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Détails de l’offre de coopération


LEADER 2012_promotion of local products & activities, connected with the image & know-how of territories
exchange on development strategy, concerning two greatly rural areas, in hilly and middle mountainous Park region, grounded on their natural resources, their heritage and know-how (especially for food, wood and craft products), their protection and their valorization.
Initial position/background/local context : PNR Morvan LAG strategy supports national “brand Park” and specific brand “Morvan, nature & talents” (sea : contact@morvan-nature-talents.fr). Yet involved in a cooperation project with the LIDER Bistrita LAG in Romania. Mutual approach : to enhance image of territories by developing identitary products, ensuring their quality and organizing their marketing through trade structures with mutualisation of means. Next month, a Romanian cattle-breeders delegation in Morvan and a stay in Romania of Lycée Agricole students to study characteristics of the territory and assets.
information, exchanges of experiences and commune activities. At LAG event, expected : - exchanges with others LAGs involved in the same thematics (exemple: short circuits for food products, direct sale, local shops..), - contacts with the Romanian rndr (especially links between Romanian LAGs and rural development project of the Tisa catchment area, elaborated in international cooperation (5 countries) and expected to be managed “ by enforcement of LEADER type”. Global territorial approach.
Romania and partners in Tisa project.
Nature/environment/land management, Products(food), Products(non-food)

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Parc naturel régional du Morvan - ANNE SAVIGNON