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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Study about opportunity and structuration of a touristic offer around an offshore wind farm
- Study about opportunities around the touristic development of an offshore wind farm - Implementation of educational tools around the offshore wind energy in partnership with the concerned tourist and cultural actors - More widely, study of opportunities between tourism and renewable energies on an intermunicipal territory - Looking for cooperation in the tourist domain: action of structuration and/or territorial marketing (communication, shows, congress / conferences, media relations) in connection with the sector of the renewable and wind energies in particular
March-april 2013 : France issues call for tenders about installation and exploitation of offshore wind farm. The LAG wishes to introduce a project of valuation of the tourist offer around a project of wind farm which will be created in 15/16 km of 2 islands of the territory (Noirmoutier and Yeu) and in 22km of the coast. Numerous sites of the territory are concerned by the theme of the renewable energies.
- Anticipate and adapt tourist reception projects: industrial tourism …etc. - Value the tourism under the angle of the sustainable development and the renewable energies. - Introduce a dynamic of dialogue between the tourist actors: tourist offices, intermunicipalities, municipalities, public cultural sites. - Position the territory on the sector of clean energies. - Enrich the tools of mediation on the "wind": mills, Bouin wind farm, Notre Dame de Monts wind garden… - Promote the "Energy" offer to associate the image of the northwest Vendée with a protected "natural" environment, a territory with environment-friendly initiatives.
Territory having close characteristics and wishing to work on the same themes.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Croatia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Spanish, English, French

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Vendée des Iles - PASCAL NERRIERE