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Exhibition : the cranes of the world
Creation of a roaming exhibition dealing with the 15 species of crane of the planet
The association AFPAN “L’Or Vert” organizes since1997 the greatest wildlife photography festival in the world. Over 40 000 visitors flock each fall in Haute-Marne (in the north-east of France) to attend the demonstration. The event has become over time an international dimension, being a benchmark of excellence for all the talented photographers. The Lake Der-Chantecoq, the largest artificial lake in Western Europe, is one of the key crossing site of migrating cranes in spring and fall. There are sometimes up to 70 000 common cranes par day on the lake. Animal identity of the territory, symbolic of the journey, the nature fragile, and the association wants to celebrate it this year through a collective exhibition dealing with the 15 species of crane living on earth surface.
Territory request: 30 photographs of cranes (print format 185*150) will be exposed (2 per species) and 2 presentation boards. So the association is looking for professional pictures of one or more of the 15 crane species. The photographs will be exhibited at the upcoming festival, from 17 to 20 November 2011. Territory proposal: the growing reputation of the AFPAN festival made this event a good support for: -Promoting the preservation of cranes. If we encounter easily the Common crane in France since it was protected, it is not the same for all species. -The development of a international network of the actors involved in the protection theses species. -The creation of an exhibition which has a clear ambition of roaming, of migrating such as the animal it highlights.
All territories hosting periodically cranes and wishing to engage an action of cooperation and exchanges. Ideally, a structure already involves the preservation of the cranes or interested in the migration process; such as the International Crane Foundation, the Crane Working Group of Eurasia, the European Crane Working Group for instance.
Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Romania, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Lithuania, Latvia
Spanish, English, French
Culture, Education, Nature/environment/land management, Tourism

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Rives de Marne en Champagne - MARINE FARBOS