Pupils and students - enrolments (educ_uoe_enr)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: National Institute of Statistics

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Institute of Statistics

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Wages, Labour Cost, Job Vacancies and Education

1.5. Contact mail address

16, Libertăţii Avenue, District 5, Bucharest – zip code 050706

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description
General link to Eurydice:
National system broad overview:
National Educational Law no.1/2011 Consolidated 2022, version in ANNEX I.
National Education System Description:
National Education System - Provisions regarding language learning:
Structure of Education and Training Systems:
Structure of Romanian Formal Education and Training System is as follows:

  - early childhood education and development - ISCED01 (children in nurseries)

  - pre-primary education - ISCED02 (children in kindergartens)

          - primary education (ISCED1) - students start the level with the preparatory form at the age of 6 and continue with grades 1 to 4 of primary education

          - upper secondary (high school) general and vocational education (ISCED3) - students enrolled in Second Chance programme also included.

          - post-secondary non tertiary education (ISCED 4)

- tertiary education (ISCED 6, 7, 8)


Link to the ISCMAP programme and qualification:
National link to programmes and qualifications:


Please, use the box below if you wish to complement or amend the information provided by Eurydice:
Starting with the 2010-2011 academic year, ISCED 5 level - corresponding to ISCED 2011 (short-term tertiary education) - studies are no longer carried out in Romania.

In what concerns the early education and development level, as per par. (2 ), Art. 2 of the Methodology for organizing and functioning of nurseries and other early childhood education units (regulated by Government Decision No. 1252 of December 12, 2012): “Nurseries and, as the case may be, day care centres organizing early childhood education study groups are part of both the social services national system regulated by the Social Assistance Law no. 292/2011, through the provision of care and surveillance services, and the pre-university education system governed by the National Education Law no. 1, as subsequently completed and amended, through provision of early childhood education services”.

2.2. Classification system

-  International Classification of Education (ISCED  2011).

       - Field of education classification - detailed levels (ISCED-F).

- Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS 2013) classification for the national and regional level (NUTS0, NUTS1).

- Ownership:

        - Private sector includes: private majority ownership (private capital over 50%), entirely private ownership, cooperative ownership, communal ownership, entirely foreign ownership;

        - Public sector includes: entirely state ownership, state majority ownership (state capital over 50%), public national and local ownership.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Data collection covers all education institutions in each of the education levels, irrespective of ownership (public or private), or the residence area they are established in (urban or rural).

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Statistical concepts and definitions related to the variables of the statistical researches on education are in accordance with the European standards, namely the commission regulation  (EU) No 912/2013 of 23 September 2013 on implementing Regulation (EC) No 452/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the production and development of statistics on education and lifelong learning.

2.5. Statistical unit

Educational unit is the selection unit for non-financial data and for private educational units' expenditure (FINED-INV).

The household (HBS) is the selection unit for private financial expenditure; the selection unit for other private entities is represented by NGOs, religious institutions and organizations, as well as charity organizations (FINED-ONG).

2.6. Statistical population

Total number of school units having legal personality whereby one or several education levels are functioning, i.e.: nurseries, kindergartens, primary schools, gymnasiums, special educational units, highschools, vocational schools, post-secondary schools, foremen schools and academic (tertiary education) institutions.

2.7. Reference area

National and regional level. 

RO11 North-West
RO12 Center
RO21 North-East
RO22 South-East
RO31 South - Muntenia
RO32 Bucharest - Ilfov
RO41 South-West Oltenia
RO42 West
2.8. Coverage - Time

Statistical research on education data are available on a yearly basis, for the entire reference school/academic year 2020-2021, respectively the financial year 2020 for the financial data.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

For each UOE table, please list the source(s) used to compile information: UOE table, name, type, date of availability and responsibility.


Sources used for data on enrolments
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of students (ISCED 0 to 8) by type of institution and sex (Enrl1A-INST and Enrl1B-INST) Statistics research: SC 0.1 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Profesional/Vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys carried out on an annual basis. NIS
Number of students in formal adult education by level of education ISCED 1-4, age and sex (Enrl9-ADULT) Statistics research: SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC4.1 High education and SC 5.1a  Profesional/Vocational education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys carried out on an annual basis. NIS
Number of full and part-time students (ISCED 0-8) by age and sex (Enrl2-AGE&FP) Statistics research: SC 0.1 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Profesional/Vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys carried out on an annual basis. NIS
Number of mobile students ISCED 6 to 8 by broad field of education, age and sex (Enrl5-MOB&FIELD) Statistics research: SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys carried out on an annual basis. NIS
Number of students (ISCED2011 levels  6 to 8) by country of origin, age and sex (Enrl6-MOB&COUNTRY) Statistics research: SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys carried out on an annual basis. NIS


Sources used for data on entrants
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of new entrants (ISCED 3-4) by age and sex (Entr1-Age) Statistics research: SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Profesional/vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis NIS
Number of new entrants (ISCED 5-8) by fields of education and sex (Entr3-Field) Statistics research: SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis NIS


Sources used for data on personnel
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of students with coverage adjusted to classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-8) by level of education, programme orientation, type of institution, and intensity of participation (PERS1_STUD). Statistics research: SC01 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/Vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS
Classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-8) by type of institution, intensity of participation and sex (PERS2-INST). Statistics research: SC01 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS


Sources used for data on enrolments at regional level
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of students by level of education, programme orientation, sex and region (REGIO 1). Statistics research: SC01 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1 Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS
Number of students by age, sex and region (REGIO 2). Statistics research: SC01 Early childhoodeducation, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1 Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS



Sources used for data on foreign languages learning
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of students (ISCED 1-3) by programme orientation, Number of language studied and modern foreign languages studied (LANG). Statistics research: SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/vocational education) Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS


Sources used for data on graduates
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of graduates (ISCED 3 to 8) by age and sex (GRAD2-AGE) Statistics research:  SC 4.2 and SC 5.2a Upper secondary (High education  and Professional/vocational education); SC 5.2b Post-secondary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS
Number of degree mobile graduates (ISCED 5 to 8) by field of education and sex (GRAD6-MOB&FIELD) Statistics research: SC 6.2a and SC 6.2b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS
Number of graduates (ISCED 5 to 8) with credit mobility (minimum 3 months) by level of education and country of destination, type of mobility and sex (CREDMOB1A_SCHEME, CREDMOB2A_DEST) and number of graduates (ISCED 5 to 8) with credit mobility (less than 3 months) by level of education, country of destination, type of mobility and sex (CREDMOB2B-DEST) Statistics research:SC 6.2a and SC 6.2b Tertiary education  Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. NIS



Sources used for data on education expenditure
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Number of students (ISCED 0 to 8) with coverage adjusted to statistics on educational finance by type of institution (FIN_STUDENTS) Statistics research: SC01 Early childhood education, SC 1.1 Pre-primary education; SC 2.1 Primary and lower secondary education; SC 3.1  Special primary and lower secondary education; SC 4.1 and SC 5.1a Upper secondary (High education and professional/vocational education); SC 5.1b Post-secondary education; SC 6.1a and SC 6.1b Tertiary education Data are obtained from exhaustive surveys on an annual basis. The data on the number of students in FIN-STUDENTS is estimated per financial year, according to Eurostat suggestion. NIS
Educational expenditure by level of education, source and destination (FIN1_SOURCE) Data on public expenditure are provided by Ministry of Finance and data of private expenditure are provided by NIS (NIS) - Data on private expenditure are provided by annual statistic research for all levels of education: FIN ED-INV (Private educational institutions expenditure in 2020 financial year) and FIN ED-ONG (Expenditure of NGOs, religious institutions and organizations and of charities for the educational institutions in the year 2020); HBS - data on household expenditure for private education institutions were taken from the 2020 Household Budget Survey.

FIN ED-INV 2020 - used estimation based on administrative sources (accountant balance sheet) for units with refusal non-response causes.

(MPF) - Data on public expenditure are provided by annual statistic (balance sheet)

FIN2_NATURE:  Education expenditure by level of education, type of institution and nature Data on public expenditure are provided by Ministry of Finance and data of private expenditure are provided by NIS (NIS) - Data on private expenditure are provided by annual statistic research for all level of education: FINED-INV (Private educational institutions expenditure in 2020 financial year) and FINED-ONG (Expenditure of NGOs, religious institutions and organizations and of charities for the educational institutions in the year 2020); HBS - data on household expenditurefor private education institutions were taken from the 2020 Household Budget Survey.

FIN ED-INV 2020 - for units that failed to provide data due to a certain reason,  estimation was used based on administrative sources (2020 balance sheet).

(MPF) - Data  on public expenditure are provided by annual statistic (balance sheet).

3.2. Frequency of data collection

Formal education exhaustive statistical researches on enrolments and graduates, on private educational units' expenditure, as well as on other private entities' expenditure for educational purposes are conducted annually.

Data on household expenditure for education in the Additional Section of HBS are collected annually.

3.3. Data collection

Data collection methods used to obtain the data entered in the UOE Tables are the the on-line and on paper questionnaires and collection from administrative sources (Ministry of Finances).

3.4. Data validation

Data collection methods used to obtain the data entered in the UOE Tables are the the on-line and on paper questionnaires and collection from administrative sources (Ministry of Finances).

3.5. Data compilation

Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.


Weighting methods
Weighted figures for differing reference periods Weighted figures for differing theoretical ages Conversion factors from part-time to full-time equivalent (FTE) data
 Not applicable  Not applicable part time/2+full time = full time equivalent (FTE)


Estimations methods used in the UOE questionnaires
Type of data Detailed variables concerned ISCED level Reference year(s) Data source (internal to UOE or not) Data type (sample-based or not) Data source name in English Reason Description of the estimation method
Educational expenditure -FIN1-Source Private source, households expenditure, payments to public institutions (row H1), and (net) payments to indepedent private institutions  - row H3. All ISCED levels:  ISCED0, ISCED1, ISCED2, ISCED3, ISCED4, ISCED6,7,8 2020 financial year Internal to UOE Sample based

Statistical research:

1. Exhaustive research on student enrolled in every education level;

2. Additional section (SC) of the Household Buget Survey (HBS).

Estimation methods were used to suceed in submitting UOE data on  payments to public institutions and payments to indepedent private institutions for all ISCED levels.

Total household expenditures for each level were multiplied by the percentage of students enrolled in public educational institutions in the total number of students corresponding to each education level, and then divided by 100.

The same estimation method was used also for private educational institutions.




-FIN2- Nature

FIN1: Direct expenditure for educational independent private institutions

-C3(government sources), F3 (international sources).

FIN2: Expenditures in independent private institutions

Z1 (Teaching staff), Z5 (Non-teaching staff), Z13 (Total: Current expenditure on staff compensation), Z30 (Expenditures for ancillary services), Z40 (Expenditures for R&D activities).

All ISCED levels: 




2020 financial year Internal to UOE 2020  balance sheet

Administrative sources (2020 balance sheet)

Estimation methods for units that failed to provide data due to a certain reason

Estimation based on administrative sources (balance sheet) was used for units that failed to provide data due to a certain reason.


3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

The quality of exhaustive statistical research on education (the "SCs" for each ISCED level) data, as well as the quality of data related to educational expenditure research (FINED-INV, FINED-ONG and the Additional Section of Household Budget Survey) are provided in compliance with the European Statistics Code of Practice for each step of the organization and carrying out of the said research.

Designing the statistical questionnaires, the detailed methodological specifications (including the ISCED-F Fields of Study Classification annex), the IT solution, as well as the validation during data processing, have led to complete and high quality data.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

The quality assessment of the variables is related to the quality of the exhaustive data sources on education.

All the standard statistical quality criteria are met (i.e. users’ needs satisfied based on data usefulness and timeliness; various dissemination formats and breakdowns; national and Eurostat dissemination timetable observed).

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Summary of core users

The main users of the exhaustive research on education results may be grouped as following:

(i)       internal users

  • national Government Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Education,
  • national Parliament,
  • research institutes and universities: Research Institute for Education, Romanian Academy, Academy of Economic Studies, etc.
  • mass-media;
  • students, PhD students.

(ii)      external users:

  • foreign research institutes;
  • European Union and international organisations: Eurostat, OECD, UNDP, World Bank;
  • foreign students.

The Romanian Academy, the highest cultural forum of Romania, has several main objectives: preserve the language and national literature, the study of national history, major scientific research fields, and promoting democratic and ethical principles regarding the free communication of ideas in science, art and letters Romanian.

The Academy of Economic Studies is the top representative higher economic education institution in Romania.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

(i) internal users:

In Romania, official statistics is under the responsibility of National Institute for Statistics (NIS). In order to ensure the objective and the transparent and scientific character of the methodologies, indicators and classifications used in statistics, the Council of Coordinating the Statistical Activity was set-up.

The Council is composed of representatives of:

  • Romanian Academy,
  • specialized higher education system and research,
  • ministries and other specialized bodies sub-ordinate to the Government,
  • Romanian National Bank,
  • trade unions,
  • employers’ associations,
  • mass-media,
  • professional associations.

The representatives of the Council meet quarterly or more frequently when is necessary, in working groups by statistical fields. During these meetings NIS receives a strong feed-back from the users in terms of the results already disseminated (including the level of details, breakdowns etc.) and the requests for further needed information to be included in next statistical inquiries

Before finalising the tools for the research on education, NIS usually advises with the main statistical data users (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finances) and asks for methodological approval given by the “Commission of Methodological Approval” (CAM).

The last time the questionnaire, explanatory notes and annexes to the exhaustive research on education results were submitted for the methodological approval was in 2016.

 (ii) external users:

  • European Union and international organizations: survey tools were designed whilst observing the recommendations stated in the Commission Regulation no. 912/2013, in terms of details and data type, as well as the transmission format of data on education; when different levels of aggregations are asked, if it is possible, data are processed accordingly or, if not, the most appropriate are given with the needed explanations;
  • Foreign research institutes: depending on the request, either data are sent in the available format either are prepared to reach as much as possible their needs;

Foreign students: most of their requests are satisfied by the available data.

5.3. Completeness

The extent to which all statistics that are needed are available.


ISCED levels not covered
  Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional enrolments Graduates Education expenditure
Data not covered Data regarding:
1. enrolments in academic  / professional programmes (ISCED 6, 7, 8)
Data regarding:
1. new entrants for academic / professional programmes (ISCED 6, 7, 8)
Personnel and teacher aides in institutions with combined education levels. No difficulty No difficulty Data regarding:
1.graduates of academic/professional programmes.
Distinctive payments to public (H1 row) and independent private (H3 row) institutions by ISCED level, in relation to household expenditure (FIN1_SOURCE).
Reasons for unavailable data and, planned actions to improve coverage Tertiary education in Romania does not specifically stipulate for the types of fields of education for the two orientations: academic and professional. Tertiary education in Romania does not specifically stipulate for the types of fields of education for the two orientations: academic and professional. This information is not available for the responding units; the data record system does not allow identifying and extracting the requested information. Not applicable. Not applicable. Tertiary education in Romania does not specifically stipulate for the types of fields of education for the two orientations: academic and professional. 

The Additional Section (SC) of the Household Budget Survey (HBS) did not mention the ownership of the institution for which the household had any educational expenditure.

Discussions are carried out with a view to find a solution to introduce the ownership type in the Additional Section (SC) of the Household Budget Surveys (HBS).

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not available.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Not applicable.

6.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

6.3. Non-sampling error

See below.

6.3.1. Coverage error

Divergence between the frame population and the target population.


Vocational training Programmes shorter than one semester
(or Implementation of the semester rule)
Are vocational and technical training programmes in enterprises included in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how is the 10% school based component over the whole length of the programme assessed? Do (formal) programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally, exist (YES/NO)? If Yes, how their duration (shorter than one semester) is assessed? Are all programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally excluded from the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, how does the coverage deviate from the UOE Manual recommendation?
YES Data are collected on training stages involving at least 25% practical training throughout the duration of the programme (3 or 4 years). NO Not applicable YES Not applicable



Early childhood education programmes
ISCED 01 programmes Reporting of Age in ISCED 0 Personnel in ISCED 0 What is the starting age of compulsory Primary education (ISCED 1)? This is needed for the calculation of ECE indicators such as 'Pupils aged between 4 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group'
Do Early Childhood Educational Development programmes (ISCED 01) exist in the country
If Yes, are these programmes included in the UOE data collection
Are children under the age of 3 reported as participating in ISCED 02 Pre-primary education programmes? (YES/NO) If YES, please explain why. Are Classroom Teachers and Teacher Aides reported separately in the UOE data collection? (YES/NO) If NO, why? How are they reported? What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Classroom Teacher at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level. What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Teachers’ Aide at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level.
 YES  YES  YES Ministry of Education recommends kindergardens to accept for enrollement in the first year of pre-primary education, if available seats, children aged 2-3 years.  YES Not applicable  ISCED3  ISCED3  6 years


Special education needs (SNE) programmes

Are students in special education included in the data provided on enrolments, entrants, graduates and regional data
If NO, could you please specify for which questionnaires and explain why?
YES. Students and personnel involved in special education are included in all data on enrolments, entrants and graduates. Students with special needs are excluded from data on foreign languages. Not applicable.


Adult education programmes and "continuing education" Students enrolled in educational institutions organised by ministries other than ministry of education
Are adult education programmes included in the data? (YES/NO) If NO, why? If YES, does the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual? If the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education programmes does not fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual, how it is assessed that the national “adult” or “continuing” programmes are similar or equivalent to corresponding initial education? Do educational programmes organised by Ministries other than Ministry of education existin the country (YES/NO)? If Yes, which coverage of these programmes in the UOE data collection? If Yes, and if relevant,which of those programmes are excluded from the UOE data collection?.
 YES   "Second Chance" programme is equivalent to initial education, because this programme aims at students' completion of the compulsory education (ISCED levels 1,2 and 3, namely 10 grades). The Romanian "Second Chance" programme is aimed at helping people aged over 14 who have not completed the primary and secondary education, so that they can complement and / or complete their basic education in the compulsory education and training to obtain a professional qualification in a given field. Schooling in the "Second Chance" programme for primary / secondary education has a 4 years standard duration (or shorter) and it is organized through courses held whilst combining basic education with training to obtain qualification.
People younger or older than students in equivalent programmes in initial education can enrol in this "Second chance" programme. Considering all the above mentioned, our national "adult" education fully complies with the category as defined by the UOE manual.
   YES The pre-university education in the defense (military) system, public order and national security is public, is part of the national education system and includes military high school, post-secondary education training for WOs, NCOs, police officers and penitentiary agents. The curricula for military specialist disciplines are developed by the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice and other institutions involved in the field of defense, public order and national security and is approved by the Ministry of National Education. None of those programmes are excluded from the UOE data collection.


Domestic educational activities Distance learning / e-learning programmes
Are all country’s domestic educational activities reported in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, which domestic educational activity (e.g. for example Distance learning/e-learning involving two countries, commuting students, foreign campus, European administration schools, etc.) are not reported and why? Are distance learning programmes data reported in the UOE questionnaires? (YES / NO / Partially / Not relevant) If NO, please explain why. If Partially, which ones are excluded and for what reasons? If distance students are included in the data, are national distance learners in programmes organised by institutions outside your country excluded?
 NO Data on distance learning/e-learning involving 2 countries were not collected.  Partially   Data on students in distance learning programmes organized outside Romania were excluded. Aggregated data on distance students in national educational programmes by Romania are included in the UOE data collection.  YES


Students participating in exchange programmes (credit mobile students) Foreign languages learning
Are students in short term postings (i.e. exchange programmes (credit mobility)) excluded from the population of students in the data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how the length of their stay abroad is assessed? If NO, why they are not excluded? Are students with SNE (Special Needs Education) enrolled in special schools excluded from the data on foreign languages? (YES/NO) Apart from SNE pupils, is the scope of the population the same as the total of students enrolled? (YES/NO) If NO, which pupils are not included?
 NO  Not applicable. The students in short term (credit mobility) are not excluded because they come back to continue their studies in the country of tertiary studies enrolment.  YES  NO In the first two grades in primary education learning of foreign languages are optional, not compulsory.


National programmes not covered by the UOE data collection, by ISCED level - Reasons why they are not covered
Programmes not covered at ISCED 0-Early childhood education Programmes not covered at ISCED 1-primary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 2-lower secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 3-upper secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 4-post-secondary non-tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 5-short-cycle tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 6– Bachelor's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at at ISCED 7 – Master's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level
 Not applicable  Not applicable  Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable In Romania, starting with the 2010-2011 academic year, ISCED 5 level (ISCED 2011) - short-term tertiary education - is no longer carried out. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Graduates: unduplicated count
Is the method of unduplicated count used for calculation of Graduates in the UOE data collection
If YES, please explain the method.

NO, for pre-university education (ISCED 3,4).

Yes, for tertiary (ISCED6-ISCED 8).

NIS collects, by means of an exhaustive research, data on first time graduates (total graduates and degree graduates) for levels ISCED 6, ISCED 7 and ISCED 8.


Tertiary education programmes (ISCED Levels (5-8)
Orientation of programme in tertiary education Personnel in tertiary education, Academic staff
Does the orientation (general/academic, vocational/professional) in tertiary education (ISCED levels 5 to 7) exist in the country
If YES, what is the national definition of the programme orientation? Are PhD candidates who are employed and hold titles such as teaching assistant, teaching associate, teaching fellow, research assistant reported as academic staff in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)?
NO Not applicable  YES Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable

ISCED_Mapping Common units - proportion

Not applicable

6.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable

6.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable Item non-response - rate

Not applicable

6.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable Imputation - rate

Not applicable

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Not applicable.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Any change in a value of a statistic released to the public.


Type of data reviewed Detailed variables concerned Reference time period Year when the revision was made Reason having led to the revision Consequences on accuracy
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Length of time between data availability and the event or phenomenon they describe. Typically includes:


Information related to the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)
Data collection Post-collection phase Dissemination/publication in your country Additional comments on deadlines and timeliness
Type of data Start date End date Start date End date Start date End date
Information are collected yearly for the beginning of school/academic year (number of students enrolled, new entrants,  educational personnel, class size). From April to June, the data collected is disseminated in 6 papers (for each educational level separately) and one publication summarizing the educational system in Romania, as well as  in other synthesis publications. The beginning of academic year  2020/2021 is oct/nov 2020 January 2020 January 2020 March 2020 June 2020 November 2020 Data collection/post-collection/dissemination/publication periods are in accordance with the PSNA (Yearly National Statistical Program), as approved by means of Government Decision.
Information are collected yearly for  the  ending of school/academic year (graduates) and the financial data refers to financial year t. From February to June, the data collected is disseminated in 4 papers (for each educational level separately) and the same publication (mentioned above) summarizing the educational system in Romania, as well as in other synthesis publications. The end of school/academic year  2020/2021 is oct/nov 2021 January 2021 January 2021 March 2021 June 2021 November 2021 Data collection/post-collection/dissemination/publication periods are in accordance with the PSNA (Yearly National Statistical Program), as approved by means of Government Decision.
7.1.1. Time lag - first result

For all education levels, 10 months pass since the last day of the reference period (September 2021) to the day of publication of the first and final results (June 2022).

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not applicable

7.2. Punctuality

The actual delivery of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered are the same, namely, there is no time lag.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The number of days between the delivery/release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for delivery/ release.


Submission dates for the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)
Deadline for transmission of data: 30 September t+2 Deadline for transmission of data: 30 November of t+2
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
30/09/t+2 30/09/t+2 30/09/t+2 30/09/t+2 30/09/t+2 30/11/t+1 30/11/t+2


If relevant,reasons for late delivery and action taken or planned for improving punctuality
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

8. Coherence and comparability Top

The statistical principles concerning data coherence and comparability, as stipulated by the relevant European Regulation, are observed.

8.1. Comparability - geographical

The extent to which statistics are comparable between countries.

A. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: non financial data

Reference period Data collection period Reference date for student and personnel ages
Not applicable Not applicable Data are collected by age as at January 1st of the year T-1.
Tables using T-1 data:
-Number of full- and part-time students (ISCED2011 levels 0 to 8) by age and sex (ENRL2-AGE&FP),
-Number of part-time students (ISCED 2011 levels 0 to 8) by age and sex (ENRL3-AGE&P),
-Number of students in initial primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1 and 2) by age, grade and sex (ENRL8-Grade),
-Number of students in formal adult education by level of education (ISCED 1-4) age and sex (ENRL9-Adult),
-Number of new entrants (ISCED 3 to 8) by age and sex (ENTR1-Age),
-Number of new entrants, who are mobile (ISCED 6 to 8) by age and sex (ENTR2-Mobile&Age),
-Number of new entrants to grade 1 by prior enrolment, age and sex (ENTR4-G1&Age),
-Classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 6-8) by level of education, programme orientation, sex and age (PERS3-Age).


Enrolment: data collection period Enrolment in multiple fields of education Count of students: if relevant, detailed list of variables for which double counting are significant and why. Regional enrolment Foreign languages learning
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Entrants New entrants by field of education Graduates from specific programmes Graduates by field of education
In this category are requested data on new entrants in a level of education, new entrants in a field of education and international/mobile students enrolled for the first time in RO. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Educational personnel in work- and school-based combined programmes Educational personnel taxonomy: classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-8) Educational staff at ISCED level 0 Educational personnel at ISCED levels 5-8 Educational personnel and temporary replacements
Combined programmes educational personnel involve two types of educational personnel, namely unit's own educational personnel and associated educational personnel. However, NIS does not collect information on the second category. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


B. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: financial data

Expenditure at the pre-primary level - the childcare component
Reference period Expenditure at the pre-primary level: is the childcare component excluded (yes/no/partially)? If yes, which is exactly the share of "day care component" to be excluded from the data on the pre-primary level? If no, which estimation method is used to determine the share? Expenditure for teaching/academic hospitals Ancillary services expenditure Evening child care
Not applicable Partially Financial data on (non) educational private entities and households expenditure for the pre-primary level, i.e. data on expenses for ancillary services, (may) include data on the childcare component expenditure. Data are not included in the UOE reporting. Not applicable Not applicable


Cost of a dual-system programme to the employer. Adjustment of enrolments in case there is no data on expenditure at the workplace Expenditure for contributions on pension schemes Households' payments for private tutering Student living costs Ancillary services coverage
 Data are not included in UOE reporting.  Data are not included in UOE reporting. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time

The extent to which statistics are comparable or reconcilable over time.


Main changes compared to data transmitted for the previous reference period
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
Changes in the educational system Not the case. Not the case. Not the case. Not the case. Not the case. Not the case. Not the case.
Changes in the coverage Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Changes in the methodology Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Other changes Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable


Main changes over time
Type of data Detailed variables concerned Reference year(s) Changes in the educational system Changes in the coverage Changes in the methodology Other changes
Data on adult education Adult education Beginning of school year 2004-2005 Data are included in the total school population, but are distinguished also separately. The series is continuous since 2004-2005.  A new category of students is recorded, along with other existing types of students. Not applicable Not applicable
Number of students  in tertiary education. Implementation  Bologna Process Number of students  in tertiary education.  Applying the principles of Bologna, ISCED 5B Programmes entered into liquidation or were converted into ISCED 5A Programmes. Beginning of academic year 2005-2006 Starting with the 2005-2006 academic year started the 3 higher education study cycles. Currently decisions are made by government on methodological framework elements and principles of organization of university masters and doctoral degrees. In 2008 the first group of students graduated the university course according to the principles of the Bologna Process, and starting with 2008-2009 academic year the first candidates for master cycle participated to the entrance examination.Students were moving depending of the transformation of curricula. There were no changes in the series. Not applicable Not applicable
Private expenditure All the variables 2005



Not applicable Private expenditure

Financial data for the year 2013, include educational expenditure of NGOs, charities, religious entities (institutions and organizations) - Table FIN1_SOURCE, rows E1, E3, E5a, E5b, E10 (expenditure of other non-educational private entities).

Financial data for the 2014 financial year include data on educational expenditure collected via the HBS - Table FIN1_SOURCE, rows H1,H3,H5b,H15, H16, H17 (households expenditure).
    Starting with 2014 year, to complement the data sources for the financial educational expenditure,  Additional Section (SC) of the Household Budget Survey was used.
Starting with 2014 year, to complement the data sources for the financial educational expenditure,  Additional Section (SC) of the Household Budget Survey was used. Not applicable
Tertiary education: number of enrolments, new entrants, students by region and graduates. Tertiary education: number of enrolments, new entrants and graduates in tertiary education by age, country of usual residence.

First time graduates from ISCED level (6, 7 and 8) and graduates at the tertiary level

2012/2013 academic year Not applicable Estimation method, due to the fact that Bachelor`s studies are split in two ISCED levels: data on studies having 3 or 4 years in duration are collected as  ISCED 6, and those having 5 or 6 years in duration go to ISCED 7. Regarding the enrolments, new entrants, students by region and graduates in tertiary education: Bachelor`s studies are split in two ISCED levels: data on studies having 3 or 4 years in duration are collected as  ISCED 6, and those having 5 or 6 years in duration go to ISCED 7. As of  2014/2015, first time graduates from the ISCED level (6,7, and 8), as well as first time graduates at the tertiary level are not covered because the NIS has not collected data on these first time graduates categories.
Number of enrolments in primary education Number of new entrants in primary education 2012/2013 school year Preparatory class became part of ISCED 1; it is no longer included in ISCED 02. Preparatory class became part of ISCED 1; it is no longer included in ISCED 02. Starting with the school year 2012/2013, as per legislation in force (Law no. 1/2011 on Education), the age groups for the school-aged population are:
3-5 years for pre-primary education (ISCED 02),
6-10 years for primary education (ISCED 1),
11-14 years for lower education (ISCED 2),
15-18 years for upper secondary education (ISCED 3), 19-23 years and over for post high school education (ISCED 4) and tertiary education (ISCED 6,7 and 8).
Not applicable
Number of enrolments in vocational education Number of new entrants in vocational education 2012/2013 school year

2013/2014 school year

Not applicable Vocational education ISCED 3 was relaunched by means of  initializating the "Alege-ti drumul" ("Choose your pathway") programme (as of 2012/2013) Not applicable Vocational education ISCED 3 - starting with the 2013/2014 school year, lower-secondary (8th grade) graduates are provided with the opportunity to enrol in a 3-year vocational program (ISCED3).
Number of graduates in upper secondary education Number of graduates in upper secondary education 2012/2013 school year Not applicable In what concerns the number of graduates in upper secondary education:in addition to the previous school year, includes the number of graduates corresponding to "Sufficient for level completion, without direct access to tertiary". Not applicable Not applicable
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not applicable

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with those obtained through other data sources or statistical domains.


Name of the national publication Coherence issues
Romania's Statistical Yearbook Data transmitted through the joint UOE were obtained by means of exhaustive research.
TEMPO Database existing with in the NIS does not include data on Master`s and PhD degree programmes. Moreover, there is no publication or yearbook to contain such information. Such data is collected annually and processed and supplied only in the joint UOE collection.
TEMPO - Central time series database contains statistical indicators covering all areas of economic and social importance (including educational indicators) characterizing specific phenomena from Romania. Time series are stored so as to ensure continuity and comparability in time, scope, methodology and representativeness.
eDEMOS - The National Informational Statistical System - provides interested users with data on various statistical indicators (both primary and derivated) in different areas of interest - Education included - at macroregional, regional, county and locality level.  
Romania's Educational system - syntetic data
Annual Reports on education (the beginning and end of school/academic years)
Databases: TEMPO, eDEMOS
Household survey (LFS) LFS - sample survey -  the target population for the survey was defined as the persons  - temporary and permanent - in Romania, members of households  and the reference period for the information related to education activities is the last 4 weeks prior to the date of the interview.
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts
Calculation method Scope of education

Data on public expenditure (FIN1-Source and FIN2-Nature) and data collected for the National Accounts have the same administrative source (Ministry of Finances).

Public educational expenditure by ISCED 2011 level.
8.6. Coherence - internal

Not applicable.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Press release on educational system in the school year 2020-2021 at https://insse.ro/cms/sites/default/files/com_presa/com_pdf/sistemul_educational_2022_e_0.pdf or https://insse.ro/cms/en/content/educational-system-end-schoolacademic-year-2020-2021-and-beginning-schoolacademic-year-2021

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
9.3. Dissemination format - online database

TEMPO database on education at http://statistici.insse.ro:8077/tempo-online/#/pages/tables/insse-table.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not applicable

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Via official answer (e-mail, fax, letter) through the dissemination directorate, subject to the data users' requests addressed to NIS on education matters.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Metadata and methodological notes are included in all statistical research on education releases (press release, publication, ad hoc data requests).

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Data on education collected via exhaustive statistical research observe the Quality Guidelines for Romanian Official Statistics. This guide was prepared to ensure that designing and implementing of the research succeedes in careful balancing of objectives of relevance, accuracy, timeliness, accessibility, clarity, coherence, whilst at the same time attempting to minimize cost and reporting burden.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

All materials and documents disseminated on education statistical data are accompanied by relevant metadata (methodological explanations).

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Information not available.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Indication of the cost associated with the collection and production of a statistical product and burden on respondents.


Time spent (in working days) Comments
128 full-time equivalents working days Not applicable

11. Confidentiality Top

See details under section 11.1 and 11.2.

11.1. Confidentiality - policy

All statistics collected and published by NIS are governed by the statistical Law no. 226/2009 regarding the organisation of official statistics, published in Romania's Official Journal First part, no. 397/11.06.2009,with further amendments. The Law specifies that: the official statistical services are authorised to ask for and receive free of charge statistical data and information from all natural and legal persons who are located on the Romanian territory, hold any kind of capital or carry out any type of activity.

Also under the provision of this law, NIS cannot publish, or otherwise make available to one individual or organisation, statistics that could enable the identification of data for any individual person or entity.

NIS has been officially recognised by the government as fully independent organisation: it decides by itself which data to collect, which methodology to use, and which results, methodological notes and commentaries are published.

The most important aspects on the organisation of the official statistics in Romanian are posted on the National Institute of Statistics Internet website (http://www.insse.ro). Copies of the statistical laws are available in Romanian from the library of the National Institute of Statistics, 16, Libertatii Avenue, Bucharest, sector 5.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

In accordance to the Eurostat anonymization criteria.

12. Comment Top

We provided information on all compulsory variables required by the Commission Regulation (EU) No 912/2013.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 1 - National Educational Law no.1/2011 updated 2022 _Romania
Annex 2 - Provisions for language learning 2021 – Romania
Annex 3 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – Romania