Accidents at work (ESAW, 2008 onwards) (hsw_acc_work)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Working Environment Authority (DWEA)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Working Environment Authority (DWEA)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Occupational accidents and diseases

1.5. Contact mail address

Working Environment Authority,
Occupational accidents and diseases,
Postbox 1228,
DK - 0900 Copenhagen C.

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 09/10/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 09/10/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 09/10/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Denmark submits data on accidents at work with more than 3 calendar days of expected absence from work to Eurostat. Upload is performed annually by the end of June according to the Regulation (formerly 'gentleman agreement') in the *.CSV format.

The data sets contain information about the victim, the injury, the company, the accident and the causes and circumstances of the accident. The variables included are:


  • Occupation of the victim (ISCO)
  • Age of the victim
  • Sex of the victim
  • Employment status
  • Nationality


  • Type of injury (see NOTE)
  • Part of body injured
  • Days lost


  • Economic activity of the employer (NACE)


  • Date of the accident
  • Time of the accident
  • Geographical location (NUTS)

Causes and circumstances:

  • Work station (partially)
  • Working environment (partially)
  • Deviation (from 17th of June 2017 and onwards)*
  • Contact - Mode of injury
  • Material agent - contact (Not included in 2018-data and onwards)*


  • Road Trafic Accident (RTA Yes/No) - Facultative
  • Weight (correction for underreporting)

Data include both fatal and non-fatal accidents.

*) As from 17th of June 2017 a new notification system was introduced. In the old system the variable Material agent - contact was registrered. In the new system Deviation is registrered in stead.

NB: In 2020 and 2021 a lot of COVID-19 cases were reported as accidents at work. There is no specific registration of these cases in the Danish classifications available. Most cases were  registered in the parameter 'Type of injury' (INJ) as 'Acute infection' (072), 'Other poisonings and infections' (079) or unknown (00) for the reference year 2020. For the purpose of the year 2021 ESAW data delivery, the number of COVID-19 related cases has been estimated on the basis of text mining searching for text strings in the text fields of the notifications. The following text strings have been used: 'covi', 'corona', 'pcr', cowid', 'cv', 'smit', 'positiv', '19'. For these identified cases the variable INJ has been coded as '073' (Covid-19) according to the ESTAT/ESAW recommendation on how to code occupational COVID-19 cases. 

3.2. Classification system

All variables are delivered according to the ESAW methodology.

3.3. Coverage - sector

In principle all economic sectors are covered by the Danish notification scheme and hence by the ESAW-data. 

Exceptions are:

- Defence activities (NACE, Rev 2. 8422) are not covered for military personnel (armed forces) defined by ISCO-08 codes 01, 02 and 03, while performing combat, training, exersize, but accidents during civil activities are.

Denmark is only providing provisionary information about company size (optional variable).

3.3.1. Sector Coverage ESAW

COVERAGE OF ECONOMIC SECTORS (NACE), (Annual update expected)


NACE Rev.2



Agriculture, forestry and fishing



Mining and quarrying



off shores









Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply



Water supply, sewerage, steam and air conditioning supply






Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles



Transportation and storage



maritime transport (NACE 50)



air transport (NACE 51)



transport via Railways (NACE 49)



post & telecomunications (NACE 53)



Accomodation and food service activities



Information and communication



Financial and insurance activities



Real state activities



Professional, scientific and technical activities



Administrative and support service activities



Public administration and defence;compulsory social security



of which police and firebrigades (NACE 84.24 and 84.25), but not Defence






Human health and social work activities



Arts, entertainment and recreation



Other service activities



Activities of households as employers; undiferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of  households for own use



Activites of extra territorial organisations and bodies



Additional comments on coverage of economic sectors

 Defence is only covered for civil activities.



y Sector fully covered
n Sector not covered at all
p Secor partially covered
n.a. Not applicable, i.e. sector does not exist in country

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

For description of the variables, see point 3.1 Data description (above).

3.4.1. Definition of ESAW variables

COVERAGE OF ESAW VARIABLES (Annual update expected)

Economic activity of the employer


Occupation of the victim


Age of victim


Sex of victim


Type of injury


Part of body injured


Geographical location


Date of the accident


Time of the accident


Size of enterprise




Employment status


Days lost

 y cat



Working environment


Working process


Specific physical activity


Material agent of Specific physical activity




Material agent of Deviation


Contact – mode of injury


Material agent of Contact - Mode of injury


Road traffic accidents (RTA)




Type of weight (under-reporting - U; sampling - S; special sampling - Sp)



Additional comments on coverage of ESAW variables




y Variable fully covered
n Variable not covered at all, i.e. variable is so far not collected in country
p Variable partially covered

Days lost
y num Days lost are covered and in data file listed by numbers (004 - 182)
y cat Days lost are covered and in data file listed by categories (A01 - A06)
p num, p cat Days lost are partly covered and listed by numbers (categories)

Type of weight
U weight to correct under-reporting
S weight to account for sampling
Sp weight to correct special sampling

3.5. Statistical unit

Statistical unit is the 'Number of reported accidents at work' (N).

Reportable accidents in Denmark are accidents with one day or more of absence from work (days lost), wheras Eurostat publishes only accidents with more than 3 days lost.

Denmark submits only cases with more than 3 days lost together with cases where Severity is unknown.

3.6. Statistical population

The Danish ESAW data refers to all employed persons, except military personel (see 3.3 Sector coverage) but including:

  • students (trainees) occupied with 'work-like' activities
  • family members when performing 'work-like' activities
  • Self-employed, if the accident happens with technical equipment (machines, tools etc.)
3.6.1. Statistical Population ESAW


Professional status


1. Self employed


   1.1 Self employed with employees (for accidents with technical equipment)


   1.2 Self employed without employees (for accidents with technical equipment)


2. Family worker


3. Employee


   3.1 Part time workers


   3.2 Casual workers


   3.3 Trainees/Apprentices


4. Students


5. Others



Additional comments on coverage of professionnal status

 '5. Others' include substitutes, volunteers, inmates (performing work)



y Professional status fully covered
n Professional status not covered at all
p Professional status partially covered
n.a. Not applicable, i.e. professional status does not exist in country



Accidents in the course of work


1. Commuting accidents


2. Accidents in a public place or in a mean of transport during a journey in the course of work


2.1 Road traffic accidents in the course of work (public highways, car parks, internal ways inside the premises of the enterprise)


2.2 Number of fatal road traffic accidents during a journey in the course of work for persons employed outside the NACE Rev. 2 sector H Transportation (PLEASE INSERT THE MANDATORY NUMBER)


2.3 Other accidents (slips, falls, aggressions, etc.) in a public place (pavement, staircases, etc.) or in the arrival and starting points (station, port, airport, etc.) of any mean of transport, during a journey in the course of work


2.4 Accidents on board of any means of transport (underground railway, tram, train, boat, plane, etc.) used during a journey in the course of work


2.5 Number of fatal accidents on board of any other means of transport during a journey in the course of work for persons employed outside the NACE Rev. 2 sector H Transportation (PLEASE INSERT THE MANDATORY NUMBER)


3. Accidents occurred within the premises of another company than that which employs the victim, or in a private individual, in the course of work


4. Accidents having only a medical origin, in the course of work



Additional comments on coverage of accidents outside premises

 (*) see annex Excel sheet on NACE and RTA



y Accidents fully covered
n Accidents not covered at all
p Accidents partially covered
F Data of fatal road traffic accidents and fatal accidents on board of any means of transport provided in the main CSV data file
A Data of fatal and non-fatal road traffic accidents as well as fatal and non-fatal accidents on board of any means of transport provided in the main CSV data file

Sheet for fatal accidents at work
3.7. Reference area

Danish ESAW data are available for Eurostat through eDAMIS. The data are not dissiminated elsewhere by national authorities.

The data cover all accidents on Danish territory whether on land, on the sea (on board any vessel of sea-transport or off shore installations) or in the air (on board aircrafts).

3.8. Coverage - Time

Annual data. Data cover all registrered accidents at work which have occured per full calendar year.

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

3.9. Base period

Full calendar years.

4. Unit of measure Top

Same as metadata at EU level, eg. all reported accidents at work are included.

However, the basic unit of statistical observation in Denmark are the 'Number of reported accidents at work'. Reportable accidents in Denmark are accidents with one day or more of absence from work (days lost), wheras Eurostat publishes only accidents with more than 3 days lost.

Denmark submits only cases with more than 3 days lost together with cases where Severity is unknown.

5. Reference Period Top

2021: for date of the accident, eg. accidents at work which have occured in 2021.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

The Working Environment Authority is gathering information on accidents at work from the reporting system according to the legislation on notification (ref. [in Danish]

According to the legislation it is an obligation for the employer to notify any accident at work amongst his/her employees if the accident leads to absence from work for one day or more. Only accidents at work with more than 3 days lost are submitted to ESTAT.

Statutory Order on notification of accidents at work (in Danish) - new 2022
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Statistical confidentiality concerning personal information is guarantied by law in the Act on Processing of Personal Data (revised according to GDPR):

Danish Data Protection Agency

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Statistical confidentiality concerning personal information is guarantied by law in the Act on Processing of Personal Data (revised according to GDPR):

Danish Data Protection Agency
7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Before submission to Eurostat and for other statistical purposes data that identify persons or companies are removed.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

ESAW data are released for submission (tranfer/delivery) to Eurostat every year before the end of June.

8.2. Release calendar access

Eurostat is the only user of micro data, and the ESAW micro data are not dissiminated elsewhere.

8.3. Release policy - user access

According to the ESAW regulation: Commission Regulation (EU) No. 349/2011.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See Eurostat website for occasional news releases.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See Eurostat website for publications on accidents at work including:

Statistics Explained articles - updated once per year:

  1. Accidents at work statistics (main article)
  2. Accidents at work by economic activity
  3. Accidents at work on causes and circumstances
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

not available

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access


10.5. Dissemination format - other


10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

ESAW methodology, 2013 edition.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Information on the quality of data is delivered each five years to Eurostat. Basic metadata is delivered together with the annual data transmissions to Eurostat.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The WEA is committed to data quality, and quality consideration play a central role in data collection (notification scheme) as well as in the processing of statistical data. Data processing cover data cleaning (eg. Correction for duplets, and check for missing values) and anonymization in order to produce data sets for statistical use. 

For fatal accidents the quality of information is assessed manually.

Some variables suffer from a large number (percentage) of unknown cases, where the notifier either have not answered the question or have chosen the 'Unkown' value. In particular this is the case for Deviation (DEV), Type of Injury (INJ) and Severity (SEV). Initiatives are conducted in order to increase the data quality through information campaigns targeted towards the companies.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The overall quality assessment is described above.

Investigations of the degree of underreporting have been performed regularly, primarily by comparing RAW-data (national register) with data from emergency units at hospitals, but also with the LFS ad-hoc modules. In general these investigations estimate approximately 50 percent underreporting in Denmark.

Denmark delivers three (four) out of nine phase III variables:

- Workstation

- Working environment (partially)

- Deviation (as from 17th of June 2017 and onwards)

- Contact mode of injury

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The primary user of Danish ESAW data is Eurostat.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The primary user of Danish ESAW data is Eurostat. The WEA does not directly consult the users of European statistics. ESAW data for all member states are published by Eurostat at their web-site. Eurostat is the authority responsible for dissimination of statistical products from ESAW-data.

Users can obtain information about the number of accidents and general variables from the Danish ESAW-data delivered to Eurostat upon request.

12.3. Completeness

The primary user of Danish ESAW data is Eurostat.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Danish ESAW data are in principle complete, ie. no sectors are exceptet from data (see section 2.3 - Coverage). The only exception from data are accidents for military personnel (defined by ISCO) during combat, training, excercize etc. Accidents during civil activities for military personel are covered. Data completeness rate of ESAW variables per sector



Global reporting level

 54% (N * 1.86)

Reporting levels by sector

A. Agriculture, forestry and fishing


B. Mining and quarrying


off shores

100% (e) 



C. Manufacturing


D. Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply


E. Water supply, sewerage, steam and air conditioning supply


F. Construction


G. Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles


H. Transportation and storage


maritime transport (NACE 50)

100% (e) 

air transport (NACE 51)

 100% (e) 

transport via Railways (NACE 49)


post & telecomunications (NACE 53)


I. Accomodation and food service activities


J. Information and communication


K. Financial and insurance activities


L. Real state activities


M. Professional, scientific and technical activities


N. Administrative and support service activities


O. Public administration and defence;compulsory social security

 46% (e)

of which police and firebrigades (NACE 84.24 and 84.25)


P. Education


Q. Human health and social work activities


R. Arts, entertainment and recreation


S. Other service activities


T. Activities of households as employers; undiferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of  households for own use


U. Activites of extra territorial organisations and bodies



Additional comments on global reporting level

 Global reporting level in the Register of Accidents at Work has been estimated by comparison with the LFS ad-hoc module on HSW and local registers of hospital emergency units.



N sector not covered by data collection
UNK sector covered but unknown reporting level
(value %) reporting level
(e) rough estimate (instead of "medium" or "high")


Explanation: Please fill in every cell with information, either "N" for sector not covered by the data collection, "UNK" for sectors covered but unknown reporting level, or a percentage value for sectors covered for which the reporting level is known (such as "52%"). Instead of "medium" or "high" please fill in a approximate value and flag it with "(e)" at the end, such as "50% (e)". Please fill in both, the global reporting cells and the detailed rows for individual sectors. If for example no sector is covered for your country, then fill into every cell "0", if all sectors are covered but all reporting levels are unknown fill in "UNK" in every cell. "N/A" should be replaced by either "N" or "UNK".


13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall


The register on accidents at work is not complete, because some accidents which should be notified according to the rules (reportable accidents) are not notified.

Over the last 10 years it has been shown that the reporting level ranges form 15 to 73 percent depending on the economic activity (trade) of the company, the age of the victim and the severity of the accident. The wide variability of the reporting levels also reflects differences in investigation methods. Overall the reporting level is estimated to be approximately 50 percent. The latest survey showed an underreporting level of 46 percent.

For this reason a corection factor (weight) for non-fatal accidents is delivered to Eurostat along with the submission of the ESAW data.

For fatal accidents the coverage is 100 percent.

13.2. Sampling error

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable - Data collection is based on a notification system, and not on a survey (sample).

13.3. Non-sampling error

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Danish ESAW data are submitted each year by the end of June for the reference year terminated 18 month earlier (N+2).

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

On date (N = 28.06.2023)

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not available.

14.2. Punctuality

Danish ESAW data are submitted each year by the end of June for the reference year terminated 18 month earlier (N+2).

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

On date (28.06.2023)

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. 

Danish data are in principle comparable from 1979 and onwards for accidents at work with 1 day absence or more. During such a long time span there are of course data breaks for certain variables. In 2003 an electronically notification system was introduced. Before 2003 notifications of accidents at work were made on paper forms and then coded into am database by professionel staff of the DWEA.

Major data breaks:

  • In 2007 Danish NUTS-classification was revised following the change in Denmark going from 14 counties and 273 municipalities to 5 Regions and 98 municipalities.
  • In 2018 NUTS 3 was implemented in Danish ESAW data, but it is regularly amended accoding to recent regional developments.
15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.2. Comparability - over time

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. 

Danish data are in principle comparable from 1979 and onwards for accidents at work with 1 day absence or more. During such a long time span there are of course data breaks for certain variables. In 2003 an electronically notification system was introduced. Before 2003 notifications of accidents at work were made on paper forms and then coded into am database by professionel staff of the DWEA.

Major data breaks:

  • In 2007 Danish NUTS-classification was revised following the change in Denmark going from 273 municipalities tom 98.
  • In 2008 NACE Rev. 2 was implemented in the form of "Dansk Branchekode 2007" which is a 6-digit version of NACE 2.0. For comparability of ESAW data 2008 is therefore the baseline.
  • In 2011 a Danish version of ISCO-08 was implemented.
  • In 2017 the variable 'Material agent of Contact Mode of Injury' was deleted from the Danish notification system, and the variable 'Deviation' was introduced.
  • In 2018 NUTS 3 was implemented in Danish ESAW data, but it is regularly amended accoding to recent regional developments.
15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

2008 and onwards.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not available.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not available

15.4. Coherence - internal

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

16. Cost and Burden Top

There is no cost/burden analysis available.

The ESAW data are produced on the basis of data already existing according to Danish legislation due to the obligation to notify accidents at work.

Employers (companies) are obliged to notify electronically via the internet in a system called EASY. Companies can do this directly or from their (accounts) own internal registration system through an XML interface. When notifying the companies do not have to give details about the company (economic activity, name, address etc.) because these data are obtained automatically from the Central Register of Companies* managed by the Danish Business Authority. The key to this is that the user name to EASY is the company number in the Central Register of Companies.

In future revision of the notification system the cost effectiveness and the burden on respondents will be taken further into account.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Already submitted data are normally not revised.

A major revision took place for the reference year 2017 where a new notification system was implemented (launched). The new system have impact on the delivered ESAW data, as there are changes in some variables (see section 3.1 Data description).

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

A notification scheme for accidents at work has been laid down in a Statutory Order (administrative data), (in Danish), according to which the employer shall notify accidents at work for their employees, if the accident has resulted in incapacity to work for one day or more, to the WEA.

Similar notification schemes exist for accidents within the sectors of transportation in air or at sea, administrered by the Danish Transport, Construction and Housing Authority and the Danish Maritime Agency, respectively.

Information (data) from these notifications is kept in a database (RAW) from which the ESAW data to Eurostat are created in accordance with the ESAW methodology with respect to standard concepts, definitions, variables and classifications.

The purpose of the Register on Accidents at Work (RAW) is to enable the authority (WEA) to perform inspections (investigation of accidents) and constitutes the statistical background for priorities and campaigns in order to contribute to the prevention of accidents at work.

The register suffers from reporting deficits (underreporting): See section 4.2 Quality management - assessment.

Statutory Order on notification (in Danish) - new 2022
18.2. Frequency of data collection

Data are collected continuously from the notifications received (electronically).

Data are processed annually for statistical purposes (fixed data), but the dynamic source data can be accessed.

18.3. Data collection

Administrative data based on a legally binding notification scheme:

The Register on Accidents at Work (RAW).

18.4. Data validation

On the basis of the national source register on accidents at work (RAW) the output to ESAW data format is coded and validated according to the ESAW methodology and the 'Guidelines for ESAW data transmission'.

Recoding from Danish data to the ESAW format.
18.5. Data compilation

On the basis of the national source register on accidents at work (RAW) the output to ESAW data format is coded and validated according to the ESAW methodology and the 'Guidelines for ESAW data transmission'.

Some variables are imputed from other variables: 

- Workstation (from Working environment, partially)

- Working environment (recoded from RAW data om 'place of accident').

- Weight for underreporting is calculated from the mean reporting percentage derived from comparison to statistics from emergency units at hospitals.   

W = 100/(reporting percentage), ex: W = 100/54 = 1,86

For 2017 two additional weights have been introduced for variable 'Deviation' and variable 'Material agent - Contact Mode of Injury' (MA_CMI), because Deviation was implemented in the Dansih register in the middle of 2017 in stead of the Material agent.

For reference year 2018 and onwards the variable MA_CMI is no longer part of the Danish delivery of ESAW-data. The phase III variable DEV is part of the Danish ESAW-data in stead.

18.4 Data validation - SAS documentation (script)
18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

18.6. Adjustment

Danish ESAW data covers all reported accidents that occured during a reference calendar year.

There are no adjustments such as for time series or seasonal adjustment.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

No seasonal adjustments.

19. Comment Top

No additional information to the metadata on EU level available. Information corresponds to the EU metadata.

NB: In 2020 and 2021 a lot of COVID-19 cases were reported as accidents at work. There is no specific registration of these cases in the Danish classifications available. Most cases were  registered in the parameter 'Type of injury' (INJ) as 'Acute infection' (072), 'Other poisonings and infections' (079) or unknown (00) for the reference year 2020. For the purpose of the year 2021 ESAW data delivery, the number of COVID-19 related cases has been estimated on the basis of text mining searching for text strings in the text fields of the notifications. The following text strings have been used: 'covi', 'corona', 'pcr', cowid', 'cv', 'smit', 'positiv', '19'. For these identified cases the variable INJ has been coded as '073' (Covid-19) according to the ESTAT/ESAW recommendation on how to code occupational COVID-19 cases. 

Related metadata Top
hsw_acc_work_simsaw_dk - Accidents at work (ESAW, 2008 onwards)

Annexes Top
Statutory Order on notification of accidents at work (in Danish) - new 2022