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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Our project aims to develop a general plan for long-term environmental management and its implementation in the area covered by LAG Podisul Tarnavelor. It is intended to the local community to be more involved in environmental rehabilitation actions, public awareness in order to use best available technologies in environmental infrastructure, in accordance with applicable law, increase efficiency of use of natural resources and energy, promoting the widespread renewable energy, recycling awareness methods / raw materials, implementation of environmental management at the level of companies, in terms of legal, structural and organizational development of public-private sector environment, using the potential of protected areas in developing ecotourism, cultural tourism and agrotourism.
All information about the local context that may help better understand of the project. EXISTENCE OF 3 SITES INTO NATURA 2000 LAG TERRITORY.
One of the objectives of the project is to provide high level of environmental protection and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations on the preparation and adoption of certain plans and programs to promote sustainable development by developing an environmental management plan. Another objective is the transformation of the area covered by LAG Podisul Tarnavelor into an important ecological niche in the conservation of wild flora and fauna, protection of natural habitats, ecological services, collection, transportation and disposal.
Partners could be contacted are LAGs and NGOs willing cooperation in this field.

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Podişul Târnavelor - CĂLIN VALTER