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LEADER 2012_Green Line - Integration among tourism, natural resources and local products
The project proposal refers to the gap of taking advantage of potentialities of environmental use and attractiveness of rural areas against their difficulties with sustainable approach. In rural areas close to big lakes the richness and economic dynamicity of the coast opposes to the economic weakness and depopulation of the hinterland. The project for the first time allows to activate a positive dialogue among these two extremes (coast and hinterland/mountain) and to organize a rural tourism offer that can be integrated into the coastal traditional tourism.Added value of the project is the attention to the quality as Quality Brand activated at local level by partners’ areas.Lake Garda is the biggest lake in Italy, it moves million people, but the traditional tourism offer is now lackialt
The needs of development of rural areas meet the needs of rural tourism demands of urbanized areas: a demand by a tourism target that looks for nature, sustainable sports practice, and traditional food and products. This demand can be satisfied by the so called “Green Offer”. The main objective of the project is the activation of an exchange between the opportunities of the traditional tourism and the offer of rural resources, supporting the enhancement and the the economical development based on tourism in the involved Leader areas.
The main objective of the project is the activation of an exchange between the opportunities of the traditional tourism and the offer of rural resources, supporting the enhancement and the the economical development based on tourism in the involved areas. a) To support the integration between local product sectors and traditional coastal tourism for the enhancement of the rural and mountain hinterland; b) To adopt joint tools for the territorial organization of the rural tourism offer c) To active a coordinated promotion of the rural and mountain hinterland and its environmental and traditional food resources The project is made of 4 phases: 1. Definition of the Green Offer 2. Dissemination and involvement of stakeholders 3. Coordinated promotion 4. Evaluation and monitoring of results
Rural areas already active in the green tourism and that needs to activate international networks to give added value to a quality tourism offer.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Italian, English
Community development, Leisure, Nature/environment/land management, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Garda Valsabbia - LAG MANAGER