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International market for regional products
The LAG is interested to find out more about regional products in other EU regions in particular regarding: what are the opportunities for a joint international approach and what are the constraints faced by other LAGs? The LAG would like to address 2 priorities: -organise one or more international markets for regional products; -Exchange of knowledge and experience regarding regional products is the second spearhead.
Various EU regions have characteristic agricultural products, which are also marketed in a region specific manner. The interest in regional products is sharply increasing in the NL. The LAG Twente has already gained considerable knowledge and experience regarding regional products. www.streekmarkttwente.nl Farmers try to generate (part of their) income by selling regional products, that previously mainly was to support tourism, but now it is increasingly turning into a business in itself.
4 exchange between collaborating LAGs, producers&key actors; 3 internat. markets in diff. regions; Identification of logistic arrangement; List of prospective participants/LEADER area; List of products to be exchanged; Develop methods to interactively exchange knowledge and experience; Increase attention of internat.media for regional products; Overview of various opportunities to exchange products;Business plan for the organisation of internat. markets; Disseminate information; Evaluate efforts
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Zuid-Twente - ANTJE GROLLEMAN