Pupils and students - enrolments (educ_uoe_enr)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: FL: Ministry for Education and Training FR: Ministère Fédération Wallonie-Bruxeles  

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

FL: Ministry for Education and Training

FR: Ministère Fédération Wallonie-Bruxeles


1.2. Contact organisation unit

FL: Strategy and Knowledge Division

FR: Direction Relationes Internationales


1.5. Contact mail address

FL:Hendrik Consciencegebouw, Koning Albert II-laan 15, 1210 Brussel 

FR: Boulevard Léopold II, 44, 1080 Bruxelles

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

A general description of the statistical process and its outputs, and their evolution over time.

The following documents provide general information on the educational system; please add the relevant links for your country.

General link to Eurydice:
National system broad overview:





National Education System Description:




National Education System - Provisions regarding language learning:



Structure of Education and Training Systems:



Please, use the box below if you wish to complement or amend the information provided by Eurydice:
Statistical data can be found on: http://onderwijs.vlaanderen.be/nl/onderwijsstatistieken/;

Information in English on the Flemish education system can be found on: http://www.studyinflanders.be/; http://www.etnic.be/index.php?id=statistiques


Further information on data flagged ‘d’ in the database is available to download from the Annex of the Metadata page for Education administrative data from 2013 onwards (ISCED 2011):
2.2. Classification system

not available


2.3. Coverage - sector

not available


2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

not available


2.5. Statistical unit

not available


2.6. Statistical population

not available


2.7. Reference area

not available


2.8. Coverage - Time

not available


2.9. Base period

not available


3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

sources used for data on enrolments:

Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)




FL:Pupil and Student Database FR:Pilotage

BE: European schools


BE: register European schools

FL:Agencies of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI, AHOVOKS) FR:ETNIC/MFWB

BE: European schools

FL:ISCED 0 - 8


FL:External information from (other) education providers


FL:other: external databases


FL:other: external education providers


FR:ISCED 2 - ISCED 7 FR:Promotion sociale FR:Données agrégées FR:MFWB


sources used for data on entrants:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)



FL:Pupil and Student Database




FL:Agencies of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI, AHOVOS)


FL:ISCED 0 - 8


FL:External information from (other) education providers


FL:other: external databases


FL:other: external education providers




sources used for data on personnel:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)



FL:Database on staff paid by the Ministry of Education and Training; database on staff assignments (Ministry of Education and Training)

FR:Fichier "Paye"



FL:Agencies of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI, AHOVOKS)


FL:ISCED 3 - 6


FL:External information from (other) education providers (see info on enrolments)


FL:other: external databases

FR:Données agrégées



sources used for data on enrolments at regional level:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)




FL:Pupil and Student Database


BE: European schools



BE: register European schools

FL: Agencies of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI, AHOVOS)


BE: European schools

FL:ISCED 0 - 8


FL:External information from (other) education providers


FL:other: external databases


FL:other: external education providers


FR:ISCED 2 - ISCED 7 FR:Promotion sociale FR:Données agrégées FR:MFWB


sources used for data on foreign language data:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)

FL: ISCED 2-3-4


FL: pupils and student database (see information integrated in enrolments)


FL: register


FL: Agency of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI)



sources used for data on graduates:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)



FL:Pupil and Student Database (see information integrated on enrolments)




FL: Agencies of the Flemish Ministry for Education and Training (AGODI, AHOVOS)


FL: ISCED 3 - 7


FL:External information from (other) education providers (see info on enrolments)


FL:other: external databases


FL: see info on enrolments


FR:ISCED 2 - ISCED 7 FR:Promotion sociale FR:Aggregated data FR:MFWB


sources used for data on education expenditure:


Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)



FL:Database on education expenditure

FR:Budget des dépenses de pensions (SPF-économie)



FL:UOE data provider

FR:SPF - Economie



FL:External information on expenditure (information on pensions, R&D, expenditure by local authorities, child allowance, …)

FR:Budget des recettes de pensions (SPF-économie)



FL:Other (different sources)

FR:SPF - Economie



FL:External information on expenditure by families

FR:Budget des allocations familiales (SPF-Finances) / ONAFTS

FL:Survey (no yearly survey)



FR:SPF - Finances



FL: HERD tables

FR:Enquête statistique du potentiel scientifique R&D

FL: Survey


FL: Policy domain Economics, Science and Innovation


FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 7 FR:Fichier "Paye" FR:Register FR:ETNIC
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des dépenses de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles FR:Register FR:Ministère de la FWB
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des recettes de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles FR:Register FR:Ministère de la FWB
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des dépenses de la Région wallonne FR:Register FR:Ministère de la RW
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des recettes de la Région wallonne FR:Register FR:Ministère de la RW
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des dépenses de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale FR:Register FR:Ministère de la RBC
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des recettes de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale FR:Register FR:Ministère de la RBC
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des dépenses de la COCOF FR:Register FR:COCOF
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Budget des recettes de la COCOF FR:Register FR:COCOF
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 7 FR:Budget des communes et des provinces FR:Register & Estimations FR:Belfius
FR:ISCED 0 - ISCED 8 FR:Enquête statistique dépenses des ménages FR:Survey & Estimations FR:Ligue des familles, CRIOC, FEF…
3.2. Frequency of data collection



3.3. Data collection

not available


3.4. Data validation

not available


3.5. Data compilation

Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.

weighting methods:

Weighted figures for differing reference periods Weighted figures for differing theoretical ages Conversion factors from part-time to full-time equivalent (FTE) data
    FL-FR: Conversion for adult education (0,5 FTE = 1 student part-time; all students are reported as part-time)
  FL-FR: Detailed information on ages for personnel for the total of ISCED 2, 3 and 4 is used for the calculation of the details by age for the separate ISCED levels (2,3 and 4).  



3.6. Adjustment

not applicable


4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

not available


4.2. Quality management - assessment

not available


5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

not available


5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

not available


5.3. Completeness

The extent to which all statistics that are needed are available.

isced level not covered

Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional enrolments Graduates Education expenditure
Data not covered

FL : a limited number of private independent elementary, secondary and higher education institutions have been included in this year's datacollection (limited impact).

FR: Students  in adult vocational training (enseignement de promotion sociale) are not included in Enrolment 5 and 6 tables

FL : private independent institutions, entrants in ISCED 8

FL : Private independent institutions;

FR : No data for the teaching personnel in dual system education (IFAPME -Formations en alternance)

FL : Private independent institutions is not covered, in the data on language training adult vocational training, part-time secondary education and apprenticeship courses is not covered.

FR : language training in adult vocational training (enseignement de promotion sociale) is not included in the LANG tables

FL : see remarks Enrolments FL : graduates in private independent elementary and secondary institutions are not reported + graduates in special needs education are not reported in the UOE datacollection

FL : Private independent institutions

FR : see remarks ENRL

Reasons for unavailable data and, planned actions to improve coverage

FL : more information should become available for  independent private institutions of elemantory and secondary education over the next years 

FR: international mobilty students in adult vocational training (enseignement de promotion sociale)  are not known. 

FL : ISCED 8 students are only registered during the year of completion of the doctorate.

Therefore no distinction is made between entrants and enrolments

FL : This information is currently not available; data will be integrated in the future.

FR : No data.

FL : potential double counting of students (between students in adult education and students in regular secondary education); focus of reporting of foreign languages is not on adult education

FR : double counting of students

FL : see remarks Enrolments FL : see remarks Enrolments + not all special needs courses result in a degree or certificate FL : This information is currently not available; data will be integrated in the future.
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

not available


6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

not available


6.2. Sampling error

not applicable


6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

not applicable


6.3. Non-sampling error

see 6.3.1


6.3.1. Coverage error

Divergence between the frame population and the target population.

Vocational training Programmes shorter than one semester
(or Implementation of the semester rule)
Are vocational and technical training programmes in enterprises included in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how is the 10% school based component over the whole length of the programme assessed? Do (formal) programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally, exist (YES/NO)? If Yes, how their duration (shorter than one semester) is assessed? Are all programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally excluded from the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, how does the coverage deviate from the UOE Manual recommendation?


FL : The registered courses meet the requirements for the UOE data collection (the pupil has to attend at least one day at the center - part-time vocational education and apprenticeship courses)

FR : the registered courses meet the requirements for the UOE data collection



FL : The duration of a programme is determined by the number of course hours.

A programme with 400 hours or less is considered to be shorter than one semester.

FR : Not available.



FL : Not available.

FR : Not available.


Early childhood education programmes

Do early childhood educational development programmes (ISCED2011 level 01) exist in the country
If Yes, are these programmes included in the UOE data collection
Are children under the age of 3 reported as participating in ISCED 02 Pre-primary education programmes? (YES/NO) If YES, please explain why. Are Classroom Teachers and Teacher’s Aides reported separately in the UOE data collection? (YES/NO) If NO, why? According to ISCED 2011 classifications, what is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Classroom Teacher at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED-A level. According to ISCED 2011 classifications, what is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Teachers’ Aide at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED-A level.


FL: data on ISCED 01 are not included in the UOE datacollection for 2019-2020. Children enrolled under 3 in ISCED 02 are reported in the UOE data collection.

FR: data on day care/raly childhood programmes is not included in the UOE data collection. However children under the age of 3 who participate in ISCED 0 education are registered in the tables.



FR: The access to ISCED O2 schools starts from 2,5 years old. Then, are taken into account only the children from 2,5 and 3 years old.

FL: access to ISCED 02 is possible from the age of 2,5.

 FR: Not concerned


 FL: currently no detailed information is available on this subject.

 FR: ISCED 01: Not concerned; ISCED 02: teachears must be ISCED 6 level graduated

FL: ISCED 01: employees ISCED 3, management ISCED 6; ISCED 02: teachers must be ISCED 6

FR: Not concerned

FL: no data on teacher aides for ISCED 01 & ISCED 02


Special education needs (SNE) programmes

Are students in special education included in the data provided on enrolments, entrants, graduates and regional data
If NO, could you please specify for which questionnaires and explain why?
FL:YES (see notes)

FR:Not available.

FL:Pupils enrolled in special education are included in the data on enrolments and regional data but not in entrants and graduates.

FR:students in special education are included in the data on enrolments and regional but not in entrants and graduates.


Adult education programmes and "continuing education"

Are adult education programmes included in the data? (YES/NO)  If NO, why?  If YES, does the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual? If the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education programmes does not fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual, how it is assessed that the national “adult” or “continuing” programmes are similar or equivalent to corresponding initial education? 

FR: YES (only formal programmes)



FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.


Students enrolled in educational institutions organised by ministries other than ministry of education

Do educational programmes organised by Ministries other than Ministry of education exist in the country (YES/NO)?  If Yes, what is the coverage of these programmes in the UOE data collection?  If Yes, and if relevant, which of those programmes are excluded from the UOE data collection?


FL: Data Royal Military School (included in the UOE data collection); programmes organised by 'Syntra Vlaanderen) (entrepreneurship training and apprenticeship courses; included in the UOE data collection)

FR: All

FL: No exclusion from the UOE data collection

FR: Not available.


Domestic educational activities Distance learning / e-learning programmes
Are all country’s domestic educational activities reported in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, which domestic educational activity (e.g. for example Distance learning/e-learning involving two countries, commuting students, foreign campus, European administration schools, etc.) are not reported and why? Are distance learning programmes data reported in the UOE questionnaires? (YES / NO / Partially / Not relevant) If NO, please explain why. If Partially, which ones are excluded and for what reasons? If distance students are included in the data, are national distance learners in programmes organised by institutions outside your country excluded?


BE: some data on private independant institutions (including European schools) is reported. limited impact on the uoe tables. FL: YES


FL: Not available.

FR: No distance learning, no e-learning programmes for ISCED levels 5 to 6. For ISCED levels 0 to 4 this type of education don't cover one full time semester.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.


FR: Not available.


Students participating in exchange programmes (credit mobile students) Foreign languages learning
Are students in short term postings (i.e. exchange programmes (credit mobility)) excluded from the population of students in the data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how the length of their stay abroad is assessed? If NO, why they are not excluded? Are students with SNE (Special Needs Education) enrolled in special schools excluded from the data on foreign languages? (YES/NO) Apart from SNE pupils, is the scope of the population the same as the total of students enrolled? (YES/NO) If NO, which pupils are not included?


No = Belgian students going abroad on short term postings are not excluded from the population of students in the data collection.

Yes = foreign students coming to Belgium on short term postings are excluded from the population of students in the data collection

FR: No

FL: Credit mobility is not taken into account.

FR: credit mobility is not taken into account for the completion of the ENRL - GRAD or ENTR tables

FL: Students remain registered in the higher education institution during their short term posting and are therefore included in the UOE data collection.

FR: students remain registered with the higher education institution during their short term posting and are therefore included in the ENRL - GRAD or ENTR tables.





FL: Students in adult vocational training are not included in the scope of the language learning data collection; also not included are students in part-time secondary vocational education and in courses organised by SYNTRA.

FR: students in adult vocational training are not included in the scope of the language learning data collection; also not included are students in part-time secondary vocational education.


National programmes not covered by the UOE data collection, by ISCED level - Reasons why they are not covered
Programmes not covered at ISCED 0-Early childhood education Programmes not covered at ISCED 1-primary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 2-lower secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 3-upper secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 4-post-secondary non-tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 5-short-cycle tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 6– Bachelor's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at at ISCED 7 – Master's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level  
FL: for 2019-2020 data on ISCED 01 is not available

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.


Graduates: unduplicated count
Is the method of unduplicated count used for calculation of Graduates in the UOE data collection
If YES, please explain the method.
FL:Not available.

FR:Not available.

FL:Not available.

FR:Not available.


Tertiary education programmes (ISCED Levels 5-8)
Orientation of programme in tertiary education Personnel in tertiary education, Academic staff
Does the orientation (general/academic, vocational/professional) in tertiary education (ISCED levels 5 to 7) exist in the country
If YES, what is the national definition of the programme orientation? Are PhD candidates who are employed and hold titles such as teaching assistant, teaching associate, teaching fellow, research assistant reported as academic staff in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)?
FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.

FL: Not available.

FR: Not available.


FL: NO Over-coverage - rate

not applicable Common units - proportion

not applicable

6.3.2. Measurement error

not applicable

6.3.3. Non response error

not applicable Unit non-response - rate

not applicable Item non-response - rate

not applicable

6.3.4. Processing error

not applicable Imputation - rate

not applicable

6.3.5. Model assumption error

not applicable

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

not available


6.5. Data revision - policy

not available


6.6. Data revision - practice

Any change in a value of a statistic released to the public.

Type of data reviewed Detailed variables concerned Reference time period Year when the revision was made Reason having led to the revision Consequences on accuracy
FL: no           
BE : Finance  There has been a shift of data from the central level to the regional level financial year2014  financial year 2014 the family allowances are no longer transferred from the regional level to the central level, but directly paid by the regional level from 1 june 2014 onwards. no consequences


Type of data reviewed Detailed variables concerned Reference time period Year when the revision was made Reason having led to the revision Consequences on accuracy
FL: Finance We no longer substract a proportion of X13 that is used for the salaries of non-teaching staff in public institutions (X5) (for provincial and communal schools) Financial year 2017 Financial year 2017 This was already accounted for in the budget data of provincial and communal schools. More accurate; budget total remains the same.
FL: Finance There has been a change in the estimation of household expenditure outside educational institutions for children in European schools (H15, H16). Financial year 2017 Financial year 2017 We learnt that households in European schools have no expenditure inside educational institutions (except for registration fees). More accurate; increase in H15 and H16 for European schools.
6.6.1. Data revision - average size

not available


FL: Finance

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Information related to the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)


  Data collection   Post-collection phase   Dissemination/publication in your country  
Type of data Start date End date Start date End date Start date End date
FL-FR:Pre-primary, primary and secondary education FL: Data are reported on February, 1 of the year X+1 (reference year X - X+1) FR:January year t FL:June t+1 FR:September year t + 1 FL:February  year t +1 FR:September year t + 1 FL: June t + 1 FR:November year t + 2 FL: September year t+1 FR: November year t + 2 FL: January - February year t+2 FR: December year t + 2
FL-FR::Tertiary education FR: FL: October of the academic year (October X for the academic year X-X+1) FR:March year t FL:October year t +1 (October 2011 for the academic year 2010-2011) FR:March year t + 1 FL: January year t + 1 FR:September year t + 1 FL: March t + 1 FR:November year t + 2 FL: September year t+1 FR: November year t + 2 FL: January - February year t+2 FR: December year t + 2
FL-FR:Adult education FL:April  FR:June year t FL:March year t+1 FR:Dcember year t + 1 FL: April year t+1 FR: FL: May year t+1 FR: FL: September year t+1 FR: FL: January - February year t+2 FR:
7.1.1. Time lag - first result

not available


7.1.2. Time lag - final result

not available


7.2. Punctuality

The number of days between the delivery/release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for delivery/ release.

Deadline for transmission of data: 30 September t+2 Deadline for transmission of data: 30 November of t+2
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
BE: 27 october year  t + 2 BE: 14 october year t + 2 BE: 28 october year t+2 FL (BE): 3 december year t + 2 BE: 3 december year t + 2 BE: 23 december year t + 2 BE:  3 december year t+2
7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

see above


8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

The extent to which statistics are comparable between countries.

A. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: non financial data

Reference period Data collection period Reference date for student and personnel ages

FL: 31/12/X-1 for the data on age of personnel until UOE2013. From UOE 2014 on it is correct.

FR :Not available.


Enrolment: data collection period Enrolment in multiple fields of education Count of students: if relevant, detailed list of variables for which double counting are significant and why. Regional enrolment Foreign languages learning

FL:Students are not pro-rated between fields of education

FR:students are not pro-rated between fields of education.

FR :Not available.



Entrants New entrants by field of education Graduates from specific programmes Graduates by field of education

FL: data on mobile students is included from UOE 2014 in the ENTRANTS datacollection.

FR :Not available.

FL: students are counted multiple times when entering seperate fields (also those who are aggregated in a broad field).

FR :Not available.


FL: data on graduates is included in the UOE 2014 data qestionnaire.

FR :Not available.


Educational personnel in work- and school-based combined programmes Educational personnel taxonomy: classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-8) Educational staff at ISCED level 0 Educational personnel at ISCED levels 5-8 Educational personnel and temporary replacements
  BE (both FL and FR):The Personnel statistics by ISCED level 5, 6, 7 and 8 are neither collected nor reported by ISCED level. Only the total for ISCED 5, 6, 7 and 8 is reported.   BE (both FL and FR):The Personnel statistics by ISCED level 5, 6, 7 and 8 are neither collected nor reported by ISCED level. Only the total for ISCED 5, 6, 7 and 8 is reported.


B. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: financial data

Expenditure at the pre-primary level - the childcare component
Reference period Expenditure at the pre-primary level: is the childcare component excluded (yes/no/partially)? If yes, which is exactly the share of "day care component" to be excluded from the data on the pre-primary level? If no, which estimation method is used to determine the share? Expenditure for teaching/academic hospitals Ancillary services expenditure Evening child care

FL: child care (ISCED 01) is excuded from the UOE data collection (data not available)

FR; Yes



Cost of a dual-system programme to the employer. Adjustment of enrolments in case there is no data on expenditure at the workplace Expenditure for contributions on pension schemes Households' payments for private tutering Student living costs Ancillary services coverage

FL: ESF-budget is reported from UOE2014 onwards; other expenditure is not reported.

FR:Expenditure by private companies on certain combined school and work-based programmes that take place at the workplace, and public subsidies for such programmes, which should be regarded as expenditure by independent educational institutions are missing.

  BE (both FL and FR):Belgian pension system is completely unfunded as there are no ongoing contributions into a fund by the employer and instead the government meets the cost of retirement as it arises (type of scheme "pay as you go"). Belgium uses the "benefits-paid method". These benefits concern government officials’ pensions and family allowances. Public administrative staff not having the status of officials are insured in the private sector. These imputed social security contributions are currently estimated as being equal to actual social security benefits (less employees' social security contributions). For government, the sources are the final accounts. The continued payment of wages and salaries in the event of sickness or maternity cannot be separated and is included in D.11.  

FL: The data on student living costs cover all student living costs (according to the definitions).

FR:All the student living costs are reported even if there are not subsidised through financial aid (no centralised informations to estimate the only share of living costs subsidised by entities).

FL: pupil transport (for example subsidies for special education bus assistance - integrated in the education budget); pupil guidance centers; social services in higher education; cultural projects in education; Flemish school sport; posting municipal infrastructure; housing for those at school; entrance fee pool primary education; (costs of households in primary education: school trips; school events; class pictures; food and drinks at school); (costs of households in secondary education: school activities of less than 1 day; overnight schooltrips; food and drinks at school; optional expenses); (costs of households in higher education : study tours, student restaurants, rent of homes of the university)

FR:Student welfare services included are school health services, transportation to and from school. At the tertiary level, they include transportation, halls of residence (dormitories), dining halls. Excepted the school health services expenditures (which are clearly identified inside the budget of the government),most of expenditures for ancillary services are estimated on the basis of sample-based population surveys.



8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

not applicable


8.2. Comparability - over time

The extent to which statistics are comparable or reconcilable over time.

  Main changes compared to data transmitted for the previous reference period
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
Changes in the educational system

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

Changes in the coverage

FL: No

FR: No

BE: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

BE: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

Changes in the methodology

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: No

FL: No

FR: data now available for universities

FL: No

FR: No

Other changes

FL: No

FR: No

FL: no

FR: no

FL: no

FR: no

FL: no

FR: no

FL: no

FR: no

FL: no

FR: no

FL: no

FR: no


Main changes over time
Type of data Detailed variables concerned Reference year(s) Changes in the educational system Changes in the coverage Changes in the methodology Other changes
FL:Language learning data FR:Language learning data

FL:Language learning data

FR:Language learning data




FL:Data for the German community are missing. Data exclude independent private institutions.

FR:Data for the German community are missing. Data exclude independent private institutions.



Fl: Enrolments / Entrants


BE: Enrolments




BE: includes data for European Schools




BE: 2016-2017


FL:Data exclude the German speaking community

Fl: Associate degree programmes:From the academic year 2019-2020 on, associate degree programmes of higher vocational education are organised by university colleges. In this way, they form the third gateway to higher education, in addition to professional and academic bachelor’s programmes. Previously, these courses could be followed at the centres for adult education. An exception to this is the HBO5 nursing course, which will still be organised by secondary schools, in a partnership with a university college. In addition to the associate degree programmes, the university colleges also offer the HBO5 courses (phasing out) for students who had already started this course at a centre for adult education. Because the associate degree programmes are now organised by the university colleges, the students in these courses can qualify for a study grant and gain access to the student facilities of the university colleges.

FR:Data exclude the German speaking community




BE: Enrolments

FL:Regional data

FR:Regional data

BE: includes data for European Schools

FL: 2014-2015

FR: 2014-2015

BE: 2016-2017


FL:Data exclude independent private institutions.

FR :Not available.

FR:Personnel  FR:ISCED 0 and 1 FR:2004       FR:ISCED 1 includes ISCED 0.



FL:ISCED 2 and 3

FR:ISCED 2 and 3

FL:2001-2004 FR:2001-2004      

FL:ISCED 3 includes ISCED 2.

FR:ISCED 3 includes ISCED 2.

FL:Expenditure on education as % of GDP or public expenditure

FR:Expenditure on education as % of GDP or public expenditure

FL:Payments from private entities other than households to public institutions: ISCED 0 to 4

FR:Payments from private entities other than households to public institutions: ISCED 0 to 4

FL:2014-2015 FR:2014-2015  

FL:Payments from private entities other than households to public institutions are not available for ISCED levels 0 to 4.

FR:Payments from private entities other than households to public institutions are not available for ISCED levels 0 to 4.


FL:Education expenditure

FR:Education expenditure

FL: Payments from private entities other than households to public and private educational institutions 

FR: Payments from private entities other than households to public and private educational institutions 

FL:2014-2015 FR:2014-2015  

FL: Payments from private entities other than households to educational institutions are not available, except for tertiary education.

FR: Payments from private entities other than households to educational institutions are not available, except for tertiary education.


FL:Education expenditure

FR:Education expenditure


FL: Payments from private entities other than households to public and private educational institutions 

FR: Payments from private entities other than households to public and private educational institutions 




FL: Payments from other private entities to educational institutions are not available.

FR: Payments from other private entities to educational institutions are not available.

FR: Somme households expenditures were transfered from H18 to H5 (UOE 2017: FIN2015)



8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

not available


8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with those obtained through other data sources or statistical domains.

Name of the national publication Coherence issues
FL:Statistisch jaarboek van het Vlaams onderwijs (statistical annual publication of Flemish Education) FL:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in this national publication.
FL:Flemish Education in figures

FR:Les indicateurs de l'enseignement

FL:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in this national publication.

FR:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in national publications (which uses same sources).

FR:Les annuaires statistiques FR:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in national publications (which uses same sources).

FR:La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles en chiffresFR:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in national publications (which uses same sources)


FR:Examen de l'OCDE des politiques pour un usage efficace des ressources scolaires

FR:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in national publications (which uses same sources).


FR:UOE data collection contains a number of external sources that are not included in national publications (which uses same sources)



8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

not available


8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with National Accounts.

Calculation method Scope of education
 BE (both FL and FR):Information on the coherence between the national accounts and the UOE data collection is not available.  BE (both FL and FR):Information on the coherence between the national accounts and the UOE data collection is not available.
8.6. Coherence - internal

not available


9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

not available


9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

not available


9.3. Dissemination format - online database

not available


9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

not available


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

not available


9.5. Dissemination format - other

not available


9.6. Documentation on methodology

not available


9.7. Quality management - documentation

not available


9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

not available


9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

not available


10. Cost and Burden Top
Time spent (in working days) Comments
FL: 330 working days full-time FR: 0,75 full-time equivalent Both FL and FR:Time spent in relation to the data collection to different sources, the elaboration of UOE methodologies (estimations, codifications, transpositions…), the formatting and sending of data.

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

not available


11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

not available


12. Comment Top

Please note that the information contained in this quality report refers to both Communities (indicated with the references FL and FR).

In the data for the German speaking Community are not included in the UOE data collection (see details in the notes of the different UOE data collections. The data for Belgium also includes the data on European Schools (ISCED 1 - ISCED 2 and ISCED 3).


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 1 - Provisions for language learning 2021 - French Community (BE)
Annex 1 - Provisions for language learning 2021 - Flemish Community (BE)
Annex 2 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – French Community of Belgium
Annex 2 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – Flemish Community of Belgium