistics 0.99 1
Natural gas - annual statistics 1 0
Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics 1 0
Renewables and wastes - annual statistics 0.96 1
Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics 1 0
SHort Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES) 1 0
Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption 1 0

13. Accuracy Top

A  lot of our statistical output is the result of multiple data sources. Accuracy analysis is therefore focused at the level of the statistical output and not of the individual data collections. The accuracy analysis of the output is described in chapter 13.  Data quality issues at the level of individual data collections is also described in chapter 18.

Annex 1: Accuracy indicators
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Every few years we make an overall analysis  of accuracy of main elements of the energy balance upon request of the Environmental Energy Agency (PBL)  or the National Emission Registration (which uses this as input for international reports on greenhouse gas emissions). Unfortunately, thus far we did not have time to make publication of this. In addition, in the annual report on renewable energy we annually publish an argued estimate of the accuracy for each renewable energy source (See Hernieuwbare Energie in Nederland 2020 ( for latest version, in Dutch).

The analyses of accuracy of the energy balance is based on taking into account several sources of errors and methods for estimating them.  These methods cover analysis of sampling errors, other errors, error propagation methods, statistical differences and comparison with other sources of information. Below a summary of this analysis.

For each main group of energy products we have one or a few crucial flows for which we analyze accuracy. The type of flow depends on the energy product, as not always the same flow is the most relevant.

Total supply and consumption of natural gas

For natural gas we have  independent statistical methods for supply and demand and the resulting statistical difference is therefore a reasonable indication of overall accuracy of production and consumption. For resulting statistical difference is about 2 percent max, which is considered reasonable according to the validation manual of Eurostat and also to our own opinion.  

Production and final consumption of electricity.

Also for electricity we have independent statistical methods for supply and demand and the resulting statistical difference is therefore a reasonable indication of overall accuracy of production and consumption. For resulting statistical difference is about 2 percent max, which is considered reasonable according to the validation manual of Eurosta, also to our own opinion.  

For electricity we observed last years a statistical difference which tends to be more negative every year which is a concern. Probably this due to inadequate observation of deliveries of electricity to the grid of small scale consumers (resulting in an over-estimate of final consumption of small scale consumers).  For electricity consumption of small scale consumers we use information from the grid operators. We know that due to the increased solar production of small scale consumers that they needed to changed their data collection methods and in 2021 we received for the first reporting year (2020) more complete data on the exchange of electricity of the grid for small scale consumers. Unfortunately, the quality of the data was still insufficient to be used for our purpose. This year we have received this more complete data for the second time and our first impression is that these data are suitable to be used.

Total consumption of primary coal products

Primary coals are used mainly in very limited number of plants: Tata steel complex (With a cokes-oven and blast furnace) and 4 coal fired power plants, which are subject of a monthly survey for several decades.  Experience learns us, there have been very little issues on total consumption which is confirmed by comparison with data of other sources (e.g. ETS) for the power plants.  We estimate overall uncertainty at about 1 percent, with 2 percent for the power plants and 2 percent for cokes-ovens/blast furnaces.

Production and consumption of secondary coal products

This covers coal gases an cokes oven cokes. Cokes oven cokes is produced and consumed by one company and tracking this straight forward. Coal gases are more difficult to trace because these gases are  mixed with each other and also with natural gas.  Coals gases are used by several parts of Tata steel and also delivered to neighboring power plants. Uncertainty on consumption of coal gases is about 10 percent, for overall coal products it is about 3 percent. We recently had a discussion with the involved company on the uncertainty of coal gases and they explained that also for themselves it is extremely difficult to improve on this.

Consumption of Crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGL)

Primary oil is used by refineries and petrochemistry, a limited number of plants subject to monthly survey, so sampling error is zero. Measurement of primary oil consumption is quite straight forward and there has never been any main issues in the past. We assume that accuracy is about 99 percent.

Oil products

Main oil products are gasoil, gasoline, heavy fuels oil, and kerosene. 

For gasoline inland deliveries is the most relevant flow. Data on this are based on a monthly survey for the major and medium suppliers, supplemented with indirect observation of smaller suppliers (via big companies that deliver to these smaller ones). Totals are annually compared with data collected in the framework of the obligation to use renewable energy in transport (closely to the tax system) and difference is about 1 percent.

For gasoil/diesel also inland deliveries is the most relevant flow. Data on supply  to the market are based on a monthly survey for the major and medium suppliers, supplemented with indirect observation of smaller suppliers (via big companies that deliver to these smaller ones). Totals are annually compared with data collected in the framework of the obligation to use renewable energy in transport (closely to the tax system, but with a slightly different scope and measurement unit (volume instead of mass) and difference is about 4 percent. Since about 10 years it is difficult to make accurately measure diesel for road transport since there is no separate tax tariff any more for diesel for road transport. Consequently, there is no need any more for oil companies to register to which sector they sell their fuels.  Recently, there has been some updated analysis on the use of gasoil/diesel in agriculture and construction and the recent update of the statistical regulation requires a break down of gasoil/diesel for transport. We intend to analyse all these issues together in cooperation with national partners within (transport statistics) and without our institute (Environmental agency, TNO). Currently the statistical difference of gasoil/diesel is about 4% of final consumption, which we believe is a reasonable estimate of accuracy.

Heavy fuel oil is mainly used for international marine bunkers. This flow is hard to measure, because of the numerous international operating companies involved. For example, it happens that ships in Rdam are supplied with bunker ships from Antwerp and possibly the other way around happens. Our method is based on following the flows from refineries, stock holding companies and main traders. We do plausibility checks with data from the port authority of Rotterdam. Based on the issues we encountered in recent years we estimate accuracy at about 90%.

Another main flow for oil is is non-energy consumption in (mainly) petchem industry, which is covered in a monthly survey to all relevant companies. So sampling error is zero.  Nevertheless petrochemical reporting is complex and sometimes we observe an error after analysis of ratio’s of input and output of petrochemical industry. Based on the issues we encountered in recent years we estimate accuracy at about 95%.

A limited number of companies is involved in buying fuels for Dutch airports. All these companies are part of a monthly survey. So sampling error is zero. Data are checked by main suppliers of kerosene. In recent years there have been no issues with these data. Therefore, we assume that accuracy is about 99.5%. 

Biomass consumption

Biomass is the main source of renewable energy. The most important source of uncertainty is caused by the share of renewables in municipal waste. This share is determined based on (a.o.) annual physical analysis of a  few hundred garbarge bags. Usually, a result of this analysis the share of renewable energy goes up or down one or two percentage points a year (3-4%). In the past we had an expert estimate of the uncertainty in the method of about 10%. The year-year variation is less, but the absolute level of accuracy is still unclear and therefore we stick to the estimate of 10% uncertainty. Another important source of uncertainty is in biomass consumption in households, even though this relatively small in the Netherlands compared to other countries.  We have a report (Houtverbruik huishoudens WoON-onderzoek 2018 ( making estimates of uncertainty due to sampling, bias en measurement error and combining these errors resulting in overall estimated uncertainty of about 30% . Biomass in large scale applications like co-firing is much more accurate, because of the checks related to subsidies. We estimated overall uncertainty on total biomass consumption in 2018 at about 10%. In recent years growth of biomass consumption was concentrated in the relatively accurate co-firing. So, relative accuracy will have been improved in 2019 en 2020.

 Renewables other than biomass

For renewables other than biomass wind power is the most important. Almost all wind power plants are covered by the systems of Guarantees of Origin and there electricity production is measured accurately. We estimate relative uncertainty at about 2%.

We have access to the microdata of CertiQ, the body that manages the data related to the guarantees of origin. Solar electricity production is rapidly getting increasingly important. Until 2020 we estimate capacity from two main data sources (CertiQ far large systems) and Ceres for small systems. For the large systems the main challenge is two avoid any double counting if the systems appears twice in the database with a different ID and to tackle the systems that are already in the database, but not operational yet. For small systems registration is probably not complete. A few private studies from aerial inspection seems to indicate that 10-15 % of the small systems may be missing, though the quality of these studies is hard to verify by us. We estimate production with a  model calculation bases on radiation and the average production per unit of radiation and unit of capacity from Utrecht University from 2012. We intend to improve on this by using actual data for the large systems and an updated method for the small system. In the research for this we several compared the results from our existing method with other data sources and conclude that there is no indication that total solar production is far too high or too low. Overall estimated accuracy of solar production is about 15-20% covering both accuracy in capacity and accuracy in production per unit of capacity. Given the growing importance of solar PV we, and also national users, think this relative accuracy is too high. Therefore, we successfully asked for more resources to make these statistics and we will be able to invest more time on this from 2022 onwards.

Another important source of uncertainty is ambient heat captured by heat pumps. Capacity is calculated based on sales which is the default method we think. We check the population of selling companies with subsidy data and cooperation with the professional association. The main issue with ambient is the factors to go from capacity to captured ambient heat. These factors are to a large extent based on EU defaults, which are quite old and for which it is also not exactly clear what the empirical background is. Countries are encouraged to perform their own field studies.  At suitable accessions we try to generate interest for this at the national level, bit thusfar we are not very successful, because good, representative field work is costly.  For ambient heat we roughly estimate uncertainty at about 35%. 

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
Name of the national data collection Most common errors for this collection
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
Survey on household wood use
  • Measurement errors
  • Sampling errors
NEa register data on biofuels Not available.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Not available.
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Not available.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy
  • Measurement errors
Crude oil and petroleum products
  • Measurement errors
Energy consumption in Industry
  • Measurement errors
  • Sampling error
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid
  • Classification errors
Supply of natural gas Not available.
Supply of electricity Not available.
Production of oil Not available.
Natural gas stocks Not available.
International trade statistics of goods
  • Measurement errors
Production of biofuels Not available.
Enrichment capacity Not available.
CERES - register for energy systems
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not available.
13.2. Sampling error

We only use sampling for the Energy consumption in Industry survey. The sampling error for total final energy consumption for companies in scope of this survey is 1%. For publications based on NACE-category. sampling error varies between 0 and 28%, average sampling error is 7%.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection

13.3. Non-sampling error

Please refer to 13.1 for an extensive analysis on possible errors.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Please refer to 13.1 for an extensive analysis on possible errors. Over-coverage - rate

See annex Common units - proportion

See annex

13.3.2. Measurement error

See annex

13.3.3. Non response error

Please refer to 13.1 for an extensive analysis on possible errors. Furthermore, repsponse rates are relatively high, so we do not expect the non response error to be large. Unit non-response - rate

See annex Item non-response - rate

See annex

13.3.4. Processing error

Please refer to 13.1 for an extensive analysis on possible errors. No significant examples are known of errors of this type.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top

See below.

14.1. Timeliness

 See table under 14.1.3.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of the national data collection Deadline for data transmission
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Depends on complexity of data and size of installation
Survey on household wood use 6 months after the end of the reference period
NEa register data on biofuels 3 months after the end of the reference period
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises 2 months after the end of the reference period
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements 6 months after the end of the reference period
Production, transformation & consumption of energy 10 days for monthly questionnaires, 1 month for quarterly questionnaires
Crude oil and petroleum products 18 days after reference period
Energy consumption in Industry 3 months after the end of the reference period
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid 4 months after reference period
Supply of natural gas 1 month after the end of the reference period
Supply of electricity 3 weeks after reference period
Production of oil 1 month after the end of the reference period
Natural gas stocks 15 days after reference period
International trade statistics of goods 10 days after reference period
Production of biofuels 2 months after the end of the reference period
Enrichment capacity 3 months after the end of the reference period
CERES - register for energy systems 6 months after the end of the reference period
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not available
14.2. Punctuality

Most data deliveries are on time.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

All statistics are comparable between regions.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.2. Comparability - over time

There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not applicable.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

We cross-check our statistics with statistics from other sources to make sure they are reconcilable.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

We make sure that statistics of different frequencies are reconcilable.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

National accounts uses our data as an important source.

15.4. Coherence - internal

We make sure statistics are coherent within a data set.

16. Cost and Burden Top


Cost associated to data collextion:

Survey Hours spent yearly on data collection
Renewables questionaires 150
Production, transformation & consumption of energy 150
Crude oil and petroleum products 150
Energy consumption in Industry 200

Cost associated to production of statistics is 17 FTE.


Burden on respondents is only known for two surveys. Burden is meassured in average time it takes respondents to fill in the questionaire.

Survey Burden
Energy consumption in Industry 45 minutes
Production of biofuels 12 minutes

Burden is minimised by keeping our questionaires as simple as possible. Furthermore, we use data from administrative source as much as possible, such that we do not have to contact companies.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

We have revision policy which is not defined at the level of the data collection, but at the level of the published results, because that is what user experiences.

We publish provisional monthly data within 2 months after the reference period.
Provisional annual data are published as soon as sufficient reliable data are available, in the months February to June on the preceding year.
In November/December we publish adjusted provisional data which are consistent with the annual data that we submit to Eurostat/IEA and are also used for the Greenhouse Gas Calculations.
One year later we publish final results. Only for a limited number of items there is a difference between adjusted provisional and final.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Because we know that our users value consistent time series, we revise data whenever we find substantial improvements in our statistics.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18. Statistical processing Top

See below.

18.1. Source data

See table below.

18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of the national data collection Main data collection method Target population Population frame Sample size
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Use of administrative data (e.g. customs data or business registers): Data underlying Guarantees of Origin and renewable energy subsidy 40 à 50 thousand 40 à 50 thousand 40 à 50 thousand
Survey on household wood use Household survey 8 000 000 8 000 000 5 000
NEa register data on biofuels Use of administrative data (e.g. customs data or business registers) 20 20 20
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Census 50 50 50
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Census 1 1 1
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Sample census (e.g. use of a threshold): Electrical capacity of about 10 MW 300 300 300
Crude oil and petroleum products Sample census (e.g. use of a threshold): Depends impact on relevant variables and alternative information sources 460 90 90
Energy consumption in Industry Business survey with threshold: size class 5 (20-50) employees is the smallest size class that is included. 110 000 5 000 2 500
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Census 8 000 000 8 000 000 8 000 000
Supply of natural gas Census 2 2 2
Supply of electricity Census 1 1 1
Production of oil Census 7 7 7
Natural gas stocks Census 10 10 10
International trade statistics of goods Sample census (e.g. use of a threshold): 1.500,000 euro annual imports/exports Not available. Not available. Not available.
Production of biofuels Census 10 10 10
Enrichment capacity Census 1 1 1
CERES - register for energy systems Use of administrative data (e.g. customs data or business registers) 1,5 à 2 million 1,5 à 2 million 1,5 à 2 million
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Modelling Not available. Not available. Not available.
18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of transmission
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte Once per month
Survey on household wood use Once every six years
NEa register data on biofuels Once per year
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises Once per year
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Once per year
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Monthly/quarterly
Crude oil and petroleum products Once per month
Energy consumption in Industry Once per year
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Once per year
Supply of natural gas Once per month
Supply of electricity Once per month
Production of oil Once per month
Natural gas stocks Once per month
International trade statistics of goods Once per month
Production of biofuels Once per year
Enrichment capacity Once per year
CERES - register for energy systems Twice per year
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not available
18.3. Data collection
  For each survey data source: For each administrative data source: For all sources:
Name of the national data collection • describe the method(s) used to gather data from respondents; • describe the acquisition process and how it was tested. • describe the types of checks applied at the time of data entry.
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte      
Survey on household wood use Data collection is part of a broader survey on energy aspects of houses. The research consists of a mixed mode survey behaviour and a visit to the house on technical aspects like type of wood stove. See for detailed report (in Dutch).   There was a check of wood use per number of days the wood stove is used. See for detailed report (in Dutch).
NEa register data on biofuels In the Netherlands the blending of biofuels is obligatory. Therefore an agency is in place to monitor and check this. They collect data which we can use. The data is compared with the data that the statistical bureau collects. Totals of CBS data and NeA data must be the same.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises The population that is to receive the questionnaire is reviewed every year. At the beginning of the year respondents receive credentials to fill in the online questionnaire. Here the amount of sold wood boilers in the previous year, the power and the sector it is being used are asked. The questionnaire can be found here   The response is compared to previous years and if the deviation is too big the respondent is contacted. Also the registry on subsidies for wood boilers <500 kW is used as an extra check.
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements Survey to the one company concerning this data point   We check times series for plausibility.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Surveys to  the concerning companies.   Consistency of energy balance of reporting unit, plausibility of transformation efficiency, comparison with previous reporting.
Crude oil and petroleum products The questionnaire can be found here   Capacity of refineries is compared to the data. Time line checks are performed. 
Energy consumption in Industry The population that is to receive the questionnaire is reviewed every year. At the beginning of the year respondents receive credentials to fill in the online questionnaire.   Numbers cannot be negative. Balance check.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid      
Supply of natural gas   95% of monthly data is supplied by national grid operator. Other data is online collected for gas storages, imports from Denmark, UK, own usage, flared. Yearly rebalancing of stock levels of gas storages. 
Supply of electricity Monthly surveys of central power stations and decentral CHP (>150 kW), Solar, Wind, and yearly survey of decentral CHP (<150 kW) and CHP of other industry and services, covering 90% of total production. Monthly administrative data of deliveries to national grid are used to estimate the production of CHP of greenhouses and horticulture. Efficiency of transformation is checked each month. Data of other sources is used to verify data. Capacity data is used to check the plausibility of production figures.
Production of oil TNO an independent goverment geological organisation collects production data on a monthly basis.   Plausibility and consistency between mutual deliveries of companies.
Natural gas stocks   Monthly data is collected by online sources and checked on plausibility of individual balances and seasonal effects. Yearly rebalancing of stock levels of gas storages. 
International trade statistics of goods      
Grid connections that supply electricity to the grid      
Production of biofuels A specific questionnaire is set up for the production of bio fuels   Checks are made between the oil questionnaire and the bio fuels production. Also a mass balance is made with import export.
Enrichment capacity Consulting website and annual report of the concerning company.   We check times series for plausibility.
CERES - register for energy systems      
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Modelling, report from experts   For space cooling we compared results with estimates from a more recent report.

Survey energy consumption Industry example (real survey is web-based).
Survey production, transformation & consumption of energy
Survey on household wood use included in appendix
Survey crude oil and petroleum products
18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality (e.g. checks between monthly, quarterly and annual, verification of time series, investigation of outliers…)
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte We check times series for plausibility, large installations individual level. We check with other data collections inside and outside our institute.
Survey on household wood use We wrote a a detailed public report on the method to invite other experts to provide feedback (// for detailed report). We analysed questions on a survey on wood use with a much higher respons rate to asses the possible bias. We discussed this statistics with national stakeholders en ministrie to explain the difficulties and to create support for  resources for the next planned survey (2024).
NEa register data on biofuels We check data from the NEa registration with data from the Z029 Oil survey and contact the most important enterprises to understand the relation between data from both sources.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises We compare data with data from previous year and check data with data collection 1 (CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte), , discussion with companies on outliers.
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements We check times series for plausibility.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy Consistency of energy balance of reporting unit, plausibility of transformation efficiency, comparison with previous reporting, comparison with annual data collection means of electricity production, comparison with administrative data from grid operators, environmental reports and system of guarantees of Origin, discussion with companies on outliers.
Crude oil and petroleum products Plausibility of transformation and blending efficiency, plausibility of product balance, consistency of product flows between companies at the company level, comparison with previous period, discussion with companies on outliers
Energy consumption in Industry Comparison with previous period, discussion with companies on outliers, in case of doubt comparison with data of electricity and gas grid operators.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid Comparisons with previous period, comparison with other data sources, visual inspection of complex situations with GIS-systems combining different sets of spatial data.
Supply of natural gas Comparison with previous period, plausibility of resulting gas balance.
Supply of electricity Comparison with previous period, plausibility of resulting electricity balance
Production of oil Comparison with previous period,
Comparison with data from companies that receive crude oil from producing companies.
Natural gas stocks Comparison with previous period and same month in previous year, comparison with capacity. For some storage unit we have the inflow and outflow from the national gas grid operator to check.
International trade statistics of goods Comparison with previous period
Production of biofuels Checks with previous period, ask respondents to confirm remarkable developments, efforts to keep response rate 100%
Enrichment capacity Verification of time series
CERES - register for energy systems We check times series for plausibility, large installations individual level. We check with other data collections inside and outside our institute. Extensive comparison to predecesor (PIR); consultation with EDSN (data supplier) when inconsistenties are found
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households We have started discussion with national partners (TNO) and Belgium to find a wat to efficiently update the model.
18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of the national data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final data set Details
CertiQ Registratie voor Garanties van Oorsprong van Hernieuwbare elektriciteit en warmte
  • Confidentiality techniques
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Outliers are aligned or streamlined
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Adjustment due to different units/concepts
Registration in the system for Guarantees of origin is obligatory for obtaining subsidy for renewable electricity and heat for medium and large size systems. As a consequence all renewable electricity and heat from medium and large size systems is covered by this system. For small scale systems other data collections are used.
Survey on household wood use
  • Weighting values
  • Estimation techniques
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Outliers are aligned or streamlined
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
(Costly) survey is only once every six years. For other years a wood stove stock model used that is calibrated with the survey results.
NEa register data on biofuels
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Adjustment due to different units/concepts…
The administrative data use a different concept of "sold to the transport sector". Adjustment is made by combination with data from the Z029 Oil survey.
Survey on sold wood boilers for heat >18 kW to enterprises
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Estimation techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
We have survey on sold capacity (in kW). Capacity in operation is calculated using fixed estimates for average system life time. Production is calculated from capacity in operation and fixed capacity factors. Wood use is calculated using a fixed efficiency. Life time, capacity factors, and efficiency are based on combination of measurements and expert knowledge. For large systems (> 500 kW) measured useful heat production data are available from data collection 1 (CertiQ).
Annual average burnup of definitively discharged irradiated fuel elements
  • Confidentiality techniques
Not available.
Production, transformation & consumption of energy
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Estimation techniques
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Other
Data collection 19 "Grid connections that supply electricity to the grid" is used to estimate electricity production from the numerous autoproducer CHP installations in greenhouse horticulture of a few MW each.
Crude oil and petroleum products
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Other
Data on deliveries to companies that are in the target population but not in the population is used to calculate the contribution of these not directly observed companies
Energy consumption in Industry
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Estimation techniques
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Grossing up the sample
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
For small industrial companies that are not in the population frame, an estimate is made based on the number of employees and the average energy consumption per employee in the smallest observed size class.
Supply of electricity and natural gas via the national grid
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Other
Each address of connections is classified into one of the sectors of the NACE sectors (level 1) or households by combination with other administrative data, text analysis and manual analysis.
Supply of natural gas
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Adjustment due to different units/concepts…
We have two additional sources: National Danish Gas for exports to NL and UK gas for exports to NL.
Supply of electricity
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Adjustment due to different units/concepts…
For EU M-1 we use data of the national grid operator on total supply to the grid and make an adjustment to account for electricity production that is not supplied to the grid.
Production of oil
  • Cross-checking techniques
Not available.
Natural gas stocks
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Other
Comparison with capacity
International trade statistics of goods
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Not available.
Production of biofuels
  • Confidentiality techniques
Not available.
Enrichment capacity Not available. Not available.
CERES - register for energy systems
  • Confidentiality techniques
  • Imputing missing/non-response rate
  • Cross-checking techniques
  • Outliers are aligned or streamlined
  • Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
  • Adjustment due to different units/concepts
Units can be both in this registration and in other registrations. These units are identified and a decision is made on how to include them in the final dataset.
Disaggregated final energy consumption in households Not available. Not available.
18.6. Adjustment

We do not apply seasonal adjustment.

An important adjustment we apply is the transposition of the data according to national definition for CHP heat production, input for CHP installation and final energy consumption to the international definitions. At national level derived heat includes usnsold CHP heat and all input of CHP installation is counted as transformation input. According to international definitions derived heat is restricted to sold heat and the part of the input of CHP installations that is allocated to unsold heat (based on the energy content of CHP output) is counted as final energy consumption. We apply this transposition at the lowest aggregation level for which the data are available and this part of the core of our IT system.

Another adjustment we make is the calculation of the some variables based on the assumption the statistical difference is zero for some products. This is the case in situations where it is difficult to arrive at reasonable data for both supply and demand. An example is solid biomass for which we have independent sources of information for consumptions, imports and exports, but not for domestic production. Domestic production is calculated from the other flows. It would be very difficult to compile independent statistics for domestic production, as there are many actors and markets are partly informal or do not exist.

For international trade we usually have quite accurate data on total imports or exports. Data for countries of origin and destination usually comes from the international trade statistics, with sometimes different definitions on e.g. transit. We adjust the data trade by country in such a way that it is consistent with total imports and exports.


18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

We do not apply seasonal adjustments.

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