Job vacancy statistics (jvs)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: NSI of Bulgaria

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

NSI of Bulgaria

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Labour Statistics Division

1.5. Contact mail address

2 Panayot Volov Str.,Sofia

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Job vacancy statistics (JVS) provide information on the level and structure of labour demand. The country transmits to Eurostat the quarterly data on the number of job vacancies and the number of occupied posts as well as provides the quality report under the JVS framework regulation and the two implementing regulations: the implementing regulation on the definition of a job vacancy, the reference dates for data collection, data transmission specifications and feasibility studies, as well as the implementing regulation on seasonal adjustment procedures and quality reports.

2.2. Classification system

The quarterly data are broken down by economic activity (at section level) in accordance with NACE Rev. 2 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Covered are enterprises from all economic activities irrespective of their type of ownership and source of financing, which have at least one employee working under labour contract.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

A 'job vacancy' is defined as a paid post that is newly created, unoccupied, or about to become vacant:

(a) for which the employer is taking active steps and is prepared to take further steps to find a suitable candidate from outside the enterprise concerned; and

(b) which the employer intends to fill either immediately or within a specific period of time.


‘Active steps to find a suitable candidate’ include:

- notifying the job vacancy to the public employment services,

- contacting a private employment agency/head hunters,

- advertising the vacancy in the media (for example internet, newspapers, magazines),

- advertising the vacancy on a public notice board,

- approaching, interviewing or selecting possible candidates/potential recruits directly,

- approaching employees and/or personal contacts,

- using internships.


'Specific period of time’ refers to the maximum time the vacancy is open and intended to be filled. That period shall be unlimited; all vacancies for which active steps are continuing on the reference date shall be reported.


An 'occupied post’ means a paid post within the organisation to which an employee has been assigned.

2.5. Statistical unit

The observation units are enterprises, companies, ministries, departments, political, religious, public and other organizations, that perform economical activities in Republic of Bulgaria and have at least one employee working under labour contract during the reference period.

2.6. Statistical population

Enterprises with one and more employees

2.7. Reference area

The whole country is covered.

2.8. Coverage - Time

From 2005

2.9. Base period

Not applicable 

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
Identification of the source of the data Quarterly Labour Cost Survey (QLCS)
- Geographical The whole territory of the country
- NACE The data cover all the economic activities defined by NACE Rev. 2, except the activities of households as employers and the activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies.
- Enterprise size The whole population of enterprises with 1+ employees.
Definition of the statistical unit Enterprise
Sampling design
Base used for the sample Sampling frame based on Statistical Register and consists of all units that have submitted Annual activity reports in NSI and have at least one employee under labour contract.
Sampling design Stratified random sample without replacement.
Retention/renewal of sampling units The sample is updated annually in the beginning of the year on base of the results from the census Annual Survey on Labour and National Social Security Institute administrative register on insured persons.
Sample size 20 440
Stratification The population is stratified by:
  • Economic activity (at the 2-digit level of NACE, Rev.2);
  • Size class of the enterprise according to the number of employees:

I-st - from 1 to 49 employees;

II-nd - from 50 to 99 employees;

III-rd (census) - from 100 and more employees;

  • Regional breakdown (28 districts, NUTS3)
Other sources
Maintenance agency Not applicable
Updating frequency Not applicable
Rules for clearance (of outdated information) Not applicable
Voluntary/compulsory reporting and sanctions Not applicable
3.2. Frequency of data collection
Reference dates
Last day of the calendar quarter
3.3. Data collection
Brief description of the data collection method(s) Remarks
Information on number of occupied posts and job vacancies is collected by the Bulgarian National Statistical Institute via the traditional QLCS, in which questionnaire, a special section related to the job vacancy statistics was included attended by corresponding explanatory notes. There are two variables included in the questionnaire: Number of occupied posts and Number of vacancies. Each of the variables requires information broken down by occupation on a 1-digit level of ISCO08.

The survey questionnaire is developed in paper and electronic format.

3.4. Data validation

The data validation goes through three stages:

  • At the data entry;
  • At regional level by the NSI Regional Statistical Offices;
  • At national level by the NSI Head Office.
3.5. Data compilation
Brief description of the weighting method Weighting dimensions
Horvitz-Thompson estimator is applied for calculation of occupied posts and vacancies.

The weights are calculated as ratio between the number of employees in the population (N) and the number of employees in the sample (n) within each cell.

Weight_ijk = N_ijk / n_ijk,    where

i – Size class 1, 2, 3 (weight=1, if size class="3")

j – Region (j=1÷28)

k – 2-digit level of NACE, Rev.2

See first column and point 3.1
3.6. Adjustment

See point 6.4 on seasonal adjustment

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

According to Article 2, point 3 from the Law on Statistics the statistical information shall be produced in compliance with the following criteria for quality: adequacy, accuracy, timeliness, punctuality, accessibility and clarity, comparability and logical consistency.

4.2. Quality management - assessment


5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
Description of the national users and their main needs Remarks
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and Ministry of Finance are the main users of the JVS data for policy needs and prognoses of labour market demands.  
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
Extent to which the needs of national users are satisfied (voluntary) Remarks
User satisfaction is partial - more detailed data is requested about vacancies (part or full-time, limited or unlimite labour contract).  
5.3. Completeness
Description of missing variables and missing breakdowns of the variables Report progress on the implementation measures, including:

a detailed plan and timetable for completing implementation

a summary of the remaining deviations from EU concepts

All variables and breakdowns in accordance with Eurostat’s requirements are available with the exception of major group “0 - Armed forces” by ISCO08, which is not covered by the survey. Not applicable
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate


6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall


6.2. Sampling error

The total number of surveyed enterprises in each quarter of 2022 is approximately 20 440, of which 15 900 are in the private sector. Up to 2007, the survey is carried out exhaustively for the public sector units and by a sample for the private sector enterprises. Since first quarter of 2008, a sample from the public owned schools and kindergartens is drawn and they are no longer exhaustively covered in the survey. The other part of public sector enterprises and budgetary institutions (nearly 3 750) are covered comprehensively in the survey.

The coefficients of variation by quarters of 2022 are:


  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Posts 0,5 0,6 0,5 0,5
Vacancies 20,7 9,4 4,3 9,8


Coefficients of variation broken down by economic activities for Q3 2022 are calculated by SPSS and are presented in point 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Coefficient of variation (taking into account the sampling design) or estimated sampling error for the number of job vacancies (see guidelines).
NACE Rev.2 Economic activity Occupied posts Vacancies
A-S Total 0.5 5.8
A Agriculture,forestry and fishing 4.3 24.9
B Mining and quarrying 2.1 21.9
C Manufacturing 0.8 6.0
D Electricity,gas,steam and air conditioning supply 1.7 0.0
E Water supply,sewerage,waste management and remediation activities 3.9 12.5
F Construction 2.3 16.9
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 1.1 6.1
H Transportation and storage 2.1 17.0
I Accommodation and food service activities 2.9 31.8
J Information and communication 1.4 7.4
K Financial and insurance activities 1.3 3.0
L Real estate activities 4.9 50.0
M Professional,scientific and technical activities 2.2 8.3
N Public administration and defence;compulsory social security 1.6 7.2
P Education 7.0 65.1
Q Human health and social work activities 2.6 12.0
R Arts,entertainment and recreation 3.8 7.9
S Other service activities 3.5 25.7
6.3. Non-sampling error
Information on variables with non-negligible measurement and processing errors Information on main sources of (non-negligible) measurement and processing errors and, if available, on methods applied for correction Estimation bias: An assessment of the non-sampling errors, in terms of the absolute number of vacant posts,  for the total number of job vacancies and, where possible, for aggregation level of NACE Rev. 2 specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation and size classes (1-9, 10 + employees). Remarks
None The validation procedure consists of arithmetical and logical controls applied in the data entry and in the post validation process:

- In the data entry a warning signal is given if the data on occupied posts are not filled; occupied posts and vacancies are equal; the enterprise is with many employees but with no vacancy; the enterprise is with suspiciously high number of vacancies etc;

- In the post validation, the current data is compared with the previous quarter and additional checks are made for misclassification of ISCO08 groups.  The last refers especially to the data filled in major group 6 “Skilled agricultural and fishery workers” for enterprises with economic activity not presuming availability of such professions. In some cases, the budgetary organisations report unoccupied posts by pay-roll schedule as vacancies, no matter that the employer do not plan to hire employees.

In cases of questionable, missing or wrong data, the respondents are re-contacted by the responsible statistician for further information and verification.

As we have no other source of reliable data on vacancies, assessment of the non-sampling errors has not been done.  
6.3.1. Coverage error
Description of any difference between the reference population and the study population Description of classification errors Description of any difference between the reference dates and the reference quarter Any other relevant information
The sample for 2022 survey is drawn from a population as at 31.12.2020 representing the most recent situation of the Statistical Register at the time of sampling. Using an old frame caused over and under coverage problems because of the inclusion in the sample of dead or sleeping units and not covering the newly established ones. The main reasons reported by the regional offices of NSI for the high non-response levels are rather “not found / out of date contact information”, “closed down/sleeping”, “no employees in the reference period” than explicit refusals. 

The distribution of private sector’s firms in the population and the sample is presented in the Table below:

Economic activities Number of enterprises in private sector by size classes Sample fraction - %
Population Sample
<50 50 - 99 100+ <50 50 - 99 100+ <50 50 - 99 100+
Total 185089 2702 2203 12032 1634 2203 6.5 60.5 100.0
A 8599 78 23 467 36 23 5.4 46.2 100.0
B 180 17 21 77 12 21 42.8 70.6 100.0
C 17785 855 827 1816 521 827 10.2 60.9 100.0
D 540 13 19 73 9 19 13.5 69.2 100.0
E 450 31 27 117 25 27 26.0 80.6 100.0
F 11321 320 156 673 182 156 5.9 56.9 100.0
G 60810 544 329 3041 301 329 5.0 55.3 100.0
H 12666 138 58 793 92 122 6.3 60.5 100.0
I 13589 207 108 778 89 108 5.7 64.5 100.0
J 5815 130 184 635 79 184 10.9 60.8 100.0
K 2316 31 85 235 26 85 10.1 83.9 100.0
L 5553 22 11 293 14 11 5.3 63.6 100.0
M 16816 72 61 1066 65 61 6.3 90.3 100.0
N 4736 155 157 513 91 157 10.8 58.7 100.0
P 1969 18 9 109 11 9 5.5 61.1 100.0
Q 7003 58 60 427 38 60 6.1 65.5 100.0
R 2807 35 36 278 18 36 9.9 51.4 100.0
S 12134 33 18 641 25 18 5.3 75.8 100.0
As the survey sample is drawn from the Statistical Register in which the most recent available data refers to period t-2 years the changes of economic activity and size classes of the enterprises could not be captured in time No differences Over-coverage - rate

Optional Common units - proportion


6.3.2. Measurement error

see 6.3. non-sampling error

6.3.3. Non response error

See Unit non-response - rate
Unit response rate
Unit response rate is about 94.4% for Q1 2022, 94.4% for Q2 2022, 94.3% for Q3 2022 and 94.0% for Q4 2022.

The principle of compulsory participation in the QLCS is laid down in the National program for statistical surveys, but item non-response especially for variable Job vacancies could not be controlled.

Amongst the reasons for non-response, the most common ones are due to the list errors. Item non-response - rate


6.3.4. Processing error

see 6.3. non-sampling error Imputation - rate
Item imputation rate and methods and, where possible, the effect of imputation on the estimates for the variables transmitted
Imputation is applied only for large enterprises, not submitted quarterly report in NSI by some reasons, and for category Occupied posts, but not for Vacancies. Data used for the imputation is based on the Register of insured persons.

Non-responding sample units (first and second strata) are included in the survey by weighting procedures in the corresponding stratum.

6.3.5. Model assumption error
If modelling is used, include a description of the models used. Particular emphasis should be given to models for imputation or grossing-up to correct for unit non-response.
Not applicable
6.4. Seasonal adjustment
Brief description of seasonal adjustment procedures, in particular with regard to the European Statistical System guidelines on seasonal adjustment which have been endorsed and supported by the SPC.
National Statistical Institute performs seasonal adjustment of the vacancies series using Demetra software with TRAMO/SEATS method. The type of adjustment is the direct adjustment as the models are updated once a year, while the parameters are updated each time when new observation is added to the time series.  

From the first quarter of 2014, 16 periods of data by NACE Rev.2 are available, which is considered to be sufficient length of the time series to provide seasonally adjusted data.

Regularly seasonally adjusted series for the job vacancies and occupied posts by the aggregates B-S, B-E, B-N, F, G-I, G-N, J, K, L, M-N, O-Q and R-S have been sent since Q1 2014. It may be remarked that seasonality is available for G-I and G-N. It is mainly due to the demand of seasonal labour force for hotels and restaurants at the seaside during the summer months. In the rest economic activities it is not possible to maintain clearly for presence of seasonality.

Seasonal adjustment
6.5. Data revision - policy

See 6.6

6.6. Data revision - practice
Provide a revision history, including the revisions in the published number of job vacancies and a summary of the reasons for the revisions.
Revisions of occupied posts and vacancies occur, when the data from QLCS are revised. The main reason for the revisions of QLCS data is to improve the comparability between quarterly (based on sample survey) and annual (census type) information on number of employees and wages and salaries.

For example:

In the population, from which the sample for quarterly survey during 2020 is formed, are included all private units that have submitted annual report about their activity during 2018. Due to the long period of time (2018 – 2020) if need be, it is possible to make two revisions of the monthly data. The first revision is done when annual final data for 2020 are announced. Its aim is to update the population. The second one is imposed due to the impossibility to cover the newly established firms in time.

The last revision concerning JVS was for 2020 data.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Differences between revised and initial data for Q3 2020
(Enterprises with 1+ employees)

Economic activities Vacancies Occupied posts Vacancies Occupied posts
(absolute figures) (%)
A_S 104 79256 0,6 3,6
A -7 295 -2,3 0,4
B 0 -1057 0,0 -5,2
C -70 7960 -2,0 1,7
D 0 99 0,0 0.3
E 0 636 0,0 1,8
F -175 13733 -11,0 11,0
G -63 -905 -4,3 -0,2
H 3 13743 0,2 10,1
I 89 15277 18,2 17,2
J -35 6318 -9,4 6,5
K 10 1109 3,9 2,1
L 33 2634 45,2 12,8
M 92 5470 17.4 7,3
N -12 4657 -2,5 3,9
O 0 0 0,0 0,0
P -9 1513 -1.3 0,9
Q 4 2290 0,1 1,5
R 44 1098 18,7 3,3
S -8 4386 -4,8 13,3

 Differences between revised and initial data for Q3 2019

(Enterprises with 1+ employees)

Economic activities Vacancies Occupied posts Vacancies Occupied posts
(absolute figures) (%)
A_S 660 101091 3,5 3,7
A 88 -806 26,7 -1,8
B 8 1 2,0 -1,6
C -26 13297 -0,6 2,7
D 0 162 0,0 0,9
E 8 671 5,3 1,8
F 275 10687 33,1 6,9
G -1 2310 -0,1 -0,6
H 10 14547 0,7 10,0
I 51 18733 7,7 11,4
J 66 7229 15,2 8,7
K -1 1453 -0,3 2,8
L 81 2357 42,6 7,3
M 17 7135 3,8 7,6
N 28 8102 4,7 5,9
O 0 0 0,0 0,0
P -2 1207 -0,3 0,4
Q 6 3609 0,2 2,1
R 64 3706 29,0 9,5
S -12 6691 -6,3 16,7

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

See 7.1.1

7.1.1. Time lag - first result
Information on the time span between the release of data at national level and the reference period of the data.
45/50 days after the reference period.
7.1.2. Time lag - final result


7.2. Punctuality

See 7.2.1

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication
Deadlines for the respondents to reply, also covering recalls and follow-ups Period of the fieldwork Period of data processing Dates of publication of first results Remarks
20 days after the end of the reference quarter. Recalls and follow-ups are cancelled 3 days before the official release date. Until the 20th day after the end of the reference quarter. From the 20th to the 39th day after the end of the reference quarter. 45/50 days after the reference period.  

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical
Information on differences between national and European concepts, and — to the extent possible — their effects on the estimation.

 No differences from 2018.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient


8.2. Comparability - over time
Information on changes in definitions, coverage and methods in any two consecutive quarters, and their effects on the estimation. Remarks
There are no changes in the definitions, coverage and estimations since the JVS data collection started.  
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series


8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Comparisons of data on the number of vacant jobs from other relevant sources when available, in total and broken down by NACE at section level when relevant, and reasons if the values differ considerably.
It is difficult to compare the figures from both sources – QLCS and Agency of Employment. JVS is based on a sample and units that have not got at least one employee are excluded from the population. On the other hand, it is not employers’ duty to give up data about vacancies in the Agency of Employment.

Comparability between number of occupied posts (from JVS) and number of employed persons reported in the Labour Force Survey (LFS).

Comparisons of LFS employees and occupied posts:

The LFS data are higher in almost all NACE sections than the ones from JVS. Apart from methodological discrepancies (sampling unit, reference period, method of data collection) there are some other reasons which could explain the differences between the data:

- The LFS figures include as employees more groups than the JVS - persons under civil type of contract (contact for certain work to be done); persons working under contract for management and control and persons working without any type contract (mainly in sections F and G);

- Military personal is not covered by the JVS;

- Coding of NACE in LFS is based on the description of economic activity, given by respondents. In the Business statistics NACE codes are obtained from the statistical register of enterprises. For example, in section L. The enterprises/local units are classified in this section due to the fact that its main turnover comes from Renting and operating of own real estate while the employees perform tasks related to other economic activities.

See the annex on Beveridge curve and comparison of LFS and JVS data

BG comparison of JVS with LFS data 2022
BG Beveridge curve 2022
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics


8.5. Coherence - National Accounts


8.6. Coherence - internal


9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

No news release is published.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
Dissemination scheme, including to whom the results are sent Periodicity of national publication References for publications of core results, including those with commentary in the form of text, graphs, maps, etc. Information on what results, if any, are sent to reporting units included in the sample
Data on Number of Vacancies, Number of Occupied posts and Job vacancy rate broken down by NACE Rev.2 section level are published quarterly on NSI’s website, section Labour market, as well in Information System INFOSTAT. Quarterly Not available It’s not foreseen to provide information to units included in the sample.
9.3. Dissemination format - online database


9.3.1. Data tables - consultations


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access


9.5. Dissemination format - other


9.6. Documentation on methodology


9.7. Quality management - documentation
Description of and references for metadata provided References for core methodological documents relating to the statistics provided Description of main actions carried out by the national statistical services to inform users about the data Remarks
All of the NSI publications contain methodological notes and definitions. Not available List of the standard statistical indicators is available on NSI’s website.

In the beginning of the year a precise calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried by the NSI is published on the website.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate


9.7.2. Metadata - consultations


10. Cost and Burden Top


11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

see 11.2

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Disclosure rules: Brief description of when data have to be deleted for reasons of confidentiality
According to the Bulgarian Law on Statistics, confidential data is statistical information which aggregates data about less than three statistical units or about a population in which the relative share of the value of a surveyed parameter of a single unit exceeds 85 per cent of the total value of such parameter for all units in the population.

12. Comment Top
Special remarks

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top