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LEADER 2012_Energy in livestock, agriculture and local food industry
This project aims to help livestock, agriculture and local food industry to manage their energy consumption and to implement efficiency measures. Moreover, this project aims to promote local products by calculating their CO2 footprint and use this footprint to give an added value to these products
This project wants to face the Climatic Change from an agricultural and livestock sector point of view using, in first place, tools of energetic management in order to reduce electrical consumption and fuels using more efficient practices, and, in second place, test a tool to calculate the CO2 footprint in fresh meat.
The generic objective of this project is to determinate a methodology to manage and evaluate, in an integrated point of view, the productive cycle of fresh meat products. Particular objectives are: 1. Create and test a pack of tools in order to evaluate and manage the energy in livestock, agriculture and local food industry. 2. Test and evaluation of a tool for calculating the CO2 footprint in fresh meat. 3. Track the territorial impact of livestock and agriculture with a software that can be transferred to other territories. 4. Design of a catalogue of best energy practices in livestock, agriculture and local food industry.
Any LAG involved in environmental and energy projects, with experience in those fields.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Agriculture, Nature/environment/land management, Products(food)