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The Flemish National Rural Network

The Flemish Rural Network's mission is to maximise the potential for rural development, by providing support for local groups and generating momentum in terms of action concerning the Flanders region’s Rural Development Programme (RDP). The Flemish Rural Network has been fully operational since December 2007.

The Flemish Rural Network is located in the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (of the Flemish Government). The Flemish Rural Network operates within Flanders, the northern part of Belgium, bordering the Netherlands, but it also forms part of the overall national network. As previously agreed at official meetings, the Flemish Rural Network represents both the Flemish and the Walloon Rural Network (Réseau Rural Wallon), thus representing the country as a whole.

The main Network’s objectives are: bringing rural development matters to a wider audience; the identification, analysis and dissemination of good practices; and the dissemination of general and subject-related information.

Read more about the organisational structure of the Network [PDF ]

Network Participants

The network comprises all organisations and administrations active in the development of rural areas in Flanders. The Network Support Unit (NSU) aims to include as many stakeholders and contributors as possible from all the RDP axes, as well as addressing ‘theme specific’ target groups (e.g. LAGs, farmers etc.).

NRN Activities

The NRN manages a network of rural actors, analyses and identifies transferable ‘good practices’, disseminates information (via newsletter, website and other communication tools), prepares training programmes for Local Action Groups (LAGs), enables the exchange of experience and knowledge, provides technical assistance for inter-territorial and transnational cooperation and participates in the ENRD.

Read more about the main Priorities and Activities of the Network [PDF ]

The Network in 2014-2020 programming period

See details in the ‘NRN Mapping Report – NRNs in Transition’ (2014) [PDF ]



Vlaams Ruraal Netwerk

Vlaams Ruraal Netwerk (VRN)

Address: Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 40 – 1030 Brussel - België
Telephone: 0032 2 552 77 39
Contact persons: Nele Vanslembrouck, Ariane Van Den Steen

Other Relevant Information


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