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LEADER 2012_Tourism and energy
This project aims to develop a tool to perform easy energy diagnosis in tourism establishments. It’s important to say that the staff of these establishments will be able to use this tool in order to self diagnose their restaurant, hotel… This tool will be tested in different establishments of each territory in order to make it as real and transferable as possible. Finally, this project wants to track and evaluate changes resulting or the tool recommendations in order to design a manual of use and a catalog of best practices that staff of tourism establishments can take as a reference when they audit their establishment.
Many rural territories are deeply affected by the economic crisis. Also, these territories have a stable tourism sector with a rising trend. Moreover, our planet is facing a climate change that can lead us to the rise of temperatures and the extinction of many species. One of the main causes of the Climate Change is the burning of fossil fuels. It’s proven that the tourism sector is one of the most polluting and consumer sectors. That’s the reason why is very important to audit these establishments and apply efficiency and saving energy measures.
1. Information transfer between territories. 2. Design of a common work methodology. 3. Design and test of a tool to easily audit tourism establishments (hotels, restaurants, houses of rural tourism…) 4. Design of a manual of use of the tool to be understandable for the managers of the tourism establishments. 5. Track and evaluate changes resulting of the tool recommendations. 6. Diffusion of the project.
Any LAG involved in environmental and energy projects, with experience in those fields.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Nature/environment/land management, Tourism