Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Portugal

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Portugal

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Environment Statistics Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

avenida António José de Almeida

1000-043 Lisboa


2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

The national statistical institute (NSI), Statistics Portugal, work in close collaboration with the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), using administrative data on waste to the provision and reporting of information according Waste Statistics Regulation.

Statistics Portugal use the administrative data collected by APA via "Sistema Integrado de Registo Eletrónico de Resíduos (SIRER)" (which can be translated as Integrated System for Reporting Data on Waste).

Also use administrative data from a specific and similar system only applicable in the Autonomous Region of Azores, regarding the governmental autonomy status on environment and waste specifics statute for the region.

Between 2017 and 2018 an electronic platform came into operation for the mandatory registration of "Guias Eletrónicas de Acompanhamento de Resíduos" (waste transportation permits when waste producers\operators managing and displacing waste from places where it is generated to where is pre-treated or submitted to final treatment).

Those permits are issued and filled on an on-line platform taking place every time a displacement of wastes happens and must be held during waste transportation or the displacement is operated by the waste owner or a third one on his behalf (waste operator).

This new on-line platform, in fact consisted of a transition from an administrative procedure that was carried out on paper to a paperless procedure and bring some simplification and increases the law enforcement capacity to the administration and authorities surveillance.

The new web-based platform for issuing the permits also allow a more clear systematization of the different situations of generation and transfers of waste between producers and operators which require issuing those transportation permits to monitor the displacement of wastes between generation and final destination sites.

These new procedures on-line provided greater transparency and equity in the reporting of data by the companies since it demands and generated a broader sense that operators working aside or on the margins of the system could no longer miss any wrong registration as it would be more likely to happen based on previous method.

The data collected and used for the statistics correspond to the data reported by waste producers and waste operators (management facilities or businesses).

The data collection and reporting by waste producers and operators under the new environment provided by the eletrocnic permits procedures, is considered to be exaustive and covering all the activities and the interactions between waste generators and waste operators.

Therefore, was consensual that the administrative procedure is complete and include all waste operations and corresponds to a Census like operation.  

Therefore, Statistics Portugal adopted since 2018 (reference year) a new approach and methodology for the development and calculation of the statistic, which was also adopted for the 2020 reference year data.

Was assumed and determined there is no need to do a previous selection of a sample population of the businesses covered by the WStatReg.

The data collected by APA was crossed with the businesses population register that Statistics Portugal have for the production of different statics on economy activity, which is a census register of all statistical units (businesses) active and operating in the country.

Although this new system which it is a powerful database for APA to collect and validate data, during a transitional period the waste generators and waste operators still need to complete and report data through the traditional system on Mapa Integrado de Registo de Resíduos (Integrated Waste Register Forms).

In the medium term the waste generators will no longer have the obligation to report the data through the traditional forms used on the end of the year. It is expected that in the mid term the compilation of the data will be done automatically and by the end of each year the waste generators\producers will receive a report of the system which they only have to validate\confirm and eventually do corrections if appropriate.

Regarding APA also collect data on the waste received by the waste operators (waste handlers that disposed off or do recovery operations), such administrative data was merged and integrated with the data reported by waste producers in order to increase the response rates (by including data from businesses which are not obliged by law to report and filling in data in the traditional webforms applicable to waste producers).

The integration of data reported by waste producers with data reported by waste operators required validation rules and deeper analysis to eliminate duplications and avoid double counting resulting from the merging of 2 different reporting scopes and webform entry data tools (waste reported by waste producers : amounts produced and hand out to waste operators) + (waste reported by waste operators : amounts of waste received by origin (producers) and treated by operations).

2.2. Classification system

Economic Activities: Classification NACE 2.0 equivalent to national classification CAE Rev.3 on economic activities.

National classification has a fifth level of kind of activities and up to fourth digit level is completely equivalente or compatible with NACE 2.0.


Waste: Data on collection is classified according the classification List of Waste (LoW). Afterwards is reclassified according EWCStat categories regarding the transposition table provided in the Waste Statistics Regulation.


Waste management operations: Data is classified according the Recovery (R) and Disposal (D) operations as described on Annexes I and II on Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/CE.

2.3. Coverage - sector

See Annex I and Annex II to this Quality Report describing the businesses population and administrative replies by kind of activities and employment sizeclasses.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Waste: As described on waste statistics regulation.


2.5. Statistical unit

The data is collected according local units.

However the statistical procedures and calculations are done at business level (statistical units = enterprises).

2.6. Statistical population

All statistical units included as active businesses on the Statistical Units Register and corresponding units with the data reported by waste producers and waste operators on the administrative database managed by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) in what relates to waste management  operations.

2.7. Reference area

Entire country.

Include data for Portugal Mainland and Autonomous Regions (Islands) of Azores and Madeira.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Year 2020

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top

[not requested]

3.1. Source data
Relationship of the parties/sources to the areas of the Regulation on Waste Statistics:

The Portuguese Environment Agency (APA): provide administrative data for the statistics. Implements validation procedures in collaboration with the statistical office and performs the front office contacts with data providers for corrections and modifications of inconsistent data.

Statistis Portugal (NSI) : Cross all the administrative data reported to APA by businesses (waste generated and managed) with the Register on Satistical Units.

Regarding the census like procedure foostered by the web based platform for issuing waste permits to displacement and transport of waste to management facilities the  sampling methodology approach has been abandoned.

However was developed and adopted a imputation method in case of dominant businesses in each activity and waste category is eventually missing. The analysis on missing dominants allowed to conclude that was no need for imputation. 

Each statistical unit count as one and none of the activities or businesses are extrapolated or calculated based on sampling like procedures.

The Environment Regional Directorate of Azores: perform similar tasks as Environmental Autorithy for the autonomous region of Azores.

The Autonoumos Region of Azores as an independent system to collect data on waste management in the region, neverthelless is a similar web based system like the one that APA use for the mainland and region of Madeira.


Assessment of the continuity of the data source, e.g. legal basis for the data source:
Legal basis on data sources:
  • National Decree-Law 178/2006, of 5th of September;
  • National Decree-Law 73/2011, of 17th of June; (transpose to national law the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC)


Institutions involved and distribution of tasks

Name of institution Description of key responsibilities
Portuguese Environment Agency

Collection of elementary and administrative data on a web based application developed for waste producers and waste handlers\recyclers to report on quantities of waste managed. Primary validation of data and contact with data providers for validation and eventual correction or update.

Such data serve both the administrative provisions of the Environment Authority and the statistical purposes for the statistical office and country international obligations.

Statistics Portugal

Cross the administrative datafile with the Register on Statistical Units to evaluate coverage and sum up results according the dimensions described on waste statistics regulation.

Secondary validation of data reported by waste producers and also the waste handlers/operators.

Also perform the integration of data from both main reporting obligations (waste producers and waste handlers).

Return of error tables to the Portuguese Environment Agency for confirmation and/or rectification after contact with data providers.


General description of Data set 1: Waste generation by waste category (EWC-STAT) and economic activities (NACE)

General description of methodology:

The dataset 1 (columns 1 to 18) and dataset 2 are based on administrative data collected according national legislation that rule Sistema Integrado de Registo Electrónico de Resíduos (National Waste Register) which support the reporting of waste generation by waste producers (by local units) and waste management by waste management operators (by local units) identified according the following criteria:

a) All businesses and individuals running local units (establishments) with 10 or more employees which generate non municipal waste;

b) All businesses and individuals responsible for local units which generate hazardous waste;

c) All businesses and individuals performing waste management operations as their economic activity;

d) All businesses and individuals performing waste collection and transportation as their economic activity;

e) All businesses responsible for municipal waste management systems;

f) All businesses responsible for separate systems for the management of specific waste streams

g) All businesses and individuals which participate on waste markets whether as traders or brokers;

h) All businesses which produce and/or place on markets specific products that require registration according the legislation on specific waste streams like packaging, used tires, mineral lubricants, end of life vehicles, batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic equipment, etc

In column 19 (households) the data correspond to the quantities of municipal waste collected by municipal services and multimunicipal services for selective collection. Include households waste and fractions of similar municipal waste (non household generation) from industry, commerce and services which share the municipal waste collection system.

Although the data reported by waste producers is provided by local units, the matching of data (administrative data with NSI statistical units register) is done at the enterprise level.

Given there is no way to have a single code to identify the local units is impossible to do the matching of data at local units level.

To cross both datafiles and do the matching (administrative data on waste and statistical units register) is done at entreprise units level (given both datasets have the business id code and use such to identify enterprises units).

Although the amounts of waste are accounted and available by local units the statistical office have no way to run an automatic crossing of the databases and do the calculation at local units level.

Therefore the scope of the statistics and respective statistical units for the calculation of results are based on the main characteristics (economic activity) at the business level.

For details on the scope of the statistics and representativeness of data according number of businesses, the turnover and employment on each group of economic activity (and institutional sector, and business dimension) see annex I.


Waste generation in the economy on the basis of information on waste treatment
Description of the method
Scope of the indirect determination
(waste types and economic sectors covered)
Method(s) applied for differentiation
by waste sources
Restrictions of the applied methods Waste streams not covered Problems of source attachment Other problems


Waste generation in the economy on the basis of information on waste treatment
Number of waste treatment facilities selected by items
Description of the method
Item 1
item 2
Item 3a
(R2 – R11)
Item 3b
Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)
Item 5
Other disposal
(D2,D3,D4, D6,D7)


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of
information on waste collection administrative sources



Waste generation in the economy on the basis of models or other methods
Description of the models Description of other information sources
Scope of the model (waste types and economic sectors covered) Basic data for the estimations (production figures etc.) Description of the model and the factors applied Routines applied or foreseen to guarantee sufficient quality (periodical revision of factors, focused surveys for verification etc.) Scope for the OTHER information sources (waste types and economic sectors covered) Description of the other information source which is not fitting to the type of information sources mentioned above


Determination methods for waste generated by households
Indirect determination via waste collection Indirect determination via waste treatment
Description of reporting unit applied (waste collectors, municipalities) Description of the reporting system (regular survey on waste collectors, utilisation of administrative sources) Waste types covered Survey characteristics Method applied for the differentiation between the sources household and commercial activities Percentages of waste from commercial activities by waste types Population served by a collection scheme for mixed household and similar waste, in % Specification of waste treatment facilities selected Waste types covered Method applied for the differentiation between the sources household and commercial activities Percentages of waste from commercial activities by
Total no. of collectors /municipalities (population size) No. of collectors/municipalities selected for survey No. of responses used for the calculation of the totals Factor for weighting








Data sets 2: Waste treatment

General description of methodology:

The data on quantities treated are based on the information reported by the waste producers and waste operators as described above.

The data reported by waste producers and/or waste operators include an item declaring the waste management operation the waste is submitted to (R or D codes).

The amounts of waste on dataset 1 (GENeration) and dataset 2 (management operation or TREAtment applied) do not match because a significant number of businesses identified as final treatment or end of cycle of waste management some of the R and D codes which are not covered (to be reported) by the WSR (namely: D8; D9; D11; D12; D13; D14; D15; R12 and R13).

The data on backfilling operation include data reported under R10 code and the LoW code of the  waste correspond to 101103, 150107, 170101, 170102, 170103, 170107, 170202, 170504, 191205, 200102, 200202.

The data on waste treatment facilities is based on data from the administrative register managed by APA on the licenses/permits issued to waste management operators. Lack of information on capacities of instalations.


Identification of relevant treatment facilities:


Registers used for identification of waste treatment operations

Identification of register(s) used (name; responsible institution) Description of register(s) (coverage; frequency and procedure of updating, ..)


Data collection on treated quantities:


Determination of treated waste quantities
Description of data sources and methods by treatment categories
Item 1
item 2
Item 3a
(R2 – R11)
Item 3b
Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)
Item 5
Other disposal
(D2,D3,D4, D6,D7)

The data on non municipal waste collection operators (columns 1 to 18 of data set 1) is reported by waste producers and waste operators.

The amounts of waste are accounted and sum up with no extrapolation of results according the recovery or disposal operations pointed out according waste operations classification on WFD.

Include data on municipal waste.   

The data on backfilling operation include data reported under R10 code and the LoW codes: 101103, 150107, 170101, 170102, 170103, 170107, 170202, 170504, 191205, 200102, 200202.

Item 5 is equal to zero regarding such operations are not licensed by APA and not executed in Portugal. 


Data collection on capacity of treatment facilities:
The Portuguese Environment Agency keep a register database on licenses and permits granted to waste operators. These database keep register on the kind of waste operations allowed to be run or performed by each one. Also have administrative data on the characteristics of the facilities like landfills, incineration plants, etc. Due to some lack of information on capcity is foreseen an update of the report.
3.2. Frequency of data collection

Every year.

3.3. Data collection

Data is collected between january and april of year n+1.

The data is collected through webforms displayed and availablle for authorized users (businesses) after registration on the website SILiamb managed by the Environment Agency (Portugal mainland and Madeira region) and SRIR system managed by the (Autonomou Region of Azores, Regional Directorate on Environment).

APA and the Azores Regiional Directorate on Environment are the owners and responsible for the administration of the respective websites and all the registration and controlling procedures to collect data on the different businesses involved on waste generation (with obligations to report) and\or waste management businesses (waste installations for the management of specific streams of waste, municipal waste, industrial waste, agriculture waste, health care and hospital wastes, etc.).

3.4. Data validation

The data is validated on a time series perspective but also in a logical and coherence perspective regarding the characteristics and condition of each waste reported by waste producers and management operators.


Time-series rules perspective:

For the aggregates by economic sector that increase or decreased by more than 30% are submitted to thourough analysis of the partials responsible for such evolution.

All the registers where is mentioned quantities of more than 50000 tons of waste generated or handed over to waste management operators the data is classified for confirmation and verification by the respondents.


Coherence/logical rules perspective:

In cases and situations as the ones listed in Annex III and Annex V.

3.5. Data compilation

Wet matter for sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
11 (excl. 11.3)
Common sludges
(excl. dredging spoils)
Dredging spoils
non-hazardous hazardous non-hazardous non-hazardous

The data is collected on dry matter.

3.6. Adjustment

[not requested]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

[not requested]

4.2. Quality management - assessment

[not requested]

5. Relevance Top

The administrative data collected by APA (portuguese environment agency) as now a long background of experience and consolidation of procedures and also coverage that in resume is considered a census like operation in what regards the activities and situations of waste management operation.

The recent modifications and entry into force the legal obligation of issuing waste transportation\displacement permits on an electronic format (Guias Eletrónicas de Acompanhamento de Resíduos (e-GAR)) and real-time registration through a web based database along with a more accurate description of conditions and situations to be reported, and also a procedure of a validation and feedback certification of the entities involved in the waste operations (businesses of producers, transportation and waste operators involved) brought an "environment" of more accuracy and also scope census like on waste operations.

The expectation and objective of e-GAR in the short term is also to automatically replace the data registration obligations of waste producers on the older system of MIRR (Mapa Integrado de Registo de Resíduos = Integrated Waste Registration Map).

Although the data generated from e-GAR is not yet being used directly as a data source to the statistics the way it works generated conditions and a sense of systemic and more accuracy approach in what regards a more broader and whole waste operations covered by this second database which have reflections on the data provided on the data reported by waste producers and waste operators in the former system and still in use MIRR.

Therefore the modification on the methodology and the massive use of administrative data regardless of the dimension (employment) of the waste producers (as considered in previous years on the sampling scope of the previous statistics). 

5.1. Relevance - User Needs

[not requested]

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

[not requested]

5.3. Completeness
Description of missing data in data set 1 on waste generation

Description of missing data
(waste category, economic activity, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

The data on households include the municipal waste fraction from small industries, commerce and services activities which share the municipal waste management system and services on waste collection provided by municipalities or other entities on their behalf. The municipal waste collection systems operators have no means  and capacity to do the assessement of the proportion  of waste resulting from households and/or businesses (industry, commerce and services) sharing the waste collection system. Up to know has not been possible to develop specific methodology to estimate the part or amounts of waste arising restrictively from households.


Description of missing data in data sets 2 and 3 on treated waste quantities and capacities

Description of missing data
(waste category, treatment category, region, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

 Data on ELV

Followed and adopted the EUROSTAT recommendation on reporting the corresponding data available according the ELV Directive reporting. All the amounts of ELV reported according the Directive were allocated to the "Commerce and Services" sectors.


 Zero values in article 5 (D2+D3+D4+D6+D7) According the Portuguese Environment Agency and national legislation there are no operators in Portugal licensed to perform such kind of waste management operations. Although some waste producers reported data for some of the operations listed in this article, the respective data and codes have been reclassified and replaced by D15.  Not applicable.
The difference between total waste generated (total on Waste Generation table dataset 1) and the total waste treated (total on waste Treatment table dataset 2).

Is due to an extensive use of D13 to D15 and R12 to R13 codes (essentially by waste producers), which consequently is not statistically accounted on dataset 2 (TREATMENT), given those operations are not covered by the WSR.

In some situations the waste producers don't  know exactly the specific waste management operation the waste is submitted to, after they hand it out to the waste management operator. Although acknowledging the main operation (disposal or recovery), sometimes when coding tend to privilege indistict codes.

Improve the validation rules. The cycle of waste management generates transfers between waste amangement operators. 

Also the export of waste do have some impact on the difference between data table on GEN versus TREATment. The statistical office are exploring additional data on amounts of waste exported which are accounted on GENErated within the country however should't be be accounted on TREATment. 

Although is not foressen a revision of data series such additional information on exports might be available to include an reported specificlly in the Quality Report. The data on imports on the administrative data in use (register on national waste operators and the wastes received by each) is also under evaluation to balancing and assessment on those flows of waste between the country and the resto fo the world.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

[not requested]

6. Accuracy and reliability Top

The dataset 1 (columns 1 to 18) and dataset 2 are based on administrative data collected according national legislation which regulate the Sistema Integrado de Registo Electrónico de Resíduos (Waste Register for Portugal Mainland and Autonomous region of Madeira) and Sistema Regional de Informação sobre Resíduos (Waste Register for Autonomous Region of Azores). Those 2 internet based systems collect data via webforms on waste generation by waste producers (local units) and waste management by waste management handlers/operators (local units) on a scope identified according the following criteria:

a) All businesses and individuals running local units (establishments) with 10 or more employees and which generate non municipal waste;

b) All businesses and individuals responsible for local units which generate hazardous waste;

c) All businesses and individuals performing waste management operations as their economic activity;

d) All businesses and individuals performing waste collection and transportation as their economic activity;

e) All businesses responsible for municipal waste management systems;

f) All businesses responsible for separate systems for the management of specific waste streams (packaging, batteries and accumulators, end-of-life vehicles, used oils, car tires, EEE).

g) All businesses and individuals which participate on waste markets whether as traders or brokers;

h) All businesses which produce and/or place on markets specific products that require registration according the legislation on specific waste streams like packaging, used tires, mineral lubricants, end of life vehicles, batteries and accumulators, electrical and electronic equipment, etc

The column 19 (households): data correspond to the quantities of municipal waste collected by municipal services. Include households waste and fraction of similar municipal waste (non household generation) from industry, commerce and services which share the municipal waste collection.

 Although the data reported by waste producers and waste operators is provided at the local unit level it's impossible (within a reasonable time period and amount of work) to do the matching with the local units register available at the statistical office. There's no single code to identify in a clearly and univocal way the local units reported and recorded by both databases files. Regarding this is impossible to determine the scope of the sample frame according local units population.

In order to allow the link between the data collected by APA at local units level and the business register of the statistical office, the scope of the statistics and respective statistical units for sampling/stratification and calculate estimations has to be done at business level (enterprises). At the business level is easy and fast to do the matching regarding we have a unique business code which exists in both databases.

6.1. Accuracy - overall

See Annex I and Annex II to find out on the scope of the statistical units covered and representativeness of data according the number of businesses, the turnover and the employment of the population of businesses covered.

6.2. Sampling error

No sampling methods adopted.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Totals and coefficients of variation for the key aggregates

Key aggregate

Amount of hazardous waste

[1000 tonnes]

Amount of Non-hazardous waste

[1000 tonnes]

Coefficient of variation hazardous waste

Coefficient of variation non-hazardous waste

Waste generation

Waste generated by households


Waste generated by economic activities

Waste treatment

Waste used as fuel (item 1) (incineration in the form of recovery R1)


Waste incinerated (item 2) (incineration as disposal D10)


Waste recovered (R2 – R11), incl. backfilling (item 3a and 3b)


Waste disposed of by landfilling (D1, D5, D12) and other disposal operations (D2, D3, D4, D6, D7) (item 4 and 5)


Not applicable.

6.3. Non-sampling error

According the legal frame of the administrative Registers (databases) on waste managed by the Portuguese Environment Agency (SIRER system to Portugal mainland and Autonomous Regiona of Madeira) and the Regional Directorate on Environment  for the Autonomous Region of Azores (SRIR system), a significant number of businesses are not obliged to report data on both registers.

Specially businesses belonging to the commerce and services sectors, given the fact that in general don't generate industrial and hazardous waste and usually share the regular and common public collection of waste by municipal services.

Considering that the administrative procedure reached a level of maturity which was improved by the entry into force of the electronic (web based system) emission of waste transportation and displacement permits, is assumed that the reporting on data is likely to be exaustive covering the entire operations on waste generation and management in the country.

The emission of administrative licenses to the transportationof waste displacement from a paper version to an electronic version based on the web (e-GAR) is also envisioned to replace the data reporting requests and alliviate the waste producers on report the administrative data via the traditional forms in use.


6.3.1. Coverage error
Coverage of waste statistics with regard to extractive waste1)






Completely covered


Partially covered

     X  X

Generally excluded

 X  X    

1)Please mark with an X whether the listed materials are completely covered, partially covered or generally excluded from waste statistics.


Description of issues related to the allocation of mining waste to NACE section B or C:



Annex I on waste generation:

Annex II on waste treatment:



Coverage of waste treatment facilities and criteria for exclusion

No. of facilities included

No. of facilities excluded

Reasons for exclusion of facilities
and other comments

Item 1Incineration (R1)

    The legal framework for the aplication of incineration is related to types of waste used in the operation instead of capacity limits. The data include account of installations on cement plants with a permit to execute the co-incineration of waste as alternative fuel to traditional sources.  

Item 2Incineration (D10)

    See previous.

Item 3a Recycling (R2-R11)

    The facilities reported correspond to the number of permits assign to waste operators accounted in the waste operators register managed by the APA. The register have no reliable data on the capacities associated to the permits and to the corresponding existing facilities.

Item 3b Backfilling

    The data on backfilling was calculated according the following procedure: the LoW codes (101103, 150107, 170101, 170102, 170103, 170107, 170202, 170504, 191205, 200102, 200202). In Annex V a detailed table with the amounts of waste treated according each R and D codes operations.

Item 4 Landfilling
(D1, D5, D12)

     No data available on rest capacity and installations closed in the last 2 years.

Item 5 Other disposal
(D2, D3, D4, D6, D7)

    According the APA register on waste operators no permits or licensed operators to perform any of those waste operations.


Commercial waste inclusion: Main problems description: Over-coverage - rate

[not requested] Common units - proportion

See coverage of administrative data on annex II.

6.3.2. Measurement error

The raw data is analyzed and validated according a time series perspective and a coherence perspective.

Regarding the years of data available all the replies for wastes quantities above 50000 tonnes were analyzed and checkd case-by-case about the trend on amounts reported to evaluate eventual errors on waste quantities reported considering the measurement unit. Although not common a significant number of replies over time are different due to the problem of the quantities reported according a measurement unit which is different from the unit in which the quantities are to be reported (tons). Data providers some times fill in amounts that were measured or accounted in all sort of unit but tons. Like number of units of batteries, liters or cubic meters of used oils, etc.

The cases highlighted by the validation specifications below were returned to the businesses for confirmation/validation.

Time-series: The data is validated considering aggregates by economic sector (stratification level). When totals increase or decreased by more than 30% regarding the totals in previous year is looked for the partials or individual responses generating such trend on the totals.

Coherence: The information is validated also according the internal coherence of the data reported. For the aggregates by economic sectors (stratification) and kind of waste (LoW 4 digits) is calculated the mean and standard deviation. The replies which quantities corresponds to more than or less than 2,5 times the standard deviation are highlighted and selected for analyses and data confirmation/validation.  

6.3.3. Non response error

The statistic reported is based on all the information reported by waste producer and waste operators according the national legal reporting obligations of those two main entities in what relates to the waste management and data flows on the subject. Considering the long experience and background of APA on the data collection on MIRR (Integrated Waste Registration Map) along with the entry into force of e-GAR and the deeper sense of exhaustiveness the statistic brings together the characteristics of a census like operation to assess the evaluation of volumes of waste management in the country. Unit non-response - rate

[not requested] Item non-response - rate

[not requested]

6.3.4. Processing error

The statistics calculated and reported under the WStatR reporting framework are based on the administrative data as described within the quality report.

These statistics are calculated as an independent exercise and based on data sources different from other basic data and specific sources adopted for other reporting obligations on the specific waste streams like for instance end-of-life vehicles, packaging, batteries and accumulators, WEEE, etc, which is done by the specific waste management entities supervising the specific waste collection systems. Although is not expected significant deviations of coverage and results on data is possible to exist differences in some extent given it is 2 different and independ reports (specific waste streams management entities systems vs. waste producers and waste handling operators). 

So the comparison of those results and the ones from the specific waste streams must be done with some reservations nonetheless the exaustive condition of the data included in the statitics.

Statistics Portugal followed the EUROSTAT recomendation on reporting ELV Directive data on the WStatR on the column corresponding to the "commerce and services" sector (by june 30 of 2022, this data was still not available is foreseen an update of data before the end of 2022).

The statistics reported include:

i)  partially of waste imported: flows of secondary waste from waste imported is partially included when occurring transfers of secondary waste flows between different waste operators.

ii) Due to the statistical procedure of data integration and matching of APA datafiles with Statistical Units Register and also the fact the APA databases on waste (data reported by producers and waste operators) the data have records of waste exported directly by national waste producers to be treated abroad by foreign waste operators and have records of waste received (exported by producers abroad) "imported" by national waste operators, such data is assessed and used according:

  • on what respects the data reported by waste producers and operators on amounts of waste sended (exported) abroad to R/D and operations by foreign waste operators is included in the statistics to the extent that the export of waste is done directly by the waste producer. 
  • the waste reported by waste operators on amounts of waste received (imported) from abroad from producers that send the waste to R/D operations by the national operators was dismissed and ignored, except for the secondary waste resulting from the treatment of such imported waste and when those secondary waste is transfered between different national waste operators for furher treatment or processing.
  • was also included the secondary waste (190805) resulting from waste imported by 2 operators specialized on handling hazardous waste which was landfilled by those national operators. Imputation - rate

No imputation of data on 2020 statistics.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

The raw data available for the statistics result from the combination and merging of 2 different data sources which, although complementing each other, are reported by 2 different agents acting as waste generation (waste producers) and waste management (waste operators\handlers).

The data reported by the waste management operators tend to be more accurate and precise than the waste producers given the fact that, in general, have better means to account and measure the waste quantities and perform or track the final destination of waste.

The main concern was to avoid double counting regarding there's a significant number of businesses which report data as waste producers and are also identified as waste origins or sources of waste on the data reported by the waste management operators, which identify the sources of volumes of waste they receive for handling and management.

Therefore was put in place a coherence analysis and queries to identifiy the data reported on both sides in order to perform validation and also list cases of duplicates before integration of data. The integration of data was done according the following priorities:

i) consider primarily the data from waste producers;

ii) integrate de data reported by waste operators from producers which do not reply or fill in the form for waste producers (identified by business code missing on the side of waste producers);

iii) for cases of waste reported on both sides (reported by waste producers and identified as waste origin on data reported by waste operators) identified by the key code (business code, LoW code, operation code (3 digits)) and quantities was done as following:

iii (a) where key code are equal and quantities equal: ok one of the records was consider;

iii (b) where key code are equal and quantities different: was considered the lowest quantity whether reported by waste producer or by waste operator;

iii (c) where key code are equal (except last 2 digits of operation code) and quantities equal: was considered the data (operation code) reported by waste operator;

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

The data is reported annually. No special approach or methodology to tackle with eventual seasonal waste generation phenomena.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Statistics Portugal has a standard revision policy in place.


The 2020 data was calculated according a new simplified method implemented for the first time for the 2018 reference data exercise.

Basically correspond to cross the administrative data collected by APA which is considered to be exhaustive due to the legal procedures in place in what respect the waste management and waste monitoring tools by the autorities (Portuguese Environment Agency) and the computer databases supporting and working as administrative data registers.

The database associated with the registration and control of electronic waste monitoring guides together with the recording of data by waste management operators allows considering the scope of comprehensive and exhaustive information on waste generation and destination operations.
Information on waste exported by waste management operators is supported on a report form different from those being considered in the current statistics.
However, given the complexity and double registration of data that exists in the forms completed only by waste management operators, it will be necessary to study and implement a methodology for analysis and double counting on them.
Because in the reporting model applied specifically to waste operators we have:
(a) A form where waste management operators record the waste entries they receive for treatment and operation, including waste from other waste management operators (current data form that we are currently using and that we cross-referenced with the information of outputs of waste producers to eliminate or minimize double counting and limit any overestimation of statistics that could occur if it were not for this analysis);

(b) We also have data resulting from another reporting form that concerns only the recording of waste outputs from these waste management operators who send waste to other waste management operators for final operation or even a second intermediate treatment operation , herein meaning residues corresponding to a secondary flow. These data are already being considered in the current statistics regarding the "outputs" of waste for operators in the national territory.
We have that a given operator A who sends waste to an operator B, registers this waste shipment in this Output form.
On the other hand, the operator B that receives the residues coming from A, must fill in a mirror record in inputs (form referred to in (a)) corresponding to those residues that A reported in outputs.

Given this particularity, this specific form of outputs for waste management operators, is like a form equivalent to the one that waste producers in general fill out and that, as described, we have to trace the mirror records or redundancies between producer outputs and operator inputs. .

Given this similarity and equivalence between data reporting forms, in this case too we will have to adopt a complex analysis to eliminate or minimize redundancies and limit possible overestimation of the resulting statistic.
We can limit the information to be extracted from this third data source form on Waste outputs from management operators, only to cases of sending to operators outside the national territory. This information has been available since 2016 and this double counting assessment study between the 2 forms is ongoing. The expectation is to have this work completed by the end of 2022, and a review of data for 2020 may occur.
Or alternatively and as a result of conclusions and technical evaluation decision coming from the ongoing study on this report, include in the transmission of data from 2024 on the year 2022, a possible revision of the series for more recent years or include in the quality report a table with the accounting of these additional data that correspond to the export of waste by waste management operators.

Regarding a dominance analysis was adopted an imputation method to complement and complete data in case a dominant business is missing on the dataset.

6.6. Data revision - practice

[not requested]

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[not requested]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top


7.1. Timeliness

Short timetable on the main phases for the data collection on waste:

n = reference year


(1) First quarter of n+1 (months of january, february and march): data collection through internet forms and databases;

(2) Second quarter of n+1 (months of april, may and june): data assessment and validation according procedures coordinated with APA; e-mailing to specific businesses with cases highlighted or scanned according validation rules, consequent verification and/or correction of data by respondents. Evaluation of times series inconsistencies on replies.

(3) Third quarter of n+1 (months of july, august and september): methodological treatment of data; evaluation of reply rates, calculation of estimation coefficients, imputation of non replies, validation of global results according EUROSTAT validation recommendations and orientations {Doc. WASTE WG 3.2(2014) Validation of Waste Statistics - the way forward - Meeting 8 and 9 april 2014); additional verifications/corrections according eventual situations or cases highlighted from this last validation scans.

(4) Last quarter of n+1 (month october, november and december): data assessment and preparation for disclosure on standard tables in traditional paper publication formats (PDF) and indicators database tables available on website. Due to a special publishing on the subject waste for this year, the 2014 data was put available in march 2016.

(5) Second quarter of n+2 (month january, february and march): re-assessemnt of data quality, detection of eventual situations of incoherence not detected before. Preparation to report to EUROSTAT.

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

12 months

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

[not requested]

7.2. Punctuality
Explanation for any delay in data transmission and measures taken to avoid delays in future:
Given some problems on the availability of data about ELV provided by the specific PRO, was impossible to add data on such specific waste stream in due time. Ths situation is foreseen to be solved in short and is considered to be circunstancial for ths reporting exercise only. 
7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

[not requested]

8. Coherence and comparability Top


8.1. Comparability - geographical
Description of classifications used

Name of
classification(s) used

Description of the classification(s)
(in particular compatibility with WStatR requirements)

Economic activities

CAE Rev.3 (at 4 digits level equivalent to NACE Rev. 2) National classification about economic activities, fully integrated at 4 digit level with the NACE Rev. 2.

Waste types

LoW and EWCStat Data is collected according LoW and afterwards in back office and for statistical purposes data is aggregate according the transposition classification in annex III of WSR.

Recovery and treatment operations

R and D codes According the annex I and annex II of WFD 2008/98 EC
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[not requested]

8.2. Comparability - over time
Changes compared with previous years: Foreseen changes: Specific issues concerning the data collection on reference year 2020: Detailed description and consequences:
 No changes comparing with the 2018 reference year data.

 See description on 6.5 data revision policy.

No special issues to mention or highlight.  
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

[not requested]

8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Environment statistics: Socio-economic statistics:

[not requested]

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[not requested]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

[not requested]

8.6. Coherence - internal

[not requested]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top

The data on waste is disseminated on an annual publication (PDF format) and on a webportal for statistical indicators.

9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Generally, the data is disclosed and published through an annual publication on Environment Statistics. A short press release is also disclosed along with the publication.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

PDF file of Environment Statistics regular and annual publication and also the main indicators on NSI web portal.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Table crossing waste type (EWCStat) and economic activities: 



Table crossing waste type (EWCStat) and waste treatment operations (R and D codes aggregates):



Table crossing economic activities and waste treatment operations (R and D codes aggregates):



9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[not requested]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

[not requested]

9.5. Dissemination format - other

[not requested]

9.6. Documentation on methodology

[not requested]

9.7. Quality management - documentation

[not requested]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

[not requested]

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[not requested]

10. Cost and Burden Top
Burden on respondents

Survey /

Type and total number of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden



11. Confidentiality Top


11.1. Confidentiality - policy
Description of the relevant confidentiality policy:

 The National Statistical System Law (Law n.º 22/2008 of 13 May) envisages the confidentiality of data collection.

According the coverage of the statistical units population, and the dissemination of data aggregates by economic activity the release of data for 2020 have no restrictions.


11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment



12. Comment Top

The data collected by APA is intended to fulfil administrative obligations, namely about the activities of waste operators in waste treatment.


Since the data is for statistical purposes, the Statistical Institute, in cooperation with the environmental agency, has agreed to use this data for statistical purposes since the APA began collecting data online in 2007.


In collaboration with the APA, meetings are held annually and there is regular communication via e-mail or telephone between teams to exchange information and work together in validating data and in evaluating and gauging data coverage. As well as in the technical monitoring of improvements that have been introduced in the methodology and in particular, the modifications and alterations with the entry into operation of the electronic waste monitoring guide (e-GAR) to which we have already referred.


Although the current methodology is simpler, the scope and scope of the information currently used is broader in relation to data prior to 2018. The consolidation of the APA's experience in collecting and validating data in collaboration with statistics is now more consistent and accurate.

The new condition of data collection reinforced and extended with the entry into force of the e-GAR provides greater proximity and precision of the data reported by both waste operators and waste producers.

The e-GAR is planned to replace the data reported by waste producers in the MIRR web forms soon. Since e-GAR has improved the flow of data and the validations and confirmation practices inherent in the procedure, it also contributes to a more accurate and comprehensive coverage of waste management operations.

The issuance of e-GARs through electronic forms on the internet is done in real time and more accurate than the previous system based on paper forms and many more permissive to failures or errors. Although they were also a means of compiling data by producers and operators for the formal annual report instituted through the Integrated Waste Registration Map (MIRR).

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Short description on methodology and data source new condition and main characteristics since 2018 reference year statistics.
Data coverage measured according employment and turnover of respondents or businesses which is due to reply and report data on waste or\and due to production and operational situation handover waste to private or special collection of waste.
Validation of waste coding combined with waste operations or treatment. To screen and ask for data providers verification.
Short additional notes on methods adopted.
Validation rules.
Data sources description and integration of data for the statistics.