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Détails de l’offre de coopération


La transumanza d'italia (transhumance)
The project aims at proposing again the main event addressed to the animation and realisation of the procedures to obtain the acknowledge of “tratturi” and culture of transhumance, world heritage protected by Unesco. NAME OF THE LAG: A.SVI.R. Moligal scrl CONTACTS Nicola De Niro A.Svi.R. Moligal Scrl Phone +39 0874 699461 E-Mail: info@moligal.eu
The culture of transhumance for centuries characterised the territory, history,social& economic life of the south Italian regions (Abruzzi, Molise & Puglia). Along the “tratturi” ways (the ex transhumance routes) there is an invaluable historical, archaeological, anthropologic & naturalistic heritage. They gave birth to the actual shape of villages. It is thus necessary to valorise & protect them to make it a primary resource to the economic, agricultural, environmental & touristic development.
The project proposes to: - recover & valorise the historical, cultural, environmental heritage, the agro-pastoral inheritance, the typical production & handicrafts sector, in order to create more occasions of sustainable development; - recover & revitalie the main tratturi ways, still usable; -integrate events related to the culture of transhumance & to valorise the touristical, cultural & commercial features with the aim of creating a new economy; -form/ inform new generations & the public
LAGs, Italian communities abroad and enterprises Existing partnership: - Regional Level: Cabinet President Of Abruzzi, Molise, Puglia, Campania and Basilicata. Regional Assessorate of Tourism, Agriculture & Environment. - National Level: President of Republic & of Minister Cabinet, Ministry of Agriculture, Environment & Tourism, Enit. - International Level: Italian Consulates & Embassies, Regions & other European States
Italy, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Bulgaria, Estonia, Spain, Finland, Romania, France

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : MOLI.G.A.L. - LAG MANAGER