Farm structure (ef)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Danmarks Statistik 

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Danmarks Statistik 

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Division of agricultural statistics 

1.5. Contact mail address

Sejrøgade 11
København Ø


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 05/01/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 05/01/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 05/01/2022

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The data describe the structure of agricultural holdings providing the general characteristics of farms and farmers and information on their land, livestock and labour force.  They also describe production methods, rural development measures and agro-environmental aspects that look at the impact of agriculture on the environment.

The data are used by public, researchers, farmers and policy-makers to better understand the state of the farming sector and the impact of agriculture on the environment. The data follow up the changes in the agricultural sector and provide a basis for decision-making in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other European Union policies.

The statistical unit is the agricultural holding (farm). The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The data are presented at different geographical levels and over periods.
The data collections are organised in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and have a new structure, consisting of a core data set and several modules. The regulation covers the data collections in 2020 (the agricultural census), 2023 and 2026. The data are as comparable and coherent as possible with the other European countries.

3.2. Classification system

Data are arranged in tables using many classifications. Please find below information on most classifications.

The classifications of variables are available in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The farm typology means a uniform classification of the holdings based on their type of farming and their economic size. Both are determined on the basis of the standard gross margin (SGM) (until 2007) or standard output (SO) (from 2010 onward) which is calculated for each crop and animal. The farm type is determined by the relative contribution of the different productions to the total standard gross margin or the standard output of the holding.

The territorial classification uses the NUTS classification to break down the regional data. The regional data is available at NUTS level 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

The statistics cover agricultural holdings undertaking agricultural activities as listed in item 3.5 below and meeting the minimum coverage requirements (thresholds) as listed in item 3.6 below.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The list of core variables is set in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091.

The descriptions of the core variables as well as the lists and descriptions of the variables for the modules collected in 2019/2020 are set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The following groups of variables are collected in 2020:

  • for core: location of the holding, legal personality of the holding, manager, type of tenure of the utilised agricultural area, variables of land, organic farming, irrigation on cultivated outdoor area, variables of livestock, organic production methods applied to animal production;
  • for the module "Labour force and other gainful activities": farm management, family labour force, non-family labour force, other gainful activities directly and not directly related to the agricultural holding;
  • for the module "Rural development": support received by agricultural holdings through various rural development measures;
  • for the module "Animal housing and rural development module":  animal housing, nutrient use and manure on the farm, manure application techniques, facilities for manure.
3.5. Statistical unit

See sub-category below.

3.5.1. Definition of agricultural holding

The agricultural holding is a single unit, both technically and economically, that has a single management and that undertakes economic activities in agriculture in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 belonging to groups:

- A.01.1: Growing of non-perennial crops

- A.01.2: Growing of perennial crops

- A.01.3: Plant propagation

- A.01.4: Animal production

- A.01.5: Mixed farming or

- The “maintenance of agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition” of group A.01.6 within the economic territory of the Union, either as its primary or secondary activity.

Regarding activities of class A.01.49, only the activities “Raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals” (with the exception of raising of insects) and “Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax” are included.

3.6. Statistical population

See sub-categories below.

3.6.1. Population covered by the core data sent to Eurostat (main frame and if applicable frame extension)

The thresholds of agricultural holdings are available in the annex.

3.6.1. Thresholds of agricultural holdings Raised thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
No Lowered and/or additional thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
3.6.2. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the modules “Labour force and other gainful activities”, “Rural development” and “Machinery and equipment”

The same population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.1.

3.6.3. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the module “Animal housing and manure management”

The same population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.2.

3.7. Reference area

See sub-categories below.

3.7.1. Geographical area covered

The entire territory of the country.

3.7.2. Inclusion of special territories

The figures do not include Greeland and Faore Islands.

3.7.3. Criteria used to establish the geographical location of the holding
The majority of the area of the holding
The residence of the farmer (manager) not further than 5 km straight from the farm
3.7.4. Additional information reference area

The most detailed geographical location of the farm is the municipality. Normally no figures for municipalities are published. Only for years of a total agricultural census does Statistics Denmark publish agricultural figures municipalities. For other years figures at NUTS3 or NUTS3 level are published. 

3.8. Coverage - Time

Farm structure statistics in Denmark cover the period from 1982 onwards at an almost complet comparability. Older time series are described in the previous quality reports (national methodological reports).

3.9. Base period

The 2020 data are processed (by Eurostat) with 2017 standard output coefficients (calculated as a 5-year average of the period 2015-2019). For more information, you can consult the definition of the standard output.

4. Unit of measure Top

Two kinds of units are generally used:

  • the units of measurement for the variables (area in hectares, livestock in (1000) heads or LSU (livestock units), labour force in persons or AWU (annual working units), standard output in Euro, places for animal housing etc.) and
  • the number of agricultural holdings having these characteristics.

5. Reference Period Top

See sub-categories below.

5.1. Reference period for land variables

For the farms applying for crops subsidies – and they constitute the vast majority – crops on free land reflect what the farms have reported to the Ministry of Agriculture in April 2020.

The deadline for applying for crop subsidies in 2020 was 17 April. Thus the 12-month period is 18 April 2019 - 17 April 2020.

For forestry and green house area the reference day 19 June 2020 applies for all farms.

5.2. Reference period for variables on irrigation and soil management practices

For irrigable area the 12 months period prior to the reference day June 19 2020 applies.

5.3. Reference day for variables on livestock and animal housing

For cattle Statistics Denmark receives the livestock register June 1 2020. For all other livestock and for animal housing the reference day June 19 2020 applies.

5.4. Reference period for variables on manure management

The manure management reflects the techniques which the farm has used in 12 months period prior to the reference day June 19 2020.

5.5. Reference period for variables on labour force

The 12-month period prior to the reference day June 19 2020.

5.6. Reference period for variables on rural development measures

The years 2018, 2019 and 2020.

5.7. Reference day for all other variables

The reference day June 19 2020. 

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See sub-categories below.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Legal act

6.1.1 Lov om Danmarks Statistik - Act on Statistics Denmark
6.1.2. Name of national legal acts and other agreements

Lov om Danmarks Statistik - Act on Statistics Denmark

6.1.3. Link to national legal acts and other agreements

6.1.4. Year of entry into force of national legal acts and other agreements

May 30 2018

6.1.5. Legal obligations for respondents
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

All work regarding the farm structure census 2020 has been done by Statistics Denmark. The work has been shared between the division of agricultural statistics and a special division on data collecting.   

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Individual information from surveys is treated strictly confidential. This is also the case for FSS.

In practice it means that only a few colleagues at Statistics Denmark have the right to access the FSS survey registers.

Such a practice is in line with principle 5 in European Statistics Code of Practice on statistical confidentiality.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

See sub-categories below.

7.2.1. Aggregated data

See sub-categories below. Rules used to identify confidential cells
Threshold rule (The number of contributors is less than a pre-specified threshold)
Other primary confidentiality rules Methods to protect data in confidential cells
Cell suppression (Completely suppress the value of some cells) Description of rules and methods

All data sets regarding FSS are stored at a special library on Statistics Denmark’s computer network as SAS data sets going back to 1982. Only authorised colleagues can access the individual farm information. The surveys are delivered to the Danish National Archive, which keeps the information as strictly confidential for 80 years.

When designing statistical tables the aim is to secure that no table cells contain very few farms. There are no exact rules regarding "very few farms" but all cells with less than five farms are set to missing.

7.2.2. Microdata

See sub-categories below. Use of EU methodology for microdata dissemination
Yes Methods of perturbation
Recoding of variables
Reduction of information
Merging categories

Principles regarding access to micro data Description of methodology

Researchers can obtain access to the surveys but only as anonymous information. If a researcher publishes statistical tables based on the individual information it must take place in agreement with Statistics Denmark. It is not very common that researchers requests micro data from FSS. 

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The FSS is normally published 9-12 months from the reference day. The 2020 census was published May 27 2021 with a reference day June 19 2020. 

8.2. Release calendar access

For all tables published online users can see when the next updated is expected to take place, se for instance here:

 An online table may or may be accompanied by a newsletter.

8.3. Release policy - user access

Users can find a description of the policy of Statistics Denmark here:

8.3.1. Use of quality rating system
No Description of the quality rating system

Not applicable, no quality rating system exists for the Danish FSS 2020.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

The farm structure survey is published yearly with number of farm by size and geography as well as statistical tables on crops and livestock. Labour force is not on the questionnaire every year. In the recent decade Statistics Denmark has published figures on labour force in agriculture for the years 2013, 2016, 2018 and 2020.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See sub-categories below.

10.1.1. Publication of news releases

10.1.1 News letter regarding the Danish farm structure census 2020
News letter regarding the Danish farm structure census 2020. This news letter is written in the official EU language Danish and is not translated into any other language.
10.1.2. Link to news releases

This news letter on the Danish farm structure census 2020 has as its main topic the distribution of agricultural land and farms by men and women. Likewise it focuses on female farm workers and spouses of farmers working on the farms.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See sub-categories below.

10.2.1. Production of paper publications
Yes, but not in English
10.2.2. Production of on-line publications
Yes, but not in English

10.2.2 Link to an online publication on zero and conservation tillage
10.2.3. Title, publisher, year and link

Statistisk tiårsoversigt 2020 (Statistical ten years review 2020). It is a general publication on all aspects of society, population, economy, employment and business life. It has a few very basic tables on number of farms, crops and livestock. A link to the publication 1964-2001 can be seen here:

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

See sub-categories below.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

We do not monitor and record the number of consultations of data tables in the field of farm structure.

10.3.2. Accessibility of online database

Internet tables on the Danish farm structure statistics with text in both Danish and English
10.3.3. Link to online database

A description of the possibilities of online statistical tables can be seen here:


Link to the most basic tables on farm structure:

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

See sub-category below.

10.4.1. Accessibility of microdata
10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

See sub-categories below.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested.

10.6.2. Availability of national reference metadata

10.6.2 National documentation on farm structure statistics
10.6.3. Title, publisher, year and link to national reference metadata

This documentation on farm structure statistics is published by Statistics Denmark July 15 2021.

10.6.4. Availability of national handbook on methodology
10.6.5. Title, publisher, year and link to handbook

Not applicable

10.6.6. Availability of national methodological papers
10.6.7. Title, publisher, year and link to methodological papers

Not applicable

10.7. Quality management - documentation

The quality of the Danish FSS is described in our national system of quality reports with text in both Danish and English:

[Agricultural and horticultural survey](

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

See sub-categories below.

11.1.1. Quality management system
11.1.2. Quality assurance and assessment procedures
Training courses
Use of best practices
Compliance monitoring
11.1.3. Description of the quality management system and procedures

The quality policy of statistics Denmark is described here:

11.1.4. Improvements in quality procedures

In the recent years Statistics Denmark has introduced a new validation system called DAF. It is designed especially for business surveys and involves for example giving priority to possible errors by their importance. Additionally controls can be introduced at an early stage, namely already when the farmer completes the questionnaire online.  Of course the system also has classical validation procedures with minimum/maxim value controls and comparison with previous surveys where a farm has taken part. This new system was not in place for the farm structure census 2020.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The precision varies for the different items of the statistics. The precision is thus highest for the total agricultural area and less precise for specific crops, especially crops grown by only few farmers. Likewise the precision is best for livestock which many farmers have. This is in particular true for cattle. In the same way the uncertainty is high for small geographical units, e.g. Bornholm.

Overall accuracy

Coverage: The population includes all active farms in Denmark and is integrated in the Statistical Business Register (ESR), which is kept by Statistics Denmark. In order To ensure that the population is up to date Statistics Denmark regularly makes register merges with IACS and the Central Livestock Register (CHR). The assumption is that if a farm applies for crop subsidies or reports livestock to the livestock register it must be expected to be active in agriculture and should accordingly be marked as such in the register of Statistics Denmark. The sample is selected so that the lowest possible sample error is obtained with respect to agricultural area, pigs, cattle, fur animals and standard output. The farms are divided into groups - strata- by typology and size of standard output. The 2021 survey had 69 strata. Farms known to be specialized horticultural or poultry farms are selected exhaustively. As a general rule the bigger a farm is the more likely it is to be selected.

Information on crops is selected from IACS kept by the Ministry of Agriculture. When a farmer applies for subsidies he has to specify his crops carefully. IACS must therefore be assumed to be an extremely reliable source. Information on cattle is collected from the Central Livestock Register and fur animals are collected from The Association of Danish Fur animals farmers. For both these types of livestock the farmer answers yes/no, and for farmers having answered yes the number of animals is taken from respectively The Central Livestock and The Association of Danish Fur animals farmers.

Control: Several computer validations and checks are made before publishing the results.

Due to many different survey characteristics it is not possible to give one figure for the sample error but just some examples:

  • Total agricultural area, hectares: 0,6 per cent
  • Winter wheat, hectares: 1,1 per cent
  • Spring wheat, hectares: 5,8 per cent
  • Straw berries, hectares: 15,9 per cent
  • Cattle, number of animals: 0,9 per cent
  • Pig, number of animals: 1,3 per cent
  • Sheep, number of animals: 10,4 per cent
  • Minks, , number of animals: 3,2 per cent

Certain figures are often reported as round figures, for instance 12.000 chickens. However, there is no reason to assume that there should be any systematic over- or under estimation in the figures. Farmers may forget to answer certain questions. Such errors are difficult to find when it comes to livestock of minor importance like sheep, goats and horses. Questions on work time for the farmer and spouse can be difficult to answer for part time farmers.

Sampling error

  • Total agricultural area, hectares: 0,6 %
  • Winter wheat, hectares: 1,1 %
  • Spring wheat, hectares: 5,8 %
  • Straw berries, hectares: 15,9
  • Cattle, number of animals: 0,9 %
  • Pig, number of animals: 1,3 %
  • Sheep, number of animals: 10,4 %
  • Minks, , number of animals: 3,2 %

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The statistics fulfill a need for structural information on the Danish agriculture, e.g. number of farms by size and region. Important users are EU, the ministries and agricultural organizations.

User Needs

The farm structure survey fulfils a general need for a structural statistics on the Danish agriculture where the business is described by size, geography, type of farming and other aspects.

However, agricultural statistics are more than just business statistics. It is also environmental statistics and the farm structure statistics provides also the users with number of animals and land use in agriculture.

The users are in particular EU, the ministries, farmer’s organisations, but also students and interested people in general. EU uses the statistics as a tool in the planning of the common agricultural policy.

Many users are interested in figures by municipalities. This need, however, can only be met for years where Statistics Denmark has carried through total censuses. For sample surveys reliable figures by municipalities cannot be made. The most recent total censuses took place in 2010 2020.

User Satisfaction

The main impression is that most users are satisfied with the statistics but often they have wishes about more detailed regional figures with figures for municipalities and also more agro environmental statistics.

There is no user board for agricultural statistics nor has there ever been conducted any survey on user satisfaction.

12.1.1. Main groups of variables collected only for national purposes

In 2020 the farm structure census certain questions asked certain questions not required by the regulation:

  • Low and conservation tillage
  • Production of berries (to other EU demands)
  • Questions on mink
  • Precision technology 
  • Farmers with investments in foreign agriculture
12.1.2. Unmet user needs

The farm structure survey fulfils a general need for a structural statistics on the Danish agriculture where the business is described by size, geography, type of farming and other aspects.

However, agricultural statistics are more than just business statistics. It is also environmental statistics and the farm structure statistics provides also the users with number of animals and land use in agriculture.

The users are in particular EU, the ministries, farmer’s organisations, but also students and interested people in general. EU uses the statistics as a tool in the planning of the common agricultural policy.

Many users are interested in figures by municipalities. This need, however, can only be met for years where Statistics Denmark has carried through total censuses. For sample surveys reliable figures by municipalities cannot be made. The most recent total censuses took place in 2010 and 2020.

12.1.3. Plans for satisfying unmet user needs

No such plans exist so far.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

No survey on user satisfaction exists.

12.2.1. User satisfaction survey
12.2.2. Year of user satisfaction survey

Not applicable

12.2.3. Satisfaction level
Not applicable
12.3. Completeness

Information on low- and zero prevalence variables is available on: Eurostat's website.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not applicable for Integrated Farm Statistics as the not collected variables, not-significant variables and not-existent variables are completed with 0.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

See categories below.

13.2. Sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

No items have been covered in a sample in the Danish IFS 2020 meaning that all values per definition are equal to zero.

13.2.1. Relative standard errors
13.2.2. Reasons for non-compliant precision requirements in relation to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

Not relevant, see 13.2.1

13.2.3. Methodology used to calculate relative standard errors

Not relevant for the Danish farm structure census 2020 since no items have been covered in a sample.

13.2.4. Impact of sampling error on data quality
13.3. Non-sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.3.1. Coverage error

See sub-categories below. Over-coverage - rate

The over-coverage rate is available in the annex. The over-coverage rate is unweighted.
The over-coverage rate is calculated as the share of ineligible holdings to the holdings designated for the core data collection. The ineligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status that are not imputed nor re-weighted for (therefore considered ineligible).
The over-coverage rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and if applicable frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. 

Annexes: Over-coverage rate and Unit non-response rate Types of holdings included in the frame but not belonging to the population of the core (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
None Actions to minimize the over-coverage error
Removal of ineligible units from the records, leaving unchanged the weights for the other units
None Additional information over-coverage error

Statistics Denmark works currently on keeping its farm register up to date. It is for example done by comparing the most recent edition of IACS with the year before. Farms applying for crop subsidies in year N-1 but not in year N can most often be deleted from the farm register, at least if they cannot at the same time be found in the livestock register. Common units - proportion

Not requested. Under-coverage error

See sub-categories below. Under-coverage rate

Unknown Types of holdings belonging to the population of the core but not included in the frame (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
None Actions to minimise the under-coverage error

When keeping the farm register up to date farms found in IACS or the livestock will added the statistical farm register and will thus next year be added to survey population. Special for the farm structure census 2020 the following measure was taken: When we received IACS 2020 in July we found about 1.500 farms which were not  in the census. Instead of just imputing these farms we sent them a questionnaire and included them thereby in the census. Additional information under-coverage error

Nothing to remark Misclassification error
No Actions to minimise the misclassification error

Not applicable Contact error
No Actions to minimise the contact error

Not applicable Impact of coverage error on data quality
13.3.2. Measurement error

See sub-categories below. List of variables mostly affected by measurement errors

There is no information on measurement errors regarding the farm structure survey 2020. Causes of measurement errors
Not applicable Actions to minimise the measurement error
None Impact of measurement error on data quality
Unknown Additional information measurement error

Statistics Denmark has no knowledge of the size of measurement errors in the 2020 Danish farm structure census, nor do we know whether certain items should be more subject to measurement errors than others.

13.3.3. Non response error

See sub-categories below. Unit non-response - rate

The unit non-response rate is in the annex of item The unit non-response rate is unweighted.
The unit non-response rate is calculated as the share of eligible non-respondent holdings to the eligible holdings.  The eligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status which are imputed or re-weighted for (therefore considered eligible).
The unit non-response rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and if applicable frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. Reasons for unit non-response
Failure to make contact with the unit
Refusal to participate Actions to minimise or address unit non-response
Imputation Unit non-response analysis

See the annex

Annexes: Unit non-response in the Danish farm structure census 2020 Item non-response - rate

Normally all parts of the questionnaire are completed by the farmer. When completing the questionnaire online the procedure is that the farmer cannot leave a section before having answered the questions. And when the questionnaires are completed by telephone interviews the interviewer will ask all questions.

However in relation to the total census 2020 we introduced two exceptions, namely animal housing and storage facilities for livestock manure.  For these items we decided that we would allow missing answers. Evidently such a step must necessarily involve the introduction of imputation. A method of donor imputation was chosen where a farm with valid information and with the same number of the concerned animal (or rather close to) gives its information to the farm with missing information.

In the annex the degree of imputation is shown.

Annexes: The imputation rate for animal housing and storage facilities for manure. Variables with the highest item non-response rate

The highest item non-response rate concerns the questions on animal housing for other cattle than diary cows. 17,4 percent of the farms failed to answer the questions. The codes are these:

A2000X2300F_AVGNR             Other bovine animals - average number

A2000X2300F_TS_SL               Other bovine animals in tied stalls (slurry)

A2000X2300F_TS_SO              Other bovine animals in tied stalls (solid manure)

A2000X2300F_LH_SL               Other bovine animals in loose/cubicle housing (slurry)

A2000X2300F_LH_SO               Other bovine animals in loose/cubicle housing (solid manure)

A2000X2300F_OH_SL              Other bovine animals in other types of housing (slurry)

A2000X2300F_OH_SO              Other bovine animals in other types of housing (solid manure)

A2000X2300F_T_ALW              Other bovine animals always outdoors

A2000X2300F_T_PART             Other bovine animals partly outdoors (grazing)

A2000X2300F_EXRY                 Other bovine animals with access to exercise yards Reasons for item non-response
Farmers do not know the answer Actions to minimise or address item non-response
Follow-up interviews
Imputation Impact of non-response error on data quality
Moderate Additional information non-response error

The most important reason for item non-response for animal housing and storage facilities for manure is that these questions are new and might be seen as difficult. It is as mentioned in the particularly high for “other cattle than dairy cows”. That is to be expected since relatively many farms with “other cattle” are small and medium sized farms which are not selected to the farm structure sample surveys so often. In the annex in it is shown that item-non rate is much lower for farms with dairy cows and pigs. These farms are generally big and might be more used to deal with technical details regarding their business.  

13.3.4. Processing error

See sub-categories below. Sources of processing errors
Data processing Imputation methods
Nearest neighbour imputation Actions to correct or minimise processing errors

No specific actions in this field can be identified other than insisting on being careful and encouraging colleagues to do so as well. Fortunately at Statistics Denmark we have a culture where we realise that mistakes happen. And when a mistake happens we concentrate on correcting it rather than putting blame on the “guilty” persons. Tools and staff authorised to make corrections

All staff at Statistics Denmark has the authority to correct mistakes regarding their normal responsibilities, if necessary to use normal tool like excel and SAS. Impact of processing error on data quality
Unknown Additional information processing error

Not available

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable, no model assumptions have been used in the Danish FSS 2020.   

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See sub-categories below.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

There is no provisional publication. 

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

The survey was published, May 27 2011, about 12 months after the reference day and 5 months after the end of the reference year.

14.2. Punctuality

See sub-categories below.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

See sub-categories below. Punctuality - delivery

Not requested. Punctuality - publication

The FSS is normally published 9-12 months from the reference day. The 2020 census was published May 27 2021 with a reference day June 19 2020. 

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See sub-categories below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable, because there are no mirror flows in Integrated Farm Statistics.

15.1.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

Statistics Denmark follows the definition laid down in the regulation, article 2 that states that a farm “means a single unit, both technically and economically, that has a single management and that undertakes economic activities in agriculture”. Reasons for deviations

Not applicable

15.1.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Proofs that the EU coverage requirements are met



Covered by the thresholds

Attained coverage

Minimum requested coverage





UAA excluding kitchen gardens









98% Differences between the national thresholds and the thresholds used for the data sent to Eurostat

The differences are described in detail in Reasons for differences

The introduction in of new FSS threshold in 2010 meant a small break in the comparability between the 1982-2009 figures, also because we for national reasons included farms with minks for the first time. 1.167 were farm were includes which would not have been included (see attached 2010-newsletter) with threshold applied till 2009 (an agricultural area of at least 5,0 ha or a standard gross margin of at least 5.000 euro). But only 431 was due to the new EU thresholds, the remaining 731 farms were due to the inclusion of farms with minks as the only farm activity. So seen over the whole period 1982-2020 the comparability is almost complete. We have preferred to keep this comparability and not add more than 3.000 small farms to the statistics.           

Annexes: News letter, the Danish FSS 2010
15.1.4. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and EU handbook

No such deviations exist in the Danish farm structure census. The definitions are in line with the Eurostat handbook.   The number of working hours and days in a year corresponding to a full-time job

The information is available in the annex. 
The number of working hours and days in a year for a full-time job correspond to one annual working unit (AWU) in the country. One annual work unit corresponds to the work performed by one person who is occupied on an agricultural holding on a full-time basis. Annual working units are used to calculate the farm work on the agricultural holdings.

Annexes: AWU Point chosen in the Annual work unit (AWU) percentage band to calculate the AWU of holders, managers, family and non-family regular workers

The information is available in the annex of item AWU for workers of certain age groups

The information is available in the annex of item Livestock coefficients

The livestock unit coefficients are the as laid down in the regulation. Livestock included in “Other livestock n.e.c.”

There are no differences between the types of livestock that Denmark includes under the heading “Other livestock n.e.c.” and the type of livestock that should be included according to the EU handbook. Reasons for deviations

Not applicable.

15.1.5. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

The reference periods are in line with regulation. Reasons for deviations

Not applicable

15.1.6. Common land
The concept of common land does not exist Collection of common land data
No Reasons if common land exists and data are not collected

All agricultural land in Denmark is owned somebody, most often private farmers. To a smaller extent agricultural land can also be owned by for example municipalities and churches. But it never occurs that there is a piece of land which can be used in common by several farms. Methods to record data on common land
Not applicable Source of collected data on common land
Not applicable Description of methods to record data on common land

Not applicable. Possible problems in relation to the collection of data on common land and proposals for future data collections

Not applicable.

15.1.7. National standards and rules for certification of organic products

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007

The organic farm certification is administrated by the Ministry of Agriculture. It is in line with Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007. Reasons for deviations

Not applicable

15.1.8. Differences in methods across regions within the country

In the Danish farm structure census 2020 is data collected in the same way all over the country.

15.2. Comparability - over time

See sub-categories below.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Compared to FSS 2016 we have in order to be in line with the EU reqirements introduced seven new rules in IFS 2020 for farms being covered, see the annex.

Therefore, the length of comparable time series is 1.

15.2.1 Comparability over time, Danish Farm structure statistics
15.2.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series

Annexes: Farms only sent to Eurostat Description of changes

Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 newly considers agricultural holdings with only fur animals. Therefore, for Eurostat, IFS 2020 data includes data on holdings with only minks unlike FSS 2016.

15.2.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Changes in the thresholds of holdings for which core data are sent to Eurostat since the last data transmission
There have been sufficient changes to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

The Danish FSS 2020 has been subject to the same thresholds that were applied in the 2010 census and the sample surveys in 2013 and 2016, see Regulation 1166/2008, Annex II.

But in order to fulfill the requirements of the new regulation 2018/1091 new thresholds have been added:




Cereals, pulses, root crops, grass and green fodder in rotation, industrial crops, horticultural crops

C0000T+ P0000T+  R0000T+ I0000T+ G0000T+ V0000_S0000T+ N0000T+ F0000T

2.0 ha



0.5 ha

Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - outdoor


0.5 ha

Nursery, ornamental plants, leguminous plants,

N0000T+ L0000T+ G2000T

0.2 ha

Permanent crops on free land

F1100T+ F1200T+ F3000T+ F4000T+ L0000T+ PECR9_H9000T

0.3 ha

Livestock units


1.7 LSU

Fruits, berries, nuts, other permanent crops

F0000T+ T0000T+ PECR9_H9000T

0.3 ha

In addition, the 2016 thresholds (presented in the 2016 national methodological report) include:

  • At least 20 sheep and at least 20 goats
  • Greenhouse and mushrooms of at least 1000 m2

the 2020 thresholds include a modified version of these thresholds:

  • At least 20 sheep and goats (considered together)
  • Greenhouse and mushrooms of at least 100 m2 (0.01 ha)

(as illustrated in the annex attached to 2020 quality report item 3.6.1)

15.2.4. Geographical coverage

See sub-categories below. Change in the geographical coverage since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

Not applicable

15.2.5. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series

Farm only sent to Eurostat Description of changes

Legal personality of the agricultural holding

In IFS, there is a new class (“shared ownership”) for the legal personality of the holding compared to FSS 2016, which trigger fluctuations of holdings in the classes of sole holder holdings and group holdings. 


Other livestock n.e.c.

In FSS 2016, deer were included in this class, but in IFS they are classified separately.

Also in FSS 2016, there was a class for the collection of equidae. That has been dropped and equidae are included in IFS in "other livestock n.e.c."


Livestock units

In FSS 2016, turkeys, ducks, geese, ostriches and other poultry were considered each one in a separate class with a coefficient of 0.03 for all the classes except for ostriches (coefficient of 0.035). In IFS 2020, the coefficients were adjusted accordingly, with turkeys remaining at 0.03, ostriches remaining at 0.35, ducks adjusted to 0.01, geese adjusted to 0.02 and other poultry fowls n.e.c. adjusted to 0.001.


Organic animals

While in FSS only fully compliant (certified converted) animals were included, in IFS both animals under conversion and fully converted are to be included.

15.2.6. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

In FSS 2016 the reference day was May 13 and in IFS 2020 June 19.

By groups of variables, there are some changes presented in the following table.




Land variables

22 April 2015-21 April 2016

except greenhouse area with 13 May 2016

18 April 2019-17 April 2020, except greenhouse area with 19 June 2020

Livestock variables

13 May 2016, except cattle with 1 June

19 June 2020, except cattle with 1 June


14 May 2015 -13 May 2016

20 June 2019-19 June 2020

Labour force variables

14 May 2015 -13 May 2016

20 June 2019-19 June 2020

15.2.7. Common land

See sub-categories below. Changes in the methods to record common land since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

Not applicable

15.2.8. Explanations for major trends of main variables compared to the last data transmission to Eurostat

FSS2016 data are currently under review. The issue is wrongly calculated extrapolation factors for small farms < 5.0 ha.

Identified trends on Livestock

- A6111, rabbits. Very few Danish farms have rabbits. This was also the case in 2016. So we should bear in mind that the 2016 result was subject to a considerable sample error. Only 28 farms in the sample had rabbits.

- A2300G Non diary cows: The number of these animals has decreased about 20 percent in the recent decade. The reason is bad economy for cattle held for meat production whereas the economy for milk production cows has been somehow better, see

There is in these years a tendency towards specialisation and concentration in the Danish agriculture. One consequence of this tendency is relatively fewer farms with livestock and relatively more farms with plant production only. For instance the share of farms with cattle and pigs in Denmark has decreased slightly from 2016 to 2020. But the most important reasons for the increase are these two:
1) More small farms are added in 2020 as described in the passage above on farms under 5.0 hectares where some of them have no livestock.
2) The 2016 FSS had an item C_1 horses. But horses are not on the EUROFARM list in 2020. It means that from Eurostat’s point of view “no animal farms” in 2020 include farms which have horses but no other animals. Horses


Identified trends on crops

- ARA99T, other crops: This crop is like all crops on free land collected from IACS, a source we consider as extremely reliable. It is small crop so we should remember a high sample error in 2016.
C1400T, oats: This crop has become more popular among Danish farmers in the recent years. The weather conditions in the late winter 2020 with an extremely wet February made it necessary for many farmers to resown winter crops with spring crops and it favoured oats being almost always cultivated as sp ring crops.
- E0000T, seeds for sowing, Due to good prices seeds for sowing are becoming more popular. In 2022 the area has increased even more to 123.000 hectares according to IACS.
- F1100T+F1200T, Pome fruits – outdoor and Stone fruits – outdoor: The increase is unfortunately due to that cherries were included under F1200T in 2016 but not in 2016 were it was included under B_4_1_2, berries.
- F3000T, Berries (excluding strawberries) – outdoor: The item consists mainly of black currants and red currants. These berries are declining these years due to completion from other countries, for example Poland. This tendency is far from new and continues after 2020.
- F4000T, nuts: it is such a small crop so it is impossible to explain the increase from 2016 to 2020. The crop is collected from IACS mean ing that the 2020 result is reliable whereas the 2016-result is subject to a high sample error.
- G9100T+G9900T, Other cereals harvested green (excluding green maize) - out-door: The crop is collected from ICS and the figures is thus seen as reliable. We got no special
explanation for the drop in the area. A guess, however, could be a drop in number of cattle in the recent years.
- I1110T 58 Rape and turnip rape seeds - outdoor – outdoor: As explained under oats the weather conditions were in disfavour for winter crops. Almost all rape in Denmark is cultivated as winter crops.
- I6000T, Energy crops n.e.c. – outdoor: This crop has by mistake been set to zero. Data will be corrected.
- J2000T, Permanent rough grazings – outdoor: The crop is collected from IACS and the figure is thus seen as reliable. We have no explanation for the increase compared t o 2016.
- P1000T, pulses: in the recent years horse beans have become popular among Danish farmers. It is a very protein rich crop suitable for production of fodde r. The area with horse beans has also increased in 2021 and 2022.
- V0000_S0000S, vegetables under glass: Generally, horticultural products like vegetables, fruits and berries are declining in these years and it is also true for greenhouse products.

Identified trends on labour force

MOGA_NFAM_RH, non-family workers working on non-agricultural activities on the farm as their main occupation: We have no explanation for the drop from 2016 to 2020. The
Danish questionnaire is the same in 2016 and 2020 when it comes to non-agricultural activities on the farm. It should be borne in mind that very few farms conduct other activities
with non-family workers as their main occupation. It means that there is a rather high sample error in 2016.

Farm typology evolution

The number of small farms with less than 5.0 hectares has increased drastically from 2016 to 2020. This development is not real. We have added 3.863 small Danish farms by having introduced new thresholds leading to a break in the comparability between 2016 and

2020. These 3.863 farms would not have been included had the thresholds laid down in regulation 1166/2008 still been in force. This is, however, not the whole explanation. There are problems with the extrapolation factors of the 2016 survey regarding the small farms. One option to solve the issue could be to recalculate the 2016-extrapolation factors. this had a severe impact also in thes evolution of number of holdings by SO_EURO and by LSU class.

15.2.9. Maintain of statistical identifiers over time
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

See sub-categories below.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because there are no sub annual data collections in agriculture.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable, because Integrated Farm Statistics have no relevance for national accounts.

15.3.3. Coherence at micro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at micro level
No Results of analysis at micro level

We do not have any suitable sources for such an analysis.

15.3.4. Coherence at macro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at macro level

Annexes: Compare FSS with oher statistics Results of analysis at macro level

Coherence cross-domain: IFS vs Annual Crops Statistics CULTIVATED AREA in relative terms

- Vegetables and strawberries: The item in ANC is collected in a special survey different from FSS in combination with extrapolations based mainly on IACS. Furthermore ANC includes green house crops.
If we select cauliflower, broccoli, white- and pointed cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, other cabbages, leeks, other lettuces, spinach, asparagus, large cucumber, squash, carrots, onions, celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke, beetroot, parsnip other root, tuber and bulb vegetables, peas for human consumption, lettuce, greenhouses, tomatoes, greenhouses, cucumbers, greenhouses, sweet corn and strawberries we get a total of 14.441 which is rather close to FSS.
- Fruits, berries and nuts: The ANC value for 2020 most likely includes strawberries. Take a look at this online table:
If we select the following crops apples, pears, sour cherries, sweet cherries, plums, black currant, red currant, hipberries, blueberries, raspberries, other berries and strawberries we will obtain a total of 4.493 ha. However, if we exclude straw berries we will get a total of 3.435 ha, much closer to FSS. Again FSS and ANC cannot be expected to be identical.
- Flowers and ornamental plants: The difference is most likely due to rounding.
- In connection with the 2016 survey Eurostat requested a rather narrow definition of “other crops”. In ANC “other crops are defined much wider.
- Grain maize: The difference is most likely due to that the ANC values are reported rounded to closest hundred. Furthermore in the ANC the areas of cereals, pulses and rape are collected from IACS with no threshold for small farms as is the case in FSS. By the way there similar small differences also for the other four NUTS2 regions.
- Oats: In ANC there is no independent item for oats. The area of 83.120 ha includes oats, triticale mixed grain and other cereals.

15.4. Coherence - internal

The data are internally consistent. This is ensured by the application of a wide range of validation rules.

15.4 Danish farm structure statistics compared with other statistics

16. Cost and Burden Top

See sub-categories below.

16.1. Coordination of data collections in agricultural statistics

Farmers having taken part in the pig survey in April do not need to report pigs to the FSS only one month later. But they have to complete all other parts of the FSS questionnaire. 

16.2. Efficiency gains since the last data transmission to Eurostat
16.2.1. Additional information efficiency gains

FSS 2020 used pretty much the same tools as FSS 2016.    

16.3. Average duration of farm interview (in minutes)

See sub-categories below.

16.3.1. Core

The questionnaire is normally completed online and we have thereby no knowledge on how long time it takes. In cases where the questionnaire is completed through telephone interviews the experience is that it most often can be completed in less than ten minutes. How the time is distributed by the different parts of the questionnaire is it not possible to say anything certain about.

16.3.2. Module ‘Labour force and other gainful activities‘

No safe knowledge is available.

16.3.3. Module ‘Rural development’

Not relevant since all items of this module are collected from administrative registers.

16.3.4. Module ‘Animal housing and manure management’

No safe knowledge is available.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Not relevant for FSS 2020 since there is no provisional version of the survey. If major mistakes are found after first publication they will of course be corrected and the correction will be announced on our homepage. No such thing happened to the Danish FSS 2020. 

Statistics Denmark has no special revision policy and practice differs from statistics to statistics.  

17.2. Data revision - practice

There was only one publication of FSS 2016 and thereby no revisions. 

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested.

18. Statistical processing Top

18. Timetable_statistical_process
18.1. Source data

See sub-categories below.

18.1.1. Population frame

See sub-categories below. Type of frame
List frame Name of frame

FSS population register Update frequency
18.1.2. Core data collection on the main frame

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.3. Core data collection on the frame extension

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Not applicable Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.4. Module “Labour force and other gainful activities”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
None If sampled from the core sample, the sampling and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.5. Module “Rural development”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
None If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.6. Module “Animal housing and manure management module”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
None If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.12. Software tool used for sample selection

Not applicable

18.1.13. Administrative sources

See sub-categories below. Administrative sources used and the purposes of using them

The information is available on Eurostat's website. Description and quality of the administrative sources

See the attached Excel file in the Annex.

Annexes: Description_quality_administrative sources Difficulties using additional administrative sources not currently used
18.1.14. Innovative approaches

The information on innovative approaches is available on  Eurostat's website.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

The agricultural census is conducted every 10 years.  The decennial agricultural census is complemented by sample or census-based data collections organised every 3-4 years in-between.

18.3. Data collection

See sub-categories below.

18.3.1. Methods of data collection
Postal, electronic version (email)
18.3.2. Data entry method, if paper questionnaires
Not applicable

Validation and data processing in the Danish FSS
18.3.3. Questionnaire

Please find the questionnaire in annex.

18.3.3. Questionnaire
18.3.3. Questionnaire in Danish/Spørgeskema på dansk
18.4. Data validation

See sub-categories below.

18.4.1. Type of validation checks
Completeness checks
Comparisons with previous rounds of the data collection
18.4.2. Staff involved in data validation
Staff from central department
18.4.3. Tools used for data validation

Oracle and SAS

18.5. Data compilation

Not applicable

Validation and data processing in the Danish FSS
18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Among 36.576 farms sent to Eurostat, the following apply:

  • 13,9 % of the farms have been imputed
  • They have 2,2 % of the agricultural area (UAAT).
  • They have 1,7 % of the livestock units  
18.5.2. Methods used to derive the extrapolation factor
Not applicable
18.6. Adjustment

Covered under Data compilation.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because it collects structural data on agriculture.

19. Comment Top

See sub-categories below.

19.1. List of abbreviations

CAP – Common Agricultural Policy

CAPI –  Computer Assisted Personal Interview

CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Interview

CAWI – Computer Assisted Web Interview

FSS – Farm Structure Survey

IACS – Integrated Administration and Control System

IFS – Integrated Farm Statistics

LSU – Livestock units

NACE – Nomenclature of Economic Activities

NUTS – Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics

PAPI – Paper and Pencil Interview

SO – Standard output

UAA – Utilised agricultural area

19.2. Additional comments

No additional comments.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top