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Détails de l’offre de coopération


LEADER 2012_European Network of cultural events in rural areas: opera, musical and classical music made by professionals and engaged inhabitants
Generally cultural events like opera performances, musicals and concerts of classical music aren’t associated with rural areas. But there are highly professionally made performances (musical, classical concerts, …), which move whole rural regions outside of cultural towns and well known tourism destinations, initiated by inspiring enthusiasts, organized and performed by professionals and talented inhabitants, supported by hundreds of engaged inhabitants.
The Wartburg region knows two cultural initiatives, an already performed and repeated musical and the preparation of an opera performance with a lot of already ongoing activities, which would like to take part in a European Network of cultural events. Another cultural event is the international youth music festival (classical) in the Bavarian LAG Coburger Land/Rodachtal which would join to the network.
- exchange experiences about the sustainable organizing and financing of such repeating cultural events as well as about how to mobilize personal commitment and support of the inhabitants for such events - build up a network of exchange of experiences, common marketing and activities (like festivals) - show the cultural performance capabilities of rural areas (public relations work, lobby work) - mobilize a better public support for cultural activities in rural areas
LAGs like associations, which are committed with cultural events like musicals, operas, classical music in rural areas from different countries.

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Wartburgregion - KLAUS LUENEBURGER