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Détails de l’offre de coopération


LEADER 2012_Live entertainments around the Cistercian cultural heritage
Share knowledge on high places of Cistercian culture through interactive and traveling exhibits and a documentary film.
The Local Action Group of “Pays de Chaumont” intends to cooperate with other Europeans LAGs in order to valorize the Cistercian cultural heritage into an asset of economic development. Our geographical area has a rich historical and architectural past and that’s the reason why the GAL is looking for cooperation with tourism, cultural or economic organizations (associations, local authorities…) in order to undertake joint actions and collaboration on the Cistercian era theme, with a special emphasis on the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Abbey of Clairvaux.
• Introduce the rich historical past of the “Haute-Marne” French department (Champagne-Ardenne Region) and learn from other regions, • Explore innovative new approaches for promotion of historical heritage and show how the processes in place in the association are to be performed, • Develop the Cistercian identity, improve the image and develop the tourism potential of the involved territories, • Highlight the benefits of places of interest trough their historical, cultural and architectural heritage.
• LAG, associations, local authorities, tourist offices… • Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
English, French
Culture, Education

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Pays de Chaumont - ORIANE KLEIN