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LEADER 2012_Ceramics production, a heritage source of wealth
Turning ceramics industry’s heritage into a touristic asset, through : - conceiving with partner territories an exhibition enlightening the influence of ceramics industry on our respective areas and specificities developed in each partner territory - setting up workshops and exchanges of good practices on the best way to create a touristic offer about ceramics industry’s heritage and contemporary production
Centre Saône-et-Loire LAG, in Burgundy (France) has a rich industrial past, in particular in ceramics industry, to such an extent that the area was known as “the ceramics valley”. After this industry stopped in the 1960s, an eco-museum was created to study and promote industrial heritage. As an example, a former brickyard was restored into a museum, which also welcomes contemporary art exhibitions. Now we want to go further, in order to implant ceramics industry as a key identity element for our territory, and turn it into a major touristic asset.
- setting up a comparative or crossed exhibition with partner territories on the evolution of the local ceramics productions and its influence on those territories (on the economic field, the social organization, the architecture) - setting up common events and exchanges between ceramists - setting up brainstorm workshops and/or exchanges of good practices on the best way to create a touristic offer around ceramics industry’s heritage in order to create links between heritage and today’s production.
Any LAG located in an EU member state and sharing similar characteristics and objectives
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Spanish, English, French

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Territoire du Centre Saône et Loire - FREDERIC LAGRANGE