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LEADER 2012_Internet 4 local development
We believe that internet can change the face of european country. Internet is now - and surely wil be also in the future - very important tool for improving life quality, increasing job offers, searching important informations, buying of different types of goods (for example: medicine, basic foodstuf, services, local transport, dating people, possibilities of home office work etc.). We are looking for the potencial partner or partners to exchange knowledges and experiences about different possibilites of using internet to improve the life conditions in countryside.
The LAG initiated and realised in close cooperation with the other five czech LAGs the project „Venkovská tržnice (Country market) II“ in 2010. The project was realised with support of a LEADER method. Users of the information system can insert advertisements and announcements about any actions – business, culture or sport activities, etc. The information system also contains a statistic modul which helps to colect and evaluate all the data, it is possible to compare them among the LAGs or municipalities etc. You can visit the information system on the website www.venkovskatrznice.eu. There will be implemented one more project with the support of LEADER method „Country Market III“ which follows and develope the Country Market II. The system will be used in 12LAGs´ areas by 2013, 10% of CZ
We would like to initiate a project or projects aimed at exchange examples of good practice of using internet for the local development among european LAGs. We think that the best way how to do it is an international conference, seminarian, website and/or printed publication of good practice examples regarding this internet theme.
EU countries – rural areas
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Community development, New technologies and know-how

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Krajina srdce - MONIKA HIENLOVA