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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Central Bohemian fruit trail
The project aims to: promote rural tourism; create conditions for active leisure –such as a thematic tourist & cycling trail (with a special focus on fruits) in the territory, which connects fruit plantations, local fruit producers & interesting places linked to fruit production. The trail would also expand knowledge about the region &promote fruit business. Actions: road signs of thematic cycling trail, information boards on local products (fruits etc), tourist landings & information campaign.
The project is based on the objectives of the strategic plan of the LAG, which is includes the promotion of rural promotion. Agriculture (& specifically growing different type of fruit, mainly apple) is an important activity in the region. The result of the project will be a complete tourist package in a single visual style. Expected impacts of the project: raising awareness of fruit-growing, increasing the demand for local products & services, activating business environment.
• Implementation of traffic sign for cycling trails, • Production of 11 interactive information panels & 10 landings; • Preparation of 18 mobile codes with the ability to download information about the interesting places of fruit trail to one’s mobile phone; • Publication of 4000 information guides about the Central Bohemian fruit trail; • Launching websites with tourist offer of Central Bohemian fruit trail.
LAGs, local fruit growers; tourist organisation etc. Offering LAG: MAS Podlipansko O.p.s. Manager: Iveta Minarikovà kancelar@podlipansko.cz www.podlipansko.cz +420721 170 352
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Agriculture, Products(food), Promotion, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Podlipansko - MARKETA POSIKOVA