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Developing tourism in historical sites in rural areas
The idea is to create a project in which the partners can exchange best practices and knowledge about the animation of historical sites and development of tourism in traditional and historical sites. The project could include changing the ideas of productization and development, seminars and events on the topic and study trips.
In Eurajoki municipality tourism in historical sites in rural areas has lately been developed especially for children and young people. There are 3 different historical sites in Eurajoki municipality: traditional Välimaa’s Croft, Vuojoki mansion house and Raunela fishery farm.
Development of tourism, historical sites, project with children, young people: -Exchanging best practices about the animation of historical sites and development of tourism in traditional and historical sites (especially for children and young people); - Organising joint events and/or seminars; - Promoting tourism, networking; - Productisation of historical sites, translations, publications.
LAGs from all EU MS
Culture, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Regional Rural Development Association Ravakka - MARITTA LINDQVIST