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LEADER 2012_Transnational Internet Information Platform of specific environmental, culture and historical products on the area of the Local Development
The idea of the project is to create the Transnational Internet Information Platform as a place of display major, the most important products appearing in the range of European Local Development Groups. These products should be both natural environmental like aquatic resources, natural resources, renewable energy sources, nature protection objects, and culture historical like historical monuments, regional ethnic heritage, traditional craftwork and artistic activity. This kind of project will let on approach, introduce the most important resources of the Local Development and additionally form a transfer of economic conditions of these products.
The basis of a common project implementation will be cataloguing of major natural environmental and culture historical products on the area of Local Development Groups and location them on the Information Platform. Further step should be a commencement of cooperation in selected resources areas characteristic for given LDG area and an attempt of undertaking the mutual economic action for selected products in the context of the profitable tertiary manufacturing activity and professional activity of persons.
1) Creating of the Transnational Internet Information Platform for nature environmental and culture historical resources of Local Development area. 2) European presentation and promotion of Local Development products 3) Arrangement of economic cooperation for products from the Information Platform Target group: Local Development Groups from all Europe Principal action: 1. Cataloguing of characteristic products from the area of Local Development 2. Development of the Transnational Internet Information Platform 3. Establishing the cooperation, promotion of resources from the LDG area. 4. Commencement of profitable tertiary manufacturing and professional business within the Internet Information Platform products
Europe - Local Development Groups
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Community development, New technologies and know-how

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