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Détails de l’offre de coopération


Sustainable development
The aim is to form new agricultural technology in order to upgrade biomass, to diversify agriculture, tourism & promote local environment and heritage, to improve live conditions by developing new environmental services, to orgnaise awareness campaign, and to pay attention to sustainable development in territorial planning.
The Pays d’Avre, d’Eure et d’Iton is an area without a central city. Agriculture has a significant role in the whole territory but environment has not been taken enough into consideration until now. That is the raison why our LEADER program aims at improving this situation of agriculture but also of tourism, services and education.
Build a partnership by sharing experiences in order to realise exemplary actions and to boost new sustainable activities.
LAGs form: - Poland (Voïvodie Poméranie), - Germany (Saxony), - Great Britain (near the Channel)
United Kingdom, Poland, Germany
English, French

 Si cette offre vous intéresse, veuillez contacter : Pays d'Avre,d'Eure et Iton - MICHEL DESNOS