Farm structure (ef)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: ISTAT - Italian National Statistical Institute

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

ISTAT - Italian National Statistical Institute

1.2. Contact organisation unit

ATC - Division for agricultural statistics and surveys

1.5. Contact mail address

Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 26 - 00144 Roma

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 30/04/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 21/04/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 26/05/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The data describe the structure of agricultural holdings providing the general characteristics of farms and farmers and information on their land, livestock and labour force.  They also describe production methods, rural development measures and agro-environmental aspects that look at the impact of agriculture on the environment.

The data are used by public, researchers, farmers and policy-makers to better understand the state of the farming sector and the impact of agriculture on the environment. The data follow up the changes in the agricultural sector and provide a basis for decision-making in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other European Union policies.

The statistical unit is the agricultural holding (farm). The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The data are presented at different geographical levels and over periods.
The data collections are organised in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and have a new structure, consisting of a core data set and several modules. The regulation covers the data collections in 2020 (the agricultural census), 2023 and 2026. The data are as comparable and coherent as possible with the other European countries.

3.2. Classification system

Data are arranged in tables using many classifications. Please find below information on most classifications.

The classifications of variables are available in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The farm typology means a uniform classification of the holdings based on their type of farming and their economic size. Both are determined on the basis of the standard gross margin (SGM) (until 2007) or standard output (SO) (from 2010 onward) which is calculated for each crop and animal. The farm type is determined by the relative contribution of the different productions to the total standard gross margin or the standard output of the holding.

The territorial classification uses the NUTS classification to break down the regional data. The regional data is available at NUTS level 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

The statistics cover agricultural holdings undertaking agricultural activities as listed in item 3.5 below and meeting the minimum coverage requirements (thresholds) as listed in item 3.6 below.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The list of core variables is set in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091.

The descriptions of the core variables as well as the lists and descriptions of the variables for the modules collected in 2019/2020 are set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The following groups of variables are collected in 2020:

  • for core: location of the holding, legal personality of the holding, manager, type of tenure of the utilised agricultural area, variables of land, organic farming, irrigation on cultivated outdoor area, variables of livestock, organic production methods applied to animal production;
  • for the module "Labour force and other gainful activities": farm management, family labour force, non-family labour force, other gainful activities directly and not directly related to the agricultural holding;
  • for the module "Rural development": support received by agricultural holdings through various rural development measures;
  • for the module "Animal housing and rural development module":  animal housing, nutrient use and manure on the farm, manure application techniques, facilities for manure.
3.5. Statistical unit

See sub-category below.

3.5.1. Definition of agricultural holding

The agricultural holding is a single unit, both technically and economically, that has a single management and that undertakes economic activities in agriculture in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 belonging to groups:

- A.01.1: Growing of non-perennial crops

- A.01.2: Growing of perennial crops

- A.01.3: Plant propagation

- A.01.4: Animal production

- A.01.5: Mixed farming or

- The “maintenance of agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition” of group A.01.6 within the economic territory of the Union, either as its primary or secondary activity.

Regarding activities of class A.01.49, only the activities “Raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals” (with the exception of raising of insects) and “Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax” are included.

3.6. Statistical population

See sub-categories below.

3.6.1. Population covered by the core data sent to Eurostat (main frame and if applicable frame extension)

The thresholds of agricultural holdings are available in the annex.

3.6.1. Thresholds of agricultural holdings Raised thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
No Lowered and/or additional thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
3.6.2. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the modules “Labour force and other gainful activities”, “Rural development” and “Machinery and equipment”

The same population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.1

The above answer holds for the modules ‘Labour force and other gainful activities’ and ‘Rural development’. The module ‘Machinery and equipment’ is not collected in 2020.

3.6.3. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the module “Animal housing and manure management”

The subset of the population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.2 with at least one of the following: bovine animals, pigs, sheep, goats, poultry or where fertiliser (whatever type) have been used.

3.7. Reference area

See sub-categories below.

3.7.1. Geographical area covered

The entire territory of the country.

3.7.2. Inclusion of special territories

3.7.3. Criteria used to establish the geographical location of the holding
The main building for production
The majority of the area of the holding
The residence of the farmer (manager) not further than 5 km straight from the farm
3.7.4. Additional information reference area

Not available

3.8. Coverage - Time

Farm structure statistics in our country cover the period from 1961 onwards. Older time series are described in the previous quality reports (national methodological reports).

3.9. Base period

The 2020 data are processed (by Eurostat) with 2017 standard output coefficients (calculated as a 5-year average of the period 2015-2019). For more information, you can consult the definition of the standard output.

4. Unit of measure Top

Two kinds of units are generally used:

  • the units of measurement for the variables (area in hectares, livestock in LSU (livestock units), labour force in persons or AWU (annual working units), standard output in Euro, places for animal housing etc.) and
  • the number of agricultural holdings having these characteristics.

5. Reference Period Top

See sub-categories below.

5.1. Reference period for land variables

The use of land refers to the reference year 2019/2020; in particular 1 November 2019- 31 October 2020).

In the case of successive crops from the same piece of land, the land use refers to a crop that is harvested during the reference year, regardless of when the crop in question is sown.

5.2. Reference period for variables on irrigation and soil management practices

5.3. Reference day for variables on livestock and animal housing

According to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, the reference day for livestock is the 1st of December 2020, with the exception of poultry for which the average number in a 12-month period including the 1st of December 2020 was considered.

Variables on animal housing refer to a 12-month period: from the 1st of January 2020 to the 31st of December 2020.

5.4. Reference period for variables on manure management

 Variables on manure management refer to a 12-month period: from the 1st of January 2020 to the 31st of December 2020.

5.5. Reference period for variables on labour force

The 12-month period ending on 31 October 2020.

5.6. Reference period for variables on rural development measures

The three-year period ending on 31 December 2020.

5.7. Reference day for all other variables

The reference day is the 1st of December 2020.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See sub-categories below.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Legal act
6.1.2. Name of national legal acts and other agreements

Lex n. 205, December 27, 2017 (art. 1, subsections 227-237)

6.1.3. Link to national legal acts and other agreements

6.1.4. Year of entry into force of national legal acts and other agreements


6.1.5. Legal obligations for respondents
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

In Italy, the main stakeholders which produce administrative data or carry out surveys and analyses as regards agriculture, forestry and fishery are: ISTAT, Ministry of Agriculture (MIPAAF), AGEA (the Italian IACS authority), ISMEA (research body managed by the MIPAAF), CREA (research body managed by MIPAAF which is responsible fo FADN), the Italian Regions. These 6 bodies signed a memorandum of understanding on December 12, 2017, which will end in December 2022. All these bodies belong to the Italian National Statistical system. The Memorandum states that the administrative data owned by the authorities which signed it should be available for statistical purposes without any additional financial cost for ISTAT. The most important admin data managed on the basis of the memorandum concern:
1. the "Fascicoli aziendali " (Farm files), managed by AGEA in order to guarantee the UE financial support to farmers
2. The micro-data concerning rural developments measures adopted by farmers, managed by AGEA.
3. Regional farm registers including the active agricultural holdings at regional level
4. Organic farming data managed by MIPAAF.
Moreover, a special agreement has been signed between ISTAT and the Ministry of Health. According to that, ISTAT receives from the Ministry the yearly database of holdings which own livestock, for the mai kinds of animals.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Several national legal acts guarantee the confidentiality of data requested for statistical purposes. According to art. 9, paragraph 1 of the Legislative Decree n. 322 of 1989, personal data cannot be disseminated but in aggregated form, in order to make it impossible to make any reference to identifiable individuals. They can only be used for statistical purposes. Legislative Decree n. 322 of 1989, art. 6 bis and Legislative Decree n. 196 of 2003 Annex A3 (Code of conduct and professional practice applying to the processing of personal data for statistical and scientific research purposes within the framework of the national statistical system), art. 8, provide that the exchange of personal data within the National Statistical System (Sistan) is possible if it is necessary to fulfil requirements provided by the National Statistical Programme or to allow the pursuit of institutional purposes. The supply of the identification data of statistical units is allowed within the framework of entities included in the National Statistical System if the requesting party declares that no identical statistical result can be obtained otherwise . Regarding subjects who do not belong to Sistan, Article. 7 of the Code of conduct (Decree n. 196/2003, Annex A3) states that it is possible to transmit individual data files without direct identifiers within the framework of specific laboratories set up by entities included in the National Statistical System, under certain conditions and only if that the data are protected by the application of different statistical methods that make it highly unlikely the identification of statistical units.

At the moment ISTAT did not implement any specific actions regarding census data confidentiality. The main reasons are: 1) We are just completing the database final validation (in order to send micro-data to EUROSTAT); 2) as regards population census, existing legislation allowed the release of data even at a very detailed territorial level with a specific legal act; however, at the moment as regards agriculture census there is not a specific legal act which rules data confidentiality, even though a specific act may available along next months. Given this uncertain context, and considering that in Italy very detailed territorial data will be released not before October 2022, we started evaluations on data confidentiality with experts of the methodology directorate. No final decision was agreed up to now, however we are likely to apply perturbation techniques in some specific domains in order the tackle the problem. Further information may be supplied to EUROSTAT later on.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

See sub-categories below.

7.2.1. Aggregated data

See sub-categories below. Rules used to identify confidential cells
No rules applied Methods to protect data in confidential cells
No methods applied Description of rules and methods

7.2.2. Microdata

See sub-categories below. Use of EU methodology for microdata dissemination
No Methods of perturbation
None Description of methodology

2020 micro-data will be released to specific users (members of SISTAN) and data files will be accessible in micro-data form for researchers.

The confidentiality provisions applied are those foreseen by the Legislative Decree of 9 September 1989, n.322 (concerning the statistical confidentiality) as amended by Legislative Decree n. 281/99, Legislative Decree of June 30, 2003.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The milestones of the release calendar are:

June 2022: first press release (aggregated data)

September-December 2022: Data Browser

December 2022- first semester 2023: ad hoc thematic publications

8.2. Release calendar access

The Release calendar is an internal thecnical document not accessible from external.

8.3. Release policy - user access

Istat policy provides for free access to data by citizens. The main means of dissemination is the corporate website. The availability of data is emphasised through both media outreach and social networks. Dissemination formats are designed for different audiences, so they range from infographics, more accessible to non-experts, to microdata for researchers.

8.3.1. Use of quality rating system
No Description of the quality rating system

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

At national level IFS data are disseminated every 3 years

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See sub-categories below.

10.1.1. Publication of news releases
10.1.2. Link to news releases

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See sub-categories below.

10.2.1. Production of paper publications
Yes, but not in English
10.2.2. Production of on-line publications
Yes, but not in English
10.2.3. Title, publisher, year and link

Not yet published.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

See sub-categories below.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

10.3.2. Accessibility of online database
10.3.3. Link to online database

Not applicable at the moment: the database is not yet available.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

See sub-category below.

10.4.1. Accessibility of microdata
10.5. Dissemination format - other

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

See sub-categories below.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested.

10.6.2. Availability of national reference metadata
10.6.3. Title, publisher, year and link to national reference metadata

10.6.4. Availability of national handbook on methodology
10.6.5. Title, publisher, year and link to handbook

A short edition of the handbook is available online on Istat's website:

10.6.6. Availability of national methodological papers
10.6.7. Title, publisher, year and link to methodological papers

Methodological papers will be published in next future and will be available at the following link:

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Metadata on IFS will be stored in SIQUAL which is an informative system for documenting the process and the quality of all surveys carried out by Istat, in a standard way.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

See sub-categories below.

11.1.1. Quality management system
11.1.2. Quality assurance and assessment procedures
Training courses
Quality guidelines
Designated quality manager, quality unit and/or senior level committee
Compliance monitoring
11.1.3. Description of the quality management system and procedures

Istat is highly committed to quality and Istat quality policy is developed in agreement with the European Statistical System Common Quality Framework and the principles of the ES Code of Practice.

Istat has not formally adopted a specific quality management model, like TQM or EFQM, but its quality policy is based on most of the core values of such models (e.g.: Process approach (process quality), consisting in the production of accurate statistical information efficiently and effectively. Information on processes is available; Customer focus (user’s orientation), consisting in making statistical information easily accessible and understandable and in satisfying user needs as much as possible; Participation of everyone, consisting in involving staff in the quality management system; etc.)

Quality management has a long tradition at Istat. It roots back to the ‘90s, when Istat adopted a systematic approach in order to ensure quality to statistical products, processes and services offered to the community. The Istat quality management system is based on several tools like Information Systems for the documentation of the statistical process and products and their quality, quality guidelines, quality reporting, training programme on quality, etc...

SIDI-SIQual is the official information system for documenting quality and reference metadata of the Istat statistical production processes. It is aimed at documenting and supporting quality monitoring and assessment. The system describes the production process and its features: information content; survey phases and operations; activities to prevent, monitor and evaluate sampling and non-sampling errors.. The system has 2 versions: one for external users ( – currently under maintenance), one for internal users. The internal version of the system includes standard quality indicators that are both process and product-oriented.

Quality Report Card for Administrative data (QRCA) is a documentation system managed by the Directorate for Data Collection, aimed at evaluating the input quality for the statistical production processes based on administrative data. It is also aimed at informing internal users about the usability/quality of administrative data acquired. It contains information about the administrative source and their relevance for Istat, the dataset compliance with respect to data requested, its timeliness, integrability, stability, metadata description.

Quality guidelines for statistical processes contain the principles for planning, executing and assessing statistical processes and the description of the methods to ensure the compliance to the principles. Istat has produced several quality guidelines: guidelines for survey processes in 2012 (, for statistical processes based on administrative sources in 2016, for statistics produced by the National Statistical System in 2018 . This last manual integrates good practices concerning survey processes and statistics based on administrative source. The quality guidelines are considered as the reference standard for the assessment of both process and product quality.

Statistical processes that produce data for Eurostat are required to accompany their results with metadata information, which is organised in appropriate quality reports. Activities related to quality reporting are carried out by the production sector; however, Istat quality team coordinates and offers support for quality reports compilation and transmission. Training courses for quality reporting are also supplied regularly. From the operational perspective, quality reports can be compiled using the tool made available by Eurostat (the Metadata Handler) but for many processes it is possible to make the procedure easier by retrieving the quality information already provided in SIDI-SIQual. At the national level the so-called Schede standard di qualità, in Italian) represents the Istat standard quality reports for Istat’s users and the Italian public. They offer similar information to that included in the standard quality reports but, unlike them, they are published in Italian language.

Surveys aimed at assessing users’ satisfaction for products and services available on Istat website are regularly carried out by the Directorate for Communication. The surveys are carried out through a web questionnaire on a voluntary basis and results are published on the website.

Training on quality has a long tradition in Istat. Since 2000 Istat has provided several type of training courses: general and introductory courses aim at involving all the staff on quality and creating a quality culture, and advanced courses describing non sampling errors affecting accuracy and methods to assess and to deal with them in statistical processes. From 2012 to 2016, ad hoc training programmes have been also developed for staff involved in audit and self-assessment procedures, concerning the internal quality assessment of the Institute. The current training on quality is diversified, and it is aimed at satisfying different needs in different units of the Institute.

In the period 2010-2016 also a cycle of audit and self-assessment on 80 Istat statistical process has been carried out. Assessment was carried out against the quality guidelines.

In 2016-2020 Istat carried out a modernisation process that implied great changes in the statistical production. After the modernisation, a renovation of quality policy was deemed necessary to adapt the quality methods and tools the new production environment. In this new environment, in 2020, Quality Committee has been re-constituted (a first Quality Committed was in charge from 2010 to 2016) and a Quality Manager has been appointed. The task of defining a new quality policy proposal for the Institute was assigned to them. This new proposal has been developed in line with the existing approach, methods and tools but it also takes into account the innovations due to modernisation process. It has been approved by Istat top management in October 2021 and it is currently being implemented.

While promoting the renovation and improvement of existing quality tools (e.g. a new system for managing metadata and quality information, named METAstat, is being designed by a ad-hoc internal working group) the new quality policy focuses on the quality assessment of statistical processes, with different methods and tools according to the type of statistical processes. See 11.1.4 for more details.

11.1.4. Improvements in quality procedures

As mentioned in 11.1.3 the new Istat quality policy has been approved in October 2021 and it is currently been implemented. Different quality assessment procedures has been designed according to the maturity of different statistical processes.

For traditional processes, e.g. surveys, the compliance with sound methodologies and practices will be verified through a checklist (currently being tested), and the compliant processes will obtain an internal “quality” label. A small number of processes will be subject to an audit-like assessment. 

For complex multisource statistical processes that led to the creation of statistical registers, the assessment will be based on a set of quality indicators identified and tested by a specific working group. Such quality indicators, together with metadata useful for their interpretation, will be implemented in the new metadata system METAstat. The next step will be the definition of specific quality guidelines for statistical registers.

For innovative processes e.g. Trusted Smart Statistics, the reference quality framework should first been established.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Not available

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main groups of users and the groups of variables they need are the following:

- National Account Service of Istat (variables on Labour force to build the economic accounts of the agricultural sector)
- Environment Service of Istat (variables on Irrigation to study the use of water in agriculture)
- ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, variables connected with environmental impact of agriculture)

- Regions (Local policies)

- Ministry of Agriculture (National policies)

- University and other Research Institutions (Researches)

12.1.1. Main groups of variables collected only for national purposes

The main group of variables collected for national purposes concern:

  • more details on Irrigation
  • Impact of Covid on agriculture
  • variables connected with trade
12.1.2. Unmet user needs

12.1.3. Plans for satisfying unmet user needs

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not applicable (no m

12.2.1. User satisfaction survey
12.2.2. Year of user satisfaction survey

12.2.3. Satisfaction level
Not applicable
12.3. Completeness

Information on low- and zero prevalence variables is available on: Eurostat's website.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not applicable for Integrated Farm Statistics as the not collected variables, not-significant variables and not-existent variables are completed with 0.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

See categories below.

13.2. Sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Please find the relative standard errors for the main variables in the annex.

13.2.1. Relative Standard Errors
13.2.2. Reasons for non-compliant precision requirements in relation to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

There are no cases

13.2.3. Methodology used to calculate relative standard errors

See attached file.

13.2.3 Note on the RSE
13.2.4. Impact of sampling error on data quality
13.3. Non-sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.3.1. Coverage error

See sub-categories below. Over-coverage - rate

The over-coverage rate is available in the annex. The over-coverage rate is unweighted.
The over-coverage rate is calculated as the share of ineligible holdings to the holdings designated for the core data collection. The ineligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status that are not imputed nor re-weighted for (therefore considered ineligible).
The over-coverage rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and if applicable frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. 

Annexes: Over-coverage rate and Unit non-response rate Types of holdings included in the frame but not belonging to the population of the core (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
Below thresholds during the reference period
Temporarily out of production during the reference period
Ceased activities
Merged to another unit
Duplicate units
Other Actions to minimize the over-coverage error
Removal of ineligible units from the records, leaving unchanged the weights for the other units Additional information over-coverage error Common units - proportion

100% Under-coverage error

See sub-categories below. Under-coverage rate

The degree of under-coverage is zero as the whole target population has been included in the frame population and the frame extension. Types of holdings belonging to the population of the core but not included in the frame (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
None Actions to minimise the under-coverage error

The population frame includes both the population frame and the frame extension. Additional information under-coverage error Misclassification error
No Actions to minimise the misclassification error

Not applicable Contact error
Yes Actions to minimise the contact error

The most up-to-date contact information possible was used to build the reference list. Impact of coverage error on data quality
13.3.2. Measurement error

See sub-categories below. List of variables mostly affected by measurement errors

The variables mostly affected by measurement errors are:

UAA - Utilised agricultural area


A5140 Broilers heads
A5110O Laying hens heads
A5000X5100 Other poultry heads
A5230 Turkeys heads
A5210 Ducks heads
A5220 Geese heads
A5240_5300 Other poultry fowls, n.e.c. Causes of measurement errors
Respondents’ inability to provide accurate answers
Insufficient preparation of interviewers Actions to minimise the measurement error
Explanatory notes or handbooks for enumerators or respondents
On-line FAQ or Hot-line support for enumerators or respondents
Training of enumerators Impact of measurement error on data quality
Moderate Additional information measurement error

Most of measurement errors have been detected by the electronic questionnaire (influential). The remaing measurement errors have been solved during the check and edit phase.

13.3.3. Non response error

See sub-categories below. Unit non-response - rate

The unit non-response rate is in the annex of item The unit non-response rate is unweighted.
The unit non-response rate is calculated as the share of eligible non-respondent holdings to the eligible holdings.  The eligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status which are imputed or re-weighted for (therefore considered eligible).
The unit non-response rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. Reasons for unit non-response
Failure to identify the unit
Failure to make contact with the unit
Refusal to participate
Inability to participate (e.g. illness, absence) Actions to minimise or address unit non-response
Follow-up interviews
Imputation Unit non-response analysis

Not carried out. Item non-response - rate

The electronic questionnaire did not allow skipping the most important questions. So that only few variables were affected by non-response.  For these variables imputation has been performed.

The minimum non response rate (unweighted) is: 0.01

The maximum non response rate (unweighted) is: 2.18 Variables with the highest item non-response rate

OWN_UAA Own farmed utilised agricultural area

RENT_UAA Rented farmed utilised agricultural area Reasons for item non-response
Farmers do not know the answer Actions to minimise or address item non-response
Imputation Impact of non-response error on data quality
Low Additional information non-response error

13.3.4. Processing error

See sub-categories below. Sources of processing errors
Internet problems affecting filled-in web questionnaires
Imputation methods Imputation methods
Random hot deck imputation
Nearest neighbour imputation
Other Actions to correct or minimise processing errors

Intervention on electronic questionnaire

Intervention to realign the format of electronic questionnaire deriving from CATI technique. Tools and staff authorised to make corrections

Software: Sas and R, Banff, R packages such as validate, validatetools, errorlocate and VIM; SeleMix for influential errors and outliers; staff profiles: researchers and  technical assistants of the Directorate for Methodology and Statistical Process Design. Impact of processing error on data quality
Low Additional information processing error

13.3.5. Model assumption error

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See sub-categories below.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

18 months: June 2022 first publication (excluding microdata transmission to Eurostat in April 2022)

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

 24 months, considering the publication of complete and final results on Istat web site .

14.2. Punctuality

See sub-categories below.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

See sub-categories below. Punctuality - delivery

Not requested. Punctuality - publication

The first release of data on main variables was scheduled for June 2022 and this deadline was respected. Other publications are foreseen in next months.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See sub-categories below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable, because there are no mirror flows in Integrated Farm Statistics.

15.1.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 Reasons for deviations

15.1.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Proofs that the EU coverage requirements are met
  Total Covered by the thresholds Attained coverage Minimum requested coverage
 1  2 3=2*100/1
UAA excluding kitchen gardens  12.509.588  12.509.588  100% 98%
LSU  9.255.260  9.255.260 100% 98% Differences between the national thresholds and the thresholds used for the data sent to Eurostat Reasons for differences

15.1.4. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and EU handbook

We collect and send to Eurostat data with the same definitions and classification of variables compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874 and EU handbook.

The national definition of the categories for Agricultural Training of the Manager is not exactly the same of Eurostat, since in national definition also the level of education is taken into account.

In national dissemination some variables have a different format (i.e. Livestock). The number of working hours and days in a year corresponding to a full-time job

The information is available in the annex. 
The number of working hours and days in a year for a full-time job correspond to one annual working unit (AWU) in the country. One annual work unit corresponds to the work performed by one person who is occupied on an agricultural holding on a full-time basis. Annual working units are used to calculate the farm work on the agricultural holdings.

Annexes: AWU final Point chosen in the Annual work unit (AWU) percentage band to calculate the AWU of holders, managers, family and non-family regular workers

The information is available in the annex of item AWU for workers of certain age groups

The information is available in the annex of item Livestock coefficients

Italy uses the

However, data on livestock at national level are published in number of heads (not in LSU). Livestock included in “Other livestock n.e.c.”

Italy does not include Equidae in Other livestock n.e.c. Reasons for deviations

Equidae livestock represents a single item in the questionnaire.

15.1.5. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 Reasons for deviations

15.1.6. Common land
The concept of common land exists Collection of common land data
Yes Reasons if common land exists and data are not collected Methods to record data on common land
Common land is included in separate records representing virtual entities without managers. Source of collected data on common land
Administrative sources
Other Description of methods to record data on common land

The virtual common land units have been created at municipality level, on the basis of the information collected by:

- in 14 Regions (NUTS2): a direct survey, on optional basis, managed by the Regions

- in 7 Regions (NUTS2): administrative sources (in Regions that did not participate in the survey). Possible problems in relation to the collection of data on common land and proposals for future data collections

‘Common land agricultural unit’ means an entity of land on which common rights apply. They are normally under the responsibility of a public authority (state, parish, etc.) over which another person is entitled to exercise rights of common, and these rights are generally exercisable in common with others.

The main problem in collecting data on common land in Italy concerns the lack of information from the public authority on this kind of land. In many cases (Regions, municipalities, etc) there is no a digitized management of information and is very hard to discriminate from land on which common rights applied and land allotted to individual farms.

Moreover, due to the previous difficulties to collect data for these kind of units, common land excludes organic areas since no information on this topic is available.

15.1.7. National standards and rules for certification of organic products

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 Reasons for deviations

15.1.8. Differences in methods across regions within the country

15.2. Comparability - over time

See sub-categories below.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

10 years

15.2.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 newly considers agricultural holdings with only fur animals. However even if our country raises fur animals, holdings with only fur animals are not included in our data collection because they do not meet the thresholds.  The thresholds for animals are expressed in livestock units (LSU) and fur animals are not associated LSU coefficients. We did not add thresholds related to fur animals; there is no reason for it (fur animals do not contribute towards 98% of the total LSU).

15.2.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Changes in the thresholds of holdings for which core data are sent to Eurostat since the last data transmission
There have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes
Variable 2016 2020
UAA  GE 1,0 ha GE 0,2 ha
W1000T  n.a. GE 0,1 ha
UAAS  n.a. GE 0,01 ha
U1000  n.a. GE 0,01 ha
A0010_LSU  n.a. GE 1 LSU
A6710R  n.a. GE 3 HIVES
O1000T  GE 0,6 ha  n.a.
A2000  GE 10 HD  n.a.
A3100  GE 50 HD  n.a.
A4100 GE 20 HD n.a.
A4200 GE 20 HD n.a.
 A5000  GE 1000 HD  n.a.

The table summarizes the differences between the thresholds adopted in FSS 2016 and in Census 2020.

For some variables there have been enough changes to warrant the designation of a break in series.



15.2.4. Geographical coverage

See sub-categories below. Change in the geographical coverage since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

15.2.5. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

Legal personality of the agricultural holding

In IFS, there is a new class (“shared ownership”) for the legal personality of the holding compared to FSS 2016, which trigger fluctuations of holdings in the classes of sole holder holdings and group holdings.

 Other livestock n.e.c.

In FSS 2016, deer were included in this class, but in IFS they are classified separately.
In FSS 2016, there was a class for the collection of equidae, while in IFS, according to the EU regulation and handbook, equidae should be included under "Other livestock". Italy did not include equidae under "Other livestock".

 Livestock units

In FSS 2016, turkeys, ducks, geese, ostriches and other poultry were considered each one in a separate class with a coefficient of 0.03 for all the classes except for ostriches (coefficient 0.035). In IFS 2020, the coefficients were adjusted accordingly, with turkeys remaining at 0.03, ostriches remaining at 0.35, ducks adjusted to 0.01, geese adjusted to 0.02 and other poultry fowls n.e.c. adjusted to 0.001.

 Organic animals

While in FSS only fully compliant (certified converted) animals were included, in IFS both animals under conversion and fully converted are to be included.

15.2.6. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

Concerning the variables on manure managements in FSS 2016 the information was collected for the reference period 1 November 2015 – 31 October 2016, while in IFS 2020 the information was collected for the reference period 1 January 2020- 31 December 2020.

15.2.7. Common land

See sub-categories below. Changes in the methods to record common land since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

The main change concerns the data collection technique, since the definition of common land did not change.

In 2016 data on common land have been collected using the same questionnaire and the same interviewers as for the other agricultural holdings in the sample.

In 2020 data on common land have been collected using a mixed technique (direct interview with ad hoc questionnaire and administrative sources) and with a specific net of interviewers (employee from Regions)

We suspect 2016 data on common land are under estimated.

15.2.8. Explanations for major trends of main variables compared to the last data transmission to Eurostat

Overall comparison between 2020 with 2016.

1. FSS 2016 was a sampling survey, so estimates are affected by sampling errors, which do not apply to 2020 census data. As a consequence, the comparison must take into account that precision of 2020 is higher than precision of 2016 estimates and this basic difference reflects on the discrepancies between 2020 and 2016 data.

2. Beyond precision of estimates, it is absolutely possible that along 4 years we are facing percent changes larger than 10%: agriculture is changing quickly and we cannot overlap theoretical assumptions concerning the expected range of variation for some indicators to the real development of agriculture production systems and levels. Other explanations may be raised: for instance, more vegetarians imply lower need of bovine livestock.

Concerning the specific explanations:

- ARA99T: the questionnaire used for the FSS 2016 did not include any specific question on this item. As a consequence, data transmitted to EUROSTAT in 2016 are not comparable with data collected during the census 2020.

- G9100T+G9900T, during the last years several farmers changed the final destination of lands cultivated for cereals, depending on climate changes, selling prices, consumers' preferences and other reasons. This item includes many different kind of cultivation, so that it is difficult to know exactly the reasons for the decrease.

- I2990T: 2020 and 2016 data are not comparable. In 2016 this item included several textiles species which in 2020 have been asked for in separate specific questions. For this reason in 2020 the item "Other…" is quite lower than the corresponding item in 2016.

- I6000T+I900T: Situation which underlines an opposite trend compared with G9100T+G9900T (point 2 above). The main reasons are the same, basically the overall amount of surfaces is low.

- J3000TE: Permanent agricultural grassland not in use eligible for financial support- are increasing because, as a matter of fact, any farmer which could receive economic benefits tries to receive them according to the rules established in order to compliant with that.

- SOGA_NFAM_RH: During last years in Italy many agricultural holdings decided to externalise many kinds of supporting activities. As a consequence, the relative importance of Non-family labour force regularly working on the holding and having other gainful activities as their secondary activity is going to decrease, as other evidences from the 2020 census confirm

- In the last years we are facing the increase of farms which do not have UAA. These farms "produce without lands" because apply the hydroponic and aquaponic gardening systems, which do not require physical land for production

- a strong reduction of smal farms has been recorded from 2016 to 2020. This reduction was also combined with the increase of average size of active farms (in many cases, agricultural surfaces of small farms which stopped their activities have been bought by larger farms). As a consequence, the overall average SO increased

- the evolution of OGA activities of the holdings has increased in 2020 when compared to 2010, but it decreased if compared to 2016. This is probably due to the fact that data collection 2020 happened during the COVID pandemic; this may have led to a lower number of farms which operated connected activities.

15.2.9. Maintain of statistical identifiers over time
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

See sub-categories below.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because there are no sub annual data collections in agriculture.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable, because Integrated Farm Statistics have no relevance for national accounts.

15.3.3. Coherence at micro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at micro level
No Results of analysis at micro level

Annual crops statistics are not collected on microdata basis.

15.3.4. Coherence at macro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at macro level
Yes Results of analysis at macro level

Precision of census estimates is larger than precision of other estimates because this is just a census (no sampling errors, no experts estimates), even though the census itself may be affected by other error sources (measurement errors only.

No significant overcoverage or undercoverage problems occurred).

the comparison between IFS and APRO provides mixed results: it is not possible that two independent sources/estimates (the census and the Annual Crop Statistics) produce exactly the same data. Moreover, farmers were asked to provide data on agricultural surfaces between January and July 2021, that is after not less than 5 months from the end of the reference agrarian year, so microdata collected may lead to aggregated data which are different from APRO data estimated several months before. APRO estimates cannot substitute census data anyway, that is a matter of methology and quality of basic data sources compared.

15.4. Coherence - internal

The data are internally consistent. This is ensured by the application of a wide range of validation rules.

16. Cost and Burden Top

See sub-categories below.

16.1. Coordination of data collections in agricultural statistics

As for the Census

16.2. Efficiency gains since the last data transmission to Eurostat
On-line surveys
Further training
16.2.1. Additional information efficiency gains

16.3. Average duration of farm interview (in minutes)

See sub-categories below.

16.3.1. Core

30 minutes

16.3.2. Module ‘Labour force and other gainful activities‘

15 minutes

16.3.3. Module ‘Rural development’

16.3.4. Module ‘Animal housing and manure management’

15 minutes

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Preliminary data are not published. Only final data are disseminated.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Preliminary data are not published. Only final data are disseminated.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested.

18. Statistical processing Top

18. Timetable_statistical_process
18.1. Source data

See sub-categories below.

18.1.1. Population frame

See sub-categories below. Type of frame
List frame Name of frame Update frequency
18.1.2. Core data collection on the main frame

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.3. Core data collection on the frame extension

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata Method of determination of the overall sample size Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.4. Module “Labour force and other gainful activities”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata Method of determination of the overall sample size Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.5. Module “Rural development”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata Method of determination of the overall sample size Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.6. Module “Animal housing and manure management module”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata Method of determination of the overall sample size Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.12. Software tool used for sample selection

18.1.13. Administrative sources

See sub-categories below. Administrative sources used and the purposes of using them

The information is available on Eurostat's website. Description and quality of the administrative sources

See the attached Excel file in the Annex.

Annexes: Description_quality_administrative sources Difficulties using additional administrative sources not currently used
Problems related to data quality of the source
18.1.14. Innovative approaches

The information on innovative approaches and the quality methods applied is available on Eurostat's website.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

The agricultural census is conducted every 10 years.  The decennial agricultural census is complemented by sample or census-based data collections organised every 3-4 years in-between.

18.3. Data collection

See sub-categories below.

18.3.1. Methods of data collection
Face-to-face, electronic version
Telephone, electronic version
Use of Internet
18.3.2. Data entry method, if paper questionnaires
Not applicable
18.3.3. Questionnaire

Please note that the questionnaire was only in electronic format.

The questionnaire in annex is a paper version not used to collect data.

18.3.3. Questionnaire in English
18.3.3. Questionnaire in Italian
18.4. Data validation

See sub-categories below.

18.4.1. Type of validation checks
Data format checks
Range checks
Relational checks
Comparisons with previous rounds of the data collection
Comparisons with other domains in agricultural statistics
18.4.2. Staff involved in data validation
Staff from local departments
Staff from central department
18.4.3. Tools used for data validation

Electronic tools (Excel, Sas, specific software)

18.5. Data compilation

We did not use weights.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

 Please find the imputation rate for main variables in the annex.

 The imputation rate is unweighted.

18.5.1. Imputation rate
18.5.2. Methods used to derive the extrapolation factor
Not applicable
18.6. Adjustment

Covered under Data compilation.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because it collects structural data on agriculture.

19. Comment Top

See sub-categories below.

19.1. List of abbreviations

CAP – Common Agricultural Policy

CAPI – Computer Assisted Personal Interview

CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Interview

CAWI – Computer Assisted Web Interview

FSS – Farm Structure Survey

IACS – Integrated Administration and Control System

IFS – Integrated Farm Statistics

LSU – Livestock units

NACE – Nomenclature of Economic Activities

NUTS – Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics

PAPI – Paper and Pencil Interview

SO – Standard output

UAA – Utilised agricultural area

ISTAT = National Statistical Institute

MIPAAF = Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies

AGEA: Agency for the Disbursement in Agriculture

FR = Farm register (register of agricultural holdings mainly based on IACS and BDN data)

BDN = National Register of Livestock (Ministry of Health)

ISPRA =National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research

SISTAN = National Statistical System

SIDI = Informative System on Statistical Processes Quality

19.2. Additional comments

No additional comments.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top Over-coverage rate and Unit non-response rate
3.6.1 Thresholds of agricultural holdings
18. Timetable_statistical_process Description_quality_administrative sources
18.3.3. Italian questionnaire
18.5.1. Imputation rate AWU final
13.2.1 Sampling error indicators
18.3.3. Italian questionnaire in italian language