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European Social Fund Plus

French Presidency conference 'Social Economy, the future of Europe', 5/6 May 2022

Man asking question to panel
(c) Albert Hefti pour Strasbourg Eurometropole

Around 1000 social economy stakeholders are expected to gather in Strasbourg on 5/6 May 2022 for the conference 'Social Economy, the future of Europe' (venue: Palais de la Musique et des Congrès).

Several high level plenary sessions, workshops, networking opportunities and visits to social economy organisations will offer thematic inputs and opportunities for an exchange of experiences and good practices. The information stand on EU funding will showcase the soon-to-be launched online Social Innovation Database, which will include social innovation projects and partners from across Europe.

The event will be an opportunity for decision makers and actors on the ground to discuss the role the social economy should play for the future of the European Union, based on the European Commission’s action plan for the social economy.

To look at the programme and register for the event visit the event website.  

Plenary sessions will be web-streamed.