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Détails de l’offre de coopération


LEADER 2012_Innovative forms of local distribution networks: how can we efficiently promote local farming products among citizens
The project aims to develop new forms of marketing for local products (supplying restaurants with local products, creating common points of sales and producers’ markets…). The objective is to work directly with the farmers who want to embark on such a project and to understand what is possible to do on our territories.
The Pays du Chalonnais is located in the south part of Burgundy region. 148 000 inhabitants live in this area characterised by a coexistence of an urban heart, a growing peri-urban belt and rural areas. Agriculture is varied (field crop, animal husbandry, vineyard…) and its specificity is emphasised by many appellations of origin and quality. The LAG’s strategy is based on a sustainable management of periurban areas for a better urban – rural complementarity. Many actions have already been achieved or are in progress: implementation of a raw milk distributor, study on local supply for school catering, creation of a collective wine vault opened to the public for tasting, building of a poultry slaughterhouse by a farmers’ association, creation of educational footpaths… The LAG wants to go on and use the cooperation as a driving force to innovate.
- Common debate on new marketing forms for local products: what is feasible on each territory? (working on different situations will bring out the crucial aspects). - Building a common methodology to develop this kind of projects (what kind of approach can we have?) - Finding the best ways to inform the population and to make people take part in them. - Having a mutual exchange about the results / problems each one deals with.
All LAGs that could have the same interests and projects. (Spoken languages: Italian, English, German, French) Please contact: Anne BRUNET Pays du Chalonnais 7, rue Georges Maugey – 71 100 Chalon-sur-Saône Phone number: 0033 3 85 93 23 57 E-mail: annebrunet@paysduchalonnais.fr
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
German, Italian, English, French
Agriculture, Products(food)

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Pays Chalonnais - TANIA RIZET