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Evaluation processes > Synthesis of the APRs

As part of their reporting obligations for the 2007-2013 programming period, the Member States have to submit Annual Progress Reports (APRs) on the implementation of their programme(s) to the European Commission. The APRs have to be sent to the Commission by 30 June each year from 2008 onwards, with the last APRs due in 2016. These APRs include sections on the implementation of the ongoing evaluation systems which have been put in place by Managing Authorities in all programmes.

The Evaluation Helpdesk supports the Commission in assessing the APR sections on ongoing evaluation by preparing an annual synthesis. The aims of this activity are to:

  • summarize findings on the state of play of the ongoing evaluation systems in the Member States;
  • enhance the quality of evaluation reporting by providing reporting recommendations to the Member States, and;
  • identify and promote good practice about evaluation activities.

The syntheses have been published and are available in English from 2007 onwards.

Further reading

"Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2011 concerning Ongoing Evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – March 2013 [PDF ]
Articles 82 and 86 of Council Regulation 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 (legal background to the Annual Progress Reports) – DG Agriculture and Rural Development
"Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2010 concerning Ongoing Evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – April 2012 [PDF ]
"Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2009 concerning Ongoing Evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – March 2011 [PDF ]
Newsletter article : "Findings of the EU-wide synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2009 concerning ongoing evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – June 2011 [PDF ]
"Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2008 concerning Ongoing Evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – April 2010 [PDF ]
Newsletter article: "Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2008 concerning ongoing evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – June 2010 [PDF ]
"Synthesis of the Annual Progress Reports for 2007 concerning Ongoing Evaluation" – the Evaluation Expert Network – May 2009 [PDF ]
Newsletter article: "Synthesis of the annual progress reports concerning ongoing evaluation for 2007" – the Evaluation Expert Network – July 2009 [PDF ]
Last update: 07/01/2014 | Top