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LEADER 2012_International youth exchanges
Our project/s focus on young people in the age of 14-25, from at least some of them could become new young leaders for rural development. The main objectives are exchanging experiences regarding leisure time, culture, traditions and life style in the countryside with youth from other EU countries. Other aims are breaking down the barriers, improving language skills, making and developing new friendships across Europe.
Our LAG area has very rural character where young and educated people are slowly disappearing, they are moving to the cities, towards job opportunities, higher living standards, towards better offer of free time activities etc. That’s why we focus on realisation of youth projects in the countryside and enable them self-realisation in area of their own initiatives and project ideas implementation. We believe that it is one of the effective tools which help us to discover new young leaders for the rural development, and a good tool how to show to young people that countryside is good place for living.
The projects will be realised with support of “Youth in action” programme. Our organization has implemented and has participated in about 15 projects in Czech Republic and also abroad since 2004. We want to prepare and participate in youth exchange projects in lenght of 7 till 14 days with themes concerning rural life. The projects will contain such an activities, which help to young people to improve their organisation and language skills, strengthen their responsibility feeling,..
We are looking for partners who work with young people or who organise them in any level with emphasis on youth involvement into rural development. We would welcome any interest from any European organisation.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Education, Demography, social issues

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Krajina srdce - MONIKA HIENLOVA