Physical energy flow accounts (env_pefa)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Istat

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: EUROPEAN STATISTICAL DATA SUPPORT


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation


1.2. Contact organisation unit

Directorate of National Accounts - Environmental Accounts

1.5. Contact mail address

Istat, DCCN, CNB - via A. Depretis, 74b, 00184, Roma, IT

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 28/09/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 28/09/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 28/09/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) is one module of the European environmental-economic accounts - Regulation (EU) 691/2011 Annex VI. PEFA record the flows of energy (in terajoules) from the environment to the economy (natural inputs), within the economy (products), and from the economy back to the environment (residuals), using the accounting framework of physical supply and use tables.

PEFA provide information on energy flows arranged in a way fully compatible with concepts, principles, and classifications of national accounts – thus enabling integrated analyses of environmental, energy and economic issues e.g. through environmental-economic modelling. PEFA complement the traditional energy statistics, balances and derived indicators which are the main reference data source for EU energy policies.

This national metadata refers to the PEFA questionnaire delivered to Eurostat: data on supply (table A), use (table B), transformation use (table B1), end use (table B2) and emission-relevant use (table C), key indicators of physical energy flow accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity (table D), and physical energy flow accounts totals bridging to energy balances totals (table E).

The PEFA questionnaire is available on Eurostat's website:

3.2. Classification system

Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) datasets have the following dimensions:

  1. Supply and use tables (STK_FLOW): the elements of this dimension are the five tables detailing energy supply (questionnaire table A) and use; the total energy use (table B) is the sum of transformation use (table B1) and end use (table B2), and a certain part of it is emission relevant (table C).
  2. Energy product (PROD_NRG): (not relevant for questionnaire table D and E) The flows of energy recorded in PEFA are broadly grouped into natural energy inputs (flows from environment to economy), energy products (flows within economy), and energy residuals (flows from economy to environment mainly). Each of these generic groups is further broken down. In total this dimension distinguishes 31 items which are regulated in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/172.
  3. Classification of economic activities - NACE Rev.2 (NACE_R2): (not relevant for questionnaire table E) The supply and use of energy flows is broken down by NACE classification of economic activities. The aggregation level used is A*64 (i.e. 64 branches), fully compatible with ESA supply and use tables. Furthermore, this dimension includes private households, accumulation (e.g. product inventories), the rest of the world economy for imports and exports, and the environment.
  4. Indicators (INDIC_PEFA): (only relevant for questionnaire tables D and E): Various key indicators that can be derived from the physical supply and use tables and so-called 'bridging-items' which present the various elements explaining the differences between the national totals as reported by PEFA vis-a-vis the national totals as reported by Eurostat's energy balances.
  5. Geopolitical entity (GEO): EU Member States, EFTA countries, candidate countries, and potential candidates. 
  6. Period of time (TIME): Energy flow data are annual.
  7. Unit (UNIT): Energy flows are reported in Terajoules.
3.3. Coverage - sector

The data set covers the entire national economy as defined in national accounts (ESA 2010, paragraph 2.04), as well as its physical relation to economies in the rest of the world and the environment.


3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA) are conceptually rooted in the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) which is an international statistical standard. The SEEA central framework provides standard concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules and tables for the provision of statistics on the environment and its relationship with the economy.
PEFA constitute satellite accounts to the National Accounts (NA). Hence, the statistical concepts and definitions of PEFA are derived from those of NA.
As far as applicable PEFA is also compliant with the statistical concepts and definitions internationally established for energy statistics: the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES).
Three concepts are essential to PEFA:
1) The concept of three generic types of energy flows as established in SEEA, namely:
a) natural energy inputs: flows from the natural environment into the economy such as fossil energy carriers in solid, liquid and gaseous form, biomass, solar radiation, kinetic energy in form of hydro and wind, geothermal heat etc.;
b) energy products: output flows from production processes as defined in national accounts (ESA); typically products produced by extractive industries, refineries, power plants etc.;
c) energy residuals: mainly energy in form of dissipative heat arising from the end use of energy products, flowing from the economy into the natural environment.
2) The accounting framework of (physical) supply and use tables as established in NA and SEEA;
3) The residence principle as established in NA and SEEA, i.e. PEFA records energy flows related to resident unit's activities, regardless where those occur geographically.

3.5. Statistical unit

Data refer to activities of resident economic units in the sense of SEEA CF 2012 and national accounts (ESA), including households.

3.6. Statistical population

The national economy is as defined in SEEA CF 2012 and national accounts (ESA); i.e. all economic activities undertaken by resident units (see ESA 2010, paragraph 2.04). A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of that country, that is, when it engages for an extended period (1 year or more) in economic activities in that territory.

3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time
We are transmitting data for the reference years 2019-2021. 
The year 2021 is estimated for the first time.
The years 2019-2020 have been updated.
The years 2000 and 2008-2018 (previously transmitted to Eurostat) have not been revised.
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

The unit of measure is terajoule (TJ).

5. Reference Period Top

The data refer to the calendar year.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

PEFA are legally covered by Regulation (EC) No. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 538/2014. EEEA currently include six modules (air emissions accounts, environmentally related taxes by economic activity, economy-wide material flow accounts, environmental protection expenditure accounts, environmental goods and services sector accounts, and physical energy flow accounts).

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy
In general, the national policy relating to data confidentiality is that data cannot be disseminated if it refers to less than three aggregate units. The national rules relating to the confidentiality of tabulated data are:
  • Code regarding the protection of personal data (Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003) [Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali (D.lgs. n. 196 del 30 giugno 2003)];
  • Code of ethics - Processing of personal data for statistical purposes in the Sistan context (Annex A3 Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003) [Codice di deontologia – Trattamento dei dati personali a scopi statistici in ambito Sistan (allegato A3 D. lgs. n. 196 del 30 giugno 2003)];
  • Criteria and methods for the communication of personal data within the national statistical system (Directive no. 9 Comstat of 20 April 2004) [Criteri e modalità per la comunicazione dei dati personali nell’ambito del Sistema statistico nazionale (Direttiva n. 9 Comstat del 20 aprile 2004)];
  • Security measures and methods of exchanging personal data between public administrations (Provision no. 393 of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data of 2 July 2015) [Misure di sicurezza e modalità di scambio dei dati personali tra amministrazioni pubbliche (Provvedimento n. 393 del Garante per la Protezione dei dati Personali del 2 luglio 2015)].
7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

There aren't confidential figures.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Generally, PEFA data are published on the Istat’s data warehouse, once a year, by the end of November (even if sometimes we have chosen to postpone the dissemination to wait for the end of the Eurostat data validation process).

8.2. Release calendar access

Every week the weekly agenda of the following week's broadcasts is made available.

8.3. Release policy - user access
On the day indicated in Istat's weekly release agenda (see 8.2 point), the data is uploaded on the Istat's data warehouse, accessible to everybody on the same terms, in a section dedicated to "Environmental Accounts", within the larger "National Accounts" area.
The general public informed through a prominent note on the home page of the Istat website, published at the same time as the data is uploaded. Typically this note also contains information on what's new and a brief analysis of the data.
Known users and the most well-known parties interested to energy are informed also via an ad hoc email message.
No press conference is associated with the release.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Data are disseminated annually

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release
No specific press release on PEFA.
Some PEFA data flows into the broader annual environmental accounting press release "Environmental and Economy: main indicators".
10.2. Dissemination format - Publications
Data will be made available on the Istat’s data warehouse [Home\Categories\National Accounts\Environmental accounts\Physical energy flow accounts (PEFA)] (see 8.1 and 8.3 points): 
10.3. Dissemination format - online database
The Istat data warehouse has a structure similar to that of the Eurostat  database. Compared to the Eurostat database, there are the following differences in the Istat database:
1) "energy residue" R31 is divided into two "energy residues":
R31A: "Other non-energy products used for energy purposes" (other than "waste")
R31B: "Energy incorporated in energy products intended for non-energy use"
2) the total of "ENERGY RESIDUES" R00 is divided into:
R01: "Non-energy products used for energy purposes", which includes R28, R29 and R31A;
R02: "Energy losses and non-energy uses", which includes R30 and R31B;
3) Table B.1 is further divided into:
 - uses for transformation into electricity and heat (transformation losses are included);
 - uses for transformation into energy products other than electricity and heat (transformation losses are included);
4) Table B.2 is further divided into:
 - uses for transport;
 - energy uses other than transformation and transport (heating, lighting, industrial processes, etc.);
 - distribution losses;
 - non-energy uses.
You can find the last release on the Istat’s data warehouse (see point 10.3).
10.3.1. Data tables - consultations
The number of consultations of the data tables published on the Istat data warehouse is unknown.
Number of consultations of italian data tables on the Eurostat website will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.
10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other
The most important other PEFA data dissemination means are:
  • Istat Annual Report on the State of the Nation: the report is presented by Istat President to Parliament (the latest is:;
  • Italian statistical yearbook: published by Istat every year in December (the latest is:;
  • Report on the competitiveness of production sectors: published by Istat every year in April (the latest is:;
  • Annual report on the national energy situation: the report is an annual document which summarizes the trend of the energy sector in Italy; it is published by Ministry of Environment and Energy Security every year in July (;
  • press releases: the latest is "Environment and Economy: main indicators - Years 2018-2020" published in December 2022 (;
  • short informative notes on data trends: the latest is "Phisycal Energy Flow (PEFA) - Years 2008-2020" published in December 2022 (
10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.

10.6. Documentation on methodology
You find a description of national PEFA methodology at "" (Italian only). 
Metadata are published at this link "" (English version) and beside the PEFA data tables on the Istat data warehouse.
10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate
The completeness rate of italian metadata (see point 10.6) is 100%.
The completeness rate of the metadata present on the Eurostat website will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.
10.7. Quality management - documentation

Quality report is reported on the Istat Information system on quality of statistical production processes at this link "".

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance
Since the 90s Istat adopted a systematic approach to ensure quality in both statistical information and service to the community. For this purpose, the Italian National Institute of Statistics has defined a quality policy providing itself with appropriate tools as well as management changes to carry it out.
Istat quality policy is aimed at the improvement of statistical outputs and processes through the development of appropriate methodologies and tools as well as an appropriate scientific and technical support, provided to the personnel directly involved in the production and dissemination of statistical information.
Istat quality policy is coherent with the European framework developed by Eurostat, taking up its main principles and definitions stated in the European Statistics Code of Practice and useful to ensure and strengthen the accountability and governance of the European Statistical System and of the National Statistical Systems.
For details:
11.2. Quality management - assessment
Overall data quality is quite high. 
The high level of accuracy for the data reported is guaranteed by the comparison and integration of energy data from various sources.
Items with a lower data quality are:
1) off-road land transport other than rail transport (agricultural tractors; machinery for industrial handling) and road transport of cars with special plates (diplomatic corps, Italian army, air force, ...);
2) production of energy products for own use;
3) distribution by NACE/HH of lubricants consumption.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
External uses are still limited in number because of the public's deep-rooted habit to using traditional energy statistics based on territory principle.
PEFA contributes also indirectly to satisfying data user needs, through MFA and AEA, monetary energy use table, taxes on energy, indicators of energy intensity of industries for which it provides very important information (residence principle adjustments; allocation by industry of energy-related emissions; estimate of value of consumption of energy products at purchasing prices; distribution keys of revenues).
Since 2020 PEFA data is used  to implementing some UNECE climate change indicators.
12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
A judgment on user satisfaction related to PEFA compliance with their needs will only be possible when the use of PEFA becomes more widespread. Istat is making efforts to make the public aware of its potential through the inclusion of PEFA data in various publications (Istat Annual Report on the state of the Nation, Italian statistical yearbook, Report on the competitiveness of production sectors, Annual report on the national energy situation, press releases, short informative notes on data trends).
In recent years, user requests received through the Web Contact Center service for greater analytical detail of the data or for detailed explanations on the reading and use of the data have increased.
Istat is constantly interested in understanding who the users of the statistics it produces are, what the information needs are, whether they match production and if the statistics produced satisfy users. To this aim, together with the analysis of user requests received through the Web Contact Center service, tools for direct consultation were developed, such as the annual online survey of customer satisfaction and indirect tools such as analysis of accesses and of users' browsing paths on the web site.
12.3. Completeness

The system is complete and fully complying with relevant regulations/ guidelines

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate
The completeness rate of Italian PEFA is 100%.
In the European context, it will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Accuracy is generally satisfactory. The high level of accuracy for the data reported is guaranteed by the comparison and integration of energy data from various sources.

13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3. Non-sampling error

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable to statistical accounts. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable to statistical accounts. Common units - proportion

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable to statistical accounts. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable to statistical accounts. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable to statistical accounts.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

PEFA are nationally published usually in November, depending on Eurostat checks (see 8.1 point), with reference to year t-2, but we are working to be able to estimate year t-1 (albeit with a lower level of detail).

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not applicable.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not applicable.

14.2. Punctuality

Not applicable.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Data on PEFA are compiled according to international guidelines and  insofar comparable.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Please see the table in

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT. Comparability - over time detailed

Please use below table for explaining b)-flags (breaks in time series):


Year (of the break in series) Questionnaire table(s) Columns (NACE Rev. 2 activity, households etc.) Rows (natural energy inputs, energy products, energy residuals) Reason for' break in time series'
 2014  A - B - B1- B2 - C - D  NACE: B, C, C19, D, G, G46  

Table A: P00, P13, R30, NPR, P00w;
Table B: N00, N01, P00, P13, NPR, P00w;
Table B1: N00, N01, NPR, P00w;
Table B2: P00, P13, NPR, P00w;
Table C: P00, P13, NPR;
Table D: IND01, IND02, IND03, IND06, IND06a, IND07, IND08

In the 2021 edition of the Italian National Energy Balance, a shift in natural gas consumption from "Oil & natural gas extraction plants" to "Petroleum refineries (oil refineries)" was introduced for the years 2011-2018. Since PEFA for the years 2008-2013 was drawn up in 2020 and no more revision has been carried out for those years, there is a  break in series in 2014 for some cells of "energy product" P13 (NACE B, NACE 19 and NACE 46 in Table B.2 and NACE B and NACE D in Table A), of "energy residual" R30 (NACE B, NACE 19 and NACE 46 in Table A) and of "natural energy input" N01 (NACE B and NACE D in Table B.1). In this case, when the years before 2014 will be revised, the break series will be automatically eliminated.
 2014  A - B - B2 - C - D  Households: HEAT, OTH  

Table A: R00, R30, NPR;
Table B and B2: P00, P10, P13, P18, P19, P20, P23, P25, P26, P27, NPR;
Table C: P00, P10, P13, P18, P19, P20, P23, P25, NPR;
Table D: IND04, IND06, IND06a, IND07

There is a  break in series in 2014 since for the reference years 2000 and 2014-2020 the household'  "heating/cooling" item also includes "water heating" and "cooking" while for the reference years 2008-2013 "water heating" and "cooking" are included in "other" (we will correct the break in series when we will do the revision of years 2008-2013).

 2017  A - B - B1- B2 - D - E  Almost all  

Table A: P00, P27, R00, R30, NPR, P00w;
Table B: N00, N07, P00, P27, R00, R30, NPR, P00w;
Table B1: N00, N07, NPR;
Table B2: P00, P27, R00, R30, NPR, P00w;
Table D: IND01, IND02, IND03, IND04, IND06, IND06a, IND07, IND09, IND10, IND15;
Table E: 1, 4, 5


There is a break in series in 2017 because in Italian National Energy Balance "Ambient heat (heat pumps)" is considered only since 2017, even if the phenomenon existed before. Italian National  Energy Balance for the years before 2017 does not include "Ambient heat (heat pumps)" and consequently also PEFA.
 2019  A - B - B2 - D  NACE: many  

Table A: R00, R30, NPR;
Table B and B2: P00, P26, NPR;
Table D: IND03, IND06, IND06a, IND07


Since 2020, with reference to 2019, TERNA has changed the classification used for the survey on "Electricity consumption by type of activity and type of market" (Electricity consumption by product sector). So there may be break in series in 2019 in the distribution of electricity consumption among the NACEs (especially for manufacturing and services).
 2021 A - B - B2 - C - D   NACE: A, A01, A03,  C13-C18, C20-C22, C25-C32, F  

Table A: R00, R30, NPR;

Table B, B2 and C: P00, P23, NPR;

Table D: IND03, IND06, IND06a, IND07, IND08
 Starting from the reference year 2021 the data source used to compile the "Natural gas" questionnaire in the scope of the Regulation on Energy Statistics (IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Annual Questionnaire for Energy Statistics) has changed. So there may be break in series in 2021 in the distribution of natural gas consumption among the NACEs (especially for those belonging to the manufacturing sector).
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Coherence between PEFA and other statistical domains is valuaded. See below points from 15.3.2 to 15.3.8.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable; reported PEFA data are only annual.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts
With reference to "Energy products", PEFA results are very consistent with those of National Accounts. In particular:
  • physical energy consumption in Table B of PEFA is very consistent with energy consumption in monetary values in the ESA use table (intermediate consumption and final consumption): this great consistency is ensured by using TIPU (TIPU: "Tavola degli Impieghi dei Prodotti energeti per tipo di Utilizzo - Table of Use of energy Products by type of Use", underlying the construction of Table B of PEFA) for estimating the monetary aggregates of energy consumption by the "quantity per price" method.

However, it must be borne in mind that, according to PEFA guidelines, PEFA data deviates from the ESA monetary data because of the recording of own account production (production of energy products for own use and corresponding own use of energy products).

In National Accounts we consider only the purchases on the market (in value) while in PEFA we consider all the quantity consumed (purchased + self-consumed). Therefore in the "quantity per price" method only the quantity purchased in the market is considered and not the total quantity consumed (which is the PEFA data); 
  • the import/export data in Tables A and B of PEFA is perfectly consistent with those present in the ESA supply and use tables: this perfect consistency is ensured by using the same data source for physical and monetary data (data of the Istat surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services”,; 
  • data on changes in inventories in Table B of PEFA is quite consistent with the monetary data of changes in inventories in the ESA use table, due to some of PEFA data is used to estimate the value of changes in inventories (by the "quantity per price" method); 
  • production data in Table A of PEFA is implicitly consistent with production data in the ESA supply table given the internal consistency in PEFA and ESA between the supply and use tables. However, also in this case, it must be borne in mind that, according to PEFA guidelines, PEFA data deviates from the ESA monetary data because of the recording of own account production. In National Accounts we consider only the market production (in value) while in PEFA we consider all the quantity produced (sold + self-consumed).
15.3.3. Do you cooperate with national colleagues compiling AEA?

In Istat, the same colleagues compile both AEA and PEFA.

15.3.4. Are there compilation elements that PEFA compilers jointly undertake with AEA compilers (e.g. distribution of road transport fuel use and emissions by NACE)?

Yes everything, because they are exactly the same colleagues who compile both AEA and PEFA.

15.3.5. Do you report in PEFA imports and exports according to the SEEA-CF concepts for trade in goods (see SEEA-CF section 3.3.3, paras. 3.121 ff., and para. 1.46)?

Yes, we do.

15.3.6. Do you perform cross-domain plausibility checks between your PEFA data on air transport versus OECD's data on CO2-emissions of air transport?
Regarding air transport, we are aware of the inconsistency between PEFA and OECD (and between AEA and OECD),  as well as between PEFA and AEA.
The inconsistency between PEFA/AEA and OECD depends on the different definition of resident units adopted. OECD considers an airline resident in the country issuing the air operator's certificate (AOC). Within PEFA/AEA we have to adopt the same definition adopted by the National accounts. In National accounts domestic flights operated by some foreign airlines (only some, not all) are treated as flights operated by resident airlines, because they contribute to the formation of the Italian GDP. Therefore we cannot adopt the OECD definition within PEFA/AEA.
Currently, for NACE H51, the PEFA quantity data on jet fuel consumption are consistent with the national accounts monetary data on the purchase of jet fuel.
We are working (changing the estimation methods) to further improve consistency both between PEFA/AEA and National accounts and between PEFA and AEA. The methodological revision will be implemented as part of the National accounts' general revision ending in 2024.
Due to the difference in the definition of resident unit for air companies, the best thing would be to work to eliminate definitional inconsistencies between the National account and OECD.
15.3.7. Do you perform cross-domain plausibility checks between PEFA data points and corresponding data points in energy statistics (see PEFA validation rules)?

Yes. Energy statistics are one of the main data sources for PEFA

15.3.8. Do you perform cross-domain plausibility checks between PEFA data points and the corresponding data points in economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) (see PEFA validation rules)?

Yes, we do.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Eurostat's validation procedures should ensure full internal consistency, at least for the mandatory data points.

16. Cost and Burden Top
Restricted from publication

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
There is no explicit review policy.
Revisions to previously released data take place if there is an update of a data source or a change in methodology.
The review is guaranteed for the PEFA reporting obligation years, while it is on a voluntary basis for the previous years (prior to t-4). In the event of failure to update the data, a specific note will be inserted.
17.2. Data revision - practice

For this PEFA edition only the data relating to 2019-2021 have been transmitted. Consequently the 2000 and 2008-2018 data have not been revised while some changes have been made to the years 2019-2020 due to updates in the data sources.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Will be calculated and provided by EUROSTAT.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Data sources used to produce physical energy flow accounts are described in the following sub-concepts.

18.1.1. Which are the main data sources you employ for the use of natural energy inputs (i.e. who is extracting)?
The main sources are the IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and the Italian National Energy Balance transmitted to Eurostat by the competent Italian authorities (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, GSE s.p.a., Terna s.p.a.). These are complemented by:
  • the "Survey on energy consumption (Indagine sui COnsumi ENergetici - COEN)", carried out by Istat, MISE and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development);
  • data supplied by Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (Ispra) which are used in the construction of the National emission inventory;
  • the "Agriculture economic accounts" produced by Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • "Supply Table" and "Hours worked" by National Accounts.
18.1.2. Which are the main data sources you employ for supply of energy products (e.g. electricity, refinery products etc.)?
The main sources are the IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and the Italian National Energy Balance transmitted to Eurostat by the competent Italian authorities (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, GSE s.p.a., Terna s.p.a.). These are complemented by:
  • the surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services” (Statistiche del commercio estero, carried out by Istat;
  • the "Survey on energy consumption (Indagine sui COnsumi ENergetici - COEN)", carried out by Istat, MISE and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development); 
  • the "Annual Report on Electricity in Italy" (Bilancio Energia Elettrica) produced by TERNA (Italian Transmission System Operator for electricity) (;
  • the "Balance of Payment" by Bank of Italy; 
  • the "Economic, Energy, Oil and Environmental statistics" (Statistiche Economiche, Energetiche, Petrolifere e Ambientali) produced by UNEM (, formerly Unione Petrolifera;
  • data supplied by Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (Ispra) which are used in the construction of the National emission inventory;
  • the "Agriculture economic accounts" produced by Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • "Supply Table" and "Hours worked" by National Accounts.
18.1.3. Which are the main data sources you employ for the transformation use by energy transforming entities (NACE 2-digit divisions)?
The main sources are the IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and the Italian National Energy Balance transmitted to Eurostat by the competent Italian authorities (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, GSE s.p.a., Terna s.p.a.). These are complemented by:
  • the "Survey on energy consumption (Indagine sui COnsumi ENergetici - COEN)", carried out by Istat, MISE and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development); 
  • the "Economic, Energy, Oil and Environmental statistics" (Statistiche Economiche, Energetiche, Petrolifere e Ambientali) produced by UNEM (, formerly Unione Petrolifera;
  • data supplied by Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (Ispra) which are used in the construction of the National emission inventory;
  • the "Agriculture economic accounts" produced by Istat's National Accounting Directorate.
18.1.4. Which are the main data sources you employ for the end use by end user entities (including non-energy use)?
The main sources are the IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and the Italian National Energy Balance transmitted to Eurostat by the competent Italian authorities (Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, GSE s.p.a., Terna s.p.a.). These are complemented by:
  • the "Quaterly Oil Bulletin" (Bollettino Petrolifero,, the data publication "Consumption of petroleum products" (Consumi Petroliferi, , produced by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE); 
  • the surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services” (Statistiche del commercio estero,, the “Survey on Air  Transport ” (Rilevazione sul trasporto aereo) and the "Household Budget Survey" (HBS) carried out by Istat;
  • the "Survey on energy consumption (Indagine sui COnsumi ENergetici - COEN)", carried out by Istat, MISE and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development); 
  • the "Annual Report on Electricity in Italy" (Bilancio Energia Elettrica) and data on "Consumption of electricity by type of activity and type of market" (Consumi energia elettrica per settore merceologico) produced by TERNA (Italian Transmission System Operator for electricity) (;
  • the Italian Vehicle Register provided by ACI (Automobile Club d'Italia);
  • the Database of Vehicle registrations provided by UNRAE (Unione Nazionale Rappresentanti Autoveicoli Esteri);
  • the talian Vehicles Inspection Register provided by MIT (Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport);
  • "Guida sul risparmio di carburanti e sulle emissioni di CO2 delle autovetture" published by MISE (;
  • the "Register of Italian employers" constructed in Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • the "Balance of Payment", the "Survey on International maritime transport" and the "Survey on international tourism in Italy" by Bank of Italy; 
  • the "Economic, Energy, Oil and Environmental statistics" (Statistiche Economiche, Energetiche, Petrolifere e Ambientali) produced by UNEM (, formerly Unione Petrolifera;
  • data supplied by Istituto Superiore per la Ricerca e la Protezione Ambientale (Ispra) which are used in the construction of the National emission inventory;
  • the "Agriculture economic accounts" and "Public Administrations economic accounts" produced by Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • "Supply and Use Table" and "Hours worked" by National Accounts;
  • Reports on "Vehicles in use  Europe" and "Share of diesel in new passenger cars in West Europe" by ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers Association);
  • EU27 Energy Balances published by Eurostat.
18.1.5. Which auxiliary data do you use to develop 'distribution keys' to assign energy use to the detailed breakdown of production activities (NACE 2-digit divisions) and categories of household consumption?
No change respect on previous PEFA edition.
The allocation of electricity consumption to the NACE/HH is based on information taken from  the "Annual Report on Electricity in Italy" and  "Consumption of electricity by type of activity and type of market"  produced by TERNA (Italian Transmission System Operator for electricity).
For other products, the total consumption of each product is first of all divided by type of use (transformation, distribution losses, transport, end uses and non-energy uses) and then the NACE/HH breakdown is made using specific sources according to the type of use.
The allocation of fuel consumption for road transport to NACE/HH is based on mileage combined with engine size, Euro-class, vehicle weight, number of seats (depending on the type of vehicle). Mileage is turned into consumption through technical coefficients (expressed in liters / 100 km). 
For other types of use, information from National Energy Balance, IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaire and COEN is used jointly.
18.1.6. Do you use the PEFA builder? If yes: for populating the PEFA Tables, or for control only?

We don't use the PEFA Builder tool. We used it for the first launch of PEFA as a guide to better undertand how to allocate some flows.

18.1.7. Which data sources do you use to make adjustments for the residence principle?
No change respect on previous PEFA edition.
Energy consumption concerning road, water and air transport are adjusted for the residence principle. No adjustment is done for fishing vessels.
Water transport: the adjustment is made by combining different sources: Energy balance, "Energy consumption survey (COEN)", "Foreign trade of goods and services", "Balance of payments" and the "Survey on International maritime transport".
The annual change rate in the total import (quantity of diesel and fuel oil purchased abroad by Italian ships) is based on the change in revenue for freight and passenger transport carried out abroad by Italian shipowners; the total export (quantity of diesel and fuel oil purchased in Italy from foreign ships) is provided by surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services” of Istat; the breakdown between diesel and fuel oil is based on the same breakdown of 'domestic navigation'.
Air transport: import (quantity of jet fuel purchased directly abroad by resident units) is a function of the number of international arrivals managed by Italian companies, multiplied by distance travelled (data source is the "Survey on Air Transport" carried out by Istat); export (quantity of jet fuel purchased directly in Italy by non-resident units) is provided by surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services” of Istat.
OECD estimates are not incorporated into ours due to the different definition of resident airline company (country delivering the Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) versus National accounts definition). In-depth studies are underway to make environmental accounts and national accounts completely consistent with each other.
Road transport: the adjustment methodology uses jointly several data sources with the aim of estimating the mileage traveled  in Italy by non-resident and abroad by residents, for passanger transport and for freight transport separately. Mileage is turned into fuel consumption by means of technical coefficients. 
Data sources used are:
- "Survey on international tourism in Italy" by Bank of Italy;
- Reports on "Vehicles in use  Europe" and "Share of diesel in new passenger cars in West Europe" by ACEA European Automobile Manufacturers Association;
- National Energy Balance.
The survey provides information on the number of travellers passing the italian boundaries, by type of vehicles residence, destination, type of travel (with/without overnight stay).
By assumptions on the number of passengers by vehicle, the number of vehicles is estimated; for each type of vehicle the mileage is estimated on the basis of the information collected by the Survey. 
ACEA data is used to disaggregate the results produced so far by type of fuel. 
In this way, data on mileage traveled by residents abroad (and by non-residents on the territory) are obtained by vehicle type and fuel. 
Mileage is turned into fuel consumption by means of technical coefficients.
18.2. Frequency of data collection


18.3. Data collection

No data is collected directly, but the data sources described in point 18.1 are used. 

18.4. Data validation
Data validation occurs through comparison and integration of various data sources.
We compared IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and  Italian Energy balance (Eurostat's format); these sources are used jointly.
We checked also the consistency between IEA/Eurostat/UNECE Energy Questionnaires and the Annual Report on Electricity in Italy by TERNA and used the latter jointly with specific information on the agriculture sector, in order to allocate the supply of electricity by autoproducers to NACE divisions other than D35.
With regard to import/export of energy products we used data of  surveys on “Foreign trade of Goods and Services” of Istat, consistent with ESA monetary data, and then we applied a specific reconciliation procedure to all the other aggregates in order to guarantee the balance between supply and use for each product.
18.5. Data compilation
Overview of macro-phases in compiling Italian PEFA:
1. Starting from the different energy data sources, we carry out an integration between data sources with the aim to construct a physical “Supply&Use” table by product (44 energy products, plus 5 non-energy products used for energy purposes):
The “Supply&Use" table is constructed “in primis” according to the territory principle and then, inserting the appropriate adjustments, according to the residence principle.
2. Consumption is divided into “Transformation use” and “End use”.
3. “End use" is divided into "Final consumption of households" and "Intermediate consumption of productive activities".
4. The "Total production" and the "Total intermediate consumption" (separately for “Transformation use” and “End use”) is broken down by industry (98 branches).
5. Natural energy inputs and Energy losses are allocated.
6. Compilation of Bridge Table, in which we highlight all the elements that differentiate the "Net domestic energy use” of PEFA from the "Gross inland energy consumption (GIEC)" of National Energy Balance.
18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

18.5.2. Do you assign all supply of electricity and heat to NACE D35, or do you assign some to other NACE divisions than D35? Is the assignment you did fully aligned to the ESA monetary supply table submitted by your country?
No change respect on previous PEFA edition.
Consistent with the ESA monetary supply table, we assign supply of electricity and heat also to NACE divisions other than D35.
However, it must be borne in mind that, according to PEFA guidelines, PEFA deviates from the ESA monetary supply because of the recording of own account production of electricity (see also point 15.3.2).
In National Accounts we consider only the market production (in value) while in PEFA we consider all the quantity produced (sold + self-consumed).
By regulation, PEFA allocates the production of electricitty to the industries producing it, while electricity produced by households is recorded in the industry of the characteristic product (NACE D35), regardless of whether it is sold (market production) or self-consumed (self-production).
18.5.3. Which method do you use for the allocation of road transport energy use to NACE industries and households?
No change respect on previous PEFA edition.
Road transport is allocated to NACE industries and households through a distribution key based on mileage and broken down by fuel (Gasoline, Diesel, LPG, Natural Gas, Electricity) and vehicle type (passenger cars, heavy and light duty vehicles, busses, other vehicles , motorcycles,  other motorcycles). For each combination of fuel and vehicle type, the mileage is combined with other information as follows:
- passenger cars: engine size and Euro-class;
- heavy and light duty vehicles: vehicle weight and Euro-class;
- other vehicles : vehicle weight;
- busses: number of seats;
- motorcycles: engine size;
- other motorcycles: engine size.
Annual mileage is calculated for each vehicle on the basis of the mileage provided by the Vehicle inspection Register. 
The allocation of annual mileage to the NACE/HH requires several steps:
a) a microlinkage between the Vehicle register and the Register of Italian employers;
b) a microlinkage between the UNRAE Database of Vehicle registration and the Register of Italian employers;
c) a microlinkage between the UNRAE Database of Vehicle registration and the Vehicle inspection Register;
In the first step (point a), the micro linking between the two registers is done both on the vehicle’s owner fiscal code and the lessee’s fiscal codes (users). These microlinkings allow the association of the NACE code to all the owners or users of a vehicle belonging to Register of Italian employers. Vehicles belonging to (or used by) units not present in the Register of Italian employers do not link. This means that their owners (or users) are not employers nor self-employed and thus they are assigned to households. 
In the second step (point b), the micro linking on the vehicle’s owner fiscal code and the lessee’s fiscal codes (users) is done on a subset of vehicles relating to the registrations of new vehicles and the registrations of ownerships changes provided by the UNRAE Database of Vehicle registration. This step is needed as allow donating the NACE/HH to the vehicles provided by the Vehicle inspection Register by the micro linking with the UNRAE Database of Vehicle registration on the VIN (vehicle identification number) (point C). Indeed, Vehicle register does not provide VIN and this prevents the direct link with the Vehicle inspection Register.
Finally, from c) a per-vehicle mileage,  by NACE/HH, vehicle type and fuel, can be calculated and expanded to the total provided by the Vehicle register.
Mileage is turned into consumption by applying technical coefficients (expressed in liters / 100 km). At last, the distribution keys were obtained by vehicle type and fuel and aggregated by fuel.
Data sources to be used to construct the distribution keys are available yearly but, due to the complexity of elaborations and processing times, we have decided to base the estimation of the time series on the average annual mileage per-vehicle in 2016 (year for which we have the most information) by combining it with the annual data from the Vehicle Register and the annual technical consumption coefficients. In this way we obtain annual distribution keys that dynamically follow the figures of the vehicle fleet and the evolution of technology.
For the reference years 2020 and 2021 we have updated the 2016 mileage to take into account the mobility restrictions and the closure of economic activities imposed during the 2020 and 2021 lockdowns implemented in Italy to cope with the Covid19 pandemic crisis.
18.5.4. Which method do you use for the allocation of energy use to detailed service industries (i.e. NACE 2-digit divisions 55-98)?
  • for road transport see point 18.5.3;
  • for air transport of Pubblic Amministration , Defence and Health we use "Public Administrations economic accounts" produced by Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • for Electricity we use data on "Consumption of electricity by type of activity and type of market" (Consumi energia elettrica per settore merceologico) produced by TERNA (Italian Transmission System Operator for electricity) (;
  • for Ambient heat (heat pumps) an estimate is made on the basis of the "Employment by industry" constructed in Istat's National Accounting Directorate;
  • for all other cases, distribution keys resulting from the "Survey on energy consumption (Indagine sui COnsumi ENergetici - COEN)", carried out by Istat, MISE and ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) is used.
18.5.5. How do you ensure a coherent assignment of energy use to economic activities (i.e. the use of energy products by a given production activity (NACE A*64 division) reported in PEFA must be coherent with the emissions reported in AEA)?
PEFA is built before AEA and independently from it.
In Italy, data relating to energy consumption by residents (underlying Table B of PEFA) are constructed by Istat at a great level of detail (TIPU: "Tavola degli Impieghi dei Prodotti energeti per tipo di Utilizzo - Table of Use of energy Products by type of Use"), considering 3 dimensions: NACE/HH (98 NACE + HH) , energy products (47 products) and the type of use (12 types).
For AEA construction, the TIPU's detail is used to:
a) disaggregate by NACE/HH the air emissions related to energy use (air emissions are estimated by ISPRA by using the same energy statistics used by Istat for the PEFA construction, but not always in the same way; a collaboration between Istat-Ispra is underway with the intent, among other things, to bring the use of energy statistics to consistency);
b) to make the transition from "emissions on territory" to "residents' emissions".
We can therefore say that PEFA and AEA are "quite" consistent.
A possible inconsistency concerns air and maritime transport.
18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

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